why_sinead says, sorry about that LOL cassandraclaire73 says, what's with the brawling? skaprincess27 says, Ow! why_sinead says, the four heirs selah_1977 says, No... just mad at PEOPLE WHO DON'T READ A/Ns and WARNINGS! george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Ah, stupid reviewers. skaprincess27 says, Huh? cassandraclaire73 says, oh, the stupid reviewer brigade. catorman says, What? € harry_potter00 says, A/N's € harry_potter00 says, ? skaprincess27 says, Did you get evil angry reviews? selah_1977 says, ***throws another book out the window*** € angadresma comforts Ebony. € Aberforths_Goat says, Oh ... you weren't attacking John? cassandraclaire73 says, george_weasleys_girlfriend says, LOL They've got to have some sort of organization for stupid reviewers. al_ffn says, Someone had a go at me for making ToT too complicated, hadn't read DDO, so knows how Eb feels. skaprincess27 says, They have to have a union. selah_1977 says, LOL, Jana! You have 1 new messages in Yahoo! Mail ( http://mail.yahoo.com ) catorman says, Anyone see Stephen Fry on Roon 101? george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Yeah... they make plans on how to be dumb. There's no way some people can be that stupid and not plan it ahead of time. al_ffn says, Very funny, yes! € harry_potter00 says, What's wrong? yael_pou says, Eb, you've still got my review in the stock to cheer you up. will write it later tonight. skaprincess27 says, My all-time least fave review: "I can't tell you if this is good or bad cause I just wanted to be the first to review it". cassandraclaire73 says, Ebony, what did they say? Ive gotten some thundeeringly dumb ones lately.. al_ffn says, Room Lovely ... LOL selah_1977 says, And the stupidest one of all QUOTEDYOUR REVIEW, Cassie! € Aberforths_Goat says, Hey Eb, *I* just caught up on TiP. I'm actually a little in shock. € Aberforths_Goat says, GREAT stuff catorman leaves george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Ugh, my least fave review was, and I quote: "ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh." selah_1977 says, Thanks, Goat! catlady_de_los_angeles says, Sue: LOL skaprincess27 says, I also got, "What's your phone number?" about six times/. selah_1977 says, ***bounces a water glass off the wall*** george_weasleys_girlfriend says, LMAO cassandraclaire73 says, whaaaat? Ebony! what did they say? why_sinead says, LOL! catorman enters why_sinead says, Favorite review: "Is Hermione a man? george_weasleys_girlfriend says, If it really bothers you, you can get the review removed, Eb. why_sinead says, " € angadresma hopes the glass was plastic. al_ffn says, I'm pissed off with the people who leave very long reviews of only one word, like mooooooooooooooorrrrrrrrrrrrrreeeeeeeee, cos it messes up the view all reviews function over at FFN george_weasleys_girlfriend says, LOL! Is Hermione a man? *falls off chair laughing* You have 0 new messages in Yahoo! Mail ( http://mail.yahoo.com ) catorman says, Got disconnected there: Anyway, he wanted to put reviewers and critics in Room 101 skaprincess27 says, Oh dear God. You have 1 new messages in Yahoo! Mail ( http://mail.yahoo.com ) selah_1977 says, Just the usual people from the island where we're all hated, Cassie. € harry_potter00 says, You know I've got to go...or else I'll be working on other less fun stuff all night.... € angadresma says, was there an actual one that said that Jana? selah_1977 says, Hermione's a MAN? cassandraclaire73 says, why did they quote my review, the bastards? skaprincess27 says, Oh, that one we're leasing out? george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Said what? cassandraclaire73 says, my review was a good review! al_ffn says, I got a Snitch review from someone who felt the need to tell me 'I am not a gay man. In fact, I am a straight woman, but I liked your story.' € harry_potter00 says, If John pops in... then someone hit him for me... cassandraclaire73 says, *splutters* € angadresma says, about the "...man?" skaprincess27 says, BTW, what's my rent payment on the Island of Hated Authors this month? selah_1977 says, LOL! Al! skaprincess27 says, ta-ta! € harry_potter00 says, Bye catlady_de_los_angeles says, by by Scott, good luck woth homework selah_1977 says, bye Scott! cassandraclaire73 says, bye € Aberforths_Goat says, Say Scott what ever became of your story?? You have 2 new messages in Yahoo! Mail ( http://mail.yahoo.com ) al_ffn says, byee! george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Ugh, what the hell is this: "Question: Isn't Angelina a black girl? Sorry if it sounds biased, but I.. er.. Sorry. I don't know how to say it! " WTF is that? gypsycaine says, bye Scott! yael_pou says, bye Scott george_weasleys_girlfriend says, I hate people. I really do. Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups. george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Bye Scott! catlady_de_los_angeles says, Jana, is Angelina in your story? skaprincess27 says, I also got "wouldn't everyone recognize Alicia Spinnet from Hogwarts?" gypsycaine has a strange craving for bologna. (Hates bologna) € harry_potter00 says, It disappeared into the world of Betas-didn't respond....but I don't think I sent it to you mike if you want it I'll e-mail you... yael_pou says, Eb - i've got two flames from them for the last chapter. Do you have marshmelos? selah_1977 says, Jana--it's the one that quotes Cassie's review (which WAS fab) out of context... cassandraclaire73 says, I;ve gotten some unbelievably stupid ones. "How could you kill Ron"? WHAT? last time I looked Ron was alive and well in DS. george_weasleys_girlfriend says, She had a brief scene in teh beginning, but... erm... she kinda just got out of the hospital. € Aberforths_Goat says, Do! al_ffn says, And now Sher seems to think I'm stalling Snitch because of something someone said in chat last week, which I can't even remember You have 0 new messages in Yahoo! Mail ( http://mail.yahoo.com ) € Aberforths_Goat says, See ya! € harry_potter00 says, Ok. Bye why_sinead says, Yep.. I just fell off my chair when I saw that review in my mailbox harry_potter00 leaves why_sinead says, made my day why_sinead says, sorry for delay selah_1977 says, No, Yael! Who flamed you? skaprincess27 says, Gotta hate the Stupid Review Troupe. I think they have an island, too. cassandraclaire73 says, oh, don't let Rhyseen get on your case. she just needs her H/D fix. heiditandy is away (Auto-Away) You have 1 new messages in Yahoo! Mail ( http://mail.yahoo.com ) skaprincess27 says, Speaking of fixes, *insert plea for any fic here* € Aberforths_Goat says, Do you fanfic types actually take ffn reviews seriously? cassandraclaire73 says, Between the Stupid Reviewers and the We Hate Lori and Cassie Egroup, it's a lot less fun than it should be. al_ffn says, She missed the Snitch! cookie at HP_Paradise Your buddy kylia_moonshadow has gone off pager cassandraclaire73 says, i don't think she's on Paradise, Al. al_ffn says, I didn't think she was. skaprincess27 says, Oh, the "We Hate Cassie and Lori" is really getting to me lately. selah_1977 says, She was at one time... she must have unsubbed. skaprincess27 says, I want to smack them all. cassandraclaire73 says, well then that's why she missed it. catlady_de_los_angeles says, Cassie, tell her to subscrive to Paradise web0view only in order to read Al cassandraclaire73 says, I goddamn hate them. yael_pou says, Eb - well, duh! they didn't sign. they just said they're from the no-H/H patrol or something cassandraclaire73 says, i try to not tell Rhysenn what to do. selah_1977 says, LOL, Yael! skaprincess27 says, I wonder if I have a hate group. I think I want one now. You have 0 new messages in Yahoo! Mail ( http://mail.yahoo.com ) al_ffn says, Who recommended Sugarquill to me because of the Ron thing? why_sinead says, I tried joining that group al_ffn says, Cos they seem quite militant when it comes to ships why_sinead says, HPFWA selah_1977 says, Well, if you can't beat 'em, join 'em. I'm now a bitter, bitter R/Her. why_sinead says, but they said I have to join on their website skaprincess27 wants a hate group for the sheer pleasure of pissing them off. why_sinead says, ugh skaprincess27 says, EB! cassandraclaire73 says, they won't let you in Sinead. I don't think they let people in unless they sign the we hate Lori and Cassie manifesto. You have 1 new messages in Yahoo! Mail ( http://mail.yahoo.com ) yael_pou says, Eb? you crossed over? catorman says, Someone told me to expect a mail from Sugarquill re my posts on R/H. it never came. gypsycaine says, and there goes the PHONE again! skaprincess27 says, They let me in... *hides signature* catorman says, Who are they yael_pou says, *hugs Ebony* george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Guess who just starts getting porn IMs. Grr... angadresma leaves why_sinead says, because I'm too nice al_ffn says, Anybody want to start a 'we hate Al group' with me? yael_pou says, welcome to our ship. skaprincess27 says, Why are you bitterly R/H? selah_1977 says, *hugs Yael back* skaprincess27 says, Al, let's start our own hate group. al_ffn says, Cool! why_sinead glomps Cassie because she's cool cassandraclaire73 says, "expect a mail from sugarquill"? is that like a "expect a visit from the men in black" thing? catorman says, Who, me? george_weasleys_girlfriend says, And I'm on HPFWA.... um... and I don't hate Lori or Cassie or anyone I haven't met for that matter. cassandraclaire73 says, yeah but you never say anything Jana. catorman says, I don't know. I can't even remember the mail now. skaprincess27 says, I'm on HPFWA and hate approximately 80% of its members. cassandraclaire73 says, Yup, Alicia, I pretty much hate 80% of them too. al_ffn says, We can have our own song, like the OT_Chat song. € Aberforths_Goat says, What's HPFWA? selah_1977 says, The people at HPFWA ignored me until this weekend... they never responded to anything I posted. george_weasleys_girlfriend says, LOL So I'm the exception. ::giggles:: I haven't read mail for that in ages... yael_pou says, hate is such a strong word... You have 0 new messages in Yahoo! Mail ( http://mail.yahoo.com ) cassandraclaire73 says, Harry Potter Fanfiction Writers Association selah_1977 says, Like I cared. catlady_de_los_angeles says, this is the regularly scheduled vent aboaut HPFWA (Harry Poter Fanfic Writers of AMerica)f cassandraclaire73 says, well you started quite the thread, Ebony. skaprincess27 says, "We are the group/ for hating Suze and Al..." hmm. maybe I should have Matt finish the song catlady_de_los_angeles says, what OT_Chat sng? cassandraclaire73 says, yep this is the vent portion of chat You have 1 new messages in Yahoo! Mail ( http://mail.yahoo.com ) al_ffn says, Read the OT-Chat song, it's in the file section selah_1977 says, I haven't been back there all weekend, Cass--they make my head hurt. george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Okay, lemme vent then. My stomach hurts. A lot. cassandraclaire73 says, they don't seem to hate Al over there...althogh they did say that Snitch 'isn't really slash.' catorman says, Please, someone tell me about Sugar quill skaprincess27 says, They're so utterly evil. gypsycaine I'm saving this chat to post it in full on the Chatscripts group here: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/HPforGrownupsChatScripts/ why_sinead says, I think they're just jealous.. george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Hmm... that's not venting, that's complaining. al_ffn says, I think it's slash, and I didn't at first. george_weasleys_girlfriend says, And SugarQuill is a R/H webpage. selah_1977 says, Let's NOT talk about SugarQuill, please. skaprincess27 says, I'm hated for my original characters. selah_1977 says, ****breaks another water glass!*** al_ffn says, I *like* your OC's! cassandraclaire73 says, and I'm hated for being popular and for just being me. al_ffn says, I like OCs generally. skaprincess27 says, Let's start an H/H page called... um... HornyToad.com or something. why_sinead says, I think your OCs are great! Escape from the browser! Use the Yahoo! Chat Client - http://messenger.yahoo.com/messenger/chat.html george_weasleys_girlfriend says, HornyToad? LMAO catorman says, What are OC's? skaprincess27 says, *feels spedcial* al_ffn says, original characters selah_1977 says, Alicia/Sue--NO! cassandraclaire73 says, likes sue's OC's. catlady_de_los_angeles says, Origainl Characters george_weasleys_girlfriend says, OCs = original characters why_sinead says, YEAH! H/H to the death! why_sinead says, catorman says, Thanks catlady_de_los_angeles says, Harry/Ron yael_pou says, Eb - is this your first flame? why are you so excited? cassandraclaire73 says, yeah but we don't NEED a webpage where we refuse to talk to anyone who doesn't think the same things we do. catlady_de_los_angeles says, Hermione/Ginny or Hermione/VIktor al_ffn says, I cling to the D/H ship, but it continues to elude me catorman says, I still say H/ selah_1977 says, No, it's not my first flame at all. You have 0 new messages in Yahoo! Mail ( http://mail.yahoo.com ) catorman says, Whoops H/G skaprincess27 says, We can do it on our own. cassandraclaire73 says, al are you clinging to draco/harry or draco/hermione? selah_1977 says, It's my stupidest flame. george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Umm.... Functional Realtionships to the death! ::cheers:: Can you tell I'm not really a die-hard shipper? Unless no-ship is a true ship. Aberforths_Goat is away (stepped out) catlady_de_los_angeles says, Drac/Pansy why_sinead says, I could have Callie draw Harry in a Speedo and it could be the welcome picture al_ffn says, H/R is what's going to happen in canon, so why write fanfic about what you'll eventually get anyway. why_sinead says, just kidding cassandraclaire73 pretty much agrees with Al. skaprincess27 says, If H/R happens in canon, I *will* scream. skaprincess27 says, Auugh. selah_1977 says, Get ready to scream then. skaprincess27 says, *seethes* why_sinead says, I don't think R/H happens catlady_de_los_angeles says, Hooch/McGonagall catorman says, Do you mean Harry/Ron or Hermione/Ron? cassandraclaire73 says, I think it's likely but not definite, and I reserve the right to hate the guts out of it./ why_sinead says, will happen* gypsycaine :°°°°°°o <| gypsycaine : _ |[ ]| _|__ gypsycaine : \\\\\\\/////// gypsycaine :^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ gypsycaine The good ship RW/HP yael_pou says, stupid flame is good. says a lot about the person who posted it. Do you really want your writting to be aimed for the stupid crowd? al_ffn says, He/R cassandraclaire73 says, I hated 'Little Women' for that reason, and will be happy to carry on the tradition. why_sinead says, NO! I don't think that R/H will happen why_sinead says, can't happen catorman says, I keep saying - I don't want R/H but it seems most likely george_weasleys_girlfriend says, I don't care what happens as long as JKR makes me believe it can happen. Your buddy ladyfaythe is on pager skaprincess27 says, Why did you hate Little Women besides the fact that it was a chick novel? Your buddy ladyfaythe has gone off pager catlady_de_los_angeles says, Dee, will youo please change your macor so that it doesn't say Rita Winston? selah_1977 says, Yael--that person just knew all the right buttons to push, damn her. why_sinead says, I think Jo's going to pull something on us al_ffn says, H/H seems more suited. Plus I really really don't like Cho ... at all selah_1977 says, Cho's not all that bad! catlady_de_los_angeles says, AL, why don't you like Cho? gypsycaine says, That's the only way I could think of to make it even. skaprincess27 says, She's depthless. gypsycaine says, R/HP didn't look right. selah_1977 says, So is Ginny... cassandraclaire73 says, I hated little women because of Jo and Laurie. george_weasleys_girlfriend says, She's not even developed. al_ffn says, She just seems to exist for Harry to gawp at ... like Sue said, she's depthless catlady_de_los_angeles says, After inveestigating, I found that CHo is a Nice Person catorman says, Little Women was just too saccharine - and too black and white catlady_de_los_angeles says, Dee: Ro/Ha cassandraclaire73 says, Cho is just boring. You have 1 new messages in Yahoo! Mail ( http://mail.yahoo.com ) selah_1977 says, Me too, Cassie. LMA got on my nerves with that. skaprincess27 says, Been a while since I read it... what happened at the end? george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Ginny had a lot of time in CoS (compared to the other books) - so she's got more developmnt than Cho. al_ffn says, That's why I got rid of her selah_1977 says, Cho is just as much of a character as Ginny is. gypsycaine :°°°°°°o <| gypsycaine : _ |[ ]| _|__ gypsycaine : \\\\\\\/////// gypsycaine :^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ gypsycaine The good ship Ro/Ha why_sinead says, ugh juliax PMed me.. al_ffn says, Sent her to Hong Kong cassandraclaire73 says, i cried when my mother read it to me. <g> (Little Women) and she was like, "yes, generations of girls have hated this." why_sinead glares at her violently catorman says, How can Cho be boring - we know hardly anything about her - (still love Ginny - my favourite) catlady_de_los_angeles says, I wrote two stories about Cho (in HPff files) You have 3 new messages in Yahoo! Mail ( http://mail.yahoo.com ) cassandraclaire73 says, Cho si boring because we know hardly anything about her. skaprincess27 says, I happen to like *Hero Gets the Girl* type things. Call me horrible, but I love it to death. skaprincess27 says, ^_^ babynick34 leaves Your buddy babynick34 leaves chat why_sinead says, there she is officially a tripe selah_1977 says, Sure... Jo wants to write a story we'll all hate. cassandraclaire73 says, agrees with Alica. Hey, it's a classic paradigm. You have 4 new messages in Yahoo! Mail ( http://mail.yahoo.com ) You have 5 new messages in Yahoo! Mail ( http://mail.yahoo.com ) al_ffn says, Cho needs more development *before* I accept her ... You have 6 new messages in Yahoo! Mail ( http://mail.yahoo.com ) skaprincess27 says, I hated Little Women because I hate all Chick things. catlady_de_los_angeles says, Sue: 'the girl' is FLeur, not Hermione catlady_de_los_angeles says, Hermione is 'the sidekick' yael_pou says, Cho is about the only Ravenclaw we know. selah_1977 says, Harry and Fleur? Hmm... You have 7 new messages in Yahoo! Mail ( http://mail.yahoo.com ) why_sinead says, Harry and Fleur? skaprincess27 says, I also like "best-friends-in-love" things. selah_1977 says, I agree with Rita--Hermione is the sidekick... al_ffn says, Don't like Fleur either You have 0 new messages in Yahoo! Mail ( http://mail.yahoo.com ) why_sinead says, What about Gabrielle? catorman says, No way. Not Harry and Fleur - he is almost imune. cassandraclaire73 says, i rather like Fleur. skaprincess27 says, Auugh, me and my formulas. selah_1977 says, Me too, Alicia. gypsycaine : ~, .-. ^^ gypsycaine : /| -= ( ) =- ^^ gypsycaine : ~^~ /_|\ ^~~-^~~-sunrise on a new day gypsycaine : ~^~ ~^~^~^~^ sunset on the old gypsycaine For all the Shippers out there! al_ffn says, ... as a result of making her fat and married to Ron. cassandraclaire73 says, i liked your Fat Fleur, Al Your buddy embrace_the_silence leaves chat selah_1977 says, LOL! We love Al's Fat Fleur! catorman says, And she moans too much - she'd be a real nag in real life al_ffn says, She was an interesting idea to play around with. cassandraclaire73 says, hmm. Debates possibility of Fat Ron. skaprincess27 says, That should be on a bumper sticker. al_ffn says, Plus I thought it'd be funny Ron got her finally. skaprincess27 says, Fat Ron. I like it. selah_1977 says, OOH! Fat Ron... he'd be both big and tall! why_sinead says, oooh george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Ron's too gangly to be fat. ::giggles:: why_sinead says, al_ffn says, And Redemption was/is based on an original, with HP names inserted over my OC's. catorman says, The twins could be fat cassandraclaire73 says, maybe he falls victim to a Fat Curse. george_weasleys_girlfriend says, NO! selah_1977 says, LOL! george_weasleys_girlfriend says, George isn't fat! Ugh... if he's not gay, then he's fat. why_sinead says, LOL! cassandraclaire73 says, <g> somebody sent me a horrible picture of Percy in a tank top.. skaprincess27 says, I think we should try Fat!Draco for once. selah_1977 says, Fred is fat in TiP. george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Why does everyone make up weird generalizations about George? catorman says, I love the twins. Well, all the Weasleys, really al_ffn says, Tank top as in wooly jumper, or as in vest? selah_1977 says, Draco can't be fat. george_weasleys_girlfriend says, He's not fat... he's... husky. catorman says, Draco, the fat vicar skaprincess27 says, I have Yoga!Draco. catorman says, What? why_sinead says, Draco.... a slim version of Dudley george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Hehe selah_1977 says, Jana--yeah, he's a healthy, growing boy. yael_pou is away (be right back) selah_1977 says, Sinead! skaprincess27 ponders doodling Fat!Draco on Bio notebooks why_sinead says, yes? catlady_de_los_angeles says, People who were tall and gangly in youth can be tall, bluked out, and eventually fat in adulthood catlady_de_los_angeles says, fatness happens with age al_ffn says, couldn't cope with Fat!Draco cassandraclaire73 says, wow, Ebony Zsenya's revuew was totally bitchy. And she took my comment way out of context. selah_1977 says, This is true, Rita... george_weasleys_girlfriend says, LOL What was it about the Oinker cereal that Angelina said in TiP8... umm... "I daresay a bit leaner than Daddy" Soemthing weird. cassandraclaire73 says, Draco is NOT fat. skaprincess27 says, I just read the review and I hate this woman. selah_1977 says, Cassie! That's what set me off! cassandraclaire73 says, what an incredible bitch. why_sinead says, what about sinead? Someone called me... al_ffn says, Post a link, I'm too lazy to go search it out! skaprincess27 says, No, but I want a cuddly fat Draco for my room. cassandraclaire73 says, I'm furious. Why the hell did she quote me? catlady_de_los_angeles says, Hey, is there any evidence that canon Draco is vain of his LOOKS? selah_1977 says, Because... catorman says, No selah_1977 says, She's afflicted with a disorder that our Captain says I can't say at HP4Gu anymore. al_ffn says, Has been writing some major Draco scenes for ToT the last coupla days skaprincess27 says, whisper it, Eb. why_sinead says, what happened? selah_1977 says, Ooh, Draco! You have 1 new messages in Yahoo! Mail ( http://mail.yahoo.com ) selah_1977 says, Where? catorman says, Otherwise he wouldn't wear clothes which make him look like a vicar (Q would Draco know what a vicar is?) skaprincess27 says, He's fat and in my room. selah_1977 looks around. cassandraclaire73 says, I am speechless with rage. *sits in corner.* catlady_de_los_angeles says, I think that bit about a vicar is just Harry being nasty skaprincess27 says, *joins cass in corner and hands her ANOTHER bad love poem to make her laugh* selah_1977 says, Cassie--now you see what I mean! I'm ready to BLOW UP their da** island. Now. why_sinead says, it's been a nasty weekend george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Aww... *sits next to Cassie* Chances are this person isn't worth the anger. skaprincess27 says, brb skaprincess27 leaves al_ffn is away (Hunting down a Cadbury's Creme Egg!) selah_1977 says, Jana--don't you go all Anya on us, now... george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Eb - don't get mad at a lot of people for one person's blind dorkiness. catlady_de_los_angeles says, black velvet dress robe with high collar -- it could well be the height of wizarding fashion -- why_sinead says, punch an inanimate object like.... Ron catorman faints why_sinead says, ;-) george_weasleys_girlfriend says, I'm not going Anya! I'm just being... oh, I don't know. How WOULD Anya react? catorman says, Harry? nasty???? You have 0 new messages in Yahoo! Mail ( http://mail.yahoo.com ) yael_pou says, Eb, i've just read the flame. Obviously, the girl has read the fic with great concentration. She probably loves it very much. It's too long to read because you *hate* it. She's just jealous. She said she's waiting for the next chapter! catorman faints george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Hey! Don't hit Ron! george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Harry already did, anyway. selah_1977 says, Yael, you're just so... so... :::glomps Yael!:::: catlady_de_los_angeles says, unfashionable people often mock fashoinable attire heiditandy is away (baby is sick - am with him) yael_pou says, Eb - wanna see *my* horrible flame? cassandraclaire73 says, i must have missed ebony's fkame...i didn't see that. selah_1977 says, I'm going over to their Island and posting... sure, Yael! catorman says, I think that Ron, not Ginny, is less use than Buckbeak george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Aww... poor Heidi... BTW, where is that list of ships?! george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Don george_weasleys_girlfriend says, t catlady_de_los_angeles says, we mock it because its so stupid looking and often ugly, but that doesn't mean the wearers aren't vain al_ffn is back. yael_pou says, Four lines of "I don't wan't to read your fic, never read it, never will." selah_1977 says, She sent it to me--I want a Draco/Salazar button! Aberforths_Goat is back. € Aberforths_Goat says, So. There we go. Just posted my first ffn review. Not much of one, but I *did* want to say thanks! why_sinead is uttlerly curious to what happens on that group why_sinead says, (HPFWA) george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Don't blow up an entire island because one inhabitant is stupid. It's like saying the entirety of HPFWA si die-hard in their ships... when I, just one of many on the list, am a no-shipper. why_sinead says, dammit I want to read it! selah_1977 says, brb--going to look up Yael's review... catorman leaves catorman enters selah_1977 is away (be right back) cassandraclaire73 says, I don't get many bad reviews but I do have a hate group. george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Be proud, Cassie. yael_pou says, Eb - that flame is not the the last 100. the H/H are. george_weasleys_girlfriend says, I don't have a hate group OR a fan group. why_sinead says, every single one of those in the archive! why_sinead says, I want to read it... why_sinead grumbles catorman is away (be right back) yael_pou says, Cassie - JKR has a hate group... selah_1977 says, Oh, Yael... thanks for telling me. selah_1977 is back. Aberforths_Goat leaves Aberforths_Goat enters catlady_de_los_angeles says, JKR has at least two hate groups -- the ones who think she's satanic You have 1 new messages in Yahoo! Mail ( http://mail.yahoo.com ) cassandraclaire73 says, hey Ebony I posted a clarification of my review in the column for ya. catorman leaves selah_1977 says, Thanks, Cass! :::hugs Cass::: catlady_de_los_angeles says, and the ones who resent her for not being pompous enough to meet their idea of higbrow george_weasleys_girlfriend says, I got someone who said "Haven't you people heard of an ENDING!!!!!!!!!!! This Story STINKS!!!!!!!!!!!! Write a mushie kind if you have to!!!!!!" because I left an ambiguous ending to the story. george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Higbrow? cassandraclaire73 says, did somebody besides Zsenya flame you? al_ffn says, and you do realise there are some people who actually *support* Stouffer?? The mind boggles You have 0 new messages in Yahoo! Mail ( http://mail.yahoo.com ) catlady_de_los_angeles says, high brow george_weasleys_girlfriend says, What?! Someone supports those dumb coloring books?! catlady_de_los_angeles says, do people know the words highbrow and lowbrow any more? € Aberforths_Goat says, Well, as usual, my internet connection can tell when it's time for me to bed and starts tryting to kick me off ... why_sinead says, Another favourite review: "I'm glad theres another Sinead!" george_weasleys_girlfriend says, I mean, it'd be one thing if they were actual adult literature... but they're coloring books!! selah_1977 says, Not today. She was enough, though. € Aberforths_Goat says, I'm out! yael_pou says, Well, i've got FF.NET itself trying to assasinate my story. gypsycaine is away (Auto-Away) cassandraclaire73 says, mye mike! catlady_de_los_angeles says, by by Mike € Aberforths_Goat says, ttfn cassandraclaire73 says, bye i mean al_ffn says, There are links to an online chat at the UHPFC, I think. selah_1977 says, bye! al_ffn says, bye george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Later Mike! gypsycaine Göõd ßýê Á££!!! Göõd ßýê Á££!!! Göõd ßýê Á££!!! Göõd ßýê Á££!!!Göõd ßýê Á££!!!Göõd ßýê Á££!!! Göõd ßýê Á££!!! Göõd ßýê Á££!!! Göõd ßýê Á££!!!Göõd ßýêÁ££!!! Göõd ßýê Á££!!! yael_pou says, bye Mike selah_1977 says, ???????????? Aberforths_Goat leaves gypsycaine is back. gypsycaine says, I need a new bye. catlady_de_los_angeles says, highbrow, egghead, brain, nerd, wonk, geek........ yael_pou says, that's a chita-chat thing, i think ? al_ffn says, FFN wants Yael dead??? Explique? selah_1977 says, This is a light chat.... hmm.... catlady_de_los_angeles says, minus the computer/science things gypsycaine ¿¥?Gôð® ßýêÂll!!!¿¥? why_sinead says, I wonder what happens if I ignore someone permanently? You have 1 new messages in Yahoo! Mail ( http://mail.yahoo.com ) catlady_de_los_angeles says, they read literature and listen to classical music and have opinions about paintings in museum and pontificate about The Culture yael_pou says, Al - one of my chapters was removed, and the reast were scrambled (the chapter numbers) someone was kind enough to let me know about it. You have 0 new messages in Yahoo! Mail ( http://mail.yahoo.com ) george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Wonk. ::giggles:: catlady_de_los_angeles says, those who don't pontificate don't qualify selah_1977 says, Hey, Rita! I'm an English grad student.... watch it... al_ffn says, oh no! It still keeps chucking people's stories off my faves list yael_pou says, and my stories *never* stay on fav lists al_ffn says, mine don't, Snitch was on 20 faves list last weekend, and is on 5 today selah_1977 says, Al--I'm not on anyone's favorite lists--and ff.net keeps booting off my favorite stories, darn 'em. catlady_de_los_angeles says, oh, also they get good grades and don't drop out of college, why_sinead says, no one ever stays on my favourites.. You have 1 new messages in Yahoo! Mail ( http://mail.yahoo.com ) george_weasleys_girlfriend says, FFN is weird... I think it's because of very little server space left because of the mounting numbers of stories. why_sinead says, only one person ever does al_ffn says, KDIL is meant to be on mine, so is TSTNE, but FFN claims I have it on my list already, which I don't selah_1977 says, Al--that happens to me too. al_ffn says, it's a right royal mixup gypsycaine . o O ( ok. fixed! ) You have 2 new messages in Yahoo! Mail ( http://mail.yahoo.com ) cassandraclaire73 says, I keep getting booted off faves lists too. I went from 600 to 400 in a day. Surely that many people can't have changed their minds suddenly. flyingfordanglia enters selah_1977 says, That's why I have favorite stories, and not favorite authors... I though it would help! gypsycaine bonks Neil with a feather-pillow and watches the feathers fly down into folks cans of pop. george_weasleys_girlfriend says, HEIDI! catlady_de_los_angeles says, Neil!!!! george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Is she back yet? yael_pou says, KDIL is currently on 5 favs, and i'm sure it'll be on 0 by the end of the night. It hits 0 every day. selah_1977 says, Hi, Neil! Thanks for joining us last night... flyingfordanglia says, Hi all. I'm late al_ffn says, I've now lost several stories permanently ... I can't find loads of stuff I used to like anymore selah_1977 says, Yael--you're on mine... let me see... yael_pou says, actually, fav authors seems to be working. yael_pou says, hey Neil! al_ffn says, Whatever happened to Kate S. ... for example? catlady_de_los_angeles says, I was charmed by your post which corrected your words and mentioned that you had made some interesting points Minzzer leaves cassandraclaire73 says, what did she get kicked off your list? catlady_de_los_angeles says, I was intimidated by the original post, that was so conscience-ful flyingfordanglia says, I like to moderate myself selah_1977 says, Isn't Kate S. an HPFWA member? al_ffn says, she was never actually on it ... i just can't seem to find a story i want to re-read george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Hey... is anyone able to change their author pic on ff.net... because it won't let me... yael_pou says, Jana - it takes a few days. selah_1977 says, Yeah, you're gone, Yael... ff.net has you off my faves list. al_ffn says, I think she may be ... there've been messages to that effect floating around the forums at FFN for some time yael_pou says, thanks Eb. flyingfordanglia says, Ebony will know why I'm tired now... catorman enters flyingfordanglia says, You have 1 new messages in Yahoo! Mail ( http://mail.yahoo.com ) al_ffn says, And now Bob wants me to stop paying for porn on the net, and get it free instead ... cassandraclaire73 says, didn't she write that story where Drao dies in the end? george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Ooh, Neil and Eb, eh? ::whistles:: al_ffn says, Yes, she did selah_1977 says, LOL! Neil--the impromptu chat was fun, though... you must admit... cassandraclaire73 says, I guess that describes everything catlady_de_los_angeles says, Jana -- transatlantic george_weasleys_girlfriend says, No, it won't let me even upload it, Yael. cassandraclaire73 says, she was on the HPFWA I think she lost interest flyingfordanglia says, Yes... it was right for the moment george_weasleys_girlfriend says, LOL I know. I'm just teasing them. why_sinead says, Commercial that just came up: "The British simply just know how to travel" catlady_de_los_angeles says, I'm considering having Draco die in the end of mine gypsycaine says, we just need John to travel into here! selah_1977 says, Right--the epic about Draco's life and death... quite amusing, actually... why_sinead says, (for British Airways) cassandraclaire73 says, I always consdier killing him so I won't have to write any more. al_ffn says, The story I was after was one where Ron and Draco run away from home and meet up inb Muggle London, and are generally cute and such. flyingfordanglia says, Not this Brit Your buddy furbus418 has gone off pager Your buddy furbus418 is on pager why_sinead says, LOL Your buddy furbus418 is on pager why_sinead says, just thought it was funny why_sinead says, selah_1977 says, ((((hugs Cassie))) cassandraclaire73 says, *is in a terrible mood* yael_pou says, Oh, Eb - i saw the other review you got - the one asking if Angie is black - Lol! selah_1977 says, For the comment to the Disordered. catlady_de_los_angeles says, John will be here (New Yor, New ENgland) for the next regional HP4GU in-person get-toegether. cassandraclaire73 says, zsenya will hate me even more than she already does. flyingfordanglia says, "The British simply just know how to get lost" al_ffn says, I guarantee never to kill Draco, and I guarantee never to kill Ron. The other characters ... well, that's a moot point right now! selah_1977 says, LOL, Yael--no, of course she isn't black. She's blue. You have 0 new messages in Yahoo! Mail ( http://mail.yahoo.com ) yael_pou says, Cassi - go on, kill him! You have 1 new messages in Yahoo! Mail ( http://mail.yahoo.com ) george_weasleys_girlfriend says, ::hugs Cassie:: cassandraclaire73 says, the only reason I would kill him is if I decided to stop writing fanfic. selah_1977 says, Cassie--I used to r/r her stories... don't feel bad. yael_pou says, Eb - can you make her orange - blue sounds like she's been punched. george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Heiiiiiiiidi! cassandraclaire73 says, Oh her awful stories? They were unreadable. selah_1977 says, LOL! al_ffn says, We have PJ O'Rourke doing BA commercials over here. Are funnier. why_sinead says, LOL.. flyingfordanglia says, John has just hired a bodyguard george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Make her pink. I have no idea what we're talking about, but make her pink. cassandraclaire73 says, thanks for the hug Jana, BTW gypsycaine says, speaking of jokes, did anyone "un" post what I did on the HPforGrownups club? selah_1977 says, Jana--but she can't be pink! catorman says, And it's spot the celebrity in the commercial george_weasleys_girlfriend says, *smiles* Hope you feel better catlady_de_los_angeles says, If one writes stand-alone stories, one can kill Draco in one story and have him alive in the next one catorman says, Damon Hill, Jerry Hall, someone who looks like John Lennon... al_ffn says, Sample line - 'you Brits take a delicious oriental infusion of tea leaves ... and dump cow juice in it.' george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Who can't be pinj? I have no clue what you're talking about... I just chimed in out of boredom. george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Cow! Cow! selah_1977 says, Cassie--your fans outweigh your enemies. flyingfordanglia says, Dee - what? george_weasleys_girlfriend says, *pink catlady_de_los_angeles says, Dee: thjere's a 15.40 that has been deleted catlady_de_los_angeles says, was that you? You have 0 new messages in Yahoo! Mail ( http://mail.yahoo.com ) cassandraclaire73 says, Ebony that makes it sound like my fans are fatter than my enemies. why_sinead says, we outweigh them? gypsycaine says, 15.40? george_weasleys_girlfriend says, LOL selah_1977 says, LOL! flyingfordanglia says, I've seen that one gypsycaine says, I posted early last night. why_sinead says, LOL cassandraclaire73 says, me and my fat fans will go sit in the corner now. selah_1977 says, There goeth my attempt at being comforting! gypsycaine says, right after John sent it out, when I still believed it! why_sinead says, ROFL! al_ffn says, puts on weight rapidly catlady_de_los_angeles says, 15640 or 15740 or something like that cassandraclaire73 glomps Al. gypsycaine goes to check. why_sinead says, We'll crowd you cass selah_1977 Ebony waddles over to the corner. al_ffn says, mmm ... choccie biccies gypsycaine wants more poptart. cassandraclaire73 says, at least we are fat and happy. flyingfordanglia says, I think a few people posted immediately after reading it and then read all the other messages yael_pou says, Hey! Cass! i resent that! So i gained a few pounds since i started writting... so what? catorman leaves gypsycaine says, (my son shared....he raided the cupboard, and asked if he could eat it.....) george_weasleys_girlfriend says, lol I'm a scrawny fan. cassandraclaire73 says, at Yael. I like yael because she hates draco but she likes me. why_sinead thunders over to cassie flyingfordanglia says, I ate a whole Easter Egg yesterday and it isn't even Easter yet cassandraclaire73 says, Hey, gerroff tubbo. selah_1977 says, Yael hates Draco? Wow. You have 1 new messages in Yahoo! Mail ( http://mail.yahoo.com ) al_ffn says, I'm a fan who just spent all day swiping people's shopping at Sainsbury's yael_pou says, point on Cass. gypsycaine says, my eggs are on the stove, cooling. gypsycaine says, I'll be coloring them after chat. why_sinead grumbles why_sinead has an idea cassandraclaire73 says, she likes DS, she just hates Draco, she's a contrary girl. You have 0 new messages in Yahoo! Mail ( http://mail.yahoo.com ) cassandraclaire73 says, HEY! Al. http://www.fanfiction.net/index.fic?action=story-read&storyid=11177 catorman enters why_sinead gets ready to pounce on Cassie... al_ffn says, Some complete twerp pre-opened a tub of taramasalata, and I accidentally dipped my fingers in it!