cassandraclaire73 wants to see the poetry € harry_potter00 says, no! € Aberforths_Goat says, I thought Binns was already ded? sineadsiobhan says, BRB the_voicelady says, Put a horse's head in his bed. gypsycaine says, yes, recall the clone? mandolabar says, Yeah, but i've been particularly anal and detailed lately € harry_potter00 says, Well he is.... catlady_de_los_angeles says, DId Suemean that her low neclklines will scare him away from standing right in front oh her, or that hermitchick says, I have a chem teacher that lets half of the class sleep, and never says a word sineadsiobhan leaves al_ffn says, i had an evil nemesis type chemistry teacher ... with hook nose and greasy hair! Ha! cassandraclaire73 says, can't be as bad as a poem my boyfriend wrote in high school, where he left off a bunch of words because he was going to go back and check the spelling later, then forgot to fill them in. € Aberforths_Goat says, You mean he is now? Poor teach ... triner2001 says, bit extreme, eh, Jeralyn? catlady_de_los_angeles says, he'll give her a good grade because he enoys staring down her blouse. the_voicelady says, Yeah, I know, but I just watched the Godfather. € harry_potter00 says, I cannot write poetry...I don't try. skaprincess27 says, It goes something like "your shoes are the vessels that carry your body/ and hey, you know, you're sort of a hottie/ i'm really really sorry, you know it's true/ and i'm wearing a shirt that is blue". mandolabar says, I can't and I do try. Ignore your limitations. hermitchick says, My old chem teacher hated me, but he was a bastard babynick34 says, I didn't watch Godfather - just Rugrats! cassandraclaire73 boggles. That's the best poem ever. mandolabar says, LOL, helplesly triner2001 says, Oh, that is bad, Alicia! € harry_potter00 says, Erm... € Aberforths_Goat says, Hold up a seck-this is a TEACHER?? mandolabar says, still LOL the_voicelady gags cassandraclaire73 says, the poem-writer is a friend of sue's! skaprincess27 says, This boy feels so incredibly bad about hurting me that he's writing me bad poetry. cassandraclaire73 says, well he SHOULD FEEL BAD AFTER WHAT HE DID. al_ffn says, that's just worrying cassandraclaire73 says, the_voicelady says, Sue - what did he do? If you don't mind sharing. mandolabar says, I think the poetry might hurt you. You might pull a muscle laughing and need to have your ribs taped. skaprincess27 says, He also sent me a Venus Fly Trap because it's my favorite flower. cassandraclaire73 says, okay well you're just weird in that case € harry_potter00 says, and that's bad.... hermitchick says, I have a guy who writes me bad poetry, but he's scary € harry_potter00 says, ? € harry_potter00 says, The poetry sounds worse than the flower... skaprincess27 says, In the middle of my biology class, and my teacher thought it was for an experiment and refused to give it to me until I told her the full story. hermitchick says, are most guys scary? mandolabar says, Hey, guys, you DO get past it, and nobody writes you ZIP, so enjoy it while you got it... skaprincess27 says, Let's see, what else has he done? Hmm/ al_ffn says, yes! You have 1 new messages in Yahoo! Mail ( ) cassandraclaire73 says, are you speaking to him again, A/S? € Aberforths_Goat says, Well now that I think about it, I made a few foray's into poetry as a 16-year-old lover monique_shaheen enters mandolabar says, God, I sound likE Grizzabella babynick34 says, X-Files is on... I'm now multi-tasking skaprincess27 says, I sort of have to, he's been reduced to following me around school with cow eyes and pleading with me to forgive him. You have 0 new messages in Yahoo! Mail ( ) skaprincess27 says, I honestly think he just doesn't want me to tell his parents. mandolabar says, After the comment about dissecting cow eyes, the mental image was odd... al_ffn says, oh, on the subject of tv, should I give Malcolm in the Middle a try, or just ignore it? the_voicelady says, Do you think he deserves to be forgiven? cassandraclaire73 says, Ignore it. mandolabar says, Ignore it. the_voicelady says, I love Malcolm in the Middle! triner2001 says, never watched it myself € harry_potter00 says, I've never seen it actually... al_ffn says, the trailers are comparing it to the Simpsons, you see, which intrigued me the_voicelady says, Those parents crack me up. skaprincess27 says, No, but the deluge of chocolates and Fly Traps and bad poetry gives my boyfriend a laugh. cassandraclaire73 says, doesn't like much TV catorman says, They smell real bad, too (going back to black) hermitchick says, it reminds me of my family, no we're more disfunctional Minzzer leaves Minzzer enters € monique_shaheen raises her eyebrows... € Aberforths_Goat says, Why don't you set a task for him? Minzzer leaves cassandraclaire73 says, Isn't the boyfriend a bit annoyed about the 'hottie' poetry? € Aberforths_Goat says, Make him conquer John skaprincess27 says, He thinks it's hysterical. mandolabar says, Make him hurt John Minzzer enters cassandraclaire73 kills John with modem € harry_potter00 says, There's an Idea. why_sinead enters catlady_de_los_angeles says, It would be bwetter to kill JOhn with a kilt mandolabar says, ties John down on a fire-ant hill and pours honey on him skaprincess27 says, I sit somewhere, he sits next to me. I move somewhere, he moves there. AUUUGH! € Aberforths_Goat says, Cassie could lend him her modem to wear on his helmet when jousting ... € monique_shaheen says, interesting name. catorman leaves € monique_shaheen says, heiditandy is away (Auto-Away) why_sinead says, um... hermitchick says, My "boyfriend" gave me a half dozen black roses for my birthday, I don't know id that's good or bad mandolabar says, Dont' bathe for a while, get greasy, disgust him..? the_voicelady says, Flattering, but invasive. why_sinead says, did John come in? € harry_potter00 says, Does he know you're so annoyed? cassandraclaire73 says, well....maybe he really is sorry? I admit I kinda of liked him when I met him. Rezznim enters why_sinead says, Damn... I wanted to see what happens to him! the_voicelady says, Tell him you'er married. skaprincess27 says, He feels incredibly bad, or he just wants to make sure I don't tell his parents what he did to me. I'm not sure which but it is amusing. al_ffn says, feels left out - only has one alias ... cassandraclaire73 says, *I* think he actually feels bad, which is a good sign. monique_shaheen leaves gyspycaine enters hermitchick says, I find that an insult, if I don't was my hair twice a day it get greasy € harry_potter00 says, don't feel bad I don't have but one... the_voicelady says, Me too. skaprincess27 says, He bought me lunch all last week. Granted, last week was "baked macaroni and cheese" week, but still. catlady_de_los_angeles says, Hi, MOnique, remembeer Dumbledore sahing that his borther Aberforth was presecuted for practising inappropriate chjarms on a goat? mandolabar says, I meant, you know, dirtily greasy. Neglected. cassandraclaire73 says, well I am just glad Sue is back, so if it's because FOB isn't acting up anymore... catorman enters € harry_potter00 says, I think she left. gypsycaine says, nah, she didn't really leave. cassandraclaire73 says, I thought Draco was macaroni and cheese? gypsycaine grins.. skaprincess27 says, He's also currently irritating me on AIM. € harry_potter00 says, Monique...or what's her name al_ffn says, likes macaroni cheese catorman says, Who are you talking about gypsycaine says, Monique Shaheen. gypsycaine says, yes, Scott. € harry_potter00 says, Who was that... € harry_potter00 says, you? gypsycaine says, chuckles. gypsycaine says, they've all been me. gypsycaine says, April Fools. hermitchick says, I got told by Cathy (evil bitch) that I should try washing my hair at leat once a week, it would help € harry_potter00 says, ARGH! mandolabar says, I suspected mandolabar says, How rude € gyspycaine says, can't you tell? mandolabar says, Not you, gypsy, Cathy skaprincess27 says, AUUUUGH! gypsycaine says, it's me? why_sinead says, ugh... tell cathy to sod off! al_ffn says, the japes cease at midday, because of tradition, so that doesn't count skaprincess27 says, Another... stupid... poem! AUUUUGH! cassandraclaire73 says, wants to see poem You have 1 new messages in Yahoo! Mail ( ) catlady_de_los_angeles says, I like baked macaroni and cheese. Lee thinkgs mac & cheese is disgusting and so is anyone who eats it € harry_potter00 says, But they don't in they. gypsycaine says, we continue until Midnight. mandolabar says, My husband is coming for John, too, since I got so bummed last night--worried it might be real € gyspycaine says, just like this cassandraclaire73 says, no there's no 'midday cutoff' here triner2001 says, Gotta go. If John does eventually come in, bonk him on the head for me! hermitchick says, huh? gypsycaine says, it's so easy to do too € gyspycaine GRINS catlady_de_los_angeles says, her excuse is that her elementray school cafetaeria made ma & ch al_ffn says, don't they ... huh, weirdos. Well, it doesn't count in England ... hah! the_voicelady says, I think John is avoiding the chat today. mandolabar says, Wonder why? skaprincess27 says, you're the sweetest thing/ i ever did see/ i'm a really big jackass/ feel free to kick me" is how it starts. Rezznim leaves € Aberforths_Goat says, O dear. binking again . cassandraclaire73 says, I wasn't fooled by John's excesses for a moment, but I was very annoyed because he ruined my prank idea. triner2001 leaves mandolabar says, This is profound. YOu should post the whole thing on Chatter gypsycaine says, I plan to. mandolabar says, binking? € Aberforths_Goat says, ach -- bonking the_voicelady says, Waht was your prank idea? cassandraclaire73 says, *winces* Oy, Alicia. catlady_de_los_angeles says, I think they're cute poems gypsycaine says, I might have to break it into bits again. You have 0 new messages in Yahoo! Mail ( ) € harry_potter00 says, What a wonderful poem! Hehehe... catorman says, Al I agree, and we (and John) are in England heiditandy is back. € heiditandy says, cassv had a good prank idea gypsycaine says, the last one was too many pages. € harry_potter00 says, No they're actually not that bad... cassandraclaire73 says, Oh I was going to post a fake chapter of DS. just to annoy the PoU list/ skaprincess27 says, he goes on to talk about how i have excellent math skills and that i look cute emptying my trombone spit valve. gyspycaine leaves gypsy_caine enters the_voicelady says, That would have been funny! mandolabar says, I thought Penny might annouce a birth, to fool us cassandraclaire73 says, *sulks* I know. al_ffn says, all the chat-Brits withdraw from april fools hereafter because of *tradition* gypsy_caine leaves gypsycaine_2 enters gypsycaine_2 leaves gypsycane enters the_voicelady says, Sue, even when you'e being morose, you make me laugh! € harry_potter00 says, That you have been good...I do hope that Penny's birth is well... catorman says, Hear Hear (or is it Here, Here?) confused € harry_potter00 says, That didn't come out right skaprincess27 says, *sigh* This is my lot in life. ^_^ babynick34 says, I hate April Fools day... but then again, I'm a party pooper! € gypsycane says, Will leave and return back to one window. mandolabar says, I bet she goes past her due date... hermitchick says, ditto gypsycane leaves € Aberforths_Goat says, Say, does Amanda ever wander by the chats? mandolabar says, I'm Amanda € Aberforths_Goat says, Oh!! why_sinead says, LOL sue.. even though that sounds gross (emptying trombone spit valve) but it made me laugh.. catlady_de_los_angeles The list of chatter aliases is to be found at: catlady_de_los_angeles catlady_de_los_angeles This chat will be saved and posted on theYahoo Group : catlady_de_los_angeles mandolabar says, Couldn't you tell? I never shut up skaprincess27 says, I'm thinking of calling Matt and telling him that I forgive him, then screaming "APRIL FOOL!" and hanging up. gypsycaine has only one window open again. mandolabar says, LOL gypsycaine says, mandolabar says, Do it gypsycaine says, LOL cassandraclaire73 says, lol al_ffn says, fell for the spider in the bed gag before -- but isn't too keen on spiders ... what a cruel joke hermitchick says, lol the_voicelady LOL € harry_potter00 says, Amanda I forgot to mail my things...if I send them by post tomorrow will it be to late? catlady_de_los_angeles says, LOL skaprincess27 says, I want to really badly. ^_^ cassandraclaire73 says, spider in bed gag? mandolabar says, No, I'll wait gypsycaine says, Kara's going to tell her husband they lose the house they're bidding on. mandolabar says, But grovel more, I like it gypsycaine says, it's her AF joke. al_ffn says, oh, alex, wake up, there's a spider on you ... etc etc You have 1 new messages in Yahoo! Mail ( ) the_voicelady says, Harsh! catorman says, My brother used to collect large, hairy spiders in a bucket, and tip them over me. why_sinead says, go ahead sue! € Aberforths_Goat says, I'll get out a package by Tuesday. Will that make the cut? why_sinead says, mandolabar says, We have brown recluses, my husband knows WAY better than to do that hermitchick says, be back soon € harry_potter00 says, *groveling at Amanda's feet!* hermitchick is away (be right back) mandolabar says, Yes, Goat catorman says, Then he used to threaten to throw them over me. mandolabar says, And SIGN your stuff, too, I keep having to do it... catlady_de_los_angeles says, Jim (in the living room) claims taht he used ctrl-N and WIndows re-installed itself on top of Windows and destroyed 5 years of work. skaprincess27 says, Well... that's mean... but at the same time would supplement my boredom in life... hmmm. why_sinead says, I need a cheer... (grumbling at earlier rejection) al_ffn says, has evil little brother, which doesn't help gypsycaine needs to install SW (EP 2) in the VCR mandolabar says, all brothers are evil catlady_de_los_angeles says, His wife thinks its trye but I think its an April Fool -- this is a man who knows about backups skaprincess27 says, I heart Sinead. al_ffn says, mine is more eviller the_voicelady says, I'm signing off, gang. 2 hours is more than enough chat for me! mandolabar says, Bye, Jeralyn! Thanks for your stuff! € harry_potter00 says, Bye Jeralyn! catorman says, Too true. Mine worse thn many. (Half bit my little finger off once) cassandraclaire73 says, bye! € Aberforths_Goat says, ttfn! skaprincess27 says, Bye Jeralyn! al_ffn says, bye jeralyn! catlady_de_los_angeles says, by by Jeralsyn the_voicelady leaves skaprincess27 says, I'm sibling-less, I have to be evil enough for two. mandolabar says, All my brothers are older gypsycaine says, bye! why_sinead says, why does that happen to sinead? why sinead? mandolabar says, I'm the only girl You have 0 new messages in Yahoo! Mail ( ) € harry_potter00 says, Don't worry I'm an only child too... € Aberforths_Goat says, So'm I. catorman says, I always wanted an older brother. A younger one is a nuisance. harry_potter00 bonks himself on the head. mandolabar says, That explans it... skaprincess27 says, Yay, let's start a big happy club. ^_^ al_ffn says, mine is a philip pullman fan, and I am not, so we have arguments about that why_sinead says, and shut up ginax I don't need to see your pic ewww! € Aberforths_Goat says, Onanism is frowned upon here, Scott. al_ffn says, amongst other things gypsycaine says, I'll give you my brother. he's 21 catorman says, Still is. My parents live in Greece now and they still want me to look after him Minzzer is away (Auto-Away) yael_pou enters € harry_potter00 says, Trying to bonk Sue on the head like the brother she never had but only comes out with skaprincess27 says, Anyone want surrogate brothers? I'd like to get rid of them. why_sinead grumbles harry_potter00 bonks himself on the head. al_ffn says, couldn't cope with a big brother mandolabar says, Mine still want to look after me.... cassandraclaire73 says, still haven't made it through 'the amber spyglass' catorman says, If that was to me - no good. I'm 29 cassandraclaire73 says, yo yael skaprincess27 says, Hey, Scott, I'm only a year younger... go easy on me. ^_^ € Aberforths_Goat says, Oooo the Spyglass! al_ffn says, i find his style very dense, not as good as Jo's € Aberforths_Goat says, How do you like or not like it? yael_pou says, hello again! € harry_potter00 says, Maybe... catorman says, I love Phillip Pullman. mandolabar says, ANybody read Mark Helprin? € harry_potter00 says, Who? catorman says, Not as good as Susan Cooper thoug € Aberforths_Goat says, howdy again! why_sinead latching onto sister july_1234567 enters cassandraclaire73 says, i really liked the first 2 books and haven't waded through the 3rd for reasons I don't know cassandraclaire73 says, nobody better than Susan Cooper. Yahoo! Chat client is ready for primetime! € Aberforths_Goat says, I wish he wouldn't preach so relentlessly catorman says, Thank you. gypsycaine now has a nice happy Star-War'd son. cassandraclaire73 says, it gets wearing on the nerves. I read the end though. skaprincess27 reading O.S. Card catorman says, Not even our JKR??!! gypsycaine says, Hi July. catlady_de_los_angeles says, a person bonks self on head and is accused of onanism. should also be accused of contortionisnm mandolabar says, Mark Helprin's "Winter's Tale" is the only book that made me slow down my wanting to know what happened, just to not miss the beauty of the prose € harry_potter00 says, I love Susan Cooper books gypsycaine says, and there goes the phone. july_1234567 leaves € Aberforths_Goat says, Winter's Tale? Pray tell! cassandraclaire73 says, JKR isn't as good a writer as Susan Cooper. *ducks thrown bricks.* But her characters are more lovable. You have 1 new messages in Yahoo! Mail ( ) mandolabar says, Goat, it's older, and I buy them whenever I find them; want me to send you one? skaprincess27 says, What does Susan Cooper write? catorman says, Never heard of Mark Helprin - is he American? al_ffn says, I'm rather hooked on Robert Rankin too. why_sinead says, who is Susan Cooper? mandolabar says, Came out when I was 21 or so cassandraclaire73 says, The Dark Is Rising. € Aberforths_Goat says, Yes! Is it a take on Shake? € harry_potter00 says, that mandolabar says, I think yes, American catorman says, The Dark is Rising - A sequence of books 5 or 7? skaprincess27 says, Hmmm. why_sinead says, I've already been called a heretic for not knowing Tamora Peirce You have 2 new messages in Yahoo! Mail ( ) € heiditandy says, 4 : sernt cass armageddon the musical cassandraclaire73 says, Dark Is Rising -- 5 books series. € harry_potter00 says, And the erm....Greenwitch or something like that... why_sinead says, *sigh* a nice weekend! catorman says, that's one of them al_ffn says, Greatest Show Off Earth - by far the funniest book ever skaprincess27 says, I feel so out of the loop for not having read Toelkien yet. mandolabar says, No, it's about New York--but that doesn't near explain it. It's a love story, an allegory, a wonderful work where somethings just are and arent' explained....lovely work You have 3 new messages in Yahoo! Mail ( ) € Aberforths_Goat says, I read the Dark is Rising as a ten-year-old. Time ofr another round, I think. cassandraclaire73 says, Diana Wynne Jones also really good. al_ffn says, I hate Tolkein ... sorry. skaprincess27 says, I've also been reading Douglas Adams... € Aberforths_Goat says, Die!!! cassandraclaire73 says, lol! I HATE Tolkein, hate hate hate. You have 0 new messages in Yahoo! Mail ( ) mandolabar says, Why? € Aberforths_Goat says, DIE!!!! mandolabar says, Me? why_sinead says, I lost my brolly, been called a heretic, and been rejected.. why_sinead cries cassandraclaire73 says, bored me to death and I loathe elves. € Aberforths_Goat says, No. Anti-Tolkein people € harry_potter00 says, I read the FotR's and was really bogged down by the mythology skaprincess27 says, Never read it. Minzzer is away (busy) al_ffn says, Someone gave me LOTR for my ninth birthday, and I couldn't get into it, and I hated it, and have never read it since, that's why. catorman says, I read them around 10 as well - they were republished recently here as an omnibous - still good as an adult mandolabar says, I just got an LP on ebay of Tolkien reading excerpts skaprincess27 says, I'm going to kill my friend Leila for getting me into fantasy lately. angadresma enters € harry_potter00 says, I just didn't care for it...but some day I should read iit. cassandraclaire73 says, I have read them all so feel qualified to say I don't like them. € Aberforths_Goat says, What sort of excerpts was he reading? mandolabar says, I hate Dune You have 1 new messages in Yahoo! Mail ( ) cassandraclaire73 says, i kind of liked Dune.... *hides* mandolabar says, Oh, it's downstairs. Bits of LOTR, obviously. € harry_potter00 says, Some fantasy is quite good, and the rest quite bad... skaprincess27 says, Dune... ? gypsycaine says, I haven't finished Dune. I read the jacket cover. mandolabar says, I'll try to email you what, if you want skaprincess27 says, I actually liked Eye of the World, oddly enough. al_ffn says, I just ... couldn't get into it, besides, I was already onto Pratchett's kid's books at nine catorman says, I loved Tolkein until I got to the last book of the LOTR trilogy and then got so bored gypsycaine says, (has the pre-books) why_sinead says, I need to get some books catlady_de_los_angeles says, Dune is the first novel of a series for Frank Herbert. skaprincess27 says, Oh! why_sinead says, I've never heard of Dune al_ffn says, No more bold text for Al catlady_de_los_angeles says, Many people loved DUne (I think it won a Hugo or someething) € Aberforths_Goat says, I just re-read the Simirilion last week. Wow. catlady_de_los_angeles says, but I hated it € harry_potter00 says, I've not read any of Prachett's books..are they good? cassandraclaire73 says, wow. i thought Dune was hugely famus. gypsycaine says, I have the ebook-Hobbit. catorman says, It is mandolabar says, Famous doesn't always mean good al_ffn says, They're flippin' excellent, Scott! skaprincess27 says, I've heard they're great. Leila is holding them hostage until I give her GoF. gypsycaine says, I'm hoping to locate other books. catlady_de_los_angeles says, and everyone agrees that each book in the series is worse than the one before it You have 0 new messages in Yahoo! Mail ( ) mandolabar says, Any fantasy readers out htere read Martha Wells? cassandraclaire73 says, no id didn't mean dune was good because it was famous just that I thought people would have heard of it. gypsycaine says, if you want the url to get free-college-literature books, let me know. U of Virginia. catorman says, My current favourite is Sherri Tepper (or Laurell K Hamilton) catlady_de_los_angeles says, Terry Pratchett seems to be good (I've only read two of his books) and he is hugely popular among HPfGU gypsycaine says, I adore TP. al_ffn says, Discworld is going rapidly downhill though. The last few haven't been up to much. I think he might be jealous of JK, you only have to look at Unseen University to spot the similiarities. skaprincess27 says, My friend Ali and I have made it our mission to get everyone we know to read HP through book-bartering. gypsycaine says, I want the luggage! € Aberforths_Goat says, Is there one particular Prachett I should try? I read one a few years ago but it didn't really work for me. al_ffn says, Try Lords and Ladies mandolabar says, Martha's a friend of mine, she has four books out, and her character development and detail are awesome € harry_potter00 says, Right now I'm bogged down with Jud the Obscure with I can't get into... babynick34 is away (Auto-Away) € harry_potter00 says, Jude catlady_de_los_angeles says, I read Howl's Moving Castle gypsycaine says, speaking of ebooks... al_ffn says, My favourite one! So I'm biased, obviously. gypsycaine looks to Nick? skaprincess27 says, It's sort of a "You-Give-Me-Pratchett-and-I'll-Give-You-CoS" type thing. € Aberforths_Goat says, Hmm. Martha who-was-that? cassandraclaire73 says, i loved howl's moving castle when I was little... € harry_potter00 says, But it's not for pleasure reading so... yael_pou says, goat - 'Mort' is very good. but don't read it first. why_sinead says, pratchett? catorman says, No! Jude nearly made me kill myself! When I got to "because we are too many" I had to give up mandolabar says, Gotta go, I hvaen't had lunch yet; Goat, email me if you want to know more about Helprin or the Tolkien record.. why_sinead says, who's pratchett? skaprincess27 says, I'm in line to read Mort. yael_pou says, first Discworld novel is just for adjusting. al_ffn says, Pyramids is also excellent. € Aberforths_Goat says, Jude is a horribly depressing book catlady_de_los_angeles says, by by AManda al_ffn says, COTM is a bit dull al_ffn says, agrees with Yael cassandraclaire73 says, Ive been trying to force all my friends to read HP...with mostly success € Aberforths_Goat says, ta Manda! gypsycaine says, they've got them packaged now in one volume € Aberforths_Goat says, will do! gypsycaine says, bb! € harry_potter00 says, That's nice news... skaprincess27 says, I convinced my boyfriend-- die hard Grisham/Clancy fan-- to read HP. gypsycaine says, I need a copy. catorman says, Jude is the worst. But all Hardy is depressing. gypsycaine says, speaking of which.... gypsycaine says, sighs. mandolabar says, Keep pondering John's fate... al_ffn says, My roommate says he'll try HP, but that's only because he thinks Starling's stuff is really good. catlady_de_los_angeles says, Terry Pratchet, I'm not good at spelling his name, his series is called Discworld mandolabar leaves gypsycaine says, My bills have been paid. The necessities bought, and I have $3 left for the month. cassandraclaire73 says, wow that's the first time I have heard of someone reading HP because of drawings. yael_pou says, all my friends have read the PS and didn't want to read the rest *hides* catlady_de_los_angeles says, Dee, what packed in one volume? gypsycaine says, No QTA and FB for me. catorman says, Why do you have to read Jude? cassandraclaire73 says, I finally forced my boyfriend to read HP. Most of my friends like it. gypsycaine says, Color of Light. € harry_potter00 says, Enjoyed Hannibal but I REALLY don't like action Clancey or what's his name skaprincess27 says, My friend Jonny read all four books in 24 hours. al_ffn says, I haven't let him read any fanfic yet. But I have a couple of Starling prints on my wall, which prompts conversation when friends drop in. € harry_potter00 says, All four books... catorman says, I enjoyed Hannibal. Weird ending cassandraclaire73 says, I think Hannibal was in the running for the worst book I ever read. skaprincess27 says, I was so proud of myself-- I made Lawyer-Boy read HP and like it. € Aberforths_Goat says, What happens in Hannibal? gypsycaine says, I have to wait until May to get my copies cassandraclaire73 says, lol! my friends are all HP fans pretty much....we all have the Sorting Hat on our Palm Pilots and stuff. catorman says, I'm a lawyer and love HP. My husband refuses to read them € Aberforths_Goat says, Or ... am I spoiling? cassandraclaire73 says, Hannibal is just....awful. catorman says, All my friends love HP though. skaprincess27 says, I put Starling's "Dys. Eq." on my English notebook to confuse people. They think I drew it. cassandraclaire73 says, blood, gore, no plot, character assasination, terrible stuff. selah_1977 enters al_ffn says, I have Starling wallpaper ... grins catlady_de_los_angeles says, Hey, Ebony! al_ffn says, Eb!!!! € Aberforths_Goat says, Hi Ebony! cassandraclaire73 says, i have starling everything all over the house. € harry_potter00 says, Clarice and Hannibal get together and move to Buenos Aires after eating krendler. Yuck! cassandraclaire73 says, hey Eb!