Connecting... Connected! Sending login information... You see here: samanthak223, catlady_de_los_angeles catlady_de_los_angeles says, Hi, Samantha, you were here before me samanthak223 is back. samanthak223 says, I was? samanthak223 says, and hi catlady_de_los_angeles says, Yes, logged on already when I logged on. Do you think I have time to go read some fanfic before the chat gets busy? samanthak223 says, probly samanthak223 says, I sugest Sirius Black by Samantha K. she's very talented *grins* samanthak223 says, whats ur name by the way? tygrestick enters samanthak223 says, hi Lizzy tygrestick says, hi all catlady_de_los_angeles says, Hi Lizzy tygrestick says, Waitin' for people to arrive? catlady_de_los_angeles The HTML list of chatter aliases is to be found at: catlady_de_los_angeles catlady_de_los_angeles The list of chatter aliases is to be found at: catlady_de_los_angeles catlady_de_los_angeles This chat will be saved and posted on theYahoo Group : catlady_de_los_angeles samanthak223 says, yuperz samanthak223 says, thats annoying samanthak223 says, Becca will be here in 5 mins samanthak223 says, <~~~~~bored tygrestick says, Sinny is coming lildancer89 enters samanthak223 says, kool tygrestick says, yup samanthak223 says, hi Becca boo tygrestick says, Hi! lildancer89 says, hey sweeties sineadsiobhan enters tygrestick says, Sinny! catlady_de_los_angeles says, HI, Rebecca (Julius?) sineadsiobhan says, hey! catlady_de_los_angeles says, Hi, Sinead, lildancer89 says, Lizzy! i'm so happy you downloaded Yahoo! tygrestick says, sinny sinny sinny! samanthak223 says, hi sinny tygrestick says, Yup, me too. *grin* lildancer89 says, hi sinead ... tygrestick says, But I still don't have messanger, how do I get that? samanthak223 says, down load it smartie tygrestick says, from where? tygrestick says, Lol samanthak223 says, I dunno, Carole sent me it lildancer89 says, or something ... samanthak223 says, I think tygrestick says, hrm.... interesting samanthak223 says, poptarts rule tygrestick says, I think I can from just the main site or something... ahh, do they? sineadsiobhan says, I have it.... tygrestick says, I like cinnemon! tygrestick says, youuu dooo? tygrestick says, whats your SN? samanthak223 says, blue berry sineadsiobhan says, same as mine samanthak223 says, who's? tygrestick says, Nooo! tygrestick says, Cinnemon! sineadsiobhan says, sineadsiobhan tygrestick says, makes sense lildancer89 says, i like the s'mores ones samanthak223 says, me too sineadsiobhan says, I like blueberry samanthak223 says, me too lildancer89 says, all my friends think im crazy tygrestick says, cinneomnn... tygrestick says, erm. *cinnemon samanthak223 says, u r crazy sineadsiobhan says, ew tygrestick says, or something tygrestick says, LoL lildancer89 says, does anyone know the LOTR site address? lildancer89 says, shut up mantha tygrestick says, no, sorry maud_moody enters samanthak223 says, *looks horribly confused* tygrestick says, LoL samanthak223 says, bite me Becca. *smiles* catlady_de_los_angeles says, Hi, Rebecca/Maud tygrestick says, LoL!! sineadsiobhan says, I dunno what the LOTR site addyy is tygrestick says, hey maud_moody says, Hi. lildancer89 says, hell no .. you probably taste nasty. tell james too samanthak223 says, now all my friends are calling me Mantha catlady_de_los_angeles says, lildancer is also a Rebecca maud_moody says, Ah. lildancer89 says, to* samanthak223 says, James wont catlady_de_los_angeles says, I read the latest chapter of PR last night and was blown away sineadsiobhan says, huh? maud_moody says, Really??? sineadsiobhan says, I'm confused maud_moody says, samanthak223 says, don't ask tygrestick says, PR? tygrestick says, erg samanthak223 says, hi maud maud_moody says, Hi. lildancer89 says, hi person i dont know! samanthak223 says, *sniff sniff* Lizzy I miss Sue. catlady_de_los_angeles The HTML list of chatter aliases is to be found at: catlady_de_los_angeles samanthak223 says, lol catlady_de_los_angeles The list of chatter aliases is to be found at: catlady_de_los_angeles catlady_de_los_angeles This chat will be saved and posted on theYahoo Group : catlady_de_los_angeles maud_moody says, I thought I was too dark for you, Rita. tygrestick says, you do? catlady_de_los_angeles says, This was hardly a dark chapter samanthak223 says, so much tygrestick says, ooooh...... lildancer89 says, mantha i thought you hated Sue maud_moody says, True. samanthak223 says, lol! tygrestick says, LoL tygrestick says, deary samanthak223 says, I was being sarcastic smartie lildancer89 says, whatever catlady_de_los_angeles says, Dumbledore saying all that stuff right out -- in my fic, he just smiles gently and hints sineadsiobhan says, hmm samanthak223 says, lol lildancer89 says, lol maud_moody says, What stuff? tygrestick says, Lol catlady_de_los_angeles says, poor insightful George tygrestick says, I'm extremely confused tygrestick says, My brothers name is George! yay! samanthak223 says, be nice to George. Jana will find out if your mean to him.H maud_moody says, I dunno why everybody feels sorry for him, he was just going to kiss Maud to be nice... samanthak223 says, lol lildancer89 says, lol sineadsiobhan says, is in Lizzy's camp... I'm confused as well.. maud_moody says, huge crush or anything. tygrestick says, We can be confused together! samanthak223 says, who's kissing Maud? tygrestick says, YAY! sineadsiobhan says, Oh yeah! maud_moody says, George tried. samanthak223 says, okay rightttt lildancer89 says, and me Lizzy tygrestick says, Fun fun fun ! samanthak223 says, lol catlady_de_los_angeles says, Sam, Jana would be more angry if MaudRebecca was nice to him by pairing him up with Maudie tygrestick says, and Becca. samanthak223 says, okay sineadsiobhan says, huh? tygrestick says, LoL, who isn't confused? maud_moody says, True! She was getting jealous over PR4 as it was. tygrestick says, *crickets chrip* samanthak223 says, I'm confused to sinny tygrestick says, And Samantha! lildancer89 leaves samanthak223 says, wahoo! I'm in the confused group maud_moody says, There can be only one... samanthak223 says, Becca? tygrestick says, Hurray1 catlady_de_los_angeles says, Sinead, two of us are discussing "Personal Risks" by RJ Anderson (maud_moody/Rebecca) and teh rest are being confused tygrestick says, erg samanthak223 says, where'd u go? tygrestick says, she seems to have left... samanthak223 says, grrrrrrr tygrestick says, grrrrr is right maud_moody says, TwoRebeccas in one chat... was too much for her obviously. sineadsiobhan says, I'll read that.. samanthak223 says, she's scared to death of talking to Cass samanthak223 says, lol! tygrestick says, Evidently. Whats it about? maud_moody says, tygrestick says, LoL, why? samanthak223 says, I dunno tygrestick says, PR that is tygrestick says, whats that about. samanthak223 says, she like fainted w/ Eb and Carole tygrestick says, LoL! catlady_de_los_angeles says, RJ, what stuff: poor Severus needs someone who can put up with him being such a sonofabitch, it will take time (at best) for him to learn to trust... tygrestick says, oooh tygrestick says, so it's good? maud_moody says, It's a fic about Snape and Mad-Eye Moody's niece. samanthak223 says, okay tygrestick says, Mad-Eye Moody's neice? LoL, theres a pair samanthak223 says, Becca got kicked out maud_moody says, With George and Dumbledore and lots of Moody. tygrestick says, GEORGE! As in, fred and george? samanthak223 says, my ficlet is about Sirius yael_pou enters catlady_de_los_angeles says, Yes. The Potons Master's Apprentice and sequal Personal Risks. Even if the author weren't here, I would be grumbling about how very well she writes tygrestick says, *schnoogles Sirius* maud_moody says, Yes. Lots of George, being charming and helpful. tygrestick says, Hi Yael! maud_moody says, Rita: *blush* tygrestick says, LoL samanthak223 says, and Sue and Carole are in it maud_moody says, Thank you very much. yael_pou says, hi! samanthak223 says, hi hunn tygrestick says, Whats up all? catlady_de_los_angeles says, quite casts my fic into the shade maud_moody says, Hi, Yael! catlady_de_los_angeles says, Hi, Yael lildancer89 enters samanthak223 says, *shrugs* hi Yael samanthak223 says, hi Becca maud_moody says, I'm having to write another sequel *sigh* tygrestick says, hi Becca yael_pou says, a bit quiet tonight, isn't it? tygrestick says, LoL samanthak223 says, lol tygrestick says, a bit lildancer89 says, im back...arent you *so* happy Mantha? yael_pou says, or is it still early? maud_moody says, We're all early, that's why. samanthak223 says, it'll pick up soon maud_moody says, Starts at 3 p.m. EST maud_moody says, It's only 2 now. sineadsiobhan says, its a wee bit early lildancer89 says, hi Lizzy samanthak223 says, the kids aren't here! *dances around happily* tygrestick says, erm.... Lol tygrestick says, hi! maud_moody says, Mine is, but he's playing with a stuffed lion at the moment. yael_pou says, hmmm... I have to go soon. have a date with my husband. lildancer89 says, what kids? Anna & Jenna? maud_moody says, Oh, how nice! tygrestick says, Fun! samanthak223 says, well Jenna's at soft ball and Anna is at her little friends and Hayley is asleep tygrestick says, yay! maud_moody says, Last date I had with my husband, we went to see SHREK. sineadsiobhan says, same here... going out with a friend to a bar tygrestick says, LOL! That was a good movie! yael_pou says, SHREK ?! yael_pou says, :/ maud_moody says, I laughed SO hard. tygrestick says, I loved Shrek! samanthak223 says, aw sineadsiobhan says, I want to see shrek maud_moody says, It's a movie about an ogre, Yael... computer animation. Very funny. lildancer89 says, Shrek was so awesome! maud_moody says, It spoofs all the fairy tale cliches. samanthak223 says, didn't see it maud_moody says, I hated the soundtrack, though. It was too loud and intrusive. maud_moody says, And it's not that I minded the actual songs, I just didn't think they fit. lildancer89 says, you have to Mantha, its great ... really funny tygrestick says, It spoofs Disney tygrestick says, It's halerious maud_moody says, It spoofs just about everything. samanthak223 says, does n e 1 know if Cass is gonna be here today? tygrestick says, couldn't tell you tygrestick says, why? yael_pou says, *looking around puzzled* we usually get all the good movies. I wonder how they translated it's name. lildancer89 says, prolly now, hunn samanthak223 says, Becca MUST meet her tygrestick says, LoL tygrestick says, ooh maud_moody says, It only just came out in North America... it'll probably take a few weeks to get to you, Yael. lildancer89 says, not* samanthak223 says, I wanna c her faint sineadsiobhan has to go tygrestick says, noo1 maud_moody says, Bye, Sinead! samanthak223 says, noooo tygrestick says, ta Sinny! lildancer89 says, shut it, Mantha sineadsiobhan says, I'll see you all! samanthak223 says, bye SinnyH lildancer89 says, bye Sinead! sineadsiobhan says, bye bye all! maud_moody says, Take care... yael_pou says, we usually get them *before* they are released in the US. samanthak223 says, *shuts it* sineadsiobhan leaves tygrestick says, hey, I forgot how to do actions.... could anone tell me? tygrestick says, *anyone maud_moody says, Yael: Really? When I was in Israel in 94 they hadn't had SCHINDLER'S LIST yet but I'd already seen it... samanthak223 says, go to the ! samanthak223 says, and chose one catlady_de_los_angeles says, type a colon : at first place in the line where you type yael_pou says, 94 was a long time ago. Anyway, that movie wasn't very popular here. maud_moody says, Yes, because all the actions under the ! are kind of lame. tygrestick says thank you tygrestick says, ooh! Thanks catlady_de_los_angeles demonstrates how the colon suppresses the 'says' samanthak223 says, lol maud_moody says, Really? Well... I guess I can see that. tygrestick says, LoL mrs_snape enters samanthak223 says, okay calm down Lizzy. really just the little things huh? catlady_de_los_angeles says, Hi, Dinah tygrestick grins widely all around. maud_moody says, DINAH!!!!! mrs_snape says, Hi! yael_pou says, Dinah! maud_moody glomps Dinah tygrestick says, yup, the litte things samanthak223 says, hi Di tygrestick says, hi! maud_moody says, Did you like my Snape avatar? mrs_snape says, Hey Rebecca!!! Yael!! samanthak223 says, schnoogles Dinah mrs_snape says, Hey, "he" was really cute... wouldn't have thought I'd say THAT about Snape anytime soon tygrestick says, Lol mrs_snape says, samanthak223 says, not again. *big sigh* maud_moody says, He looked like he was in a bad temper, tho. yael_pou says, Hey, Dinah, did you read Parker's new Snape fic? It's awesome. catlady_de_los_angeles says, oh, yeah, the avatars. Good-ish Snape, I thought Maudie was supposed to be Draco, and YOU look like a centerfold girl samanthak223 says, lol! maud_moody says, *splutter* DRACO?!? mrs_snape says, No, I haven't... tygrestick says, LoL! maud_moody says, And I do not!!! samanthak223 says, I love Draco mrs_snape says, Maud as Drac?? That's Rita's wishful thinking again samanthak223 says, with all my heart tygrestick says, dearie samanthak223 says, *nods* samanthak223 says, yes? maud_moody says, He's got awfully long hair and too much lipstick, if it is... samanthak223 says, Draco does? lildancer89 says, **coughs** mrs_snape says, Who, Snape? tygrestick says, LoL yael_pou says, :/ tygrestick sniggers maud_moody splutters incoherently samanthak223 says, completly lost dai_evans enters mrs_snape pats Maud's back samanthak223 says, hi dia! yael_pou says, hi Dai! maud_moody says, Yael, we're talking about the little cartoons I just put up under my user profile at There's one of Snape, one of Maud, and one of me. tygrestick says, hola Dai! mrs_snape says, Hey Dai! catlady_de_los_angeles says, Hi Dai samanthak223 says, dai* dai_evans says, hey there boy and girls maud_moody says, I made them at a Korean site where you can make your own Avatars. maud_moody says, Hi, Dai. catlady_de_los_angeles says, Sinead just left samanthak223 says, schnoogles dai_evans says, She was here? mrs_snape says, Guys, I have to hop off for a second... most of my computer has frozen - be back in a sec! yael_pou says, ooh! what's your author id? tygrestick says, she was mrs_snape leaves maud_moody sings "Strangers in the Night" samanthak223 says, yes tygrestick says, but she had to go out to a bar or something samanthak223 says, stop Maud! samanthak223 says, lol maud_moody says, Yael: Erm, can't remember, but it's R.J. Anderson. dai_evans says, ah maud_moody says, No spaces in between the R.J. part or it doesn't work. samanthak223 says, grrrrr!!!!! maud_moody says, The search function on is kind of stupid that way... samanthak223 says, Hayleys up! maud_moody says, Oops, got to fish my son out of the toilet. samanthak223 says, lol! catlady_de_los_angeles says, Who is Hayley? tygrestick says, LoL lildancer89 says, what? yael_pou says, samanthak223 says, kid I'm takeing care of samanthak223 says, who wants her? yael_pou says, Dai, you work in a pub, right? tygrestick says, not I! :-D dai_evans says, not any more. I quit that job. lildancer89 says, me!!!!!!!!! maud_moody says, Too late... he's wet to the elbows. :/ yael_pou says, oops. what do you do now? samanthak223 says, darn. brb all, gotta change a diper fun fun fun!!! maud_moody says, Now he's going to torment his sleeping Dad... tygrestick says, LoL! dai_evans says, Now, Tomorrow, infact, I'm starting a new job as a quality inspector at Hertz rentacar yael_pou says, yep. nothing loke wet sleeves on the face to wake up a guy. maud_moody says, Fortunately he had short sleeves. catlady_de_los_angeles says, qualifty inspector of automobiles? tygrestick says, LoL dai_evans says, yeah yael_pou says, wow! Good thing it's not National. I'm furious with them. tygrestick says, fun maud_moody says, Rita: I thought you were going to say Maud looked like Fleur, not Draco... tygrestick says, why? samanthak223 says, back. damn I'm good dai_evans says, Basically I have to fill them with petrol, drive them through the car wash, and check the oils, and stuff. Boring really. tygrestick says, LoL yael_pou says, Too bad about the pub, though. I was going to say that your Bitter is much better than our Lager. tygrestick says, aww maud_moody says, That WAS fast. I bow to you, Samantha... samanthak223 says, she's sitting on my lap now tygrestick says, Yay! tygrestick says, *shnoogles* samanthak223 says, thanks dai_evans says, Bitter is the necter of gods selah_1977 enters dai_evans says, hi eb maud_moody says, Ebony!!! tygrestick says, LoL tygrestick says, Hi1 samanthak223 says, Eb!!! lildancer89 says, dont let her type, hunn tygrestick says, ! selah_1977 says, Hi! samanthak223 says, huggles yael_pou says, hey! Eb! selah_1977 says, brb lildancer89 says, hi mommie!!!!!!! dai_evans says, did you try Bass at all? samanthak223 says, lol I'll try yael_pou says, had lots of it all over Britain. I usually don't drink beer at all. catlady_de_los_angeles says, Hi Ebony yael_pou says, Bass? maud_moody can't even stand the smell of beer selah_1977 says, back--Hey, Rita! catlady_de_los_angeles says, Dai, at my job (MTA) that is called Service Attendent samanthak223 says, she's getting my screen all dirty tygrestick says, awww tygrestick says, that sucks dai_evans says, ah, all the same. Hyped up names for bullshit jobs samanthak223 says, Ebony, huggles maud_moody says, Bass Ale. A friend of mine loves it, but another friend says it's nothing special. *shrug* dai_evans says, Bass is fine, fine stuff samanthak223 says, beer is gross lildancer89 says, schnoogles mommie selah_1977 says, Yael--your England trip sounds like fun! maud_moody says, Beats being a squeegee kid, Dai. tygrestick says, I don't drink much. *wink* maud_moody says, Ebony, when do you go to Oxford again? mrs_snape enters yael_pou says, Eb - it was! samanthak223 says, lol @ lizzy dai_evans says, yeah. We get to drive the cars, rather than sponge them tygrestick says, :-) maud_moody says, Hi again... problem fixed now, Dinah? selah_1977 says, Hi, Sam and Becca--Rebecca, Dai, Dina, Lizzy... think that's everyone. mrs_snape says, Phew, yes, it should work now tygrestick says, hi! mrs_snape says, Hey Ebony! samanthak223 says, lol tygrestick says, LoL maud_moody says, Is there another chapter of TiP yet? I read 10 last week... selah_1977 says, I leave the States on June 30. samanthak223 says, <~~~hates being called Sam but lets it slide tygrestick sniggers selah_1977 says, Nah, Rebecca--I'm posting another behind the scenes excerpt tonight. lildancer89 says, Eb, it's Mantha ... remember? samanthak223 says, aw! i'll miss u Ebbie~webbie lol selah_1977 says, No, I didn't... maud_moody says, Behind the scenes? yael_pou says, a cultural thing - what is Lady Marmalade? and what are co-ed naked whatever? selah_1977 says, Stuff not from Angelina's PoV. selah_1977 says, That happened before. selah_1977 says, LOL! tygrestick says, Yay! catlady_de_los_angeles says, co-ed naked Quidditch -- isn't that self-explanatory? selah_1977 says, Coed Naked is Heidi. tygrestick says, LoL samanthak223 says, ew yael_pou says, what is co-ed? mrs_snape says, Lady Marmalade - song by Pattie LaBelle, newly recorded my Mya, Aguilera, Pink, Lil Kim dai_evans says, co-educational catlady_de_los_angeles says, co-ed = co-educational = both genders samanthak223 says, no effence to Heidi maud_moody says, That's right, I didn't think that was in your fic! I just read Heidi's latest chapter too. selah_1977 says, and SoC... do you mean to tell me you guys didn't have the Coed Naked Sports t-shirts in high school? yael_pou says, oh! dai_evans says, No. I didn't maud_moody says, They usually come with a slogan, though... guess she couldn't think of one for Quidditch. Probably just as well... tygrestick says, LoL, I don't have them mrs_snape says, Nekkid Quidditch with special cushioning spells - they are explained in the Brochure you get when you join the Nudists Wizzards United Club maud_moody splutters selah_1977 says, LOL, Rebecca! My fic has ENOUGH problems without naked anything! ;-) samanthak223 says, <~~~~~ scared now tygrestick says, LoL! selah_1977 says, AH! selah_1977 says, Dinah! yael_pou says, I was a single girl ina boys class in high school... selah_1977 :hides::: tygrestick says, ooops tygrestick says, I g2g! samanthak223 says, *hides behine Ebony* tygrestick says, Ta peoples! catlady_de_los_angeles says, Co-ed Naked Quidditch slogan: raise 'em higher, dive 'em deeper selah_1977 says, Bye, Lizzy! dai_evans says, bye liz tygrestick leaves lildancer89 says, bye Lizzy!! samanthak223 says, no Lizzy mrs_snape says, lmao selah_1977 says, Ew! maud_moody splutters samanthak223 says, me? maud_moody says, Sorry I mentioned it! samanthak223 says, gee thanks Eb selah_1977 says, I'm ewwing at the Quidditch slogans. maud_moody says, Dinah, should I have Maud buy Snape boxers with little cauldrons on them for Christmas next year? samanthak223 says, u should be Rebecca *smiles teasinly* samanthak223 says, oic selah_1977 says, Heidi actually ptiched like seven of them on the Paradise list a few weeks ago. lildancer89 says, aww, theyre not *that* bad ... mrs_snape says, Oh well, why not... yael_pou says, maybe just a cauldron with leg holes samanthak223 says, lol yes they r maud_moody says, Yael: LOL! samanthak223 says, lol selah_1977 says, LOL! Yael! catlady_de_los_angeles says, LOL@Yael maud_moody says, We never thought of THAT one during the Great Snape Underwear Discussion... samanthak223 says, how did we get on this subget? mrs_snape says, Oh dear, the picture... Worst thing - I can SEE that samanthak223 says, *shutters* maud_moody says, Are you a window, Samantha? samanthak223 says, *gags* mrs_snape says, Nope... though I'm still rather proud of my rather scottish theory dai_evans says, no no no. please talk about other things samanthak223 says, yes selah_1977 says, Speaking of which, that HP4GU contest brought all kinds of folks out of the woodwork! Some of the contributors I would have never thought... selah_1977 says, LOL, Dai! selah_1977 says, Okay. selah_1977 says, Let's talk CoS. samanthak223 says, contest? maud_moody says, My least favorite HP book. catlady_de_los_angeles says, Ginny as Iphigenia -- actually more Andromeda dai_evans says, really? why? selah_1977 leafs through book... samanthak223 says, #2 sucked yael_pou says, sucked is a bit harsh... selah_1977 says, It's my least favorite too... and it didn't suck. mrs_snape says, Yeppers - and it's all Lockhart's fault maud_moody says, I read it first... it didn't really grab me. If I hadn't forced myself to keep reading... samanthak223 says, it did catlady_de_los_angeles says, Yes, I didn't like CoS that much when I read it lildancer89 says, it didn't suck ... it just was the worst HP book so far ... samanthak223 says, it was funny in some parts selah_1977 says, I read CoS first... so I guess I'm lucky. catlady_de_los_angeles says, Lockhart was funny, but the Heir of Slytherin didn't grab me.... maud_moody says, It has its moments, and I wouldn't say it was BAD, but... samanthak223 says, me too lildancer89 says, i like the Valentine Ginny gave Harry selah_1977 says, Me TOO! maud_moody says, It was too much like PS/SS (and I'm saying that having read PS/SS *after* CoS). samanthak223 says, I luved POA dai_evans says, It was pretty good maud_moody says, PoA is the best. lildancer89 says, brb dai_evans says, exciting ending samanthak223 says, cuz Sirius was in that catlady_de_los_angeles says, I loved PoA. dai_evans says, if a bit over gothic samanthak223 says, k maud_moody says, Uh-oh, I think the baby's in the garbage now. selah_1977 says, And Draco's "His eyes are as green as a fresh pickled toad!" samanthak223 says, hahaha mrs_snape says, I thought Tom Riddle was a slimy, self-occupied little pig - I thought he was annoying selah_1977 says, Not Draco's-- selah_1977 says, Oops! catlady_de_los_angeles says, Everyone loves PoA. Me, because Remus was in it. selah_1977 says, I'm reading too much Rhysenn! samanthak223 says, I loved Remus mrs_snape says, PoA, of course, because it has the most information about the Marauder's AND actually two of them in it samanthak223 says, I never read n e of Rhysans fics catlady_de_los_angeles says, Eb, I thought you were referrring to the theory that Draco sent that Valentine under Ginny's name to humiliate both Ginny and Harry catlady_de_los_angeles says, altho' sending it under Colin's name probably would have been even more embarrassing maud_moody says, Actually, I thought Tom was attractive and interesting until he turned out to be You-Know-Who. yael_pou says, Samantha - your loss! mrs_snape says, He sent it cause he wanted to admit his love, but didn't dare to do it himself samanthak223 says, I know catlady_de_los_angeles agrees with Maud samanthak223 says, I'm so busy tho mrs_snape says, Just needed to get it out of his system selah_1977 says, LOL! He seemed fixated on Harry... but I think that if JKR wanted to do a slight D/G thing later on, she planted the seeds in CoS. selah_1977 says, Just my opinion. dai_evans says, I saw the anagram the moment tom riddle stepped in maud_moody says, Really, Ebony? Where? samanthak223 says, Harry/Draco samanthak223 says, wahoo selah_1977 says, <------is not a fan of Harry/Draco fics, as a rule. samanthak223 says, darn yael_pou says, Really, Dai? That must have ruined the book. maud_moody says, "as a rule"? You mean there are exceptions?! samanthak223 says, count one of my fics out selah_1977 says, LOL! dai_evans says, nah, not really. I was pulling your legs bookworm196 enters samanthak223 says, k selah_1977 says, Hey, bookworm! yael_pou says, Eb, count one of mine out as well. samanthak223 says, Slash Vershion of DS. selah_1977 says, You wrote a Harry/Draco, then? samanthak223 says, yes catlady_de_los_angeles says, Hi, Liz catlady_de_los_angeles The HTML list of chatter aliases is to be found at: catlady_de_los_angeles selah_1977 says, I know you did, Samantha--I meant Yael. mrs_snape says, hi catlady_de_los_angeles The list of chatter aliases is to be found at: catlady_de_los_angeles catlady_de_los_angeles This chat will be saved and posted on theYahoo Group : catlady_de_los_angeles samanthak223 says, Cass almost had a heart attack. James helped me write it selah_1977 says, LOL! bookworm196 says, hey dai_evans says, ah, Liz. Didn't recognise to for a sec yael_pou says, I actually wrote a Harry/D scene for KDIL, but stashed it away dai_evans says, *you bookworm196 says, yeah...brb, my screen's weird bookworm196 leaves lildancer89 says, back samanthak223 says, hi Becca~boo mrs_snape says, But that short bH/D bit you wrote intrigued me to no end, yael mrs_snape says, Plan to do more with it??? catlady_de_los_angeles says hopefully, Did anyone see the Draco/Draco I posted on HPff? lildancer89 says, hi Mantha~Wanthz selah_1977 says, Everyone seems to want to slash DS. samanthak223 says, lol stop that lildancer89 says, Wantha* selah_1977 says, Yech! samanthak223 says, cuz its so slashable selah_1977 says, Draco/Draco! yael_pou says, No more on the "Malicious Act" for now. samanthak223 says, lol!!! maud_moody says, It is? samanthak223 says, yes lildancer89 says, eww! samanthak223 says, it's the little things samanthak223 says, not ew catlady_de_los_angeles says, I just (accidentally) read a very good Draco/Draco by little Alex, just posted on ffnet mrs_snape says, *pouts* samanthak223 says, lol maud_moody says, It shouldn't be his MOTHER whose name is Narcissa... selah_1977 says, *What* makes it slashable? It's H/H, and that's fine with me. yael_pou says, Actually, I uploaded that little fic just to get the flamed samanthak223 says, D/D? yael_pou says, flames catlady_de_los_angeles says, I was going to say so on HPff, but she doesn't seem to be a member samanthak223 says, tiny intoendos selah_1977 says, Little Alex reads and posts strictly on the slash lists, I think, and HP4GU... mrs_snape says, I think you only got one, though. What a pity samanthak223 says, please tell me some1 else gets them too? selah_1977 says, Inuendoes like what? selah_1977 says, I must be dense. mrs_snape says, Dis sucks, you r the worst writer ever, this is the worst story I ever read yael_pou says, no no no - 6 or 7 of them samanthak223 says, lol!!! mrs_snape says, Really??? samanthak223 says, yes maud_moody says, I thought the scene where Draco thinks Harry is dead was one of the most moving things I've read in a fic... but I think it would lose its power if it were slashified. mrs_snape says, Oh well, those cucumberheads don't count anyway catlady_de_los_angeles says, mantha, mine is a post on HPff, about one screen long, maybe less samanthak223 says, go back and read DS. you'll find them yael_pou says, go see for yourself. samanthak223 says, okay samanthak223 says, yeah the Harry death thing made me cry bookworm196 enters mrs_snape says, Oh, yael... I posted something whjile you were gone, so you couldn't read it... he, he, he selah_1977 says, Hmm. You know, I've read some of the alternate DD/DS scenes, but I can't seem to connect them with the story. mrs_snape says, I could say you have a huuuuge cameo in it... dai_evans says, 'puter better now, Liz? bookworm196 says, here we go mrs_snape says, but that's not true bookworm196 says, yeah maud_moody says, The person who flamed me for the end of PR3 never reviewed any of the other chapters... "Why don't you just kill Snape or Dumbledore while ur at it" LOL. selah_1977 says, It's like, it's a complete AU for me. yael_pou says, augh! Dinah! is it still there? samanthak223 says, I have to type SB6 selah_1977 says, LOL! Flamers are weird. samanthak223 says, I know maud_moody says, It's the only flame I've had so far, can't really complain. samanthak223 says, I hate flames mrs_snape says, Course it is... it's nbot really good and rather short - wait, I'll look for the URL catorman enters maud_moody says, Hi, Catherine! dai_evans says, Hi Cath samanthak223 says, none on SB but some from homophobes on SVDS mrs_snape says, Hi" selah_1977 says, Then you're doing something right, Rebecca--I've only gotten one real flame too. catlady_de_los_angeles says, hi, Catherine samanthak223 says, hi Cath catorman says, hello everyone - thought I'd come in early for a change. yael_pou says, hi Catherine! Sorry I missed you in London! maud_moody says, Not mine, I hope. bookworm196 says, so, what's goin on? selah_1977 says, Of course not. maud_moody says, Now my son is rearranging the kitchen furniture... *sigh* catorman says, yeah - me too! Did you get back safely? selah_1977 says, Your e-mail was spelled well. selah_1977 says, catlady_de_los_angeles says, I think they are talking about Draco/Draco or Draco/Harry slash maud_moody says, LOL @ Ebony bookworm196 says, cool samanthak223 says, how can Draco/Draco happen? bookworm196 says, lol catlady_de_los_angeles says, one option is with a mirror catorman says, narcissism again samanthak223 says, no I really want to know dai_evans says, tiem turners and vaseline bookworm196 says, lol maud_moody says, Well, you see, there's this big shiny thing that hangs on a wall... catorman says, did I spell that right? samanthak223 says, o maud_moody boggles at Dai yael_pou says, Loved your country. Think I'll come back sometime, hopefuly son. bookworm196 says, lol yael_pou says, soon. samanthak223 says, *goes into fits of giggles* bookworm196 says, i've read one Draco/Draco samanthak223 says, where? catorman says, Where did you end up going? Did you like York? bookworm196 says, maud_moody says, Right. Change of subject! Erm... how's the weather? bookworm196 says, lol maud_moody says, York is beautiful. maud_moody says, I loved it. catlady_de_los_angeles says, the one little Alex just posted? samanthak223 says, good samanthak223 says, lfdsnklterya9]ikd, samanthak223 says, S samanthak223 says, sry samanthak223 says, the baby is on my lap yael_pou says, Very much. And Walse and Thirsk (in Yorkshire) and Scotland and... bookworm196 says, agh I've never been out of the US samanthak223 says, Paris is nice, go there dai_evans says, don't worry Liz, I've never been into US yael_pou says, US is a big place... selah_1977 says, Where did you go in Scotland, Yael... catorman says, You've got one on me - never heard of Thirsk (and I originally from North Lincs - close to Yorks) samanthak223 says, Becca? u here? bookworm196 says, yeah, well you're coming to the US in 6 weeks maud_moody says, I've been to Glasgow, Stirling, Edinburgh and Jedburgh... yael_pou says, Edinburgh, Inverness (and the lakes) er... can't remember the rest of the names without a map maud_moody says, ...had a car accident in Edinburgh. samanthak223 says, Paris Rome London Cali selah_1977 says, LOL, Yael! I hear you... maud_moody says, Also slept in the NOISIEST hostel ever... lildancer89 says, yah ... why? yael_pou says, ooh. samanthak223 says, okay just checking catlady_de_los_angeles says, Cali Colombia, or you mean California? maud_moody says, But we got rescued by nice Scottish policemen who gave us tea... mrs_snape says, Eeep. is down catorman says, Or Calais? selah_1977 is away (Sorry I am busy right now. Please try later.) samanthak223 says, California samanthak223 says, again! maud_moody says, ...rescued from the accident, I mean, not the hostel. catlady_de_los_angeles says, no ffnet just busy catorman says, Some policemen gave you tea? bookworm196 says, the US is too big... samanthak223 says, I like the US maud_moody says, Yes, they were very nice. The people at the rental agency also gave us tea... we had lots of tea that day. mrs_snape says, "just busy"??? And that's supposed to make me feel better? yael_pou says, What happened? drove on the wrong side (the right side) ? catlady_de_los_angeles says, it did this to me the first time I tried again and got throught, am now tring yael's URL maud_moody says, We needed it to calm our jangled nerves. bookworm196 says, I live in the US bookworm196 says, and I've rarely gotten out of the midwest samanthak223 says, me too bookworm196 says, gets rather boring samanthak223 says, Mass sux ass crack maud_moody says, No, we tried to follow somebody else on a right turn just as the light changed and somebody who had the right of way came barrelling through and hit us... catorman says, Seems to be a British cureall. As Ron says - when in doubt...reach for the kettle catlady_de_los_angeles says, Dinah, click reload, bookworm196 says, lol maud_moody says, Yep. Tea salves all wounds... selah_1977 says, Ron says that? samanthak223 says, lol yael_pou says, grrr... almost happened to me on a left turn in S-F. samanthak223 says, I hate tea maud_moody says, saved my parents' engagement. mrs_snape says, Got it. Reload didn't work first, tried a few times more... selah_1977 is back. catlady_de_los_angeles says, I think Ron said taht 's what his mother does samanthak223 says, hi Ebs selah_1977 says, Oh, okay. bookworm196 says, probably catorman says, Paraphrase - offers to make Hagrid a cup of tea, and sheepishly says that's what Molly does. bookworm196 says, Mrs. Weasley would think like that I'm guessing... bookworm196 says, oh yeah maud_moody says, I loved that part. So true... selah_1977 says, Sort of like Americans and coffee. bookworm196 says, book 3 bookworm196 says, i think bookworm196 says, lol maud_moody can't stand the smell of coffee bookworm196 says, Americans and caffeine yael_pou says, as a thumb rule - the Scotish were the nicest, the Welsh were the weirdest. maud_moody says, So the taste is out of the question. bookworm196 says, I don't like coffee mrs_snape says, Has discovered her passion for black coffee maud_moody says, Oh, but Wales is SO beautiful... bookworm196 says, lol selah_1977 loves the smell of coffee... dai_evans says, what was weird about the welsh then Yael? selah_1977 says, Uh-oh... samanthak223 says, coffee rules but some1 said it was bad for baby maud_moody says, Except Swansea, what a dump. By contrast, that was. mrs_snape says, Yael, wrong words here dai_evans says, Swansea ia a hole yael_pou says, Can't believe I was actually happy to see Starbuck in Britain. catorman says, Being half Welsh, I don't feel racist when I say that yes, the Welsh generally weird. yael_pou says, yuck! samanthak223 says, lol maud_moody says, Loved Beaumaris Castle, though... bookworm196 says, hm... selah_1977 says, LOL! Yael, I didn't think there WERE any Starbucks over there until Al, Scott and Simon corrected me. yael_pou says, the coffee - not the Welsh maud_moody says, No, sorry, HOLYHEAD was the worst dump I saw in Wales... dai_evans says, weird? in what way? maud_moody says, Swansea was a paradise by comparison. samanthak223 says, Al. *giggles* catorman says, Wales is beautiful though, if you avoid the countryside scarred by old mines etc. bookworm196 says, never been to Wales selah_1977 says, Can't wait to go! keithfras enters maud_moody says, Hi, Keith! yael_pou says, Wales was the prettiest part of our trip. dai_evans says, hi Keith maud_moody tickles Keith with a feather yael_pou says, hey Keith! samanthak223 says, Keith keithfras says, Evening all. catlady_de_los_angeles says, Hi, Keith dai_evans says, Wales is the best part of UK keithfras laughs bookworm196 says, how so? selah_1977 says, I can't believe that three weeks from today, I'll be there! catorman says, Hi Keith. lildancer89 says, i want to go to Wales *so* badly mrs_snape says, Hey Keith!!1 maud_moody says, I have no idea why Dai would say so. keithfras sprays champagne everywhere selah_1977 says, Not in Wales--in the UK. bookworm196 says, lol dai_evans says, you finished exams Keith? maud_moody says, I have relatives in Yorkshire and Nottinghamshire... yael_pou says, Eb - you should try to get to Wales. It is prettier than you can imagine. selah_1977 says, With a new laptop--I'm getting it next week. YAY! catorman says, I don't think Wales is the best part of the UK. keithfras says, Yup (lol - Dai knew what I meant! yael_pou says, maud - been there! bookworm196 says, lol maud_moody says, Congrats, Keith! catlady_de_los_angeles says, congrats Keith selah_1977 says, Good for you, Keith! maud_moody says, So have I, Yael. dai_evans says, how'd they go? catlady_de_los_angeles says to RJ, Snap! maud_moody says, Huh? keithfras says, Not too bad. I think I passed all of them. dai_evans says, hmm yael_pou says, yey! Keith! maud_moody says, Sorry, Rita, missed that. samanthak223 says, yeah wahoo 4 Keith mrs_snape says, yael, I found 3 real flames and one call for gay porn... not too bad samanthak223 says, y r we happy 4 Keith? catlady_de_los_angeles says, when two people say something at the same time, one of them says Snap! This is a custom based on the card game Snap bookworm196 says, lol bookworm196 says, exams over and done with maud_moody says, Oh! Kind of like "Jinx, you owe me a beer". samanthak223 says, okay bookworm196 says, i had my exams last week yael_pou says, Met a guy names Keith in Crikieth (Walews) his wife tried to hit on my Draco-would-kill-to-look-like-him husband bookworm196 says, high school exams, but still exams samanthak223 says, I have finals for 2 weeks starting mon maud_moody says, Criccieth, isn't it? mrs_snape says, Hope you hit her selah_1977 says, Some of my program mates are making plans to go to Paris... but I think I'm going to stick with the British Isles. Will do Dublin and Edinburgh... I really want to see Ireland for some strange reason. keithfras apologises for the actions of his namesake's wife yael_pou says, maud - could be. keithfras says, ; selah_1977 says, Paris will be there. lildancer89 leaves maud_moody says, Dublin is awful. keithfras says, That reminds me - I know where and when I'm going to be in Canada next month. maud_moody says, I spent four days there, I should know. samanthak223 says, never been maud_moody says, Keith: Where? samanthak223 says, ppl only 16! help me out here! maud_moody says, It's very dirty-looking. bookworm196 says, hm? selah_1977 says, LOL, Rebecca--I'll find out firsthand. Can't be more awful than inner-city Detroit. ;-) catorman says, I spent 2 weeks there recently, and I agree - very dirty maud_moody says, But the countryside is nice. keithfras rummages in bombsite looking for paperwork maud_moody says, And the people were nice too. samanthak223 says, *nugges Eb* whats going on selah_1977 says, I've always heard it was. catorman says, All those lovely Georgian squares which are so run down. maud_moody says, Just get used to being constantly surrounded by cigarette smoke... catlady_de_los_angeles says, Mantha, they are talking about where to visit when one is a tourist in British Isles maud_moody says, I found that really hard, my eyes were red all the time. catlady_de_los_angeles says, because Yael just came back, and Eb is just about to go selah_1977 says, LOL! My parents were smokers... *coughs in remembrance* samanthak223 says, <~~~~misses cigg smoke samanthak223 says, oic maud_moody says, BUT, I never saw such an incredible number of insanely gorgeous men as we did in Dublin. maud_moody says, It was actually quite scary. samanthak223 says, Becca's gone bookworm196 says, i don't like cigg smoke samanthak223 says, *sniffles* keithfras says, Right....22nd July to 4th August, at Bethany, near Toronto and Lake Ontario samanthak223 says, I can't smoke n e more selah_1977 says, No one sane likes cigarette smoke. mrs_snape says, yael, try this... but beware, it's insane B) yael_pou says, memo to self - don't take husband and kids when going to Dublin catorman says, Ooh, the Irish combination of dark blue eyes and dark hair - like my husband bookworm196 says, poor baby maud_moody says, Bethany? Never heard of it. samanthak223 says, <~~~~not sane selah_1977 says, Ooh, Yael! samanthak223 says, thanks keithfras says, It's quite small, it's just the site where the course takes place (I think selah_1977 shakes head samanthak223 says, lakfneowkioyp4ejmdc samanthak223 says, sry again yael_pou says, I'll die just to hear their accent. maud_moody says, Not just that kind, all kinds. My friend and I are really not the type that go looking for handsome guys, but we couldn't HELP noticing them, there were just so scarifyingly many. samanthak223 says, Hayley is spasing on the key bored maud_moody says, The accent is lovely, yes. But so is the Welsh accent. mrs_snape says, Oh yes!!! Are we drooling about the Irish??? *cross-eyed look* selah_1977 says, LOL! maud_moody says, Gabriel Byrne for Sirius! samanthak223 says, lol maud_moody says, Actually, no, I want James Watson (just played Duncan Idaho in the DUNE remake) as Sirius. keithfras says, Who? Are there various people there with you, Samantha? maud_moody says, He's Scottish. samanthak223 says, Sirius/Draco. *silly grin* yael_pou says, all over the isle. btw - I actually learned a few Welsh words catorman says, Please don't get me onto Colin Firth as Sirius again. samanthak223 says, yes Keith selah_1977 says, Oh, neat, Yael! maud_moody says, Okay, I won't. keithfras says, Woop, woop - weird pairings alert. selah_1977 feels lost. bookworm196 says, you're no thte only one maud_moody just doesn't see what's so great about Colin Firth samanthak223 says, lol catlady_de_los_angeles says, Sirius/Draco would break Remus and Severus's hearts mrs_snape says, Scot's are great, too.... Robert Cavanah for Sirius!!! *drool* bookworm196 says, lol maud_moody says, But my friend just loves him. samanthak223 says, hahaha maud_moody says, Lost me there, Dinah. I can't picture it. samanthak223 says, I'm gonna write a S/D fic yael_pou says, Sirius/Draco is almost insest (sp?) catorman says, I absolutely worship him as Darcy. Just does it for me. samanthak223 says, no it's not keithfras keeps out of actor drooling bookworm196 says, technically it's not samanthak223 says, only in DD and DS mrs_snape says, He's not too well-known but gorgeous - and terribly nice. And doesn't wear undies (I asked) maud_moody says, He was OK as Darcy, I liked P&P a lot, but still... not my type. keithfras says, Did you see Bridget Jones's Diary, Catorman? bookworm196 says, incest is when they're related by blood maud_moody boggles at Dinah catorman says, Yep. samanthak223 says, and there not related. bookworm196 says, yeah samanthak223 says, only in Cass land selah_1977 says, I have extremely low expectations for scoping out guys in England... but then, I have a ideal that's slightly different, so... bookworm196 says, lol catlady_de_los_angeles says, I can imagine Remus bashing Sirius's head: I thought you had learned to take some things seriously, but no, my feelings are nothing to you, cheating on me jut to get at Snape!!! catorman says, Preferred the book apart from Colin Firth, of course mrs_snape says, Heys, he's a Scot, that question was very important for the cultural understanding catlady_de_los_angeles says, I can imagine Remus bashing Sirius's head: I thought you had learned to take some things seriously, but no, my feelings are nothing to you, cheating on me jut to get at Snape!!! samanthak223 says, haha keithfras is also a Scot maud_moody says, Try London, Eb. yael_pou says, got to go - have a date with my husband. see you all! mrs_snape says, Oh, and he said if my mother asks, then I should say Boxers samanthak223 says, it's not ur fault Keith dai_evans says, bye yeal mrs_snape says, But my Mom's not ehre right now... catorman says, Bye Yael! selah_1977 says, Have fun, Yael! mrs_snape says, Bye yael! samanthak223 says, bye hunn keithfras says, Bye Yael. May the Force be with you! maud_moody says, Denzel Washington, Ebony? bookworm196 says, bye yael_pou leaves samanthak223 says, yum mrs_snape says, Tony Todd is yum selah_1977 says, That's getting warmer... but he's too old for me. samanthak223 says, dfkipowua samanthak223 says, ah! catorman says, Who is Tony Todd? samanthak223 says, sry I'm gonna put her in the crib samanthak223 says, so I'll brb bookworm196 says, i know hardly any of these people selah_1977 says, He's like 45... that's ancient! LOL! bookworm196 says, lol keithfras taps finger during actor discussion mrs_snape says, Played on Star Trek, Xena, Candyman (this horror flick) and several other movies catlady_de_los_angeles The HTML list of chatter aliases is to be found at: catlady_de_los_angeles catlady_de_los_angeles The list of chatter aliases is to be found at: catlady_de_los_angeles keithfras says, Ebony, any update on TiP11? catlady_de_los_angeles This chat will be saved and posted on theYahoo Group : catlady_de_los_angeles bookworm196 says, Denzel in "Much Ado About Nothing" was good maud_moody thinks 45 is kind of young maud_moody says, selah_1977 says, Um... I'm working on it... samanthak223 says, okay back catlady_de_los_angeles says, Elway the cat just landed on top of the monitor, crash! Bang! shake! keithfras says, The list of chatters' emotional problems can be found at catorman says, Do you think so - I thought he had real problems with the dialogue - maud_moody says, LOL @ Keith samanthak223 says, Hayley doesn't seem to want to go in her crib so bear w/ me catorman says, couldn't say the lines convincingly. maud_moody says, Catherine: Not as much as Keanu Reeves did! bookworm196 says, lol selah_1977 says, My current crush is this model-actor named Boris Kodjoe, who's African-German. Gorgeous... I could look at the man all day. maud_moody says, I liked his delivery on "Will you have me, lady?" selah_1977 says, OH! I love Keanu, too! bookworm196 says, oh that was delicious samanthak223 says, Leo maud_moody says, Ebony: Pictures anywhere? catorman leaves samanthak223 says, lol bookworm196 says, i'm not so hot on Keanu, but Denzel was yum maud_moody says, Keanu can't act, but he is OK to look at. samanthak223 says, haha bookworm196 says, lol selah_1977 says, LOL, Rebecca! samanthak223 says, I like brad Pitt keithfras communes with the Force while the girls drool over other guys mrs_snape says, Oh, Rebecca, that was priceless - I swooned away, really bookworm196 says, Brad? eh samanthak223 says, but I'm young... bookworm196 says, lol samanthak223 says, yes selah_1977 says, Let me grab a pic of Boris... brb... bookworm196 says, poor keith mrs_snape says, He looks weird. catlady_de_los_angeles says, Keith, you would be displeased if they were drooling over you maud_moody says, Dinah: We all stuck up our hands and said, "If she won't, we will!" bookworm196 says, lol samanthak223 says, what about u Keith? what male actor do u think is a hottie mrs_snape says, Yeppers, that's the spirit lol (I guess no hubbies present) bookworm196 says, LOL maud_moody says, But then, I do that in SABRINA when John Wood proposes to the housekeeper, too. And he's, what, 70 something? mrs_snape says, Keith likes Willow keithfras gives Samantha a funny look Your buddy george_weasleys_girlfriend is in chat george_weasleys_girlfriend enters maud_moody says, I wasn't married then. mrs_snape says, Who is a girl maud_moody says, Jana!!!! samanthak223 says, Smiles george_weasleys_girlfriend :slinks into chat, hoping no one notices she's late:: mrs_snape says, But a lesbian catlady_de_los_angeles says, You would be trying to think of polite ways to tell them "Youu are too old for me --- and YOU are too yuoung for me" keithfras says, Hi Jana! samanthak223 says, Jana!!!! mrs_snape says, Hey jana!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! george_weasleys_girlfriend :waves at everyone:: catlady_de_los_angeles says, HI, Jana bookworm196 says, heya maud_moody says, There is more George in PR6 and 7, Jana. george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Wow. *turns pink* george_weasleys_girlfriend says, YAY! george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Heh... see how to get my attention? keithfras says, Yeah, I know Rita. samanthak223 says, damnit catorman enters maud_moody says, And there will be lots of him in the sequel too. samanthak223 says, I g2g the baby maud_moody says, Post-Hogwarts. george_weasleys_girlfriend says, YAY!!!! *dances* samanthak223 says, bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye I luv most of u catorman says, Sorry, what are we onto now? Disconnected for too long. bookworm196 says, PR? george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Personal Risks. maud_moody says, Personal Risks. My fic. mrs_snape says, Bye Samatha! george_weasleys_girlfriend says, A really really cool fic. maud_moody says, Jinx, Jana. bookworm196 says, hm haven't read it catlady_de_los_angeles says, and he proved he is seperable from Fred (loed the '10 galleons') samanthak223 says, bye all george_weasleys_girlfriend says, *scowls* bookworm196 says, i will keithfras says, Bye Samantha. May the Force be with you. catlady_de_los_angeles says, loved samanthak223 says, thanks Keith u too\ samanthak223 says, lol bye bookworm196 says, bye maud_moody says, Rita: Yeah. I think they would NEED to have a few things that were just personal. george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Live long and prosper. maud_moody says, I think George got a kick out of not telilng Fred. samanthak223 leaves george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Not telling Fred what? maud_moody says, *telling keithfras says, Wrong franchise, Jana. george_weasleys_girlfriend says, *blinkblink* keithfras says, ; keithfras says, maud_moody says, Oops, read PR6, Jana. george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Close enough, Keith. I'm as sci-fiish as the next guy. george_weasleys_girlfriend says, IT'S OUT?! george_weasleys_girlfriend :rnus to maud_moody says, Yes! george_weasleys_girlfriend says, *runs mecki987 enters george_weasleys_girlfriend is away (not in the office) bookworm196 says, lol mrs_snape says, Hey Mecki!!! bookworm196 says, oy vey mrs_snape schnoogles Biene keithfras tries to remember if he's read PR6 yet catorman says, Hi Mecki! Belated happy birthday! george_weasleys_girlfriend is away (Thoroughly absorbed in great literature.) catlady_de_los_angeles says, There were two pairs of identical twins at my college. Dorothea and Roberta Pierce made a major project of always being the same, always wearing the same clothes, taking the same classes, maud_moody says, Keith: Yes, you reviewed it. keithfras says, Oh, good. mrs_snape says, See Rebecca? I always tell you you chase the guys away mecki987 says, Thanks! maud_moody says, And then I had to send you that message explaining the feather scene. bookworm196 says, we have twins here, look nothing alike maud_moody says, You did get that, didn't you? keithfras says, Ah, of course (hides from own obtuseness catlady_de_los_angeles says, sitting together in class.... a story is that one time one of them got A and the other only A- in a class and their mother phoned and forced the professor to maud_moody says, S'okay. I can never keep track of chapter numbers either. mecki987 says, What's the topic.please? keithfras says, I still think it was a rather weird thing to do. keithfras says, There isn't one. mrs_snape says, There are identical twins in my class - the "Wolfpack". One has an earring, the other haasn't. So before a teacher adresses one of them they always look at their ears catorman says, Not quite sure at the moment...suggestions? maud_moody says, He needed SOME excuse to hold her hand. catlady_de_los_angeles says, raise the A- to an A becasuse being different would pshycologically damage them (If I were the professor, I wold have solved it by lowering the A to A- george_weasleys_girlfriend :cries:: is being EVIL! maud_moody says, Do you want me to e-mail it to you, Jana? catlady_de_los_angeles says, ffnet IS being evil. keep hitting reload catorman says, Things like earrings are so easy to change if one wants to confuse. keithfras says, I just find it odd, Snape being that juvenile. george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Not yet, I'd like to fight with for a bit. Keeps me in shape. maud_moody says, Not juvenile, devious. selah_1977 says, OK--Rebecca, here it is... selah_1977 says, catorman says, OK - how did Angelina know who was asking her to the ball - Fred or George? catlady_de_los_angeles says, the school paper offered this Pierce quote: "We want to be a doctor" keithfras says, It's rather cool in fact - makes him more human. He wasn't certain how she'd react. maud_moody says, Thanks, Eb! *scoots off to have a look* keithfras says, Do we want to know, Catorman? keithfras says, catorman says, yes! catlady_de_los_angeles says, otoh Jim and Bill Longstreth majored in different subjects, lived on different campuses. maud_moody says, Exactly. Playing his emotional cards close to his chest as usual. keithfras says, Maybe she took their fingerprints. catorman says, Perhaps she didn't care which? mecki987 says, Fingerprints are identical too! catlady_de_los_angeles says, the one who lived on my campus was a beautiful hippy boy, long hair, granny glasses, flannel shirt, worn out jeans bookworm196 says, hm? keithfras says, No they aren't. george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Um, no. catorman says, Are they? keithfras says, Identical twins don't have the same fingerprints/ george_weasleys_girlfriend says, No two people have the same fingerprints. mecki987 says, They are, they are genetically absolutely alike! maud_moody says, Wow, Eb, not only handsome but deep as well. Good eye. keithfras says, No. They aren't clones. george_weasleys_girlfriend says, *beats with a stick* dai_evans says, yes they do, they're exact egnetic clones. They therefore have the same fingerprints selah_1977 says, Yeah--:::melts::: dai_evans says, *genetic catlady_de_los_angeles says, the other dressed like a cliche preppy. Short tidy hair, contact lenses, expensive and well kept clothes bookworm196 says, oy maud_moody says, My husband is German and he turns really dark in the summer, that's as close as I get. mecki987 says, They are *one baby*, parted in a four-cell stadium- absolutely alike! keithfras says, shutting you out, Jana? george_weasleys_girlfriend is back. catorman says, And who did George go with? george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Yeah, it is Keith. dai_evans says, they have the same genetic make-up, they are clones maud_moody says, Not that I mind, of course! george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Who did George do with where? selah_1977 says, That's cool, Rebecca! LOL! george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Huh? keithfras says, I always have trouble getting in at the weekend. catlady_de_los_angeles says, Dai, are fingerprints just genetic or do they develop in chaos-theory way, like stripes on tabby cats? keithfras says, That doesn't give them the same fingerprints though. catorman says, To the Yule Ball, as Fred went with Angelina george_weasleys_girlfriend says, George went with me, of course. dai_evans says, finger prints are genetic george_weasleys_girlfriend says, :-D keithfras says, LOL @ Jana selah_1977 says, Why does everyone make Fred out to be the evil twin? (Although I'm in the midst of canon re-read... and yes, Fred doesn't make the most sensitive remarks all the time...) keithfras teleports George and Jana to Tahiti bookworm196 says, lol oy dai_evans says, permanent physical features are genetic maud_moody says, Our wedding photos were a trick... he had to stay out of the sun and I had to try and get some, because I am fish-belly white. Opposite problem my oldest brother had... his wife is Malaysian. mrs_snape says, Eb, that is one gorgous hunk .... Or rather, he's really attractive (just to sound a bit more coherent and grown-up) catorman says, Of course! (BTW: I thought you were married by now, how come still GW's Girlfriend?) babynick34 enters maud_moody says, ...and South African... and East Indian... and a bunch of other things. dai_evans says, hey Nick catlady_de_los_angeles says, the genes say the tabby will be striped -- even specify tiger or blotch -- but the exact location of the stripe is sort of random babynick34 says, Hi Dai and all mrs_snape says, Hey Nick! selah_1977 says, Dinah--yeah, you said it. He's a hunk. ;-) george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Well, we don't want to make a fuss over all of it just yet... kind of quiet midnight elopment thing. johnwalton_crazyivan enters maud_moody says, But she identifies very strongly with the American black movement... mrs_snape says, Hi John! dai_evans says, cats have a weird mosaic gene thing going on though, for their coat colouring. george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Hey John. catlady_de_los_angeles says, Hi, John. 1860?? keithfras says, Hi, John! Enjoyed SoT6 (I think it was 6) george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Welcome back to the world of the living. selah_1977 says, Really? That's interesting... King identified with Gandhi, so... dai_evans says, I john johnwalton_crazyivan ::bounces in::: selah_1977 says, Hey, John! mecki987 says, Hey John! johnwalton_crazyivan boing, boing, boing catorman says, Here we go again - what is this Araminta thing? johnwalton_crazyivan says, Hi yall george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Minnzer got to him. maud_moody says, Ebony: to me it's rather odd, like if I were to identify with the Welsh independence movement, but oh well. keithfras says, Did you see my review on HP_Paradise, John? catlady_de_los_angeles says, Catherine, a character in JOhn's fic, HP and the Song of Time, by crazy_ivan johnwalton_crazyivan says, Keith, glad you enjoyed 6 7 is in no way anywhere near started -- mucho muchoworko... babynick34 says, What's new on the Potter front? Anything exciting happened recently? catorman says, So why is the date so important? dai_evans says, yeah, they released book 5 catlady_de_los_angeles says, Nick!!!! mrs_snape starts to sing "I need love, love, don't come easy...." george_weasleys_girlfriend says, LOL @ Dai mrs_snape says, I feel a bit weird tonight, sorry catorman says, I got some BB Every flavour beans this week. george_weasleys_girlfriend says, There are some screen shots of the video game @ hpgalleries. Looks cool to me. selah_1977 says, LOL, Rebecca! You know, I've always identified with Jewish history, but that may be a religious thing too... keithfras says, I feel weird all the time, Dinah, so don't worry. johnwalton_crazyivan says, Nope, Keith, missed it catorman says, Sardines made me feel sick mecki987 says, What's wrong, Dinah? catlady_de_los_angeles says, She says "Hi, I'm Minty" and people stare at her and she says "Short for Araminta, my parents were too influeced by the Sixties" mrs_snape high fives Keith maud_moody says, Ebony: I do too, but that *is* a religious thing. :) catlady_de_los_angeles says, she says it repeatedly keithfras says, There's a new Quidditch game on the movie site as well. george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Ooh, which one? johnwalton_crazyivan says, What's wrong with that, Rita? babynick34 says, What are the Beans like Cator... I've not managed to get any yet. selah_1977 says, Is it any good? george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Keeper or Seeker? maud_moody says, Wasn't Georgette Heyer writing Regencies in the sixties? keithfras says, Chaser practice. catorman says, And you say it's from the 1860s catlady_de_los_angeles says, Araminta is NOT a 1960s name. It is an 1860s name. george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Oh, Chaser's old. george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Well, to a total computer addict like me, it is. keithfras says, They haven't brought in Keeper or Seeker yet. catorman says, Well, most of them are Jelly Belly regular flavours, but there are a few others... keithfras says, It came in since the last chat. catlady_de_los_angeles says, Was Heyer STILL writing in the 1960s? she strted much earlier. maud_moody says, Nicholas is MOST unhappy with me for putting him down for a nap... selah_1977 says, I think I'd want to be a Chaser or a Beater. catorman says, Booger, black pepper, grass, sardine, horseradish... maud_moody says, Rita: Yes, I have some of her novels written in the 70's too. quill_and_feather enters mrs_snape says, I'm a Beater, naturally johnwalton_crazyivan :hands on hips:: Look, I have t wo friends named Araminta, both of whom were born in the early 70s. 71 and 72. maud_moody says, Keeper for me. selah_1977 says, I have no desire to try EFB... catorman says, I actually like the black pepper ones. maud_moody says, Hi, Jamieson! mrs_snape says, JAMIESON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ***HUUUUUUUUUUUUGS*** catlady_de_los_angeles says, Hi, Jamieson johnwalton_crazyivan says, They both find the whole thing very amusing quill_and_feather says, Hello everyone!!!! Dragging myself away from my new book to come to chat... keithfras says, Yeah, Chasers and Beaters have people to back them up. Keepers and Seekers don't. mecki987 says, Hi Jamieson! selah_1977 says, Hey, Jamieson... johnwalton_crazyivan says, Hey Jamieson maud_moody says, Which new book? quill_and_feather says, HELLO ALL!!!!! keithfras says, Hi, Jamieson. bob_the_bouncy_bum enters mrs_snape says, Does anyone have some sanity that they could lend me for a while??? bookworm196 says, which new book catlady_de_los_angeles says, HI Wicky keithfras says, Hi Bob. maud_moody says, I have too much, help yourself. bookworm196 says, sorry, i'm out of sanity bob_the_bouncy_bum says, hiiiiiii! keithfras watches as room fills up quill_and_feather says, I'm reading "The Shape of Snakes" by Minette's really good!!! johnwalton_crazyivan says, Dinah, I was kinda hoping that you would offer to share... catlady_de_los_angeles The HTML list of chatter aliases is to be found at: catlady_de_los_angeles catlady_de_los_angeles The list of chatter aliases is to be found at: catlady_de_los_angeles maud_moody says, Interesting title... catlady_de_los_angeles This chat will be saved and posted on theYahoo Group : catlady_de_los_angeles babynick34 says, I found a small figure of Harry sitting on a tin box. But that's my most recent addition of my HP collection. maud_moody thinks all the HP merchandise looks like cheap junk mrs_snape says, Sorry John, I've run out george_weasleys_girlfriend is away (Thoroughly absorbed in great literature.) catorman says, I got the desk clock recently. mrs_snape says, Quite some time ago, actually keithfras says, The list of chatters' emotional problems can be found at bookworm196 says, i have barely anything johnwalton_crazyivan says, <-- started work with learning-difficulty kids last week...GREAT fun but totally emotionally and energetically draining. catlady_de_los_angeles says, RJ, I LOVE my blue Hogwarts crest mug mecki987 says, You can have mine, dinah. Idon't have much left though. the kids ate it quill_and_feather says, well, Maud, not all of it is cheap. But you have to shop around... mrs_snape says, Here he goes again... bob_the_bouncy_bum says, i got a mirror of erised bookworm196 says, my grandparents got my brother an ornament for christmas maud_moody says, Oh, that's true, the mugs are cool. Because they're nice and big... keithfras is not interested in buying Harry Potter merchandise maud_moody says, ...they'd hold lots of tea. maud_moody says, Keith: Nor I. bookworm196 says, lol quill_and_feather says, Mmm...tea is good. Tee hee johnwalton_crazyivan agrees with Keith mrs_snape says, I think he's projecting his emotional insecurities to the mass of HP-Chatters with loony jackets catorman says, I have that too - the one when they are sailing across the lake to Hogwarts. (mug, that is) babynick34 says, And it is... most of it. Everyone seems to be bringing out new merchandise - some good, some bad. maud_moody says, Although for some reason this morning I was coveting a Slytherin muffler... keithfras says, Who, me, Dinah? george_weasleys_girlfriend says, If I ever write a moderately best selling book and someone wants to buy merchandising rights, please stick a pen in my eye. bookworm196 says, lol oy vey johnwalton_crazyivan knows that if he buys any merchandise he'll turn into Jeralyn... mrs_snape says, Yups, you there, honeybunny maud_moody says, Okay, Jana, will do. johnwalton_crazyivan says, LOL@Jana mrs_snape is glad she can blame her cheesy brain bob_the_bouncy_bum says, i'm so tired catorman says, What - saving the chocolate frogs? maud_moody says, So am I. Dunno why I'm chatting when I could be napping... catlady_de_los_angeles casts Energy Charm on Wicky bob_the_bouncy_bum says, yay! babynick34 says, Chocolate Frogs - hmm... eating those now! quill_and_feather says, That's something I'd like to see HP jacket...I'd buy one... bob_the_bouncy_bum :hits head on ceiling:: keithfras says, A Hogwarts cloak would be cool. johnwalton_crazyivan says, Jeralyn has a cool Hogwarts jacket in denim. mecki987 says, I should go to sleep too! The kids were up at 5.30 this morning! mrs_snape says, They sold a Calender here for around 17 $ - I got it for 2 $ in May maud_moody says, An invisibility cloak would be cooler. catorman says, The cards are so disappointing thought. I had Scabbers and he looked like a cartoon rat. keithfras says, All really cool merchandise would be really expensive. bookworm196 says, 5:30?? bookworm196 says, crazy maud_moody says, Toys made by Scott McFarlane... keithfras says, Yeah! Even if it didn't work, it would look cool. johnwalton_crazyivan says, Keith, I have a pattern for a cloak, and I'm seeing if there's anywhere around here that will embroider a pattern on it for me... george_weasleys_girlfriend says, I'd love Chocolate Frogs. bob_the_bouncy_bum says, they have chocolate frogs keithfras says, An elven-cloak from Lord of the Rings would be cool too. bob_the_bouncy_bum says, but they're really spendy mrs_snape whines bookworm196 says, ooh yeah johnwalton_crazyivan has had chocolate frogs but not Chocolate Frogs in the UK. mrs_snape says, I WANT A BROOMSTICK!!!! mrs_snape says, Flying, of course maud_moody says, chocolate sauce? *winks at Dinah* keithfras says, How lewd. quill_and_feather says, I have yet to try the choco frogsor bertie bots beans.... bookworm196 says, i should read Lord of the Rings again... catorman says, What's the difference? mecki987 says, 5.30!! and yesterday, my littler Weasley managed to wake up at 4.30 in the morning and insisted to have breakfast!! babynick34 says, They do... but they are not all that good - not 3 dimensional as I would have hoped. maud_moody says, Oh no, not lewd again. mrs_snape says, Yum, yum... on who? catorman says, So do I , Dinah! keithfras says, Yes, you should, before the movies come out. bookworm196 says, yeah maud_moody says, No! YOU know... bookworm196 says, they're sitting in my book shelf johnwalton_crazyivan says, Did anyone else see Evolution this w/e? maud_moody says, goes with the Billywig stings and such. mrs_snape says, He, he, I do, yeppers - and how practical that it is an aphrodicia keithfras says, I hope we don't get too many more spoiler pictures for Lord of the Rings, otherwise there'll be no point in going to see the movies! babynick34 says, Sleeping - what's that. Children don't sleep do they? They only sleep at times when you don't want them too! maud_moody says, Very practical sitting in bottles and not being used. What does that tell you? catorman says, I saw the trailer the other day - LOTR, not HP bookworm196 says, hm bob_the_bouncy_bum says, dang bookworm196 says, look good? bob_the_bouncy_bum says, i gotta go bookworm196 says, i haven't seen it bookworm196 says, bye catlady_de_los_angeles says, I would like to buy the book for Magical Beings and read about the pipple who aren't beasts bob_the_bouncy_bum says, i'll be back later catlady_de_los_angeles says, by by bob keithfras says, Bye Bob. May the Force be with you! bob_the_bouncy_bum says, bye bye johnwalton_crazyivan is turning green in honor of Shrek catorman says, John, what is this Threk (?) you are raving about? babynick34 says, The HP trailer has now appeared on video here - it was on a Pokemon movie rented from Blockbuster. bob_the_bouncy_bum says, thanks keith mecki987 says, Yep!! Go to sleep in the car, wake up as it stops and then stay awake till midnight!! bob_the_bouncy_bum leaves catorman says, Whoops, Shrek johnwalton_crazyivan says, Shrek! Go see it! It's the best movie I've seen in ages! maud_moody says, Computer animated movie about an ogre. bookworm196 says, lol Shrek maud_moody says, VERY funny. bookworm196 says, i haven't seen it yet catorman says, Why? dai_evans says, Nick! Pokemon? Surely you don't... bookworm196 says, everybody else i know has bookworm196 says, even my mother babynick34 says, Threk - the trailer is great... I've got to see that movie. bookworm196 says, i wanna see it johnwalton_crazyivan says, Seriously, if you haven't seen it, go tonight. mrs_snape says, I have to wait til July bookworm196 says, Shrek maud_moody says, "Layers... like an onion." mrs_snape says, And Moulin Rouge will come out in October! catorman says, I might take the kids. keithfras says, I saw Princess Mononoke yesterday.... johnwalton_crazyivan says, If anyone asks what the Scottish accent is now, I just tell them "Think Shrek". mrs_snape says, It's all very depressing catorman says, When is Moulin Rouge out in UK? maud_moody says, Oh NO, now I have "Voulez Vous" running through my head, thank you very much NOT! keithfras says, Life's depressing. bookworm196 says, what is Moulin Rouge? babynick34 says, Shrek, Threk, whatever... the green thing is called. bookworm196 says, lol bookworm196 says, an ogre maud_moody says, Really really? quill_and_feather says, I'd like to see the trailer on TV or would be so amazing to not see it on my computer... bookworm196 says, that's all he is johnwalton_crazyivan says, Shrek! He's an OGRE... maud_moody grins at John mrs_snape Goochie, goochie, ya,ya sza, szaaaa catlady_de_los_angeles The HTML list of chatter aliases is to be found at: catlady_de_los_angeles catlady_de_los_angeles The list of chatter aliases is to be found at: catlady_de_los_angeles maud_moody hits Dinah with a feather pillow catlady_de_los_angeles This chat will be saved and posted on theYahoo Group : catlady_de_los_angeles mrs_snape Goochie, goochie, ya,ya, heeeeeeew keithfras says, The list of chatters' emotional problems can be found at johnwalton_crazyivan says, Actually, the "really really" bit is the only bit where Mike Myers' accent goes floopy. mecki987 says, I haven't seen a movie in the cinema for about 5 to 6 years!! But I will go to see HP!! maud_moody says, I know, that's why I mentioned it. catorman leaves keithfras says, Anyone else seen Princess Mononoke? johnwalton_crazyivan says, Scots are like onions. They smell. quill_and_feather says, Dinah, you're so cool!!! maud_moody says, Nicholas is standing up in his crib squeaking to himself now. How odd. johnwalton_crazyivan :wink @ keith:: keithfras hits John with a kipper mrs_snape bows gracefully bookworm196 says, I saw part of Princess Mononoke maud_moody says, Are you sure they aren't like parfaits? mrs_snape says, I think you#re the only person who thinks this, but thanks mrs_snape turns beet red Aberforths_Goat enters johnwalton_crazyivan says, Ooh, parfait... maud_moody says, Hi Mike. catlady_de_los_angeles says, HI, MIke mrs_snape says, Hi Mike! quill_and_feather says, It's all good sweetie, cus you are!!! keithfras says, Hi, Mike. mecki987 says, Hi Mike!! johnwalton_crazyivan says, Baa! selah_1977 says, Hmm... there's a thunderstorm. Perhaps I should get offline. € Aberforths_Goat says, Hi Folks! bookworm196 says, lol catlady_de_los_angeles says, Dinah. pf coprse your cool mrs_snape hands John the leftover salad leaves bookworm196 says, lol maud_moody says, Is there honey with it? maud_moody says, Sorry. mrs_snape says, With the Salad??? maud_moody says, No, with the thunder. € Aberforths_Goat says, Great post about multi-culti issues, Eb mrs_snape says, Or the Chocolate sauce? catlady_de_los_angeles says, Eb, if you do, we wll miss you. But don't get electrocuted johnwalton_crazyivan says, IRL I am SO like Donkey -- always humming and never taking hints... catorman enters maud_moody snorts catorman leaves catorman enters catorman leaves bookworm196 says, lol catorman enters catorman leaves catorman enters catorman leaves maud_moody says, Do come in, Catherine. catorman enters bookworm196 says, i've seen the previews catorman leaves catorman enters catorman leaves johnwalton_crazyivan :sings:: You put your Catherine in, you take your Catherin out... bookworm196 says, How's the sexual innuendo in Shrek? catorman enters mrs_snape says, This always makes me giggle... catorman leaves *** User grp*g.2176166:1 isn't online right now. catorman enters maud_moody says, And you shake it all about... keithfras says, Oo-er! bookworm196 says, I've heard a lot of stuff mrs_snape says, lmao catorman leaves selah_1977 says, Thanks, Mike! catlady_de_los_angeles says, Catherine mayb be trapped int eh door, someone Invite her maud_moody says, There are a couple of oblique jokes, I don't think a kid would understand them. bookworm196 says, ah ok johnwalton_crazyivan says, Liz, it's really good, but not much more than PG. catlady_de_los_angeles says, I tried but got an error mssg on Invite bookworm196 says, lol johnwalton_crazyivan says, A couple of "ass"/donkey jokes, bit that's it. maud_moody says, Freudian stuff. maud_moody says, A bit of mild language. johnwalton_crazyivan says, Compensating for stuff... mrs_snape says, I wanna live in Bad Ass when I'm old bookworm196 says, a couple of my friends from Ohio were going berserk bookworm196 says, lol maud_moody says, Yeah, that. € Aberforths_Goat says, What isn't as exciting as it might have been? johnwalton_crazyivan says, And a real piss-take of Disney World... bookworm196 says, they have gutter minds keithfras says, From Terry Pratchett, Dinah? maud_moody says, I don't know whether I would take a kid under 12 to see it... dai_evans says, Equali Rites? catorman enters dai_evans says, Cath, you're connection's really top quality isn't it. maud_moody says, But that's me. I was appalled by HUNCHBACK, too. bookworm196 says, oy i should read Terry Pratchett... keithfras says, Hi Catherine. johnwalton_crazyivan says, "Thou Art Parked In Launcelot" keithfras says, Yes, you should. keithfras says, How lewd. bookworm196 says, lol maud_moody giggles about the Disneyland parody mrs_snape says, Yeppers, exactly - and I want granny Weatherwaxe's attitude catorman says, Don't whenever it kicks me out, it takes ages to get back in again. catorman says, Grey screen for ages. quill_and_feather says, Oh, get this guys. In my book "The Shape of Snakes", theres a reference to the statue called "The Philosophers Stone"... bookworm196 says, gah mrs_snape says, Last time I was in Disneyland I was parked in Tigger johnwalton_crazyivan says, As the biship said to the actress, Catherine... johnwalton_crazyivan says, Dinah! How rude! catlady_de_los_angeles says, Statue???? babynick34 says, <-- BRB, watching the Shrek trailer maud_moody splutters keithfras says, The Philosopher's Stone is a real historical thing - alchemists tried to make it. johnwalton_crazyivan apologises to everyone for lack of typing ability today catorman says, No comment! mrs_snape says, Yeps, that's what i thought - especially since I consider myse4lf to be Eeyore bookworm196 says, yeah mrs_snape says, Mental picture, anyone??? bookworm196 says, turns coal into gold maud_moody says, Dinah: I love Eeyore. maud_moody says, No, lead into gold. bookworm196 says, er diamonds keithfras says, Rebecca/Eeyore bookworm196 says, coal into diamonds catorman says, not about lack of typing skills, but bishop and actress skills johnwalton_crazyivan says, My roommate last year IS Eeyore... bookworm196 says, i got those mixed up catlady_de_los_angeles says, Pressure turns coal into diamonds bookworm196 says, lol bookworm196 says, i'm messed up mrs_snape says, Why? Always lost his tail???? catlady_de_los_angeles says, Philopher's stone turns lead into gold catorman says, Jokes not skills. Maybe I should apologise... quill_and_feather says, Yeah, in England somewhere...I'm not sure where, I'll find out and post it it later...but aparently theres this Sculpture park that it's at keithfras says, I wonder if someone will ever write George/Jana fanfic! bookworm196 says, i read this one book... maud_moody says, "And if Eeyore's back were to snap suddenly, we could all laugh. Ha ha! Amusing in a quiet way, but not really helpful." The funniest line in all Milne, IMO. johnwalton_crazyivan says, No, always grumpy. € Aberforths_Goat says, And looking for the p/s turns gold into lead, said Ben frank johnwalton_crazyivan says, LMAO bookworm196 says, Poland...middle ages...based on the Philosopher's stone catlady_de_los_angeles says, based onthe concept that GOld is the pure spritual soul of all metla, and base metals are just full of sin (dross) quill_and_feather says, I love Piglet myself, I have a tattoo of himi on my left shoulder... george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Err... Rebecca... that's one hell of a "permission slip," m'dear. maud_moody bows to Jana bookworm196 says, lol mrs_snape says, I don't think it's funny, i think it's sad - but that's why I'm like him catlady_de_los_angeles says, and if the Stone casts out the sin, the metal wil be left gold babynick34 says, --> Back from watching Shrek maud_moody says, Beats a note saying you can go to Hogsmeade, doesn't it? johnwalton_crazyivan says, Good, Nick? george_weasleys_girlfriend says, LOL! bookworm196 says, cool johnwalton_crazyivan says, I'M AN OGRE! bookworm196 says, how was the trailor? johnwalton_crazyivan :ahem:: babynick34 says, Oh the trailer is great... Eddie Murphy makes a good donkey! george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Rebecca & Jamieson - did you see your cameo in NQP6? keithfras says, Of course, if the Philosopher's Stone were to be created, the price of gold would rapidly depreciate until it became worthless, unless of course the user was smart. selah_1977 says, We know, John. :::pats John on the head::: mrs_snape says, Sure, sure, John.... show off maud_moody says, What's NQP? *hides face in embarrassment* quill_and_feather says, This is true. about the gold thing, anyway... selah_1977 says, Jana's fanfiction, "Not Quite Paradise". johnwalton_crazyivan says, I'm gonna eat yoo! bookworm196 says, if the Philosopher's Stone were found bookworm196 says, Lead would be valuable dai_evans says, Isn't that why it's called the PILOSOPHERS stone, Keith? maud_moody says, Oh! Sorry, I meant to read that. Forgot. Will have to do so... johnwalton_crazyivan :runs around looking for someone to eat:: mrs_snape imagines Shrek in CD's Titanic dress bookworm196 says, lol good point, Dai johnwalton_crazyivan says, Dinah, capture that image mrs_snape says, Dinah's brain just left the building maud_moody says, Exactly! bookworm196 says, lol jamesf991 enters bookworm196 says, lol dai_evans says, Hi Jim mrs_snape says, Hi! johnwalton_crazyivan says, Hey Jim! quill_and_feather says, My brain left the building about half an hour ago..he he he.... catlady_de_los_angeles says to John, Promises, Promises mecki987 says, hi Jim! selah_1977 says, hi, Jim! catlady_de_los_angeles says, HI, Jim keithfras says, John, the first time my Dungeons and Dragons party met an ogre, we set it on fire then threw oil on it. maud_moody starts singing "Promises, Promises" € Aberforths_Goat says, Hi Jim! maud_moody says, Great song. johnwalton_crazyivan :worried look @ Keith:: keithfras goes to look for Dinah's brain maud_moody says, It's parked in Tigger. jamesf991 says, Hi, all quill_and_feather says, The movie of Dungeons and Dragons sucks... mrs_snape says, Jame, I bet mines fast enought to catch yours quill_and_feather says, I saw it last week... bookworm196 says, lol mecki987 says, My brain has forgotten to leave the bed this morning. it was too early, it went on strike! dai_evans says, so does the game mrs_snape says, My brain? keithfras says, I know, didn't see it though. maud_moody says, Yes. € Aberforths_Goat says, Hmm. Do people still play D&D? quill_and_feather says, Heee hee hee, that'd be a sight to see.... keithfras hits Dai with a trout keithfras says, YES! I DO! dai_evans says, ow quill_and_feather says, Yeah, I have friends that play it... bookworm196 says, i've never played D&D but i play a lot of things based on it maud_moody says, Used to play a "Christian" version of D&D... very odd. keithfras says, Don't judge the game by the movie. catorman says, One of my friends has a group who play religiously every Wednesday. dai_evans says, My house mate plays it. He's a dick johnwalton_crazyivan :worries about Keith's "hitting people with fish" fetish:: maud_moody falls over laughing bookworm196 says, lol catorman says, hey, was that a Tom Swiftie! catlady_de_los_angeles says, Some people still play AD&D and their own variants of it, altho' my friends play newer systems they like better, such as GURPS maud_moody says, Exactly! bookworm196 says, this is hilarious johnwalton_crazyivan :cracks up at the Swiftie:: keithfras says, It comes from a Tolkien site - someone there used to use a salmon as a chatroom weapon. babynick34 says, Jack (he's 7) plays D&D at school. They have a D&D club. quill_and_feather says, I used to play the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles was pretty cool, actualy. maud_moody says, I also played the Marvel game for a while. bookworm196 says, lol € Aberforths_Goat says, When I was 8 or 9 D&D was THE big ... but that was 20 years ago ... maud_moody says, Had a very cool character... keithfras seriously doubts that 7yos can play D&D johnwalton_crazyivan says, I always wanted to be Donatello.. selah_1977 says, Hmm... never played D&D for the same reason I never could read a whole lot of fantasy and horror. I'm a notorious fraidy-cat. dai_evans says, My flatmate is at this very moment, running around in the new forest, dressed up in D&D gear, doing Live action Role Playing bookworm196 says, lol i was Donatello quill_and_feather says, I always liked Raphiel... bookworm196 says, lol quill_and_feather says, or splinter mrs_snape says, I liked Raphael catlady_de_los_angeles says, Whether frp game sucks or is great depends on the gamemaster and the players bookworm196 says, I'd play with my brother's friends johnwalton_crazyivan says, Donatello had a big stick. keithfras says, Dai, just cos you don't like one person who plays D&D, that doesn't mean it's bad/ bookworm196 says, i was the smart one, so i was Donatello € Aberforths_Goat says, Back then, a certain sort of Christian thought it was as bad as they now think HP is mrs_snape says, He was such a hothead.... and Splinter, who had to cool him down. Nice chemistry going on catorman says, Who is Donatello - is it Ninja turtles? johnwalton_crazyivan says, Fire! Brimstone! Locusts! maud_moody says, Ebony: "Dragonquest" made you memorize and recite Bible verses instead of spells... and instead of increasing your hit points you had to work on developing the Fruit of the Spirit. babynick34 says, Well yes Keith... me too, I'm not sure exactly what he gets up to at the club. Most of the other children there are older than him. dai_evans says, He talks about it all the time. It's just so boring, when He goes on and on and on about it. bookworm196 says, lol maud_moody says, And you got in BIG trouble if you killed any people... only allowed to kill monsters. selah_1977 says, When did this come out Rebecca? I've never heard of it! quill_and_feather says, Yah. I always had a secret thought that all the turtles were gay....pretty wierd image if you htink about it.... bookworm196 says, lol maud_moody says, It came out when D&D was big. Our whole youth group played it for a few weeks... johnwalton_crazyivan says, And, I guess, witches as well... babynick34 says, Oh no, not the Turtles... please. But at least I suppose it's better than Pokemon! € Aberforths_Goat says, Ninja Turtle too? I thought it was just teletubbies maud_moody says, No witches, John. keithfras says, They probably still do. The Player's Handbook has a sort of disclaimer at the beginning saying 'THIS GAME IS FANTASY'. Subtext: don't sue us if your kid burns the house down. selah_1977 says, Oh, sounds interesting... maud_moody says, They would have been people, anyway. bookworm196 says, i just used my brother's TMNT sled for Theseus' shield for school catorman says, OK so who IS Donatello then? johnwalton_crazyivan says, No comment mrs_snape says, Witches were used as Firewood mrs_snape goes into hiding keithfras says, I can see that would be annoying, Dai, particularly if you don't know about it and aren't interested. bookworm196 says, a teenage mutant ninja turtle maud_moody says, I still remember the verse we used in the first game... "The kingdom of God is forcefully advancing and forceful men lay hold of it." It opened a door into a secret tunnel. Not out of context, or anything... quill_and_feather says, This is true...The people who did the Magic cards, the Wizards of The Coast, took over the Dand D's really nicely done up. catorman says, That's what I thought. bookworm196 says, can't remember the last time i thought about it maud_moody says, Dinah: So were Christians. catorman says, Jamieson, why do you think turtles are gay? € Aberforths_Goat says, Was this Christian version commercial? selah_1977 says, HELP! Give me a lovey-dovey nickname Ron can use for Hermione. maud_moody says, Nero used to use them as torches for his garden parties. dai_evans says, Particularly if my life isn't so sad that I have to create a fantasy one to retreate into. bookworm196 says, lol maud_moody says, Minnie? bookworm196 says, Mione babynick34 says, Who knows all the names of the turtles? I can think of Donatello, Michalangelo, Rafaiell (spelt wrong I suspect). johnwalton_crazyivan says, Eb: "Miney-pooh" Your buddy hermitchick is in chat catlady_de_los_angeles says, RJ, I know a woman in Aus whose group plays a Christian version of Call of Cthlulu, in which hermitchick enters johnwalton_crazyivan says, Leonardo! dai_evans says, Hey Kate selah_1977 says, LOL! John! bookworm196 says, Leonardo hermitchick says, hello all bookworm196 says, lol selah_1977 says, Can you SEE the look on her face? maud_moody says, Hermie? bookworm196 says, And April O'Neal quill_and_feather says, I don't know, it always stuck me that they didn' thave anyone else to date...I was only thirteen at the time, and it was a year before i came out of the everything was gay to me I guess.... bookworm196 says, i think that's her last name selah_1977 says, 'Mione? Looks weird... johnwalton_crazyivan says, Yes, Eb, I can maud_moody says, My child will NOT go to sleep! bookworm196 says, lol catlady_de_los_angeles says, faith is a defense against losing sanity points, and one's faith points go up by prayer and good works, go down by sin keithfras says, I don't see the problem with playing a game in a fantasy setting, Dai. Admittedly if people are convinced it's real then it's a bit worrying. babynick34 says, WoC are doing the HP cards. Merlin have done a sticker book here in the UK - but it's not very good. Hope WoC get cards to the UK. catlady_de_los_angeles says, Mione My Only catorman says, You came out early... maud_moody chuckles at Rita bookworm196 says, fantasy is great johnwalton_crazyivan ::loves fantasy:: catorman says, My best friend waited until he finished college. (21) bookworm196 says, playing fantasy is similar to reading it, Dai babynick34 says, Was there one called Splinter or something like that as well ?# dai_evans says, It's a bit worrying when he tells you tales of what he did at the club this afternoon, and tells it as if he was actually attacked by a dragon. catorman says, Don't know why... quill_and_feather says, This is true...dont know what posessed me to do so, but it's all good...wouldn't do it again so early, but hey, what're you going to do.... catlady_de_los_angeles thinks Hermione will slap Ron if he EVER calls her My Only again hermitchick says, what's up today? johnwalton_crazyivan says, He was the rat. mrs_snape says, I started reading MZB books when I was 12 and that got me hooked maud_moody says, My Dad used to read us fantasy all the time when we were kids... Lewis, Tolkien, Peake... I grew up with it. And my Dad is a Bible teacher! keithfras says, Splinter was the master, he was a rat rather than a turtle. bookworm196 says, lol dai_evans says, And that the dragon is sad because everyones scared of it. etc. dai_evans says, it's sad maud_moody says, So I really can't understand the mentality that thinks fantasy is evil. bookworm196 says, lol bookworm196 says, poor dears keithfras says, That's just the way people talk about it, Dai. keithfras says, It doesn't necessarily mean they think it's real. bookworm196 says, the mentality is messed up catorman says, At least you then go through some of your most formative years not having to pretend you're something else. maud_moody says, I read virtually nothing BUT fantasy until I was 20. selah_1977 says, I haven't cracked open my new MZB book yet... for all the talk about her on the Paradise list... hermitchick says, what the hell are we chattimg about?! bookworm196 says, they don't like to think that their faith is wrong dai_evans says, I think theat they wish it were real. johnwalton_crazyivan says, LOL@Eb! maud_moody says, Then I discovered mysteries as well... keithfras says, Dai is dissing D&D. bookworm196 says, they probably do quill_and_feather says, Well, guys, the sun is calling, and I havthis is true...I got the hard part over with babynick34 says, My dad used to read Brere Rabbit and The Wind In The Willows to me when I was young... don't think we ever got on to Tolkien! mrs_snape says, I counted - I have 26 bookworm196 says, they want it to be real dai_evans says, yeah. 'cause D&D is shite keithfras says, What's wrong with that? (up to a point bookworm196 says, but they're probably resigned with reality selah_1977 says, Like I said, fantasy always spooked me! All those "little people"... elves... my imaginations's too vivid... quill_and_feather says, oops, what the hell was that? Hmmm..... hermitchick says, D&D is too damn complex johnwalton_crazyivan says, Dai, be nice! keithfras casts Flame Strike at Dai maud_moody says, I didn't read Wind in the Willows until I was 24. Then I cried over it. And I NEVER cry over books. mrs_snape says, Haven't read the newest I bought yet, though johnwalton_crazyivan casts Pink Fluffy Dunce Hat on Dai bookworm196 says, lol maud_moody doesn't like books about "little people", but tall noble elves are cool. € Aberforths_Goat says, Hmm. Wind in the Willows--I missed that one selah_1977 says, Don't feel bad Rebecca--I cried over the cartoon when I was a teenager! bookworm196 says, i didn't like Wind in the Willows quill_and_feather says, My book is calling I'm probably going to get going now...sorry it's such a short visit, will all of you forgive me?? € Aberforths_Goat says, Is it sad? mrs_snape says, I sometimes cry over books. I f I do, then I know I'm really, really hooked on the characters maud_moody says, The bit where Mole cries out to Rat because he wants to go home and Rat ignores him just ended my life. catlady_de_los_angeles says, byby Jamieson bookworm196 says, gah keithfras says, Why does Wind in the Willows make people cry? johnwalton_crazyivan says, No. We're never going to forgive you. Ever. catorman says, Bye Jamieson... maud_moody says, I just said. bookworm196 says, little animals selah_1977 says, There was also a GREAT Les Miz cartoon that made me cry... can't find it anywhere nowadays, though... would love to use it in the classroom... quill_and_feather says, BYE EVERYONE!!!!!! Have a wonderful Summer day!!!!!!!! selah_1977 says, Bye, Jamieson! Happy reading1 bookworm196 says, i like Redwall books mrs_snape says, Last time was "He shall thunder in the sky" by Elizabeth Peters... maud_moody says, Oh YES!!! mrs_snape says, Bye Jamieson, and big hugs!!! hermitchick says, umm...bye person quill_and_feather says, HUGS TO ALL!!!!! twilightswirl enters € Aberforths_Goat says, ttfn! catorman says, I am disappointed if I read a book and it doesn't touch me enough not to make me cry. bookworm196 says, better than Wind in teh Willows maud_moody says, Ramses rules! quill_and_feather leaves dai_evans says, Aside from GoF, Les Mis was the only book that ever teared me up johnwalton_crazyivan says, Okay, I'm having a brain fart. Who wrote "Shiloh"? catlady_de_los_angeles The HTML list of chatter aliases is to be found at: catlady_de_los_angeles catlady_de_los_angeles The list of chatter aliases is to be found at: catlady_de_los_angeles mecki987 says, if I don't cry over a book- either of laughter or pity, it is not a good book for me!! I need the crying! mrs_snape says, Ramses is an annoying twert hermitchick says, GoF? catlady_de_los_angeles This chat will be saved and posted on theYahoo Group : catlady_de_los_angeles € Aberforths_Goat says, Les Mis nearly killed me--but only of boredoom maud_moody says, I thought Nefret was... oh ,well. twilightswirl says, hello hermitchick says, hello dai_evans says, Goblet of fire. Sumbledores speech at the end. Nevilles parents maud_moody says, Hello. bookworm196 says, what about Ramses and Nefret? mrs_snape says, But in this last book, I think I fell for him. The scene where Amlia cries at his ebdside really got me hermitchick says, whao are you? catorman says, I cried when I read PoA. When Harry thought he was going to live with Sirius, and it doensn't happen. maud_moody says, I like Ramses but occasionally want to slap Nefret. keithfras says, Few books make me cry...I think the end of The Rise of Endymion did, the first time I read it (before all the stupid continuity errors of the series started annoying me hermitchick says, I feel stupid now johnwalton_crazyivan says, BRB bookworm196 says, i like books that make you cry dai_evans says, Les Mis started off slow, but then it totally gripped at the end. catorman says, I cried in GoF when Harry's parents come out of Voldemort's wand. maud_moody hasn't cried over the HP books yet. mrs_snape says, Depends . she can be so snubbish, but kinda cute, twilightswirl says, I'm new to this group bookworm196 says, that's their purpose € Aberforths_Goat says, Welcome! bookworm196 says, catharsis dai_evans says, Opposite of the musical I surpose twilightswirl says, a relative newbie on the harry potter scene babynick34 says, Hi Twilight catlady_de_los_angeles says, Ramses & Nefret are characters in the Elizzabeth perers mystery that they are discussing. It has nothing to do with HP. I haven't read it maud_moody says, The end of "Falcon" drove me nearly insane. How stupid can you get? jamesf991 is away (Auto-Away) catlady_de_los_angeles says, HI, Tiwlight mecki987 says, hi twilight! Welcome! maud_moody says, I wanted to whap her upside the head. catlady_de_los_angeles says, Do you have another name for the chatters name list? bookworm196 says, lol catorman says, I'm going away next week and Les Mis is my holiday reading... maud_moody says, Ah, well. It's sorted now. catlady_de_los_angeles The list of chatter aliases is to be found at: catlady_de_los_angeles catlady_de_los_angeles The HTML list of chatter aliases is to be found at: catlady_de_los_angeles keithfras says, Welcome, Twilightswirl. You may find things a little weird at first. mrs_snape says, That was love-misunderstood classic, really maud_moody says, Will this child NEVER go to sleep? twilightswirl says, are you asking me that catlady? catlady_de_los_angeles says, Yes bookworm196 says, gah i think i need to go twilightswirl says, thank you all for your welcome catorman says, wanted to reread it ever since someone on the main list told me about the chapter on law and order - Javert's suicide hermitchick says, now I remember why I dissapear when lots of people are here keithfras says, The list of chatters' emotional problems can be found at babynick34 says, A little weird - is that meant to be an understatement? mrs_snape says, I want a guy like Emerson maud_moody says, I have no patience with those kinds of stupid misunderstandings. They knew each other too well... she should never have doubted him. bookworm196 says, bye all maud_moody says, But then, I loathe and detest WUTHERING HEIGHTS too. € Aberforths_Goat says, Catorman: it's better be a loooooooong holiday selah_1977 says, OOH! Count me in as a GoF crybaby! When Harry's parents came out of the wand... OOH! catlady_de_los_angeles says, byby Bookworm mecki987 says, Tonight's chat is even weirder than usual! And it is usually weird too!! mrs_snape says, Ignore that link - it's Keith's ego-problem dai_evans says, I wouldn't like Les Mis if it wasn't for Javert and his suicide keithfras says, Bye, Bookworm. May the Force be with you. selah_1977 says, I know I'm late. ;-) twilightswirl says, I'm a grad student in Literature...have strong intrerest in education too maud_moody says, Well, I kind of misted up when Snape showed Fudge the Dark Mark... dai_evans says, byew liz bookworm196 leaves keithfras throws squid at Dinah maud_moody says, Okay, not really. selah_1977 says, HEY! A grad student in Literature? I'm an English grad myself! johnwalton_crazyivan says, Drat. Am going to have to dash. Ta ta yall! selah_1977 says, But in comp/rhet. twilightswirl says, dai_evans says, Bye John keithfras says, Bye John. maud_moody says, Bye. selah_1977 says, byee John! € Aberforths_Goat says, ttfn Ivan keithfras says, May the Force be with you as well. mrs_snape says, You do? I love Wuthering Heights... babynick34 says, I've only ever seen the movie version of Les Mis. catlady_de_los_angeles says, byby John mecki987 says, Bye John! twilightswirl says, comp rhet is really in demand hermitchick says, crying for a book? mrs_snape says, bye John! johnwalton_crazyivan leaves dai_evans says, Which Movie, Nick? catorman says, No, only a week - but I read fast! mrs_snape says, Haven't read it to the end yet, though maud_moody says, Dinah: What's your take on Snape's eyes "glittering strangely" at the end of GoF? Fear, tears, or something else? selah_1977 says, Yeah, I know. I considered historicism, but I need to eat. ;-) babynick34 says, The more recent one... came out a few years back. maud_moody thinks Heathcliff needed a good spanking mrs_snape says, But my Scot (the boxerless one) played in the BBC version of it twilightswirl says, this is indeed a little weird, lots of things going on......Wuthering Heights....Star Wars.... dai_evans says, Oh, Liam Neeson, Claire Danes, Geoffrey Rush keithfras gives Rebecca a funny look twilightswirl says, and other movies! maud_moody says, Not THAT kind of spanking. babynick34 says, That's the one. dai_evans says, That was a bad representation. hermitchick says, I missed a stars wars comversation? owlfriend_of_hedwig enters dai_evans says, I didn't like that film maud_moody says, No. catorman says, I'm not a Wuthering heights fan either - always more into Jane Austen than the Brontes, except Tenant of Wildfell Hall - loved that maud_moody says, Hi, Simon! dai_evans says, Hi Simon mrs_snape says, The truth? This scene never stood out for me and I never tried to interpret it. I think I always thought it was concealed panic catorman says, Hi Simon keithfras says, No, just me saying 'may the Force be with you' keithfras says, Hi Simon! hermitchick says, hi mecki987 says, Hi Simon! € Aberforths_Goat says, Hi Simon! catlady_de_los_angeles says, HI Simon! € owlfriend_of_hedwig says, Hello mrs_snape says, Hey Simon! hermitchick says, keith, you're an idiot. Anyone ever tell ya that? maud_moody says, I thought it was anxiety, but somebody else said tears... I think it would take more than that to make Snape cry, tho. maud_moody says, Think I should try and have a go at it? keithfras says, What?? (probably yes hermitchick says, ditto € Aberforths_Goat says, Well, it's time for me to amble off into the sunset twilightswirl says, I think it is a shared, unspoken understanding between Snape and Harry hermitchick says, why? catlady_de_los_angeles says, by by Goat keithfras says, What's wrong this evening? Everyone keeps yelling at me! catorman says, Bye Mike mecki987 says, Bye Mike! dai_evans says, bye mrs_snape says, Bye Mike hermitchick says, I thought we always did maud_moody says, No, not the strange look Snape gives Harry, the look in his eyes when Dumbledore asks him if he is ready to do what they agreed. catlady_de_los_angeles says, Persphone, insulting Keith is something you and Dia have in common keithfras says, Bye Mike. May the Force be with you. maud_moody says, Baa! hermitchick says, oh, I forgot Aberforths_Goat leaves catlady_de_los_angeles says, repressed fear keithfras says, You and Dinah don't normally insult me, Kate. catorman leaves mrs_snape says, Keith, we all wuv you.... but when y mrs_snape says, My Mum's awesome... we argue a lot but she's still my best friend catlady_de_los_angeles says, Simon was at Hertford catorman says, Flew in there to start my honeymoon. george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Is that ALLOWED? twilightswirl says, *peers over selah's shoulder at the Oxford guide* € owlfriend_of_hedwig says, I am still cat - just not for much longer keithfras says, Yes, then I would be frighteningly close to everyone and they'd all be barricading their doors every night in case a hideous figure wandered down the street moaning about how pathetically useless it was for constantly moaning about how useless it was twilightswirl says, congratulations on your recent nups catorman keithfras says, Is what allowed? hermitchick says, keith: wtf? mrs_snape says, Awwww - Keith, wrong picture. That makes me giggle, not bemoan your life catorman says, Thanks - it was in december, but honeymoon delayed due to Christmas and family george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Being cordial (let alone a friend) with your mother? slytherin_daughter thinks that Keith needs some prozac twilightswirl says, selah_1977 says, Back! Interesting! george_weasleys_girlfriend says, People do that? george_weasleys_girlfriend says, *blinkblink* catlady_de_los_angeles says, Keith, no, we'd introduce your to tother Eeyores we know. ALtho' Dan ALderson is dead mrs_snape says, Of course it is, why not? I have my over-bad father as compensation keithfras says, Maybe I should chat to Marvin the Paranoid Android € owlfriend_of_hedwig says, Eb must be reading the guide in minute detail selah_1977 says, When I was 16, my parents were non-entities. I avoided them both as much as was humanly possible. catorman says, It now fits. Keith is what is known as a "Dour Scot" hermitchick says, I found a cool fanfic, that's slashless and rated G! I feel special! selah_1977 says, Yeah, Simon... one can never been too prepared! mecki987 says, I#m not allowed to laugh or giggle tonight! My husband is trying to work in the same room! So Keith, please stop making me laugh, please! catorman says, No that's not right, he's too vocal catlady_de_los_angeles says, I thought part of the Dour Scot stereotype was being Quiet € owlfriend_of_hedwig says, packed teh kitchen sink? selah_1977 says, been should be "be" catorman says, Beat you to it, Rita catorman says, Contradicting myself maud_moody says, HP and the Heir of Slytherin is very JKR-ish. catlady_de_los_angeles says, Persephone, announce that fic, so Ellen can read it to her 12 yr old keithfras says, I'm not dour, just shy and socially dysfunctional hermitchick says, try this selah_1977 says, LOL! Just about--I'm getting a laptop next week, and am praying Corpus has in-room computer hookups. twilightswirl says, was does everyone think of this rumor that Celine Dion is doing "The Boy Who Lived" as a track for the film? maud_moody says, NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! keithfras says, I pray that's not true. mrs_snape says, I actually joined a Branes and Nobles onlince course - help for the socially challenged. Never read one of the posts, though twilightswirl says, I was hoping to hear an all UK soundtrack catorman says, it makes me wnat to vomit selah_1977 says, LOL! That's just a rumor... hermitchick says, celine dion? twilightswirl says, although I'm an American keithfras hands Catherine a sick bag maud_moody says, A very cruel rumour. catorman says, Thanks.... twilightswirl says, yes, I agree maud selah_1977 says, Why? What's wrong withe Celine? mrs_snape says, Can we get John to take over that part??? twilightswirl says, I don't HATE Celine.... anglinsbees says, Trying.... twilightswirl says, but I just think it would be old hat mecki987 says, No, it has to be more british! hermitchick says, nothing, just scary. I like her french CDs better though catorman says, I just find her voice very whiney and emotionless at the same time. maud_moody says, Saccharine, overblown, too much fake vibrato... selah_1977 says, Then who should do the Harry Potter anthem? george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Me. selah_1977 says, LOL! twilightswirl says, should there even BE an anthem? george_weasleys_girlfriend says, I'll do an all-kazoo melody. catorman says, Catatonia? keithfras says, There shouldn't BE a Harry Potter anthem - at least not a pop-music one. mecki987 says, What about Paul Mc Cartney? € owlfriend_of_hedwig says, Eb - All rooms on the main site, and at the large Liddell Building accommodation, are cabled for ethernet access to the University network and the internet, and the vast majority of all College rooms will be so equipped in the near future. selah_1977 says, Not necessarily... maud_moody says, Aled Jones. Oh, drat, Dai isn't here to get that. slytherin_daughter says, Brittany Spears € owlfriend_of_hedwig says, that comes from teh Corpus website - so you should be fine keithfras says, Paul McCartney writes classical stuff... catorman says, I got it though... keithfras says, That might work.... selah_1977 says, Thanks, Simon! *is excited* maud_moody says, Smashmouth? keithfras says, I got it too slytherin_daughter says, The Backstreet Boys selah_1977 says, I got my visa last week and showed it to every teacher in my school... slytherin_daughter says, N*Sync catorman says, Catatonia are Welsh, too. keithfras says, Beavis and Butthead maud_moody says, Barenaked Ladies! € owlfriend_of_hedwig says, Corpus is quite pretty hermitchick says, visa for ehat? keithfras says, Where? eers around: ; keithfras says, twilightswirl says, I would prefer Celine Dion over lets say, the Backstreet Boys or Britney Spears...but I would love to hear stuff lets say....Depeche Mode, Tori Amos, U2 anglinsbees says, BNL ! Yes! twilightswirl says, more british sounding overall selah_1977 says, It looks pretty from the catalogue... and everything over there is so *old* compared to over here1 keithfras says, OK, here's a game. Everyone state their nightmare castings for Harry Potter roles € owlfriend_of_hedwig says, Oxford is old catorman says, I think John Williams will be enough for me. mrs_snape says, Tori Amos - I like her, but for the HP movie??? maud_moody FINALLY got the baby to sleep twilightswirl says, LOL Keithfras catlady_de_los_angeles The HTML list of chatter aliases is to be found at: catlady_de_los_angeles hermitchick says, what did you get a visa for? catlady_de_los_angeles The list of chatter aliases is to be found at: catlady_de_los_angeles keithfras says, Just call me Keith, Twilight! catlady_de_los_angeles This chat will be saved and posted on theYahoo Group : catlady_de_los_angeles maud_moody says, Brad Pitt as Snape. hermitchick says, lol twilightswirl says, Brad Pitt as Snape! LOL selah_1977 says, Dinah--we have to have a visa to enter the UK. selah_1977 says, Passport, rather. maud_moody says, Chris O'Donnell as Sirius Black. catorman says, OK...Keith Harris as Dumbledore hermitchick says, lol george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Are we making up an American cast for HP? keithfras says, The list of chatters' emotional problems can be found at Warning: page on Keithfras may take a long time to load. Please be patient. catorman says, Just anyone bad. maud_moody says, No, nightmare casting. mrs_snape says, I just realized I really, really want to have Eric Idle somewhere in the movies.... he'd do a good Lockhart, though he's a bit old for the job mrs_snape says, lmao @ keith keithfras says, No, we're giving the nightmare cast. maud_moody says, Brad Pitt as Lockhart! twilightswirl says, speaking of O'Donnell's...I had hear that Rosie O'Donnell would have killed for the part of Molly Weasley mrs_snape says, Keith for Lockhart!!! selah_1977 says, Haley Joel Osment for Harry! maud_moody says, Fabio as Lockhart. catorman says, I guess no one knows who Keith Harris is. keithfras says, Mara Wilson as Hermione maud_moody says, Nope. catorman says, Come on, Brits! twilightswirl says, I foresaw Alan Rickman as Snape before I even heard there would be a movie maud_moody says, Me too. twilightswirl says, I was so thrilled at the casting catorman says, I thought Maggie Smith would be cast as McGonagall maud_moody says, It was JKR's description of the Voice that did it. maud_moody thinks Maggie Smith is too old-looking for McGonagall, but oh well mrs_snape giggles stupidly keithfras says, Mr T as Dean catorman says, Yes, but McG is 70+ in the books selah_1977 says, I didn't know who Alan Rickman was... but knew the face, and yes, he is Snape. maud_moody says, *splutters* hermitchick says, I had to delete the trailer, I only have 150mb of memory left on my PC twilightswirl says, *agrees with catorman* catorman says, Saw Dogma for the first time this week. maud_moody says, Catherine: Yes, but wizards age more slowly. twilightswirl says, mrssnape....about the Tori thing, yeah, if she did something more upbeat selah_1977 says, He was masterful in Galaxy Quest, but it is Robin Hood that I'll always remember. maud_moody says, So she should really look fiftyish at most, I think. catorman says, Again, quite right, Rebecca keithfras says, Leonardo DiCaprio as Bill Weasley maud_moody says, "Cancel Christmas!" twilightswirl says, LOL at Keith maud_moody says, Keith: You win. hermitchick says, ugh! mrs_snape pukes keithfras says, Remember, this is nightmare cast. catlady_de_los_angeles says, McG is 50 but wizarding folk age slower than Muggle. I think less than half the speed .... Dumbledore at age 100 still had auburn hair, most men I know have noticeably gray at 50 mrs_snape says, Keith, what a nightmare selah_1977 says, LOL, Rebecca. And Marian's "ROBIN!" keithfras says, McG is 7. keithfras says, "Do you mind?" maud_moody says, "Do you MIND? We're married!" george_weasleys_girlfriend says, LMAO @ Keith catlady_de_los_angeles says, One gorgeous creature I used to work with had beautiful pure silver hair before he was 50 maud_moody high-fives Keith mrs_snape says, Marian rocks... mecki987 is away (Auto-Away) twilightswirl says, I'm sorry you're so revolved, mrs. snape keithfras says, I meant 70, sorry. selah_1977 says, I love the Robin Hood legends... maud_moody says, Mary-Elizabeth Mastrantonio as Hermione! keithfras says, My 0 key is playing up. mecki987 is back. selah_1977 says, Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen as Hermione! maud_moody says, Ebony: Have you seen the Patrick Bergin ROBIN HOOD? That one was *much* better. mrs_snape says, Rebecca, that's what I've been saying for weeks now maud_moody says, Ebony: You win. selah_1977 says, No, I haven't... hermitchick says, my whole keyboard is Fed up twilightswirl says, selah, that's pretty damn good! maud_moody says, She's too old, though, Dinah. *sigh* selah_1977 says, LOL! ::bows:: samanthak223 enters keithfras says, Jim Carrey catorman says, Yes - with the added bonus of no Bryan Adams anthem twilightswirl says, HOrrid casting! mrs_snape says, As grown-up Hermione maud_moody says, Dumbledore! selah_1977 says, Who as grown-up Hermione? samanthak223 says, wahoo! babys finaly asleep so I'm back twilightswirl says, for some odd reason, I could see Jim Carrey as Lockhart mrs_snape has way too many BA CD's - about 27 to be exact catorman says, Jim Carrey as anyone maud_moody says, Ethan Hawke as Harry. anglinsbees says, G'nite- must run- Sorry1 Must work tonight! catlady_de_los_angeles says, by by Ellen Your buddy heiditandy is in chat heiditandy enters selah_1977 says, Bye, Ellen! heiditandy says, hi all! anglinsbees leaves catorman says, Are there 27 BA cds? keithfras says, Gwyneth Paltrow as Fleur Delacour hermitchick says, bye samanthak223 says, hi heidi slytherin_daughter says, Is it just me, or are all of the children actors that were (really) cast in the film look *frail*? selah_1977 says, Hey, Heidi... maud_moody says, Prefab Sprout, Heidi! I love you! catlady_de_los_angeles says, Hi Heidi!!! keithfras says, Hi-di-ho, Heidi! keithfras says, Sorry. mecki987 says, hi Heidi!! twilightswirl says, gosh keith, you're really good at this! hermitchick says, ]frail? mrs_snape says, Hi heidi! selah_1977 says, I dunno, they look like typical British kids to me. samanthak223 says, hi Eb heiditandy says, you're one of 3 people I know who's ever heard of them! selah_1977 says, Perfectly OK. maud_moody says, Eb: I thought the same thing. slytherin_daughter says, really small-boned, or something... heiditandy says, I couldn't *not* have Draco moving the river, bucket by spoon, could I? maud_moody says, I *love* PS. maud_moody sings "Appetite" samanthak223 says, hi Simon samanthak223 says, hi every1 keithfras says, Adam Sandler as anyone catorman says, OK Prefab Sprout - love them selah_1977 says, I just finished Book One last night--I love it! heiditandy says, Do you have the new collection? maud_moody says, Aztec Camera, anyone? keithfras says, Welcome back, Samantha. mecki987 says, Okay!! the kids will kill each other if I don't interfere!! So, bye for tonight!! twilightswirl says, Book One of what? hermitchick says, book one of what? keithfras says, "I'm not frail! I'm small boned!" samanthak223 says, hi Keith heiditandy says, a theme song for Draco Sinister is Mattress of Wire selah_1977 says, Harry Potter. catlady_de_los_angeles says, by by Mecki catorman says, Yes! Somewhere in your Heart! samanthak223 says, lol catorman says, Night, Mecki twilightswirl says, have you read the rest of the series selah? heiditandy says, ah, british hits of 1987. maud_moody grins incandescently at Heidi, who has exquisite taste in music mrs_snape says, bye selah_1977 says, Um... yes? mecki987 is away (Auto-Away) hermitchick is lost already catlady_de_los_angeles says, Oh, I live Hermitchick's Avatar that I just noticed selah_1977 says, This is, what, re-read #35? maud_moody says, And you too, Catherine. twilightswirl says, oh, ok keithfras says, Is Cass going to be in this evening? george_weasleys_girlfriend says, I'd rather have the HP coundtrack be completely and totally instrumental. hermitchick says, lady une? samanthak223 says, so whats happened since I was here? catorman leaves maud_moody says, The Adventures? twilightswirl says, keithfras says, Not a lot, Samantha. samanthak223 says, Jana!!! huggles!! samanthak223 says, okay lol mrs_snape goochie, goochie, ya, ya szaaa, szaaaaaa catlady_de_los_angeles says, mantha, they just did Nightmare casting for the HP movie samanthak223 says, ok samanthak223 says, lol george_weasleys_girlfriend says, *hugs Samantha, not entirely sure why* maud_moody says, Big Country? twilightswirl says, and keith deserves a prize for his casting suggestions heiditandy says, drowining in the sea of love... hermitchick says, I haven't killed or driven anyone nuts yet today samanthak223 says, must you have a reson Jana george_weasleys_girlfriend says, I... guess... not... samanthak223 says, lol catorman enters catlady_de_los_angeles says, Persphone is being a perfect saint of cheefulness and friendliness € owlfriend_of_hedwig says, Hello samanthak223 says, Carole? no Caole yet? keithfras says, Actually, Kate, you haven't complained much at all. Are you feeling all right? catlady_de_los_angeles says, Did something good happen, Persephone? samanthak223 says, hi Simon keithfras promises to diss self less maud_moody says, David Sylvian? hermitchick says, yup, that me. mrs_snape schnoogles Rita and hopes she isn't mad at her george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Good Keith. ::pats Keith:: selah_1977 says, Dinah: yuck. I can't *stand* the Lady Marmalade remake. I'm so glad Darice poked fun of it. george_weasleys_girlfriend says, *pats Keith* keithfras says, Is Cassie going to be in at all, Heidi? george_weasleys_girlfriend says, *schnoogles, glomps and gloggles Keith* maud_moody says, Lloyd Cole? selah_1977 says, Hmm... where is Carole? maud_moody says, What is a "gloggle"? keithfras says, gloggles? catorman says, Lost Weekend? twilightswirl says,'s really bad casting for PoA and GoF......Jennifer Tilly as Professor Trelawney selah_1977 says, OOH! slytherin_daughter says, gloggles were recently invented hermitchick says, Hmm... maybe I should be mean or bother someone. Who need their ego mailed? samanthak223 says, she's online selah_1977 says, New Term of Affection! samanthak223 says, lol catlady_de_los_angeles smiles at Dinah catorman says, Who is Jennifer Tilly? keithfras says, Did anyone see the GtVS6 cookie on HP_FanFiction? maud_moody sings "Jennifer in Blue" mrs_snape says, I twizzled Jamieson last week selah_1977 says, From Dirty Dancing, right? keithfras says, No-one commented on it. At all. heiditandy says, I don't know if cassie's coming. samanthak223 says, *covers ears* catlady_de_los_angeles says, Keith, yes, that was with the word schnoogle, as you mentioend last chat mrs_snape says, I decided "to twizzle" means to grab someone and spoin them round, and round, and round in a dizzy-dance catorman says, Thats someone else isn't it? maud_moody says, Ebony: No, that's Jennifer Grey. keithfras says, Ah, you did see it. selah_1977 says, Keith--don't feel bad. I get ignored too sometimes. heiditandy has been mostly offline for the past few weeks, due to a series of insanities. catlady_de_los_angeles says, I apologize for not commetning. No one ever comments on what I post on HPff either twilightswirl says, no, Jennifer Grey was in Dirty Dancing.... maud_moody says, Rita: Not true! I did... twilightswirl says, Jennifer Tilly was in Bound keithfras says, No one comments on anything on HPFF anymore. It used to be a lot more fun. hermitchick says, did you ever post part 3 of your fic? selah_1977 says, Dirty Dancing=Another Event Before My Time. ;-) mrs_snape says, But i liked your D/D post - just couldn't contribute anything brainy keithfras sighs fondly, remembering the halcyon days of insane round robins keithfras has seen Dirty Dancing on TV catlady_de_los_angeles grovels to RJ. Says, should I just explain that MY Dracojld ivel maud_moody says, Never saw Dirty Dancing mrs_snape says, We should do a "Summer, Ice-cream and barbecue parties" RR heiditandy recommends Dirty Dancing, for cheeziness points hermitchick says, Can I tortur Keith, or will he snap? catorman says, I remember DD coming out at the cinema, and everyone had DD parties. selah_1977 says, Since Jana's now ignoring it, I think it's time to head out to my local Meijer's and get some groceries in the house. samanthak223 says, okay Caroles not on, Randy is and I just toaly imbarased myself mrs_snape says, He'll snap your backbone in half catlady_de_los_angeles says, in re RJ pic of Maud, should I mention that MY Draco has LONG hair keithfras says, All the new people on HPFF wouldn't understand what was going on. mrs_snape says, He's also cruel to fishes maud_moody says, Rita: Ah, that explains it. Does he wear lipstick too? hermitchick says, The DD movie sucked keithfras says, Please don't, Kate. I'm trying to be happy this evening. heiditandy says, oh, that sounds great! would love some way to round robin an inclusion of Grease or other Summer Movies into HP... mrs_snape says, Keith, who cares..... or.... samanthak223 says, lol twilightswirl says, is everyone in here like dreading the upcoming film.....or happy that it is receiving such detailed attention in terms of the academy award resume types that are working on it catlady_de_los_angeles says, or admit at that first I thought the back hair was a cloak?? keithfras says, Which movie? mrs_snape says, Keith - we should open a new list, HP_RR, just for RoundRobins! maud_moody says, Simon? keithfras thinks Dinah has a good idea there € owlfriend_of_hedwig says, yep samanthak223 says, has no clue whats going on selah_1977 is dreading the film. catorman says, Oh dear, what are Round Robins?! mecki987 leaves heiditandy says, I have to get going, guys, will be back later. maud_moody says, Just wondered if you were still there. Read PR 6 yet? hermitchick says, now that would be scary mrs_snape says, Bye Heidi! keithfras says, I just hope it doesn't get over-hyped. Same with Lord of the Rings catlady_de_los_angeles says, RJ, I've seen so much fanfic with the anime style of all men looking feminine that I didn't even connectt red lips to lipstick slytherin_daughter fears that the film will bite samanthak223 says, okay bye hedi slytherin_daughter says, Bye, Heidi! samanthak223 says, Heidi* € owlfriend_of_hedwig says, yep - but I think I have failed to review keithfras says, Stories where we take turns to write chapters, Catherine. mrs_snape says, Can't wait for the PS movie cuzz AR's in it maud_moody says, Red lips remind me of Zoltar from "Battle of the Planets". catorman says, I'm dreading the filma as wel, but know I won't be able to resist it. heiditandy leaves Your buddy heiditandy leaves chat maud_moody says, But then, he WAS a woman, sort of. catorman says, Thanks Keith. keithfras says, They usually degenerated into complete madness, but it was great fun. selah_1977 says, Waah! maud_moody will reserve judgment on the film until she's seen it samanthak223 says, it's okay Ebbie~webbie lol mrs_snape says, Taps Keith on the shoulder and reminds him of the Secret Secluded Sex Rooms twilightswirl says, respects maud_moody's approach tremendously maud_moody says, Simon -- OK, was just wondering. catorman says, Is anyone deciding not to go and see it? samanthak223 says, I don't think it should be a film selah_1977 says, The trailer made me feel a little better. At least they got Harry right. keithfras says, Who remembers Harry Potter and the Valentine's Ball, featuring the Time of Madness and the Secret Secluded Sex rooms? slytherin_daughter will probably sit in fron of the movie theater for hours to be the first one in keithfras nods at Dinah catlady_de_los_angeles says, I remember, and I didn't even write in it slytherin_daughter *front samanthak223 says, lol! twilightswirl says, Keith you are such a riot! maud_moody says, And Snape, Ebony, don't forget! mrs_snape says, What fun we had, what madness we produced!!! catlady_de_los_angeles says, we should do that again keithfras sighs nostalgically € owlfriend_of_hedwig says, has been down a lot recently so I have struggled to read and review a lot of stuff hermitchick says, I hope dad doen't decide to come home early, I'm still intruble for getting in a fight with some chick with snake eye contacts yesterday keithfras says, How about a Midsummer round robin? maud_moody says, Yes, that's true. selah_1977 says, Yeah, they got Snape right. ;-) maud_moody says, Wasn't that a Shakespeare play? samanthak223 says, is starting to annoy me, there awlays down! mrs_snape says, The annual HP Beach wear RR - we did have them on some beach at the end of the Valentine RR, good place to start catlady_de_los_angeles says, RJ, do you read Korean, does your browser have a Korean font? hermitchick says, comes in and out samanthak223 says, yeah keithfras says, Are there any pagan rituals based round Midsummer? maud_moody says, Rita: No, I was just very very persistent. And I ran some of the pages through . € owlfriend_of_hedwig says, get rid of sevvie from teh profile pic! mrs_snape says, Midsummernight's Dream, Rebecca maud_moody says, Why, Simon? catlady_de_los_angeles says, Simon, NO! catorman says, What's the summer solstice selah_1977 says, Oh, NO! Do *not* put the characters in beachwear! *runs away screaming* maud_moody says, Was a joke, Dinah. samanthak223 says, I'm disturbngly confued mrs_snape says, Sure there are, Keith... they vary, though catlady_de_los_angeles says, Midsummer's Day /NIght is based on SUmmer Solstice € owlfriend_of_hedwig says, cos he does not fit! keithfras says, Yes, me, Sinead, Seamus, Madeline, Harry and Hermione were in Slytherin's Beach SSSR at the end. maud_moody says, Why not? catorman says, Harry would be too embarrassed to wear beach wear. maud_moody says, Not cute enough? mrs_snape says, But there's a fire involved george_weasleys_girlfriend says, I'd like to see George in beach wear. samanthak223 says, lol maud_moody says, Hey, maybe Snape's *swim trunks* have little cauldrons on them. catorman says, No, he is cute enough, just doesn't think he is maud_moody says, Didn't think of that... samanthak223 says, ur putting clothing on him now JanaH selah_1977 says, Catherine--cannot see Harry in beach wear, either. keithfras says, If I remember rightly, Sinead and I were snuggling on a beach towel eating an ice cream at some point keithfras says, Bit like me really, Catherine. slytherin_daughter says, I'd like to see Draco get really sun burned catlady_de_los_angeles says, some places have bonfires for Midsummer night (like 4 of July fireworks) but not far North places that don't get dark enough at that time of year selah_1977 says, Or Ron. Or Hermione. mrs_snape says, Yeppers... catorman says, Ahhhhh! catorman says, Eb, you are right. They're too young. selah_1977 says, Draco would strut around in it. (Yes, canon!Draco.) He's that arrogant. hermitchick says, I'm scared keithfras says, Why, Kate? samanthak223 says, ergh. I can't stand Ron and Hermione is too bookish mrs_snape says, Even we have a bonfire - it's mighty fun. Last year most of the village was crowded around it, singing songs catorman says, Like the leather trousers. catlady_de_los_angeles says, I don't think Harry is so concerned with his looks that he would miss out on swimming just because of earing swim trunks maud_moody says, I don't know if Canon!Draco is actually arrogant about his *looks*... keithfras thinks Hermione is cool hermitchick says, I always am keithfras says, Oh, right selah_1977 says, No, he's just arrogant about his very existence on the planet. maud_moody says, I think Harry would look fine in swim trunks. I mean fine as in OK, not fine as in "FINE". Connection error #10054; The connection is reset by remote side Connected! Sending login information... You see here: mrs_snape, maud_moody, selah_1977, keithfras, twilightswirl, hermitchick, jamesf991, samanthak223, owlfriend_of_hedwig, slytherin_daughter, catlady_de_los_angeles, catorman, george_weasleys_girlfriend keithfras says, I think Ebony's BillGates!Draco is cool samanthak223 says, oic maud_moody is still trying to figure out why Simon thinks Snape doesn't belong in her profile pic selah_1977 says, I must admit, much as I love Barb, 15-year old Hermione in a bikini is a stretch. Most 14 year old girls wouldn't strut around in a two-piece. keithfras says, As in a cool character idea. hermitchick says, I hate the beach, damn sun light keithfras looks strangely at Ebony george_weasleys_girlfriend says, LOL @ Eb! selah_1977 says, Thanks, Keith! maud_moody says, Sexy!Hermione is just... unreal. samanthak223 says, I did keithfras says, Don't be so sure of that, Eb. catlady_de_los_angeles says, SOmeone please be a darling and send me the transcript I missed, from He'jst just arrogant about his very existen on ceht planet george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Most 12 year olds strut around in half-shirts. hermitchick says, around here they do, 12 year-olds too samanthak223 says, I had a bakki or whatever samanthak223 says, also did that catlady_de_los_angeles says, to I Think Ebony's BillGates!Draco is cool catorman says, I equate Hermione with what I was like at that age, and the bikini would have been out of the question. selah_1977 says, It is a stretch! I can't even see 28-year old Hermione in a bikini. maud_moody says, Yes, exactly. Hermione is not that kind of girl. selah_1977 says, That's just not *her*. samanthak223 says, probly a good thing Eb slytherin_daughter says, She's just not the type to flaunt her body maud_moody says, she wouldn't think so much of herself. keithfras says, As I was saying earlier, a lot of people make the characters sex gods as they get older. Ebony's Hermione is like that. maud_moody says, Ooh, them's fighting words... samanthak223 says, it's not flaunting keithfras says, I agree, 14yo Hermione certainly wouldn't do that. selah_1977 says, Oh, she's not a goddess. catlady_de_los_angeles says, Eb, I rember being 14, girls wore the smalled bikinis their mtoehrs would allow george_weasleys_girlfriend says, LMAO @ EB!!!! maud_moody says, No, but she is divinely beautiful. selah_1977 says, Media hype. keithfras says, So is Ron. I thought you said everyone was in love with her in their last years at Hogwarts? samanthak223 says, me? thanks I try catorman says, But that's California, isn't it? george_weasleys_girlfriend says, "by the end of seventh year, everyone wanted to be with Hermione" maud_moody says, *splutter* selah_1977 is sitting here in Detroit, giggling! keithfras says, Thanks, Jana. samanthak223 says, lol agent_starling_1999 enters selah_1977 says, Not everyone. Half the guys in the school. hermitchick says, I got intruble for wearing a turtleneck and a black leather anklelength coat to the summer festivle yesterday maud_moody says, You described her that way in the latest chapter... agent_starling_1999 says, Hi! keithfras says, Hi Starling! george_weasleys_girlfriend says, NP, Keith. Don't know if it's an exact quote. selah_1977 says, You ought to read carefully, Jana! george_weasleys_girlfriend says, HEY STARLING! george_weasleys_girlfriend :cjeers:: maud_moody says, Oh, only half? selah_1977 says, STARLING! george_weasleys_girlfriend says, *cheers catlady_de_los_angeles says, Hi, Starling! samanthak223 says, hi starling twilightswirl says, *is sitting here in Miami, puzzled* keithfras says, Why on EARTH was that a problem, Kate? agent_starling_1999 says, how are you, guys? keithfras thinks everyone in Kate's town is out to get her selah_1977 says, Hey, it's more plausible than you think. ;-) samanthak223 says, schnoogles Starling hermitchick says, it was 90 degrees out or something and I was embarissing my sister agent_starling_1999 says, what are we discussing today? keithfras says, Hey Starling, loved the Teenage Witches' latest offering! george_weasleys_girlfriend says, I'm doin' good. How about you? catlady_de_los_angeles says, SOmeone please be a darling and send me the transcript I missed, from He'jst just arrogant about his very existen on ceht planet selah_1977 says, And Ron's actually more comparatively handsome. keithfras says, How were you embarassing her? catlady_de_los_angeles says, to I Think Ebony's BillGates!Draco is cool maud_moody says, Ooh ooh ooh! I got a Caius filk dedicated to me! Made my day! selah_1977 says, Sexy!Ron... samanthak223 says, Ron's a loser hermitchick says, I think everyone just hates me samanthak223 says, a gelous loser selah_1977 says, Ron is not a loser! agent_starling_1999 says, *raises an eyebrow* There was a latest ofering? Due to my little to no computer time I almost left the club... samanthak223 says, I don't hate you whoever u r george_weasleys_girlfriend says, *ties up Samantha and puts her in a closet* slytherin_daughter says, I love Ron! catorman says, D'you think so, Eb? I have to say, Ron isn't my favourite character... samanthak223 says, y? keithfras says, I don't hate you Kate, and I don't think everyone else here does hermitchick says, that always goo to know catorman says, I think he was very weak in GoF. catorman says, but I don't think he's a loser. selah_1977 says, I'm being facetious, Catherine. I don't hate him. And yes, he was annoying in GoF. samanthak223 says, Jana y am I tyed up? keithfras says, He's insecure. It's a character trait. selah_1977 says, But he needs to be loved. hermitchick says, people just don't appriciate the colour black arount here george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Because you called Ronnie a jealous loser. mrs_snape says, lol agent_starling_1999 says, I loved Ron in GoF... I think that makes him more human and less of a typical sidekick keithfras thinks black is cool samanthak223 says, he is george_weasleys_girlfriend says, He's jealous, yes, but not a loser. selah_1977 says, Hermione will be his salvation, of course. :smirk: catlady_de_los_angeles says, RJ, I am NOT patient enough to struggle with putting this Korean text thru babelfish, will you please just give me the URL for th emaking avatars part o f it? mrs_snape says, Black as in Sirius Black??? samanthak223 says, okay fine samanthak223 says, I love Sirius too keithfras is thinking of cultivating a vampire look next autumn maud_moody says, I never thought Ron was annoying in GoF -- I thought Harry was just as bad. catorman says, He does need to be loved. I just wish that he'd GROW UP! hermitchick says, huh? maud_moody says, Rita: I can't. You have to sign up and log on before it will let you. keithfras says, Harry and Ron were acting their age. agent_starling_1999 says, well, he is 14! selah_1977 says, Harry was tremendous in GoF. Although almost too good to be true. agent_starling_1999 says, Well, Harry is Harry samanthak223 says, yeah maud_moody says, But you can put the URL into babelfish and it translates the whole page. hermitchick says, too damn mary suish george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Got your scanner fixed, Starling? agent_starling_1999 says, it´s unfair to compare him to Ron catorman says, I thought any bad behaviour on the part of Harry could be put down to extenuating circs. keithfras says, Starling, when is the Teenage Witches' next fic going to be out? mrs_snape says, ;thinks that though the Avts look cute Rebecca is definitely crazy for going to all that trouble# samanthak223 says, kinna 1 dimernal agent_starling_1999 says, I did actually, two days ago george_weasleys_girlfriend says, YAY! twilightswirl says, Keith, where are you again? selah_1977 says, Keith--I could have made the characters all plain-faced, but where was the fun in that? I'm doing Lifestyles of the Rich and Issue-Laden, not real canon. ;-) keithfras says, Who's Mary Sue-ish? maud_moody says, But once I got there it was so much FUN... hermitchick says, harry catorman says, such as knowing someone wants to kill him and having to compete, and being thwarted in love, and having to deal with Rita Skeeter... samanthak223 says, damn. baby's crying, I'll brb keithfras says, Good point, Ebony. And I guess it is being seen from someone else's POV. maud_moody says, It's all Earthwalk's fault, she had the site listed in her profile and her Avatar was so cute I just had to try making one for myself... george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Dontcha hate technical difficulties? agent_starling_1999 says, sadly I´ve been going though a very non-creative period of my life *sigh* In short, I can´t draw selah_1977 says, Um, Ron is the only one comparing himself to Harry. george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Sure you can! selah_1977 says, WHAT? george_weasleys_girlfriend :cries:: keithfras says, Who is he a Mary Sue of, Kate? selah_1977 says, Noo... catlady_de_los_angeles says, I don't so much want to MAKe an avatar as to see how it is done -- does it start with a head with no face and then you add featuers? mrs_snape says, Bwahahaaaaa agent_starling_1999 says, no, I can´t hermitchick says, HARRY george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Feel uninspired? agent_starling_1999 says, don´t suffer, I will pass.. it happens maud_moody says, Yes. You start with the face, then you add the top hair, then the back hair, then the eyes, nose, mouth and body. samanthak223 says, okay back hermitchick says, is is too damn perfect samanthak223 says, draw me starling, please? selah_1977 says, Rebecca, I love your Snape drawing! maud_moody says, There are a lot of choices for each one, so you can personalize it. agent_starling_1999 says, It hasn´t happened for about a year though, I was starting to hope it would never happen again maud_moody says, Ebony: Thanks! keithfras says, I don't think Harry's too perfect at all. catorman says, Harry's not perfect! selah_1977 says, Harry is not perfect. samanthak223 says, I think he is maud_moody says, I had to tweak it a little in Paint Shop Pro, but I'm quite pleased with it now... catorman says, Why? samanthak223 says, no1 is that good george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Just don't know what to draw, Starling? agent_starling_1999 says, oh, not at all maud_moody says, Maud is a little too pretty though, but I was too lazy to tinker with her. keithfras says, He's not a perfect student, he's unnecessarily stubborn about Ron's jealousy, samanthak223 says, draw me starliong agent_starling_1999 says, I have a dozen drawings planned agent_starling_1999 says, problem is, I just can´t draw them george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Ooh, tell me about 'em! samanthak223 says, am I 1 of them? maud_moody says, People keep telling me they've done illos for PR but nobody has a scanner so I never get to see them... *sigh* selah_1977 says, Harry's a bit jealous of Ron. I forgot where in canon I read this... until I read CoS this morning and it was specifically stated. agent_starling_1999 says, it´s dreadful really... the good thing is I can paint, so it´s not that bad keithfras says, That sounds like me and fics, Starling. catlady_de_los_angeles The HTML list of chatter aliases is to be found at: catlady_de_los_angeles catlady_de_los_angeles The list of chatter aliases is to be found at: catlady_de_los_angeles catorman leaves catlady_de_los_angeles This chat will be saved and posted on theYahoo Group : catlady_de_los_angeles hermitchick says, noone is a perfect student, you have to suck up to the teachers todo that. i just piss them off keithfras schnoogles Starling in an effort to make her muse come back out of jealousy agent_starling_1999 says, lol thanks Keith george_weasleys_girlfriend adds in the schnoogling samanthak223 says, me to selah_1977 says, Starling--you are tremendous! keithfras says, Really brilliant students like hermione anny teachers, kate. hermitchick says, Damn I miss my coats keithfras says, *annoy samanthak223 says, all around schnoogling maud_moody says, Am I the only one looking at the HP4GU message headers and thinking that "Snape's Secret" sounds like a really hideous kind of lingerie store? george_weasleys_girlfriend says, EWWY! keithfras says, LOL @ Rebecca samanthak223 says, lol!!!! selah_1977 says, Ugh! catorman enters catlady_de_los_angeles says, LOL@RJ samanthak223 says, and ew george_weasleys_girlfriend :scoops out eyes with broaches:: hermitchick says, I annoy teachers too, but i never study agent_starling_1999 says, awww Thank you all maud_moody says, Maybe THAT's where the boxers with little cauldrons come from... twilightswirl says, LOL@maud samanthak223 says, welcome maud_moody says, Everything is black, of course. samanthak223 says, and ew again hermitchick says, lol keithfras says, Do you get good grades in exams though, kate (sorry if I'm prying? selah_1977 says, I must say, that the idea of Lily/Snape is growing on me, though. catorman says, Right, the next time it kicks me out, I'm not reconnecting. It's getting v. annoying tonight. samanthak223 says, ew catlady_de_los_angeles says, Keith: depends on the teacher maud_moody : cries :: mrs_snape says, Ebony, nooooo!!!!!!!!!111 mrs_snape screams in Horror samanthak223 says, so wrong twilightswirl says, will snape be in a SHIP come the end of the series? selah_1977 says, Um... they don't have to be life partners? hermitchick says, I flucuate between 70%s and 100%, never much in the middle samanthak223 says, Lily/Sirius or Lily/James and thats it!!!! keithfras says, I hate studying as well - I do minimal work for everything. maud_moody is building a ship for Snape selah_1977 says, They WEREN'T life partners? mrs_snape says, Can I be on it??? catorman says, I have to say, I'm amazed - everything is very on topic tonight. selah_1977 says, Ew, no Lily/Sirius. catlady_de_los_angeles says, RJ is not the only one maud_moody says, It's a very *small* ship. twilightswirl says, lol mrs_snape says, Hey! samanthak223 says, thats in my fic Eb! hermitchick says, I'm lost samanthak223 says, gee thanks hunn maud_moody says, But Mad-Eye has the wheel. mrs_snape starts bawling hermitchick says, and now I'm scared mrs_snape says, Igittt keithfras says, Shall I kick off weird pairings? keithfras says, Wheel? george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Sure. selah_1977 says, There's enough potential drama in the current generation of students without MWPP all being in love with Lily. mrs_snape says, Blergh, that was uncalled for Rebecca. keithfras ? hermitchick says, if you want maud_moody says, Oh, no, stop, Dinah, okay, you can come on. As a stowaway. george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Go for it, Keith. maud_moody grins keithfras says, Oh, of the ship samanthak223 says, okay I need 1 more fanfic careter for SB? any volenters? mrs_snape says, Oh, thankyouverymuchdeary selah_1977 says, Weird pairing--->Draco/Ginny. keithfras rubs hands together george_weasleys_girlfriend :waves:: mrs_snape says, That's not weird maud_moody says, I just meant that it doesn't go anywhere unless he says so-- true, no? selah_1977 says, Weirder pairing... hermitchick says, that's stupid slytherin_daughter says, hear, hear, Eb catorman says, Pairing: Volemort/Nagini mrs_snape says, Keith/Draco; Ebony/Harry; that's weird twilightswirl says, oh selah that's just too strange samanthak223 says, you want it Jana? george_weasleys_girlfriend says, sure hermitchick says, Keith /Draco? keithfras waves fish threateningly at Dinah mrs_snape says, Rebecca/Lockhart selah_1977 says, Or Dinah/Hagrid. ;-) agent_starling_1999 says, ew... no Voldie/Nagini please *covers her eyes* george_weasleys_girlfriend says, What's SB, though? slytherin_daughter says, the weirdest of all --- Harry/Hermione maud_moody says, Okay, that IS weird. How rude! samanthak223 says, Samantha/Sirius george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Jana/George "It just makes sense." samanthak223 says, lol keithfras says, Ron/Fleur samanthak223 says, my fic smartie mrs_snape says, Oooh, thanks, Severus won't aloow it, sorry maud_moody says, Would you like George, Jana? I can work you in... selah_1977 says, Yeah--Harry/Hermione is weird! Ewwy! george_weasleys_girlfriend says, LOL I know, but what does it stand for. george_weasleys_girlfriend says, I would LOVE to have George! agent_starling_1999 says, LOL Hum... Starling/Draco? ... Monica Malfoy... I like the sound of it maud_moody thwacks Ebony with a wiffle bat twilightswirl says, how about weirder....Draco and Hermione samanthak223 says, Sirius Black george_weasleys_girlfriend says, *hopes around* Awesome!!! keithfras agrees with Starling selah_1977 says, LOL! Why, Rebecca? catorman says, I want Sirius Black samanthak223 says, lol george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Lockhart/Black catorman says, And Remus Lupin selah_1977 says, George/Angelina! samanthak223 says, brb george_weasleys_girlfriend says, NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! selah_1977 says, *ducks away from Jana!* keithfras says, Lockhart/Snape slytherin_daughter says, Lupin/Lily catorman says, Not necessarily together.... george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Perish the thought! catlady_de_los_angeles says, Rebecca, you should work Jana in so that readers will stop being sorry for George maud_moody says, "H/H is weird..." honestly. agent_starling_1999 says, Fred/George/Angelina! george_weasleys_girlfriend says, STARLING! maud_moody says, rita: Exactly. hermitchick says, Sirius/Remus/Snape keithfras chortles mrs_snape says, Kate, I want to participate george_weasleys_girlfriend :slaps Starling's non-drawing hand:: selah_1977 says, Hey, H/H *is* weird! agent_starling_1999 says, lol twilightswirl says, agent....HEY NOW! maud_moody says, H/H is too cute, if anything. keithfras says, I thought you subscribed to Farmer In The Dell, Ebony? selah_1977 says, I'm a R/H shipper! I even write R/H fanfiction! twilightswirl says, this menage a trois thing is getting a little weird here hermitchick says, foursome is a bit kinky, kinda maud_moody says, Ebony, stop trolling! samanthak223 says, back keithfras says, And threesome isn't, Kate? selah_1977 says, I'm not! catorman says, H/H is something I can only see post canon - when they're much older. agent_starling_1999 says, *snort* No one believes in that faery tale anymore, dear Eb slytherin_daughter says, No, Eb, the ATE list decided that you weren't a R/H shipper samanthak223 says, lol george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Okay, someone take this selah character out of chat and get our Eb back. hermitchick says, no, not really samanthak223 says, brb slytherin_daughter says, H/H is heniously perfect maud_moody is tempted to write an R/H just to see if she could make it work plausibly selah_1977 says, Why not? They can't say who's a shipper and who's not. catlady_de_los_angeles says, Draco/Draco mrs_snape says, It's really scary tonight keithfras says, H/H is kind of obvious...but that doesn't mean it can't happen george_weasleys_girlfriend says, LOL @ Dinah! twilightswirl says, lol @catlady maud_moody says, But I'm more likely to write a Remusfic first. selah_1977 says, Okay, lying's a sin. catorman says, Harry knows that Ron and Hermione are interested in one another. samanthak223 says, back!! damn baby selah_1977 says, I beg your forgiveness. hermitchick says, 2 dracos, or just draco by himself/ keithfras says, I managed to make Ebony like a Harry/Ginny fic, hehehe maud_moody says, And he doesn't care. Zigackly. catlady_de_los_angeles says, 2 Dracos keithfras says, And other people too. samanthak223 says, draco/samantha keithfras says, Draco/Mirror selah_1977 says, He doesn't care yet. samanthak223 says, lol maud_moody says, Draco/McGonagall samanthak223 says, ewwwwwww slytherin_daughter says, H/G is the only way to be maud_moody bows samanthak223 says, so wrong george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Pigwidgeon/Crookshanks hermitchick says, catlady: ohh, I like catorman says, Know, because he is obsessed with Cho twilightswirl says, Keith are you the class clown keithfras schnoogles Emily slytherin_daughter says, Hagrid/McGonagall maud_moody says, Jana: That is one DOOMED romance. selah_1977 says, Harry/Hedwig! george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Cho/Pigwidgeon catorman says, No, not know! samanthak223 says, lol mrs_snape says, Rita/Remus - that cruise of sensual desires still open??? keithfras says, No, I'm the class weirdo. george_weasleys_girlfriend says, LOL @ RJ. maud_moody says, Dennis Creevey/Pigwidgeon slytherin_daughter says, *schnoogles Keith* selah_1977 says, The "other" H/Hship... twilightswirl says, LMAO@Pig/Crookshanks george_weasleys_girlfriend says, LOL @ Eb samanthak223 says, now I'm just scared agent_starling_1999 says, I want Harry/Pansy, how come no one writes about that? keithfras looks around to see if Al is here catlady_de_los_angeles says, Cath, Hqrry is NOT obsessed with CHo, he hardly thinks of her except when forced to get a date for the Ball selah_1977 says, Although there are the Hagrid/? ships... samanthak223 says, Al? hermitchick says, the other h/h? catlady_de_los_angeles says, Dinah, Yes agent_starling_1999 says, I mean, we have lots of D/G fics... george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Parvati/Draco twilightswirl says, Al? maud_moody says, That's because it would be nauseating if we heard every chapter about how much Harry likes Cho. samanthak223 says, where? *looks around wildly* mrs_snape says, Good, glad to hear that keithfras says, Harry doesn't really know how he feels about Cho. It's a teenage thing. selah_1977 says, Because D/G would be too cute--if Draco gets over himself, that is. And if Lucius is dead. maud_moody says, Jana: Now THAT would be interesting... catorman says, Great. My stupid husband has just accidently told my father (on the phone) what I've bought him for his birthday. hermitchick says, it would be like school agent_starling_1999 says, good point catorman says, Idiot! twilightswirl says, *Al attains mythic like proportions since no one knows who he is* george_weasleys_girlfriend says, LOL Men, huh? Stupid people. slytherin_daughter says, If cannon goes H/H, D/G, I won't read it anymore george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Err... present cmopany excepted. samanthak223 says, where is he? selah_1977 says, Especially the way Starling draws Draco and Ginny... they are gorgeous together! keithfras says, Emily usually schnoogles Al, that's why I was checking. george_weasleys_girlfriend says, *company agent_starling_1999 says, aw *blushes* selah_1977 says, Canon won't go H/H and D/G. samanthak223 says, yes they r catlady_de_los_angeles says, Al says he can't go into chat while at uni keithfras says, I hope Cassie pairs Ron with someone... mrs_snape says, Al's on some studyinmg project... agent_starling_1999 says, canon is going R/H, and I like that idea hermitchick says, why? george_weasleys_girlfriend says, I'll read it no matter what pairing. I just want George to live til the end of book 7. selah_1977 says, JKR doesn't think the way we H/H and D/G shippers do. She's saner. catorman says, Yeah - he was here last week as he was home for the weekend. slytherin_daughter says, What, it'll go H/H, D/R? keithfras says, He's been kinda left out. samanthak223 says, Cass has to do Draco/Ginny! she must maud_moody says, Yes! George *and* Fred must both live. twilightswirl says, is this Al a Brit or a Yankee? selah_1977 says, Ron's not left out in canon. He's about to get the girl. samanthak223 says, Britt maud_moody says, It'll go nothing. hermitchick says, Harry/Draco! samanthak223 says, lol samanthak223 says, hell yes keithfras says, I'm not sure she will. I kinda liked the D/G scenes but I think Draco is the only one who benefits from it. maud_moody says, Ron & Hermione might date very casually a while, and then decide they're better off friends. selah_1977 says, Rebecca--ooh, I think I like your scenario best of all. catorman says, We do know who Al is! I met him 2 weeks ago! keithfras says, Al's a Brit. selah_1977 says, Be nice if all three find different people or no one. samanthak223 says, he's Al thats all u need keithfras says, That's what happened before Draco Dormiens, Rebecca. samanthak223 says, really? catlady_de_los_angeles says, his author name on ffnet is AL. very short author name catorman says, Al is from Kingston upon Thames (vaguely London) and is at Sussex University. maud_moody says, It'd actually be a bit unlikely, I think, if they all paired up neatly with people we already know. selah_1977 says, Yeah--Ron did date Hermione in the backstory. catorman says, He's very nice maud_moody says, that's right, I'd forgotten. keithfras says, Ebony, are you willing to give us ANY hints about what's going to happen next in TiP? samanthak223 says, ummm u guys y r we talking about al? selah_1977 says, I think it'd be very realistic. Someone ought to write a post-Hogwarts, no-ship fic. maud_moody slides under the table catorman says, I don't know. mrs_snape sniffles sadly in her handkerchief selah_1977 says, All three with outside people... twilightswirl says, everyone down here argued with me about that scene after the Yule Ball where Hermione storms up the steps after her verbal exchange with Ron... agent_starling_1999 says, thno-ship? But that would be so... boring... george_weasleys_girlfriend says, "What's In The Hogwarts Water?" a fic where all the classmates of the same class marry each other selah_1977 says, Keith: no. keithfras says, I can certainly see JKR leaving it open-ended twilightswirl says, they said that it didn't mean anything catlady_de_los_angeles says, Twilight, which side were you on? catorman says, Why swirly, what did you say selah_1977 says, The Yule Ball doesn't mean anything. samanthak223 says, ohmigod! who wants this kid because I'm gonna flip in one second keithfras jumps out at Ebony wearing a red robe maud_moody says, Post-Hogwarts is a real problem to write believably, IMO. The Post-Hogwarts fic I've seen so far has been too Muggleized -- the wizarding world is too much like a clone of ours, too sophisticated and doesn't have the same "feel" as JKR's universe. mrs_snape says, Sorry, personal moment - I just got the first summary of the first ep of the two-parter that marks the definite end of X:QP. And I am very, very sad about that :( george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Ask me, Keith! lol catorman says, Hey, you aren't swirly head spike are you? selah_1977 says, AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! mrs_snape os rapidly gpoing off topic here keithfras says, Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition! agent_starling_1999 says, don´t hear them, they are just H/H shippers... what do they know? maud_moody says, Our main weapons are fear and surprise. george_weasleys_girlfriend says, LOL @ Keith! keithfras says, Biggles! Fetch....the SOFT CUSHIONS! samanthak223 says, grrrrrrrrrr brb once again twilightswirl says, I say that Ron and Hermione really like each other, Hermione's more ready to admit to it...and it has become obvious to Harry what's going on maud_moody says, Tea will be served regularly until you confess! selah_1977 coughs. catorman says, That's what I thought as well keithfras tortures Ebony with the soft cushions and demands that she reveal the plot of TiP11 george_weasleys_girlfriend says, You're so subtle, Eb. maud_moody says, ...and nice red outfits. Wait, I'll come in again. george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Aw, I know, too. Torture me! I won't tell, but it'll be nice to be tortured. george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Masochistic, I know. selah_1977 says, Plot! What plot? george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Aw, I know, too. Torture me! I won't tell, but it'll be nice to be tortured. twilightswirl says, of course, Harry will be a gentleman and not interfere in the matter other than to support his friends catlady_de_los_angeles says, tiwlight, yes, but that doesn't mean Hermione and Ron won't get ove rit over summer holiday selah_1977 says, I don't have a plot. maud_moody says, No offense meant, Eb. catorman says, twilight - you haven't answered my question keithfras schnoogles Jana in the hopes of stealing the plot samanthak223 says, back selah_1977 says, The concept of plot is overrated. slytherin_daughter says, We all know that Ron and Herm will get back together and Harry & Draco will elope.... maud_moody says, PWP? twilightswirl says, what is your EXACT question again, catorman selah_1977 says, AH! EM! HUSH! agent_starling_1999 says, LOL I hope so... catorman says, are you swirlyhead (buffy fan - spike) maud_moody says, Oh, is she giving away your plot, Ebony? keithfras says, Plot is irrelevant. You will be assimilated. selah_1977 says, Yes! maud_moody grins hermitchick says, Harry and draco will elpoe? twilightswirl says, no catorman slytherin_daughter says, Oh, dear, I'm giving things away! selah_1977 says, Of course. samanthak223 says, my plot jumps everywhere and ther are more plot holes then a Teenage wich fic catorman says, Oh well, never mind. george_weasleys_girlfriend :giggles from Keith's schnoogles:: selah_1977 says, Can't you see the dramatic possibilities? keithfras gives up maud_moody says, Yeah, and in PR7 Snape and Mad-Eye elope, too. catlady_de_los_angeles says, Eb, what about Ginny? hermitchick is scared keithfras goes outside for a moment agent_starling_1999 says, more plot holes than in a TW fic? uh, scary.... selah_1977 says, A jilted Ginny weeping weeping at the altar... samanthak223 says, lol slytherin_daughter says, Ginny'll joing a convant george_weasleys_girlfriend says, LOL - but at least it's possible, RJ. keithfras returns to the room in his Jedi garb again mrs_snape says, They have a bonding moment, so to speak samanthak223 says, aw poor Ginny maud_moody says, Get thee too a nunnery, Ginny. slytherin_daughter says, *join maud_moody says, *to catlady_de_los_angeles says, Em, joining a convebt woyut lniterfere with her career in fashion publishing selah_1977 says, What, you actually thought Draco was going to MARRY her? (shakes head) samanthak223 says, ew, I could never be a nun maud_moody says, No, the glue is in PR5. catorman says, I hope that was a joke, Eb keithfras says, Naw, Ginny will become the Slayer and kick them all in. twilightswirl says, I don't think BOTH R/H and H/G will get together at the seems too fairy tale like keithfras says, Ooops, wrong fic catorman says, yes, Keith! catorman says, Yay Ginny! samanthak223 says, wahoo maud_moody says, Although maybe we could use the chocolate sauce instead of the glue... keithfras says, Ah, but perhaps it's MEANT to be fairy tale like. selah_1977 says, I bet you R/H and H/G does happen at the end of canon. samanthak223 says, I'm totaly lost selah_1977 says, The handwriting's on the wall. samanthak223 says, again selah_1977 cries! maud_moody says, Only in our minds. agent_starling_1999 says, R/H yes, but I am not too sure about H/G... samanthak223 says, really? keithfras says, Catherine, you read Ginny the Vampire Slayer? selah_1977 reaches for sickbags... maud_moody says, I'm more sure about H/G than R/H. agent_starling_1999 says, I mean, it will happen, I just don´t like the idea slytherin_daughter says, Why, Eb, just to spit you sane H/H shippers? maud_moody says, R may not survive. samanthak223 says, not nice Eb keithfras loves H/G, when it's well written catorman says, ENo - I keep meaning to. Where do I find it? slytherin_daughter says, *spite twilightswirl says, well, if JKR wants to pull a Shakespearean Comedy homage, they'll all get together maud_moody says, OBHWF! samanthak223 says, lol selah_1977 says, Just to spite us insane H/H shippers... she hates us and wants to torture us. maud_moody says, Hermione will marry Bill. keithfras says, Yeah - supposing JKR kills off one of the three, like Lori did? catlady_de_los_angeles says, I vote for OBHWF with Harry/Ron and Hermione/Ginny keithfras gets link agent_starling_1999 says, A Midsummer night´s dream at Hogwarts... I like the idea george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Perish the thought, RJ! maud_moody says, What, you prefer Charlie? george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Re: Ron not living. catorman says, I just can't understand what exactly Hermione sees in Ron, at the moment anyway hermitchick says, catlady: what? samanthak223 says, Hermoine will get killed off in the 7th book. I just no it maud_moody says, Oh. That. keithfras says, OBHWF = One Big happy Weasley Family selah_1977 says, Catherine--that's because she DOESN'T like Ron! catorman says, Yes! samanthak223 says, no1 does hermitchick says, oh keithfras says, Here we are: twilightswirl says, I don't think any of the big three will die...... keithfras says, catorman says, No way will Hermione get killed off selah_1977 says, No... Ron has a secret admirer. Watch. catorman says, Thanks Keith, will check out twilightswirl says, I say Hermione is head girl in Book 7 george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Me either. I hope no one in the trio dies. agent_starling_1999 says, Herm is NOT dying samanthak223 says, yes she will catlady_de_los_angeles says, Hermione is JKR, killin gher off would be suicide maud_moody says, She doesn't like him, but she wishes he'd invited her to the Yule Ball? That's odd... if I didn't like somebody I'd certainly not invite them to ask me out next time... selah_1977 says, Ron had better not die! catorman says, Who is Ron's secret admiror? keithfras says, All the chapters are there, together with Starling's pic of Ginny and a couple of suggested cast photos. maud_moody says, ...or chide them for not having done so, anyway. selah_1977 says, Ah. That's a red herring, Rebecca. maud_moody says, ah. That's wishful thinking, Ebony. catlady_de_los_angeles says, I like Ron, enought taht I feel sorry for him and want to help him fix up h is life, anyway keithfras says, What's all this about Ron's secret admirer? george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Detract your claws, ladies. selah_1977 says, I don't thinkn so. catorman says, Yeah, I know that. She has a crush. But don't we all have stange and unnaccountable crushes when that age? maud_moody says, No claws here: I don't care. samanthak223 says, brb catlady_de_los_angeles says, find someone to teach him to paly poker for money, george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Put down your wands... reallllllll slowly... catlady_de_los_angeles says, play guitar and harmonica maud_moody says, I don't think she has a crush. I think she is the only one of the Trio who has relationships figured out... twilightswirl says, LOL@George's GF keithfras says, Are people fighting? selah_1977 says, LOL, Rita! george_weasleys_girlfriend says, keithfras ignites lightsabre maud_moody says, ...and she knows that it's not a bad thing to date a friend. catorman leaves catorman enters keithfras says, Steps between everyone, ready to deflect curses selah_1977 says, I don't think Ron is ready, at the end of GoF, for Hermione. maud_moody says, Whereas the guys are still looking for somebody gorgeous (by whatever standard of gorgeous they have). catlady_de_los_angeles says, get Bill to dress him twilightswirl says, I know this is going to sound wild..... maud_moody says, Ebony: Agreed. george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Whether or not JKR represents it, I know the series will end George/me. catorman says, Hey, I got back quickly! selah_1977 says, LOL! maud_moody grins at Jana agent_starling_1999 says, I could disagree about that, but I´d rather keep my mouth shut and not talk about myb personal experience george_weasleys_girlfriend says, keithfras cheers George/Jana catlady_de_los_angeles says, go go Twilight selah_1977 says, What about Hermione/Percy? twilightswirl says, but I see a paralle with Luke and Leia/Han catorman says, I totally agree with Ebony. george_weasleys_girlfriend says, At least I never get any arguments for George/Jana. selah_1977 says, I could see that. agent_starling_1999 says, no Herm/Percy no chemistry at all maud_moody says, Ebony: Nah, too straight-laced. george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Against it, rather. twilightswirl says, and Harry and Hermione/Ron catorman says, I think that's why Hermione has an older boyfriend catlady_de_los_angeles says, Viktor agent_starling_1999 says, Percy needs someone wild for a girlfriend maud_moody says, Hermione/Viktor! george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Vicky! george_weasleys_girlfriend says, lol samanthak223 says, ew maud_moody says, I *like* Victor. slytherin_daughter says, post-Hogwarts Hermione/Lupin maud_moody says, Oops. Viktor. selah_1977 says, Catherine--I agree. Perhaps R/H sixth year or so. But not now. samanthak223 says, this is disturbing george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Percy/Lavander george_weasleys_girlfriend says, lol george_weasleys_girlfriend says, *Lavender rather catlady_de_los_angeles says, Penelope was wild enought atht they were kissing in the dungeons keithfras says, That's been said before I think, Twilight. It;'s not really obvious... maud_moody says, Percy/Susan Bones hermitchick says, this is always desterbing maud_moody says, Not that we know anything about her... george_weasleys_girlfriend says, No, Susan belongs to Neville. keithfras says, Percy/Fleur selah_1977 says, I like Viktor, too! maud_moody says, Oh, ok. catorman says, Quite. that's why I think anything serious should be post-canon. agent_starling_1999 says, lol twilightswirl says, I say Percy Weasley is dead in Book 7 samanthak223 says, Percy/Vicktor george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Cedric/Myrtle agent_starling_1999 says, Percy/Fleur? hermitchick says, Susan? catorman says, I like Viktor as well. maud_moody says, Dennis Creevey! I want to adopt him. slytherin_daughter says, Viktor/Ginny keithfras wonders what will happen if JKR ends the series with Hermione/Viktor, Harry/Cho selah_1977 says, I hope JKR doesn't have them teasing each other for three more books, though. maud_moody says, He's so cuuuuute. catorman says, I love the Creeveys. maud_moody says, LOL @ Keith catlady_de_los_angeles says, Keith, that would be cool keithfras frowns at Emily selah_1977 says, Hermione/Viktor, Harry/Cho wouldn't be so bad... what about Ron? george_weasleys_girlfriend says, LOL @ Keith maud_moody says, Colin is cannon fodder, though, I think. samanthak223 says, Percy/Keith lol catorman says, They are so excited, and enthusiastic... catlady_de_los_angeles says, but I am really afraid that JKR is going to Kill VIktor in book 5 keithfras growls at Percy/Keith catorman says, I don't want them to be cannon fodder. twilightswirl says, I think the H/V thing will continue...but not end hermitchick says, she would keithfras says, Anger is the dark side..... twilightswirl says, I mean.... catorman says, Mind you, I don't want anyone to be cannon fodder. twilightswirl says, not end up together forever maud_moody says, I wouldn't be surprised if we never see Viktor again. samanthak223 says, *arches eyebrow* growls? so u like that huh hermitchick says, yeah so? maud_moody says, Hear about him, yes; see, no. slytherin_daughter says, Harry is cannon fodder catorman says, The Creeveys less than most though - I don't know... george_weasleys_girlfriend says, I'd be surprised if Hermione's parents let her go to Bulgaria. catorman says, they're muggle parentage. keithfras says, I hope we do. I think he's a cool character, and it would be silly to leave things as they are. catorman says, Very innocent about the magical world. catlady_de_los_angeles The HTML list of chatter aliases is to be found at: catlady_de_los_angeles maud_moody suspects Mad-Eye isn't going to survive Vold War II catlady_de_los_angeles The list of chatter aliases is to be found at: catlady_de_los_angeles catlady_de_los_angeles This chat will be saved and posted on theYahoo Group : catlady_de_los_angeles mrs_snape yodels catorman says, It would just seem too harsh if they were cannon fodder selah_1977 says, Well, the Grangers are always taking vacations.... perhaps she went with her mom and dad. maud_moody says, And Cedric's death wasn't harsh? I LIKED Cedric. george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Me, too. samanthak223 says, me too agent_starling_1999 says, poor Cedric george_weasleys_girlfriend says, He was a neat guy. catlady_de_los_angeles says, I don't think Hermione's parents will let her go to Bulgaria this summer, but they'll tell her she can go next summer if she still wants to keithfras says, Poll of the girls: What would YOUR parents say if you were 14 and you said 'Hey mum, dad, can I go visit my 18 year old boyfriend in Bulgaria?' selah_1977 says, Yes, but I thought the death would be Ron. I must admit I was relieved Ron lived to fight another day. maud_moody says, "To Cedric." *raises glass* agent_starling_1999 says, LOL They would kill me george_weasleys_girlfriend says, "To Cedric" keithfras sympathises with Viktor for being shy samanthak223 says, well I have to go pick up kids so ttyl ppl twilightswirl agrees catorman says, I know. I loved Cedric too slytherin_daughter says, Herm is too smart to pharse it like that. samanthak223 says, bye guys hermitchick says, yes, beacuse he's a guy maud_moody says, Keith: Sure, if we come with you. :) mrs_snape says, Keith, I have honestly no idea catorman says, I can remember the exact moment when I read that. selah_1977 says, Hermione would tell them he's a friend. catlady_de_los_angeles says, Keith, tmy loathsome mother wouldn't even let me go to Toronto with my brother! selah_1977 says, Her parents know she has a good head on her shoulders. keithfras says, Rebecca: Huh? catorman says, I just couldn't believe the suddenness of it all. samanthak223 says, bye all keithfras says, Oh, right. maud_moody says, Actually, no, they'd say, "We cam twilightswirl says, if JKR wasn't too frightened of killing Cedric, get ready for one of the Weasleys to get it maud_moody says, Oops. "We can't afford to come with you, so I'm afraid you'll have to just keep writing." george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Me either. I was like, "No way. Stand up, Cedric. Ced? CEDRIC?!" keithfras says, LOL @ Jana catorman says, yes, but Cedric was peripheral compared to the Weasleys. george_weasleys_girlfriend says, George will not die. samanthak223 leaves george_weasleys_girlfriend says, George can not die. selah_1977 says, "Why do people have to grow up, and marry, and change?" Part of me wishes they could all stay 12 and 13 forever. george_weasleys_girlfriend says, I will not let George die. slytherin_daughter says, George will bite the dust twilightswirl says, I don't think it will be one of the twins, GF catorman says, yes. the "kill the spare " line and then "he was dead" hermitchick says, I hated being 12 keithfras says, What is that a quote from, Ebony? george_weasleys_girlfriend says, EM! selah_1977 says, And never date anybody. george_weasleys_girlfriend :runs off crying:: catorman says, Horrible maud_moody says, I don't think Cho and Cedric were seriously dating, I think they just went to the Yule Ball together, but she did regard him as a friend and thought something *might* happen in future. george_weasleys_girlfriend is away (Is inconsolable) keithfras says, I think that 'kill the spare' really reinforced how evil Voldemort is pippin_999 enters catlady_de_los_angeles says, Hi Pippin!! selah_1977 says, We know nothing of the dating and mating rituals of this milieu. agent_starling_1999 says, I hope Percy doesn´t die... pippin_999 says, hi maud_moody says, I'm the opposite. When I read books about kids I always wanted to read another book about when they all grew up and got married. I'm still wondering about what happened to Bran Davies from THE DARK IS RISING... george_weasleys_girlfriend :curls up under covers in bedroom and sobs for hours, inconsolable at Em's suggestion:: mrs_snape says, Hey pippin! agent_starling_1999 says, hi! selah_1977 says, We may never know. keithfras says, Rebecca - it says Harry got mad when he saw them holding hands in the corridors george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Hey Pippin! maud_moody says, Hi, Pippin! keithfras schnoogles poor Jana maud_moody says, Keith: Oh. Okay. maud_moody says, Was that before or after the Yule Ball? pippin_999 says, Hi all slytherin_daughter says, Percy is evil! keithfras soothes Jana with the Force catlady_de_los_angeles says, Eb, the one thing we DO KNOW is that lots of girls invited Harry to be their escort to the Yule Ball selah_1977 says, Rebecca--I only like reading about that when I agree with the pairings. ;-) george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Not even a Keith schnoogle - the most powerful of all schnoogles - can console Jana. keithfras says, After, Rebecca slytherin_daughter says, Keith: how lewd pippin_999 says, What are we tlaking about agent_starling_1999 says, no! *sobs* Not Percy... pippin_999 says, *talking keithfras says, Pippin! Mae govannen! george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Possible canon deaths. selah_1977 says, Hey, Pippin! selah_1977 says, And shipping. maud_moody says, Okay, but then it was a new relationship... it didn't have the chance to develop much. pippin_999 says, Hi Keith, Ebony etc keithfras grins at Emily slytherin_daughter says, I love Percy, but he's evil! catorman says, and endless shipping possibilities - again. maud_moody says, Hi Pippin. pippin_999 says, Hi Rebecca? maud_moody says, I find Percy dull, but he's a good straight man. maud_moody says, Yep. agent_starling_1999 says, I don´t think he would make a good villain... catorman says, I feel sorry for Percy keithfras says, Anyone think Neville might die heroically? maud_moody says, Who else, with a name like this? pippin_999 says, No, Percy isn't going to die, IMO selah_1977 says, The #1 thing that bothers me about a certain character is that I do see a capacity for meanness developing. keithfras says, I feel sorry for Percy too. catlady_de_los_angeles says, Which strongly suggests the possiblity that their culture doesn't think it's weird and unbecomeing for girls to invite boys rather than just waiting beside the phone catorman says, I don't want Neville to die, either. twilightswirl says, I don't think Neville will die heroically.... keithfras says, Which certain character, Ebony? george_weasleys_girlfriend is away (sobbing in room at Em's suggestion that George will... will... will... ::sobs::) twilightswirl says, but... selah_1977 says, Ooh, SS reminds me of just how much I love Neville! maud_moody says, *puts on dopey face* Hyuck... which character, Ebony? catorman says, Quick poll - who thinks he is the recipient of a memory charm? slytherin_daughter says, I've felt sorry for Percy since the dragon dung thing twilightswirl says, I think he will surprise everyone with acts of Heroism maud_moody says, George will live, Jana! I'll see to that. selah_1977 says, I really, really wanted him to be part of the group! maud_moody says, Not me. pippin_999 says, Could be, on the memory charm catorman says, So do I, Neville maud_moody says, (I mean not me on the memory charm.) george_weasleys_girlfriend is back. keithfras once again tries to cheer Jana up by channeling the Force into her mind catorman says, Ebony, I mean. george_weasleys_girlfriend :sniffles:: He... he's... he's gotta live. ::cries soem more:: catorman says, (Confused) selah_1977 says, Yeah--we haven't seen the best of Neville yet. Neville is on of the reasons why I can't sympathize with Snape. george_weasleys_girlfriend says, *some catorman says, I agree with you again Ebony. pippin_999 says, Snape will die (sobs), and wormtail george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Donde esta mi Simon? catorman says, That, and the "I see no difference" line. maud_moody says, I think Snape is disgusted with Neville because he believes that he is not worthy of his parents' legacy. agent_starling_1999 says, I will cry if Snape dies, that´s for sure george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Ooh, good theory, RJ. maud_moody says, He wants to push him into being braver and stronger. catorman says, That is no excuse. keithfras says, I don't think anyone will shed a tear for Wormtail - if they do, JKR will have done a good job george_weasleys_girlfriend :hugs Keith:: Thanks fro consolation. keithfras agrees with Catherine george_weasleys_girlfriend says, *for selah_1977 says, Oh, yeah, Catherine... even the Snapefans can't explain that one awya. selah_1977 says, away. twilightswirl says, Neville mirrors Harry too much in the loss of his parents....he "loses" his parents too.....too important...understanding Neville was an epiphany for Harry maud_moody says, No, it isn't. I'm not saying Snape is doing the RIGHT thing, I think he's going about it all wrong, but I don't think he's just being nasty to Neville for kicks. catorman says, I already feel sorry for Wormtail keithfras says, Forcing people to live up to and conform to their parents is bad selah_1977 says, Snape does get a perverse pleasure out of his power trip, I think. maud_moody says, Being a Snapefan doesn't mean you have to think everything he does is just ducky. pippin_999 says, Maybe Snape was having a bad day...on the tooth remark keithfras says, I agree, Twilight. agent_starling_1999 says, lol I loved and hated that remark... maud_moody says, I still think there's a cunning explanation for that somewhere. pippin_999 says, Not an excuse, but he's quasi-human catorman says, What, the teeth comment? maud_moody says, Yes. george_weasleys_girlfriend says, The teeth comment was terrible. pippin_999 says, you mean, like, he's a vampire? george_weasleys_girlfriend says, No, when he said "I see no difference" when Hermione's teeth were five tiems their regular size. keithfras says, For Snape, every day is a bad day. Hey, theory. Kate, are you related to Snape? Maybe he's a goth. catorman says, Pippin, this has been one of the funniest threads... maud_moody says, Yes, it was -- and excessive even for Snape. selah_1977 says, He just gives me the willies. I went back to canon this time with Snape in mind... he's still bothering. keithfras ducks catlady_de_los_angeles The HTML list of chatter aliases is to be found at: catlady_de_los_angeles maud_moody says, Of course, his remark DID spur Hermione to do something about her teeth... catlady_de_los_angeles The list of chatter aliases is to be found at: catlady_de_los_angeles catlady_de_los_angeles This chat will be saved and posted on theYahoo Group : catlady_de_los_angeles agent_starling_1999 says, poor Snapie... he is just missunderstood maud_moody says, ...which she'd always wanted to do anyway. pippin_999 says, He's just not a supportive person catorman says, Yes, but he wasn't to know that, was he? selah_1977 says, No, Draco's missed curse did that. catlady_de_los_angeles says, RJ, it wasn't Snape's remark, it was Draco's cures keithfras says, The list of chatters' social, emotional and mental problems can be found at twilightswirl says, lol pippin_999 says, He's annoyed with Draco, but takes it out on Hermione selah_1977 says, And how people can defend Snape and despise Draco is beyond me. pippin_999 says, Snape is on the right side, Ebony catorman says, I despise both of them catlady_de_los_angeles says, clearly Dinah wasn't listening, Eb slytherin_daughter says, Snape is more redeemable than Draco selah_1977 says, Snape is an adult. Draco is a kid. hermitchick says, back again, was someone insulting me while I was gone? agent_starling_1999 says, I love both of them mrs_snape says, What's with me? Sorry, I'm still mourning Xena catlady_de_los_angeles says, Yeah, Kate, Keith asked if you're related to SNape maud_moody says, Because Draco has never shown any sign of being anything other than a nasty little Death Eater in training, complete with bigotry... Snape has never attacked anyone for being a "Mudblood" or a "Muggle-lover". hermitchick says, is that a bad thing or a good thing? pippin_999 says, Snapes, just a baby for a vampire catorman says, Even though Snape is (supposedly) on the right side, he is still a very nasty person selah_1977 says, Draco's parroting what he hears at home. keithfras says, I have mixed feelings about the teeth-shortening thing...I guess it exposed the shallowness of the guys' attitudes. catorman says, Another JKR subtlety mrs_snape says, Oh, there was the offending comment. Snape has done something good. He is nasty, but not evil. Draco doesn#t know what it means to be good selah_1977 says, And re: Snape, with friends like that... maud_moody says, And he went over to Dumbledore's side "at great personal risk", so that Dumbledore can confidently say "he is now no more a Death Eater than I am"... doesn't that suggest something? Dumbledore trusts Snape absolutely... doesn't that suggest something? keithfras says, I meant it as a joke, Kate. catorman says, Why are the guys shallow? They don't even notice her teeth until much later... maud_moody says, I think we have not even touched the tip of the iceberg where Snape is concerned. twilightswirl says, how much evidence is there in the Canon that Snape treats Draco exceedingly well...I just think they stay out of each other's way hermitchick says, that's what you say now! pippin_999 says, Suggests Dumbledore is too trusting keithfras says, Whatever. maud_moody says, It's said in PS/SS that Snape seems to like Draco and praises his work in class. catlady_de_los_angeles says, As Harry told Hagrid, we aren't ersponsible for whom we're related to selah_1977 says, Yeah, Dumbledore's the only reason I even think about Snape. Otherwise, he'd be in the Voldemort-Lucius category with me. keithfras says, It's the truth, Kate. maud_moody says, I don't think Dumbledore is too trusting. I think he knows EXACTLY what he's doing. maud_moody says, And I think he loves Snape. Really. maud_moody says, Not in a squicky way, either. selah_1977 says, Dumbledore is going to misstep, though, before canon's end. pippin_999 says, I agree, Rebecca, but I can't resist a straight line hermitchick says, I have access to a paperclip and a rubberband you know agent_starling_1999 says, uck... that is taking me to a very bad mental place.... twilightswirl says, I think Dumbledore knows he's taking a risk that can go either way, but that he's fully aware of it maud_moody says, *starting to cry at the thought of Snape once Dumbledore dies* catorman says, He already has, Eb, with the MEM fiasco hermitchick says, I've read snape/dumbledore selah_1977 says, Right, twilight... I agree. keithfras says, The guys only noticed Hermione was a girl when she made herself look pretty...that's a bit shallow (if realistic pippin_999 says, Snape/Filch makes more sense, IMO selah_1977 says, Ron notices she's a girl. ;-) catorman says, Very true - Ron though, not Harry. agent_starling_1999 says, eeewww! agent_starling_1999 says, no Snape/Filch! hermitchick says, I like snape/filch pippin_999 says, Love is blind maud_moody says, I think Dumbledore has information about Snape that nobody else does. You don't say "no more a death eater than I am" without some VERY good reason. Otherwise why not just say, "He's not a Death Eater any more"? Something happened that makes Dumbledore trust Snape absolutely. Whatever Snape gave up to leave Voldemort, it was BIG. catorman says, harry's pov. He knows Hermione is a girl - he just doesn't care because he wants to take Cho to the ball catlady_de_los_angeles says, Eb, not until he said: "Hey, you're a girl!" and she said How Observant of YOu keithfras says, Filch/Peeves selah_1977 says, Well, GoF sunk my ship, so I'm just enjoying the ride. ;-) maud_moody says, Bitter at all, Ebony? selah_1977 says, Yeah, Rita--but from then on, I bet you he thinks of her as a girl. catorman says, It is Ron who is stupid about it "Neville's right, Hermione, you're a girl." What a "git" selah_1977 says, Nah. Life's too short... and there's always fanfic. catlady_de_los_angeles says, Yes, but it was after she got her teeth fixed hermitchick says, keith you think it hurts to be castrated? keithfras says, I don't think Harry/Hermione is utterly impossible, at the moment pippin_999 says, I was reading about chivalric romances...the first eligible girl the hero sees is The One selah_1977 says, Catherine--I agree with you. maud_moody says, Ow, is THAT what Snape gave up? ... Sorry. keithfras says, Not if you're under anaesthetic, Kate agent_starling_1999 says, uh, guys, as fun as this is, I gotta go... homework time pippin_999 says, That means it's Ginny, has to be (sorry) agent_starling_1999 says, see ya! pippin_999 says, Bye keithfras is upset because he ticked Kate off AGAIN selah_1977 says, Starling! Bye! hermitchick says, I meant w/o pain killers george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Bye bye! george_weasleys_girlfriend :waves sadly:: keithfras says, Bye Starling. may the Force be with you catlady_de_los_angeles says, by by Starling catorman says, I felt so sorry for Hermione then. I was so pleased when I realised that she had the most sought-after date in the school. agent_starling_1999 leaves keithfras says, I imagine it would be exceedingly painful, Kate. selah_1977 says, Sure, it's going to be the Two Sidekicks (Ron and Hermione) and the Hero with the Damsel in Distress (Harry and Ginny) at canon's end. hermitchick says, want to find out firsthand? selah_1977 says, We've established this. keithfras says, Kate, I was J-O-K-I-N-G. I'm sorry. maud_moody says, Jana -- thanks for the review. George is really not crushed, honestly. He was just being nice. catorman says, Kate that isn't nice. catlady_de_los_angeles says, What have we established, and what ship id GoF sink? keithfras says, h/H hermitchick says, ok, I'll be nice... well, as nice as I ever get slytherin_daughter throws things at Ebony selah_1977 says, Why, Em? keithfras apologises humbly to kate selah_1977 blinks. catorman leaves hermitchick says, I'm being pissy yoday arn't I? george_weasleys_girlfriend says, George is so delicate. ::shakes ehad:: He's sad. maud_moody says, You don't even have to console him, Jana -- although you can if you want. catlady_de_los_angeles says, RJ, George is way perceptive about Maudie, including the '10 Galleons' remark keithfras says, Oo-er. george_weasleys_girlfriend says, I'd love to. slytherin_daughter says, Arrrgh. You sound so damn sarcastic about it. There's no point in saying that when you sorely disagree maud_moody says, Yup. He's a sharp one... pippin_999 says, I like George catlady_de_los_angeles says, I don't really believe in school boys being that perceptive about someone they aren't in love (or something) with selah_1977 says, Freedom of speech, baby. I'm trying to get used to it. george_weasleys_girlfriend :eyes narrow:: How much, exactly, Pippin? selah_1977 says, The idea of OBHWF, I mean. keithfras says, Emily, who was that addressed too? slytherin_daughter says, to Eb maud_moody says, I think George keeps his eyes open in all kinds of ways. Also, Maud is hopelessly transparent, everybody says so. selah_1977 waves R/H pennant! catorman enters selah_1977 says, wb! pippin_999 says, Oh, Jana, not like that slytherin_daughter eyes Ebony suspiciously keithfras says, GtVS is OBHWF, Ebony - you liked it. Muwahahaha. mrs_snape thwaps Ebony george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Whew. mrs_snape says, Can't leave you alovne for a minute and you swap ships! mrs_snape says, Bad Girl selah_1977 says, "Ron, Ron, he's our wizard, if he can't do it, we're all pickled lizards..." pippin_999 says, No, Mauds the one who has to worry george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Yes, George is very observant. Did you read the George essay I wrote? catorman says, Thanks. Why is it only me tonight? What am I doing wrong? hermitchick says, maybe I should go befor I have a lynch mob out to torture me slowly and painfully... hey, that might be fun maud_moody grins at Ebony twilightswirl says, LOL@Selah slytherin_daughter says, LOL! george_weasleys_girlfriend says, LOL @ Eb! Pickled Lizards? keithfras says, You wrote an *essay* on George? george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Yeah. george_weasleys_girlfriend says, How he's the better twin. maud_moody says, Oh, it's a GREAT essay. It's at the Lexicon. selah_1977 says, She's George-obsessed. george_weasleys_girlfriend ucks from Eb:: keithfras says, We're not going to lynch you, Kate. selah_1977 says, It's in the Lexicon. george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Just a bit. maud_moody says, But it all makes sense. It's not just love-struck babbling, either. hermitchick says, that's what they all say george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Actually, I have a more complete version on my own site... lemme look for the link. catorman says, I read something you wrote on the main list... was that the one? george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Really? I thought it was babbling, RJ. selah_1977 says, No need to duck, hon. I have a good grip on reality. george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Yeah, but not the completed one. george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Ouch. lol maud_moody says, Well, it was babbling with a lot of hard canonical evidence behind it, then. twilightswirl says, about this comes a real mudsling toward you guys... george_weasleys_girlfriend says, LOL! twilightswirl says, sorry... maud_moody says, Yes... maud_moody says, ? keithfras raises lightsabre to deflect mud maud_moody says, "Contego!" twilightswirl says, but I have seen guys as clueless at 30 years of age as they were at 14 pippin_999 says, opens umbrella selah_1977 says, Puts on poncho. maud_moody says, Amen! slytherin_daughter hides behind sofa selah_1977 says, Whoo-hoo! george_weasleys_girlfriend says, maud_moody says, Which is why age is not the issue. Maturity is. catlady_de_los_angeles The HTML list of chatter aliases is to be found at: catlady_de_los_angeles keithfras says, That'd be me then, Twilight. catorman says, That is very true. george_weasleys_girlfriend says, catlady_de_los_angeles The list of chatter aliases is to be found at: catlady_de_los_angeles george_weasleys_girlfriend says, That's my Georeg essay. pippin_999 says, Only clueless at thirty? catlady_de_los_angeles This chat will be saved and posted on theYahoo Group : catlady_de_los_angeles george_weasleys_girlfriend says, *George hermitchick says, come to think of it, I'm not a very nice person am I? maud_moody says, And I think that in spite of being a trickster, George is very perceptive for his age. catorman says, My husband is 53 and he still behaves like a little boy at times. It is ingrained. maud_moody says, So is my brother. twilightswirl says, keith you said you were 18 catorman says, I shall read, Jana george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Very. You read the revised essay, RJ? selah_1977 says, Okay, I think it's time for me to leave the chat. george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Yay! catlady_de_los_angeles says, what;s the matter Eb?t george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Aw, c'mon, I was just kidding about the twin thing. keithfras says, And I'll still be the way I am now at 30, at present rate of progress. selah_1977 says, And even Jana cheers at this idea. catorman says, Oh, you're not are you Eb? pippin_999 says, Don slytherin_daughter says, Oh, stay, Eb! george_weasleys_girlfriend says, And no, the "yay" was at Cator saying that she woudl read it. pippin_999 says, Don't go selah_1977 says, Yeah--just for a while... got to see to my car. ;-) george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Waiiiiiit. keithfras says, Dude, where's my car? george_weasleys_girlfriend says, C'mon, the yay wasn't for you leaving. pippin_999 says, waves wand to heal Ebony's car selah_1977 says, I'll be back in an hour or so... and hopefully, will be posting some TiP to the list... keithfras says, Bye Eb, may the Force be with you and your car. selah_1977 says, Bye, loves! george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Keith, that was so American it was cute. ::schnoogles Eb:: george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Like a cookie? selah_1977 leaves george_weasleys_girlfriend :Wants cookie:: keithfras says, It's the title of a movie, Jana. pippin_999 says, Bye! george_weasleys_girlfriend :schnoogles Keith:: hermitchick says, I think I'm going to disappear for awhile before someone wants me dead € owlfriend_of_hedwig says, not hungry - just had a snack maud_moody says, I'm just reading the essay now... twilightswirl says, it's ok for guys to act like boys....except for the clueless part george_weasleys_girlfriend says, I know. aA American movie. A terrible American movie. george_weasleys_girlfriend says, *An keithfras schnoogles Jana, but knows she really wants George € owlfriend_of_hedwig says, Clueless was on tele a few nights ago george_weasleys_girlfriend says, They're totally platonic schnoogles. maud_moody says, Unless you're a Time Lord, Jana, you only have one heart. keithfras says, What precisely do you mean by Clueless, Twilight? Trying to work out if I am or not. catorman says, Yes - election night! Watched it (again) hermitchick is away (be back at some point in time) george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Besides, the witch over in the corner has been giving me the evil eye since I started talking to you. slytherin_daughter thinks that Keith and Jana should get together keithfras says, Which witch in the corner? george_weasleys_girlfriend says, *points* The pretty one. twilightswirl says, A guy who doesn't "get" that a gal likes him until someone walks up to him and beats him over the head with it € owlfriend_of_hedwig says, so did I Cath - then watched some election stuff (was room sitting for a friend so I could watch some tele) catorman says, Actually, I really like that movie - very tongue in cheek bob_the_bouncy_bum enters € owlfriend_of_hedwig says, I liked it catlady_de_los_angeles says, wb wicky € owlfriend_of_hedwig says, seen it before maud_moody says, The essay reads a bit less goopy at the Lexicon, Jana. keithfras says, Oh, that sounds like me, Twilight. That's not necessarily cluelessness - more shyness/lack of confidence. maud_moody says, Prefers EMMA to CLUELESS bob_the_bouncy_bum says, hello again everybody! catorman says, Got bored with election stuff. The high point for me was seeing Jeremy Paxman asking William Hague why nobody liked me. catorman says, Him not me € owlfriend_of_hedwig says, not read Emma george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Nitpick is because "heart" doesn't agree with "readers'." twilightswirl says, well, I just SAW "clueless" in a 30 year old man WEEKS ago maud_moody says, Yes, but you still can't say "In my case, hearts". george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Fuck fuck fuck. maud_moody says, Uh-oh, now what? twilightswirl says, actually saw somebody WALK UP to him and beat him over the head with the knowledge € owlfriend_of_hedwig says, I watched until about midnight - then my friend returned (quite drunk) so I left and watched the results on teh internet while reading catorman says, Of course, I prefer Emma to Clueless as well, but the latter is fun keithfras says, Want to hear the story of how I got married in an RPG, Twilight? george_weasleys_girlfriend says, It's goopy and bad now that I've revised it. It was a fluke it was all right to begin with. catorman says, Jana! maud_moody says, Actually I've never seen CLUELESS. catorman says, What is wrong! george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Fuck. And I thought it was decent, too. Damn it. Gotta stop doing that. keithfras says, It was a bit like that. catorman says, Clueless is funny. pippin_999 says, I thought it was good, Jana, just read it maud_moody says, Jana, calm down! I was teasing. slytherin_daughter says, fuck? fuck what? maud_moody says, We all know you're goopy over George. twilightswirl says, geez the mood in here today, is it ALWAYS like this? maud_moody says, It's sweet. maud_moody says, no. maud_moody says, Usually only Dai and Em are bad-tempered. keithfras says, No, a lot of people seem to be in a bad mood today. george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Goopy is not good for canon-evidence-backed-up essays. catorman says, Specially Dai keithfras says, And Kate. catorman says, I'm not in a bad mood. slytherin_daughter says, Uh! I am not bad-tempered! george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Babble, yes. More or less serious essays, no. keithfras says, No, you're not. pippin_999 says, Sticks up for right of people to be goopy about HP characters catorman says, Never am, really. maud_moody says, I liked your point about the blackmail -- that's new, isn't it? I don't remember seeing it before. It ties in very nicely with my bit in PR about George worrying that Maud is in trouble, that's why I really like it. pippin_999 says, often bad-tempered twilightswirl says, stand in demonstration crowd holding supportive picket sign next to pippin george_weasleys_girlfriend says, No, you're right. It's bad. catorman says, Only when husband is stupid and spoils surprises. maud_moody bangs head repeatedly on desk catorman says, (Still fuming at husband) pippin_999 says, ohhh, haven't held a sign since 1968! maud_moody wasn't born in 1968 george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Actually, someone else - Morrighan, an author @ - brought it up first. george_weasleys_girlfriend says, So now it's not only goopy, but unoriginal. keithfras says, Returning to the earlier subject, my RPG character was clueless. He didn't notice the girl in question was in love with him even when she threw herself in front of him to save his life. pippin_999 says, Before you infants were born or thought of twilightswirl says, LOL how old are you Pippin...or should I ask maud_moody bangs head some more € owlfriend_of_hedwig says, Rebecca - I have tried to review but am not sure if it worked - seems to be misbehaving maud_moody says, We'll see, Simon -- thanks. pippin_999 says, I'm forty eight slytherin_daughter hands Rebecca some asprin mrs_snape is away (Auto-Away) twilightswirl says, I was born 3 years after 1968.....but my parents met then maud_moody says, Thanks, Em. george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Keith - see? The witch in the corner is trying to catch your eye and is making rather obscene gestures wuith her hands. keithfras says, That was partly me not expecting something like that in-game though. And not regarding myself or the character as very loveable. keithfras has no idea what Jana is on about € owlfriend_of_hedwig says, what should one look for when viewing a house with the possibilty of renting it? maud_moody says, *cries at Keith's virtual wedding* catorman says, I was born '72. maud_moody says, A roof? george_weasleys_girlfriend says, No holes, Al. george_weasleys_girlfriend :giggles:: catorman says, Where do I start, Simon? catorman says, Damp. twilightswirl says, so we are almost the same age, catorman catorman says, Meters pippin_999 says, check out your neighbors, visit at different times of day catorman says, Yep - are you 30 yet? pippin_999 says, Look under sinks for signs of leaks catlady_de_los_angeles says, Simon, no termites. Electrical witting won't start fire. Plumbing works. maud_moody says, have somebody walk upstairs while you are downstairs (if there are two floors) to listen for creaks etc. twilightswirl says, in August Cator € owlfriend_of_hedwig says, even better - I will not be living their keithfras says, At my virtual wedding, we got cursed. Any children of the marriage were doomed to be stillborn. slytherin_daughter says, wait....some witch is making lewd gestures at Keith? catlady_de_los_angeles says, is there parking? maud_moody says, Yeah, test the plumbing. george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Uh huh, Em. catorman says, 9 months my senior maud_moody says, Keith: NO! That's HORRIBLE! keithfras says, Twilight - you catch my cluelessness story? slytherin_daughter says, who? pippin_999 says, bring a lamp and test the outlets twilightswirl says, I was about to say...."THAT"S HORRIBLE KEITH" € owlfriend_of_hedwig says, I am looking with a friend on behalf od her and some others twilightswirl says, no I didn't catch it keithfras says, Hey, it's not my fault! I'm the one who got cursed! george_weasleys_girlfriend says, I'm rereading this. God, spelling/grammar mistakes galore. catorman says, Scroll back keithfras says, Scroll up and read my most recent posts. bob_the_bouncy_bum leaves catorman says, Who is bob the bouncy bum? maud_moody weeps uncontrollably catorman says, Is he related to Dudley? keithfras says, Who is the person making lewd gestures at me and why are they doing it? catlady_de_los_angeles says, twilight, Keith was describving how his frp character didn't noticethat this other characer was in love with him even tho' she trhew herself /at him/ between him and danger maud_moody says, Got your review, Simon -- thanks. keithfras says, LOL @ Catherine slytherin_daughter makes lewd gestures at everyone catlady_de_los_angeles says, Keith, she is making a lewd invitation to you. something about Secret Secluded SEx Room catorman says, Why? catlady_de_los_angeles says, bob bouncy is a female named Wicky. catorman says, Oh, OK keithfras says, Look, this is a virtual room and I can't see anything. Who Is This? catlady_de_los_angeles The HTML list of chatter aliases is to be found at: catlady_de_los_angeles catlady_de_los_angeles The list of chatter aliases is to be found at: catlady_de_los_angeles catorman says, Have heard of. catlady_de_los_angeles This chat will be saved and posted on theYahoo Group : catlady_de_los_angeles twilightswirl says, I just read it Yahoo maud_moody says, I've been on here way too long... I was supposed to have a nap this afternoon and now I haven't and it's all YOUR fault. Bad people! maud_moody says, Anyway, I'm off now. maud_moody says, Bye... keithfras says, The list of chatters' mental problems can be found at pippin_999 says, Bye Rebecca catorman says, Whenever I check aliases they don't let me back in. Should print it out. samanthak223 enters twilightswirl says, so keith, at least you "get" cluelessness keithfras says, Bye Rebecca. May the Force be with you. catorman says, Night Rebecca catlady_de_los_angeles says, by by Rebecca george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Bye RJ! samanthak223 says, damn this takes along time to load george_weasleys_girlfriend :waves sadly:: € owlfriend_of_hedwig says, I am glad the review got there! mrs_snape is back. mrs_snape says, bye samanthak223 says, yeah bye maud_moody leaves samanthak223 says, and hi to every1 else, so who missed me? samanthak223 says, n e 1? keithfras says, As I said, cluelessness may simply be a lack of confidence. I was very unwilling, in the example described, to assume that someone wanted to put a romance plot in. catorman says, Cluelessness is insecurity - you don't notice something, because you can't believe it is possible, if you do notice it. samanthak223 says, so whats going on? no1 is here! slytherin_daughter is away (busy) catorman says, Does that make sense? Inferiority complex for insecurity? keithfras says, And if it had been real life, I would have been very unwilling to believe it was true. twilightswirl says, interesting catlady_de_los_angeles says, Keith, one of the great things about frpg as compared to real life, is you can writer the other character's player a note and ask: shall we hae a romance subplot? keithfras says, I guess that spilled over into the game. pippin_999 says, Guys, imo, aren't as tuned into body language, unspoken stuff, so may not pick up on crushes twilightswirl says, I became single a few months ago, left a long term relationship twilightswirl says, samanthak223 says, me too catorman says, Not as intuitive as women, Pippin samanthak223 says, the jurk george_weasleys_girlfriend says, <--- will die a spinster catorman says, Oh dear. twilightswirl says, thank you samantha....but it was a mutual decision keithfras says, Ah, I suppose I could have done that, but it was the first game of it's kind I'd done. I didn't really know you could do stuff like that. samanthak223 says, oh catorman says, Jana , how old are you?! How can you say that! keithfras comforts Jana catlady_de_los_angeles says, In our Vikings campaign, sometimes the players (at social gatherings together) announce: who wants to marry my PC's oldest daughter? pippin_999 says, I didn't think I george_weasleys_girlfriend says, 16. But I have my entire life planned out. samanthak223 says, well the guy was bonking my best friend so.... samanthak223 says, me too! I'm 16!!! twilightswirl says, *has same fear as george's GF* keithfras will die a bachelor at present rate of progress pippin_999 says, would ever get married when I was 16 samanthak223 says, poor Keith catlady_de_los_angeles says, and you didn't get married when you were 16 slytherin_daughter is back. slytherin_daughter says, oh, wer're all single? keithfras just hasn't the confidence to explore the possibility pippin_999 says, Got married at 23. samanthak223 says, I'm never getting married catorman leaves keithfras got married at 8000 - to a 25 yo samanthak223 says, lol george_weasleys_girlfriend says, I'm going to buy a huge rambling dilapitated house at the end of a block. I will haev hundreds of cats and the kids would call me "Old Lady Tucker" and tell stories about me eating small children. They'd dare little kids to ring my doorbell and run and no one would come onto my street on Halloween or Friday the 13th. george_weasleys_girlfriend says, That's *my* fate. samanthak223 says, did Al show up at all? I've been typeing my fic keithfras says, Aw, Jana.... keithfras says, samanthak223 says, poor Jana catorman enters catlady_de_los_angeles says, Mrs Figg! george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Yes! samanthak223 says, lol slytherin_daughter says, Sounds like fun, Jana george_weasleys_girlfriend says, I'm going to be Mrs. Figg. pippin_999 says, Well, thatis what I thought I would be like, too twilightswirl says, I think I'll be Mrs. Figg, too george_weasleys_girlfriend says, But there's a difference, Pippin. hat IS what I'm going to be like. twilightswirl says, or should I say... twilightswirl says, Ms. Figg keithfras will be Mad-Eye Moody twilightswirl says, LOL catlady_de_los_angeles says, I can't afford the huge rambling delapidated house, or any house, no matter how delapidated slytherin_daughter wonders where one can find magical glass eys slytherin_daughter *eyes george_weasleys_girlfriend says, At least Mad-Eye was a brilliant Auror who did wonderful work for the Good Side. samanthak223 says, I'll probubly be married with kids, I practicly have them now and in another 6and a half months I will be a mommie so.... catorman says, I still can't believe that 2 16 year-olds in this group think they will never get married. keithfras says, Hmmm, good point Ebony catorman says, Why? pippin_999 says, I was going to be like that, well, wait a minute, I still want the big old house george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Ebony's not here... lol samanthak223 says, lol george_weasleys_girlfriend says, I know I won't get married, Cator. keithfras says, I meant Emily....gah! catlady_de_los_angeles says, Mantha: in another 6.5 months you'll be a mommy?? catorman says, Why? samanthak223 says, I might get married samanthak223 says, yup catorman says, When I was 16, I had my first proper boyfriend. catorman says, I couldn't believe it was happening. samanthak223 says, <~~~~ freaking out about it keithfras says, I'm 18 not 16, Catherine twilightswirl says, whoa.... catorman says, I had so little confidence then. slytherin_daughter coughs samanthak223 says, I was w. the same guy for 3 years, so don't think I'm a slut twilightswirl says, aren't you married catorman catorman says, yeah, well 18 isn't exactly over the hill either, is it? george_weasleys_girlfriend says, I'm too damn old for my age. keithfras has never had a proper girlfriend, so there samanthak223 says, me too slytherin_daughter hobbles around on cane samanthak223 says, lol catorman says, yes, married last december, at age of 28, with husband since 24 george_weasleys_girlfriend says, What country do you live in again, Keith? pippin_999 says, schnoogles Keith, you r time will come keithfras says, LOL - Britain! slytherin_daughter says, Albania catorman says, Keith, that doesn't mean anything! samanthak223 says, US. so boring twilightswirl says, lol samanthak223 says, maybe ur gay Keith? keithfras says, What, Britain doesn't mean anything? catorman says, I still can't figure out why I thought you were from the US mrs_snape says, Keith you'er 18, Jana is 16... why are you worrying? I'm 19, my purde date is much nearer keithfras says, That would be even more difficult, Samantha. mrs_snape says, *purge date samanthak223 says, lol george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Please don't laugh at my stupidity, Keith. It's too damn hot and I have zero fucking tolerance. twilightswirl says, I would certainly like to meet someone, but feel that I am alone during this summer for a reason I guess samanthak223 says, chill Jana catorman says, I do not understand why all you guys in your late teens feel so old! catorman says, I am nearly 30 and I don't feel old! keithfras says, I wasn't laughing at your non-existent stupidity, jana catlady_de_los_angeles says, Catherine: they hae no grounsd for comparison samanthak223 says, I would like to meat some1 but what teenage boy would want a girl w/ a baby? catorman says, I don't even really feel like an adult yet - feel as though I am pretending mrs_snape says, It's because I have this complex that since no one loves me now I'll never be loved. Basically I've just a pre-dated midlife-crisis catorman says, I guess so, Rita. keithfras says, I was laughing at the fact that I said I'd never had a girlfriend and you then asked where I lived! samanthak223 says, awwwwww! poor u twilightswirl says, how old are you mrs. snape mrs_snape says, 19 catlady_de_los_angeles says, Mantha: have you considered adoption? keithfras schnoogles Dinah but doesn't really know how to help properly george_weasleys_girlfriend says, "LOL - Britain!" threw me off. Sorry for not being a fucking mind reader. mrs_snape feels ridiculous samanthak223 says, nope samanthak223 says, mine! twilightswirl says, mrs snape you'll be fine slytherin_daughter leaves keithfras says, Jana - I'm sorry. george_weasleys_girlfriend says, God, I'm being a beast today. catlady_de_los_angeles says, mrs_snape is dinah, bludger_witch, bettina..... mrs_snape says, Samantha, a friend of mine had a baby when she was 16 and it's great - he's such a pretty boy and she's a wonderful Mom george_weasleys_girlfriend says, I'm sorry, Keith. Maybe I ought to leave. mrs_snape says, Just Dinah samanthak223 says, I've raised my sisters so it don't matter. Caroles yelling at me for it. twilightswirl says, I didn't have a guy ask me out in the proper way till I was 18 slytherin_gay_man enters catorman says, Everyone does seem a bit uptight! twilightswirl says, and first proper boyfriend not till I was 20 samanthak223 says, thanks mrs Snape mrs_snape says, Jana, you stay here or I'll nail your butt to the chatroom catlady_de_los_angeles says, Hi, Ylime! george_weasleys_girlfriend says, *eyes get big* mrs_snape schnoogles Slyth#s gay men!!!!!!!! mrs_snape drool, lecher george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Let's not resort to proctoral practices... keithfras agrees with Catherine - chat used to be more fun than this samanthak223 says, lol slytherin_gay_man says, I thought I'd dig this persona out of hte closet twilightswirl says, LOL george_weasleys_girlfriend says, And when I'm a beast, it's not fun. george_weasleys_girlfriend says, So I ought to leave. samanthak223 says, lol twilightswirl says, do I know you slytherin gay man? samanthak223 says, no! keithfras says, Who are you in reality, slytherin_gay_man? catorman says, Who are you SGM? (sorry, can't access list) catlady_de_los_angeles says, Jana, we are tolerant of werewolves around here samanthak223 says, stay Jana catorman says, yes, don't go Jana catlady_de_los_angeles says, The game is guessing who SGM is slytherin_gay_man says, oh, no one special... mrs_snape says, Jana, please - let's not get our down-ness get usa down pippin_999 says, gives glass of wolfsbane potion to Jana mrs_snape says, I don't think I made much sense here - oh well george_weasleys_girlfriend says, It's Em. keithfras says, I have no clue, unless you're John. catorman says, Could be Neil... mrs_snape says, LOL @ Keith samanthak223 says, huh?! slytherin_gay_man whistles innocently mrs_snape says, Actually it's Emily, with my favorite persona!!! catlady_de_los_angeles says, Neil is a Gryffindor catorman says, I always think it's Neil, when I don't know who it is.... george_weasleys_girlfriend says, LOL I knew it, Em! twilightswirl says, gay man....are you Brit or Yankee george_weasleys_girlfriend says, I called it. ::dances:: mrs_snape snogs the Gay Guy again keithfras gets confused when people start using multiple personas catlady_de_los_angeles says, he must be Bi rather than Gay..... owlfriend_of_hedwig leaves dr_simon_branford enters mrs_snape says, Well, don't look at me, Keith samanthak223 says, lol! if he's gay, does he really want snogs from u? he wants snogs from Keith hunn mrs_snape says, lol @ Simon catorman says, How do people use multiple personas? catorman says, Oh, v. clever, Simon. slytherin_gay_man snickers evilly pippin_999 says, has too many personalities already catlady_de_los_angeles says, they have multiple Chat windows mrs_snape leaves samanthak223 says, hi Simon keithfras says, Going back a bit, what was that business with someone in the corner making lewd gestures at me? pippin_999 says, Hi Simon dr_simon_branford leaves hert0661 enters catlady_de_los_angeles says, oh, it was just Fleur bludger_witch enters catorman says, God, I have enough problems with one! keithfras says, ??????? bludger_witch says, Tralalaaa twilightswirl says, I was just wondering if I knew you, slytherin gay man bludger_witch does the happy little kitten dance samanthak223 says, schnoogles Simon hert0661 schnoogles bludger_witch bludger_witch says, Whoop-whoop pippin_999 says, Hi Dinah twilightswirl says, I recently helped get a gay friend of mine into HP catlady_de_los_angeles says, Meows at happy little kitten. Where is Severus today? bludger_witch says, Back again... keithfras says, Could people PLEASE just stick to one persona that I actually KNOW? This is annoying. catlady_de_los_angeles says, Twilight, by lending him a book? bludger_witch leaves bludger_witch enters yael_pou enters € hert0661 says, mine are fairly obvious samanthak223 says, aw Keith is getting cranky catlady_de_los_angeles says, Keith, just pretend they're siblings catorman says, I agree, Keith. bludger_witch leaves € hert0661 says, most have my name in them pippin_999 says, Yael! yael_pou says, hi! samanthak223 says, I only have to € hert0661 says, Hello yael catorman says, So am I, and I NEVER do. severus_the_potions_master enters catlady_de_los_angeles says, Yael, is that really you? twilightswirl says, my friend Melanie and I are mutual friends of his....and when I got into the series well after Mel did... catorman says, Back so soon, yael. severus_the_potions_master swoop, swoop yael_pou says, oh, Dinah. Not again! george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Welcome everyone I missed! severus_the_potions_master says, Oh, there is my favorite little goochie.moochie catorman says, OK, now there are too many people swapping ids twilightswirl says, he finally accepted the "challenge" to read it yael_pou says, yes, Rita. why? severus_the_potions_master schnoogles yael keithfras says, This is insane. catlady_de_los_angeles says, Yael, I just told her to bering out Severus, how did you know when to come back in? samanthak223 says, I want schnoogles severus_the_potions_master says, Life is insane catorman says, Who is Severus the Potions Master? severus_the_potions_master schnoogles Samantha € hert0661 says, go get the correct id for the occasion Dinah keithfras says, Dinah. samanthak223 says, no 1 is schnoogling me. *sobs* samanthak223 says, thanks severus_the_potions_master says, Rita wanted me here, so I've come to satisfy her needs!!!! severus_the_potions_master grabs Rita and does the happy dance keithfras rubs eyes tiredly twilightswirl says, so anyhow, our friend is now crazy about the books but needs to get cracking on GoF yael_pou says, if I had any idea, believe me, i'd have stayed out! catorman says, Severus is Dinah? How many does she have? catlady_de_los_angeles says, Under the sofa? € hert0661 says, but yael has just got here € hert0661 says, I have 5 ids at the moment pippin_999 says, Weird chat today samanthak223 says, screw it, I'm confused brb severus_the_potions_master says, Wait a second, be back in a few = george_weasleys_girlfriend is away (for everyone's own good) severus_the_potions_master says, *cackle samanthak223 is away (be right back) keithfras says, Weirder than usual, anyway. catorman says, so who are you really? I've never seen hert 0661 before. severus_the_potions_master leaves severus_the_potions_master enters keithfras says, It's Simon again. € hert0661 says, I am Simon severus_the_potions_master leaves catorman says, This is exhausting. keithfras says, Simon you are? € hert0661 says, hert0661 is my uni login catlady_de_los_angeles says, Cath, that's SImon, it;s an ID based on his @ hertford college oxford address twilightswirl says, does this chat cut off in a few minutes...or does it keep going) yael_pou says, Simon? Hi! catorman says, Which Simon? Pigwidgeon/ Branford? € hert0661 says, which is how Keith should know what it is yaels_raving_loony enters catorman says, Thank you Rita! yaels_raving_loony says, Yup, here we go again € hert0661 says, there is only one Simon! catlady_de_los_angeles says, the chat keeps going until the people leave pippin_999 says, It goes till Catlady gets tired catorman says, Thank goodness some people are consistent. yael_pou says, AUGH! keithfras says, I know Simon's IDs, but all this business with Snape and slytherin_gay_man is confusing me. yaels_raving_loony says, I'm back, and I have my dog-tag name with me hert0661 schnoogles yaels_raving_loony catlady_de_los_angeles says, noand it is not scheduled to end for one more hour samanthak223 leaves hermitchick leaves Your buddy hermitchick leaves chat slytherin_gay_man sneexes catorman says, So who was Slytherin Gay Man? george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Em. keithfras says, Plea: Would all those mucking about with IDs just stick to their usual one? catlady_de_los_angeles says, Simon/Pigwidgeon/Branford all the same person catorman says, See, ultra confused. pippin_999 says, what's a sneex? yaels_raving_loony drools over slytherin_gay_man catorman says, Got, that, Rita - is it Emily? yaels_raving_loony says, Keith, am I making you nervous??? slytherin_gay_man shakes fist at Keith yael_pou says, my puppy is Dinah € hert0661 says, I do not have a usual id Keith - I change often catlady_de_los_angeles says, sneex: sneeks up behind some one and carresses their arse catorman says, Oh, no, now Yael's at it. yaels_raving_loony says, Wooof, woof keithfras goes and hides under the sofa twilightswirl says, ok, I'm just goign to take one shot Your buddy hermitchick is in chat yael_pou says, no no. I'm with the same ID as ever. € hert0661 says, fire away! catlady_de_los_angeles says, Yaels_raving_)loony is Dinah, too, I think pippin_999 says, clutches hands over bottom, ala Dudley hermitchick enters yaels_raving_loony rubs head against yaels knee twilightswirl says, Slytherin Gay Man: Is that you, Jared? catorman says, Joins Keith yaels_raving_loony nudges Pippin with her nose slytherin_gay_man flirts with the room keithfras says, Kate, could you please yell at all the people who are mucking around with their IDs? yaels_raving_loony flirts back € hert0661 says, pushes Em away yael_pou says, Dinah, I actually think I liked Sev better pippin_999 says, gives biscuit to yaels_raving_looney yaels_raving_loony schnoogles Keith til he has to stop complaining catlady_de_los_angeles says, Simon is Simon. Slytherin_gay_man is Emily is Slytherin_daughter yaels_raving_loony says, You did? keithfras says, Emily, if you want to flirt with me, do so as a girl. twilightswirl says, LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yaels_raving_loony says, HEY EVERYONE!!! Did you hear that? Yael liked Severus better!!! yael_pou says, oh, no, Emily! Another ID? How many do you have? 20? slytherin_gay_man winks coquettishly slytherin_gay_man says, nineteen twilightswirl says, goodness yaels_raving_loony hops off to get back to her "nromal" ID again george_weasleys_girlfriend is away (for everyone's own good) keithfras waves hand and uses the Force catlady_de_los_angeles says, I don't think Emily has as many IDs as Dee has, but Dee is not here today -- I think she said her compuer is in the shop yaels_raving_loony says, I don't want to pay for Keith's place in the loony bin catorman says, OK, I am going to have to play at this next time keithfras says, You will all resume your normal IDs. yaels_raving_loony leaves catorman says, (won't be next week, in Greece with parents) keithfras says, No, Catherine - please don't. yael_pou says, No no, not *liked* Severus. Just don't like a dog named after me. one dog (Lupin) is enough yaels_raving_loony enters yaels_raving_loony leaves catlady_de_los_angeles says, Dear me, Keith, how do you endure frp? catorman says, I'll see. I am very bored with catorman anyway. Perhaps will change and then stick to that one. catlady_de_los_angeles says, Siruis is the dog, not REmus. Emus is wolf keithfras says, RPGs are fine - at least I have appearances to go by! twilightswirl knows that The Truth is Out There she_with_too_many_names enters pippin_999 says, the lies are all inside your head twilightswirl sings, "Tell me what you want, what you really, really want" mrs_snape enters catlady_de_los_angeles says, Pippin, that isn't a Pink FLyod ref, is it? mrs_snape glowers at Keith catorman says, If that is Emily - go away and come back as something sensible! mrs_snape says, Ther, happy now??? yael_pou says, yes, but he's still my favourite dog. I like Sirius better as a man keithfras rubs eyes again keithfras says, Thanks Dinah. pippin_999 says, Pratchett, unless he stole it from somebody slytherin_gay_man says, wait -- what? I'm Emily mrs_snape says, Anytime, hun keithfras is thirsty catorman says, OK, what's with the Spice Girls? mrs_snape sings, "Tell me what you want, what you really, really want" slytherin_gay_man says, the Spice Girls are my heroes catlady_de_los_angeles hands mug of cinannmon hazelnut coffee to Keith keithfras goes out to the landing pad adjoining the chatroom catorman leaves keithfras jumps into X-Wing keithfras flies off to the college vending machines catlady_de_los_angeles says, Oh, Ylime, do you dress liek SPice Girls? keithfras is away (be right back) yael_pou says, Keith - I just had a Scotish Ale mrs_snape says, Oh dear, not that again.... last time you nearly scrathced our roof when you flew away pippin_999 says, May the force be with Keith george_weasleys_girlfriend is back. twilightswirl grabs twilightswirl and dances around the room. yael_pou says, What is with the Yoda gig? slytherin_gay_man says, of course, Rita catorman enters pippin_999 says, Keith was wishing sw stuff at people twilightswirl says, "I'm dancing with myself!" (sings) george_weasleys_girlfriend says, sw? george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Star Wars. george_weasleys_girlfriend says, nvm pippin_999 says, Star Wars mrs_snape says, nvm??? george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Stupidity isn't complete yet. george_weasleys_girlfriend says, nvm - nevermind mrs_snape says, Oh, nevermind! mrs_snape says, Aha pippin_999 says, nevermind catlady_de_los_angeles says, Isn't it insonsistent iof Keith to bring his Jedi persona to chat but george_weasleys_girlfriend says, my own dumb invention mrs_snape says, but coplmains about us??? mrs_snape says, Yes it is mrs_snape says, *complains catlady_de_los_angeles says, toto tell the rest of us not to bring our PCs (Player Characters)? hermitchick leaves Your buddy hermitchick leaves chat yael_pou says, Was Cassie here tonight? george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Not yet. catlady_de_los_angeles says, No Cassie yet catlady_de_los_angeles says, No Al yet pippin_999 says, doesn't have a player character yael_pou says, Is she supposed to? catlady_de_los_angeles says, Starling was in briefly pippin_999 says, Ebony was here catlady_de_los_angeles says, Pippin: Amanita? mrs_snape wants to schnoogle the whole world yael_pou says, Yeah, I met Eb. mrs_snape says, Figuratively speaking catorman says, I wish Eb would come back. pippin_999 says, Oh, Amanita, yes, I forgot about her slytherin_gay_man looks at Mrs. Snape strangely yael_pou says, But I need to as Cassie permission to use something from DS pippin_999 says, But she writes, she doesn't play catorman says, I am looking forward to meeting her in Oxford (if I make it) catlady_de_los_angeles says, If teh Lestranges had a child (Harry;s age), what would happen to the child when the parents were sent to Azkaban? yael_pou says, pipin? having a split-personality again? pippin_999 says, Amanita is my ffnet alias catlady_de_los_angeles schnoogles Dinah (in a sisterly way) catorman says, Their child could be at Hogwarts, for all we know. mrs_snape says, Oooh, thank you. So, no need to get concerned, eh catorman says, under a different hame so no prejudice... twilightswirl says, I'm onto that catorman Iagree pippin_999 says, I think the child would be fostered out george_weasleys_girlfriend says, *sighs and plops chin on hands* I need a good snog. george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Lestrange = Longbottom? catlady_de_los_angeles says, would the Ministry make a point of placing her in a loyal anti-Voldie foster family, or george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Nah, that's a stupid idea. catorman says, Agree with what? mrs_snape says, I could bring Severus back??? slytherin_gay_man looks at Jana strangely george_weasleys_girlfriend says, LOL @ Em mrs_snape says, Jana, whaddayasay? george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Hm? george_weasleys_girlfriend says, What do I say about what? mrs_snape says, Though I'm not really sure I want to share twilightswirl says, about how the Lestranges may have offspring currently attending Hogwarts pippin_999 says, The parents' wishes would be respected, no? mrs_snape says, Bringing on Severus_the_Potions_Master for a good snog with you catlady_de_los_angeles says, be very laissex-faire about allowing some of her paents relatives or friends who avoided Azkaban to take her? george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Eww. catlady_de_los_angeles says, Pippin, WOULD the parents wishes be respected whenthe parents were being sent to Azkaban? pippin_999 says, Innocent until proven guilty, Rita catorman says, yeah But the rest of the Lestranges may not be involved with Voldy. catlady_de_los_angeles says, This is MoM we're talking about catorman says, Who don't even believe in Habeur corpu keithfras flies in catorman says, Whoops habeus corpus keithfras opens cockpt keithfras says, *cockpit catlady_de_los_angeles says, Keith, what did you bring for us? mrs_snape says, Ouch! You just took my hairpiece off! keithfras re-enters room yael_pou says, Hi Keith. Got a drink? keithfras is back. catlady_de_los_angeles meows naggingly pippin_999 says, Right, so they would do the wrong thing and send the kid to abad family mrs_snape nudges Keith keithfras hands round Dr Pepper, peanuts and chocolate catorman says, No. Just wouldn't get involved. catorman says, I need chocolate! pippin_999 says, (siriusly) Chocolate! mrs_snape says, Okay guys.... thanks for the drink Keith, but I'm off with my Mum mrs_snape says, Oh hey, Mum say Goodnight to you all!! yael_pou says, Blah. Keith - you just missed me telling you that I've had a Scotish Ale before coming here pippin_999 says, G'night catlady_de_los_angeles says, by by Dinah, have a good mrs_snape schnoogles everyone yael_pou says, Night Dinah! keithfras says, Night Dinah. slytherin_gay_man says, bye, Dinah! mrs_snape leaves she_with_too_many_names is away (Auto-Away) catorman says, now has chocolate - yum! keithfras says, Emily, you still got two of you in here? catlady_de_los_angeles says, I like the idea of MoM lazily allowing Mrs Lestrange's married sister to take the Lestrange child -- as her foster parents are Deat Eaters who walkefed free and she is Sorted into SLytherin, she doesn't need to change her name for protection catorman says, Green and Blacks organic, fairtrade pippin_999 says, blinks twilightswirl says, interesting she_with_too_many_names is back. she_with_too_many_names says, hrrrmph catorman says, True - they would love the child in Slytherin yael_pou says, It seems that in HP world, being a child of DE is better than being muggle-born catlady_de_los_angeles says, Except to Mad-Eye, yes pippin_999 says, We haven't seen any children of known DE's catorman says, No, only the Slytherins are down on Muggle borns. keithfras says, Draco? catorman says, That makes me think - was Cornelius Fudge a Slytherin? yael_pou says, Lucius wasn't convicted catlady_de_los_angeles says, Keith, Pippin meant imprisoned or executed DEs pippin_999 says, Officially, Malfoy and the rest excused onaccount of imperius catorman says, he does have pure-blood wizarding pride. keithfras says, I don't think that's necessarily true. Fudge is down on them too - though I suppose he could be a Slytherin. keithfras says, Oh, right, sorry. celeste_827 enters catlady_de_los_angeles says, I got the impression taht there is prejudice against Muggle-born in more than one House twilightswirl says, yawns keithfras says, Hi there! celeste_827 says, hi george_weasleys_girlfriend has a tummy ache catlady_de_los_angeles says, just more in Slytherin than any other catorman says, Where from, Rita? I've never seen that myself - certainly not in Gryffindor, anyway keithfras says, Hermione got that letter saying 'GO BACK WHERE YOU CAME FROM MUGGLE' catlady_de_los_angeles says, Hi, Celeste twilightswirl says, I'm feeling out of it myself, Georg'e GF yael_pou says, Mrs Weasley (I think) said that her husband didn't get a promotion because he likes muggles. Fudge works for V. pippin_999 says, Nah, Fudge doesn't work for V he's just clueless twilightswirl says, and what about Ludo Bagman? catorman says, Ron always to me seems to be quite prejudiced (stereotypes anyway) and even he says that wizards would die out if they didn't breed with muggles. keithfras says, I bet older wizards are generally less tolerant. That always happens with these things. pippin_999 says, A petty criminal (Bagman) celeste_827 says, Older wizards lived in older, less tolerant times. yael_pou says, Ron is just hot-tempred catorman says, But Dumbledore is older than anyone, and he is the least intolerant. twilightswirl says, but still a Death Eater even though he got away? keithfras says, Precisely, Celeste. keithfras says, Bagman wasn't a DE - just a dupe. celeste_827 says, The oldest would date from the mi-d1800's. celeste_827 says, A time of imperialism. catorman says, Bagman is a conman. catlady_de_los_angeles says, which house, Bagman. he's more suited to Gryffindor than Pettigrew was catorman says, No way - bagman runs away! Not brave. catlady_de_los_angeles says, also, maybe Bagman WAS a DE, maybe that is one of JKR's surprises? yael_pou says, Bagman? Hufflepuff catlady_de_los_angeles says, Bagman does't show loyalty, does he? pippin_999 says, Agrees with Yael twilightswirl says, the idea of Pettigrew and Gryffindor just doesn't sit well with me keithfras says, Right, big question. catorman says, Can't see him in Hufflepuff either - he comes across as beng very lazy. yael_pou says, well, he's not very brave either celeste_827 says, Pettigrew may have begged for Gryffindor. catlady_de_los_angeles says, Or hard work, or sense of duty george_weasleys_girlfriend is away (taking a nap) celeste_827 says, All of them could have begged for Gryffindor. pippin_999 says, Physical courage needed to cut off your own hand keithfras says, Do people think we've heard the full story of what happened at Godric's Hollow the night V. lost his powers? twilightswirl says, good point yael_pou says, WHo said Pettigrew was in Gryffindor? I still think all maraduers were Slytherins catorman says, I don't think begging would have helped. celeste_827 says, Or utmost fear of the one ordering you to cut off the hand. keithfras says, More like fear than courage there. twilightswirl says, LOL keithfras says, Perhaps. pippin_999 says, Hardly, have we heard the full story catorman says, No, I don't. celeste_827 says, see. Keith agrees with me. twilightswirl says, I still have trouble differentiating between Hufflepuffs and Ravenclaws catorman says, Why? pippin_999 says, He could have dropped the knife in terror or thrown himself on it catlady_de_los_angeles says, The Sorting Hat does take into consideration which house the student WANTS -- as in Harry saying Not Slytherin, and Hermione hoping she would ge Gryffindor catorman says, Ravenclaws are naturally clever, Hufflepuffs have to work harder to do well. yael_pou says, Ravenclaw=Hermione type. Hufflepuff=Neville's celeste_827 says, EExactly. celeste_827 says, Ravenclaws are clever by nature keithfras says, The idea that the only thing that stopped Voldie was Lily's sacrifice is unsettling, because it means Harry has been famous for doing nothing. catorman says, Yes, but probably only if there is some doubt as to what house they should be in. pippin_999 says, But JKR did confirm James was on Gryffindor Quidditch team twilightswirl says, ah catorman says, Does the hat give the benefit of the doubt? yael_pou says, oh. twilightswirl says, was Lily a Gryffindor? I forget george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Maybe that's why Snape hates Harry. He's hailed for doing absolutely nothing. catlady_de_los_angeles says, There's nothing in the Sorting Hat songs to say that Ravenclaws can't be evil, backstabbing, etc george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Yes, they're all Gryffs. catorman says, We only know about Harry. We know he fits well into Gryffindor as he is very brave. catlady_de_los_angeles says, Jana, that was in PR 6, right? celeste_827 says, Yeah keithfras says, Maybe Pettigrew had a choice. He chose the good guys initially but was tempted further later in life and fell to the Dark Side. george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Snape saw Aurors die... saw blood shed, families ripped apart... celeste_827 says, Ravenclaws can be evil. george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Exactly. Rebecca uses this idea in PR. celeste_827 says, Easily. george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Great idea. Excellent theory. catorman says, I don't think he was intimidated - I think he was coerced into it. george_weasleys_girlfriend says, So Snape sees all these horrible things... and then the little boy of his childhood rival is all of a sudden a hero for doing NOTHING. keithfras says, But that would be tough in canon - it also means there's less point in him being the hero of the story. catlady_de_los_angeles says, Catherun: I have a fic in progress in which Pter was corerced pippin_999 says, I think Pettigrew was tricked into it, as with most double agents catorman says, Is it public yet? slytherin_gay_man is away (Auto-Away) george_weasleys_girlfriend says, I'd like to think that the end of book seven takes Harry back in time to the night where Voldie kills his parents. celeste_827 says, Pettigrew got in over his head, and couldn't get back out. slytherin_gay_man is back. catlady_de_los_angeles says, the first couple chapters are in my folder at HPff, it's the Lilyfic pippin_999 says, agree with Celeste yael_pou says, pettigrew went for power, as most DE catlady_de_los_angeles says, it's been on hold while I struggle with the snapefic pippin_999 says, Could be both power, and trickery she_with_too_many_names is away (Auto-Away) celeste_827 says, *thinks it miraculous that her brain is working today- now if only she could concentrate for finals...* keithfras says, He might even have been blackmailed - maybe Vold threatened to reveal he was an unregistered Animagus. Personally, I prefer to believe he made a conscious choice and gave in to temptation. That fits more with the themes of the books. catlady_de_los_angeles says, Pippin: why did I make both the lance and sword be wands? I had a reason when I did it, but can't rememember catorman leaves celeste_827 says, Black mail is very possible. pippin_999 says, Rita, I can't remember, I'll have to reread catlady_de_los_angeles says, Keith: there is the choice of whether to yield to the blackmail, or say Publish and Be Dammed keithfras says, Hmm, yeah. catlady_de_los_angeles says, Pippin, I was joking, I haven't sent yout hat gragment yet pippin_999 says, another choice between what is right and what is easy pippin_999 says, Ohhh Rita, you are naughty kitty keithfras says, Easier is the dark side. celeste_827 says, It's easier to be evil than good, true yael_pou says, will you stop with the Yoda thing? you're driving me nuts! yael_pou says, It's all over ToT6 as well celeste_827 says, because evil is already inherent in everyone, while there is only the potential for good. keithfras says, A lot of the time, evil is stronger than good, but it loses because the bad guys backstab one another or don't understand good. catlady_de_los_angeles says, He gives a little bit of info that he doesn't think is important, in exchange for drugs keithfras says, Yael - I only did one Yoda thing. yael_pou says, There was lots of it earlier catlady_de_los_angeles says, more info for more drugs keithfras says, When? pippin_999 says, Good also inherent, but often unrecognized yael_pou says, probably when you went to get snacks (and didn't bring me anything!) keithfras says, Actually Rita, that kind of fits. Pettigrew is a bit like a drug addict. catlady_de_los_angeles says, becomes addicted, has to give whatever his contact demands keithfras says, I handed round stuff for everyone keithfras wails celeste_827 says, Perhaps Pettigrew is a masochist. celeste_827 says, Okay, maybe not. hermitchick enters catlady_de_los_angeles says, refuses to go to drug treatment because the therapists would find out about unregistered Animagery -- and he stil doesn't mind that for himself, but yael_pou says, don't wail. Not your fault that I don't like CHocolate and alergic to peanuts george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Give me the name for a Celestina Warbeck song? keithfras says, Welcome back, kate - how ya doing? catlady_de_los_angeles says, can't beat to tell his friends, "I revealed your secret" pippin_999 says, I think Voldie can make people feel dependent on him for self-esteem the way he does with Ginny keithfras tries to think of a song title that isn't lewd hermitchick says, my sis and her annoyiong blond friend is gone life is good celeste_827 says, Voldie is extremely charismatic, I think. hermitchick says, you mean there is such a thing? george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Oooookay, there's a subtle "get the hell out of chat, jana" if I ever heard one. catlady_de_los_angeles says, Jana, in QTA, she recorded soem team;s theme song as fund raiser for St Mungos keithfras says, Your sister sounds like one of those US high school movie stereotypes, Kate. george_weasleys_girlfriend leaves Your buddy george_weasleys_girlfriend leaves chat celeste_827 says, *fiddles with IP cover art* hermitchick says, why'd she leave? keithfras says, Yeah - he's good at making himself liked. I think someone discussed this a while back - can't remember what the word they used was. yael_pou says, you have an IP cover? pippin_999 says, Song titles: Bewitched, You've Got me Under Your Spell...That Ol' Black Magic celeste_827 says, Yeah. Trying to decide if I want to post if. celeste_827 says, it. yael_pou says, oh, please do. celeste_827 says, *remembers she has to get Rhysenn back her beta for IP8, and grimaces* hermitchick says, because my sis is "one of those US high school steriotypes chicks" keithfras says, Do You Hear The Wizards Sing yael_pou says, Now I remember that I didn't review IP. I should go back and review it. slytherin_gay_man says, Owl My Heart catlady_de_los_angeles says, Kate, I THINK she was annoyed at Keith mentioning lewd song titles. Keith, maybe you should e-mail her an apology keithfras says, What? pippin_999 says, Amanita wants to write "Irresistable Boys" celeste_827 says, yael- are you part of the cassie_and_rhysenn group? yael_pou says, hey, I didn't read IP 7. Is it out? celeste_827 says, Yup keithfras says, I keep offending people today. celeste_827 says, IP8 forthcoming. yael_pou says, celeste - yeah, just didn't read the mail there for... well... since the day it was created. twilightswirl is away (Auto-Away) celeste_827 says, IP8 is actually lying in my e-mail box, waiting patiently for my beta-ing. *sighs sadlY* pippin_999 says, Harry and Draco slide to the ground in a haze of lust and adjectives keithfras says, Why can't I make jokes without annoying or offending people? hermitchick says, anyone have the misfortune of seeing a movie called "TRomie and Michelle's high school reunion"? pippin_999 says, In the morning there's nothing left except a few... celeste_827 says, Sounds about right. yael_pou says, Keith - who di you offend? :/ keithfras says, I thought Irresistible Poison was by Rhysenn? pippin_999 says, participles celeste_827 says, Yes, it is... catlady_de_los_angeles says, Keith, if that was indeed what she ws annoyed at, it wasn't you, it was her, prohjecting her bad mood/ keithfras says, Jana, apparently. Though maybe she just had a connection problem? celeste_827 says, what were you thinking, KeitH? hermitchick says, I good at that celeste_827 says, I'm just the beta-reader for it. yael_pou says, Actually, I wrote a D/Harry ending to KDIL, but stashed it away... keithfras says, Oh, right. Sorry hermitchick says, talking about slash? moon_jaguar enters hermitchick says, hello keithfras says, I've heard of that movie but not seen it, Kate. yael_pou says, *nods her head* catlady_de_los_angeles says, no k eith, she said that is A subtle go away Jana hint if I eer heard one, then left moon_jaguar says, aya keithfras says, Hi there! catlady_de_los_angeles says, Hi, Moon_Jaugar, do you have a name you want to put on chatter name list? catlady_de_los_angeles The HTML list of chatter aliases is to be found at: catlady_de_los_angeles catlady_de_los_angeles The list of chatter aliases is to be found at: catlady_de_los_angeles catlady_de_los_angeles This chat will be saved and posted on theYahoo Group : catlady_de_los_angeles moon_jaguar says, oh wow... moon_jaguar leaves celeste_827 says, *idly goes to upload IP art* keithfras wonders why he can't seem to stop unintentionally offending people celeste_827 says, I do that very well too, Keith. yael_pou says, did we scare the Jaguar away? hermitchick says, my sis and her friend say that I act like the one chick that needs quote "a personality" keithfras says, It was probably me. pippin_999 says, I can do that too catlady_de_los_angeles says, Kieth,, IF it was you this time, this time it was NOT YOUR FAULT!!!! keithfras laughs twilightswirl is back. twilightswirl says, I'm sorry...has anyone wanted to talk? I 've been away yael_pou says, Keith keithfras says, Kate, you certainly have a personality hermitchick says, evidently not a good one keithfras says, I still don't understand how I offended Jana so badly catlady_de_los_angeles says, You were making a harmless little joke, in fact trying to be helpful and thinkk of a song title as she asked, and she apparently took it wrong for no external reason keithfras says, Just becuase a load of idiots don't like you, kate, that's no reason to dislike yourself. celeste_827 says, There are many, many touchy people in the world... slytherin_gay_man says, Keith, I don't think that you offended Jana. I got the impression that someone in RL was kicking her off the computer keithfras should practice what he preaches, but never mind celeste_827 says, Hypocrite. yael_pou says, oh well, my hair is dry by now. going to take care of the laundry... Night everyone! keithfras says, Thanks, Emily. (that was Emily, right catlady_de_los_angeles says, she was offended (if it was your remark at which she was offeneded) for her internal reason, which is presumably related to the bad mood and life problems she mentioned today hermitchick says, brb catlady_de_los_angeles says, by by Yael slytherin_gay_man says, Yes, this is Emily catlady_de_los_angeles says, Em, I hope you are right pippin_999 says, Not written anywhere that everyone has to like us hermitchick leaves keithfras says, Celeste? What's wrong now? slytherin_gay_man leaves yael_pou leaves celeste_827 says, What? keithfras says, I'm driving everyone away. celeste_827 says, What'd I say? keithfras says, Never mind. celeste_827 says, Mrrr.... pippin_999 says, I should go finish my laundry too... catlady_de_los_angeles says, Keith, Celeste, neither of you drove Yael away, it is some godawful time wehre she is, she left for her own schedule pippin_999 says, See you later... catlady_de_los_angeles says, Em oprobaby was either kicked off Yahoo or is just switching to another ID celeste_827 says, Oh. I wasn't concerned about that... I was asking Keith what he meant. catlady_de_los_angeles says, by by Pippin keithfras says, Again. pippin_999 leaves keithfras says, It was just the hypocrite comment.... celeste_827 says, You posted the "should practice what he preaches' thing. I put it into one concise word. celeste_827 says, I wasn't actually labelling you hypocrite. celeste_827 says, *feels like the past week has been nothing but explanations* catlady_de_los_angeles says, wh said "HYpocrisy is the tribute that vice pays to virtue"? celeste_827 says, *curses all the ambiguously weird males in the world* keithfras says, It's not that I deliberately don't do what I was saying to Kate, more that I have trouble. catlady_de_los_angeles hands out roses @---}---}--- @---}---}--- @---}---}--- to all twilightswirl says, does anyone come in here other than on sundays? celeste_827 says, *sniffs hers* keithfras says, What other ambiguously weird males have you had to deal with, Celeste? twilightswirl says, thanks catlady celeste_827 says, *is strongly reminded of senior prom* keithfras says, Not as far as I know, Twilight. celeste_827 says, *begins sobbing* catlady_de_los_angeles says, no one is scheduled to come in here other than on SUndays, but I think some people do, perhaps for secret rendex-vous celeste_827 says, Oh. This senior in my school. keithfras says, Tell us about it. keithfras raises eyebrows at Rita keithfras says, Thanks for the roses, by the way. celeste_827 says, Well. He asked me (I'm a sophomore) to senior prom, I got to know him better, lots of confusion ensued as I tried to figure out what my feelings for him were, and now, I think he's pissed at me. catlady_de_los_angeles says, Celeste, was it you who was thinking last chat of cutting school in order to go to senior ditch day with the seniors? celeste_827 says, I don't think so... slytherin_daughter enters catlady_de_los_angeles says, wb Emily keithfras schnoogles Emily's alpha persona celeste_827 says, hello catlady_de_los_angeles says, if Keith didn't drive you away from chat, please tell him so slytherin_daughter says, *waves* twilightswirl waves at slytherin_daughter slytherin_daughter says, figured I'd go back to being a semi-straight female celeste_827 says, *blinks* hermitchick enters hermitchick says, back keithfras says, Celeste, your problem sounds like a bit of a no-win situation that wasn't really anybody's fault. celeste_827 says, *blinks* celeste_827 says, It is, actually. hermitchick says, oh, moon_jagular is from the other chat room I was in, got dragged in somehow. damn Yahoo!!! celeste_827 says, I think I only liked him because of his height. celeste_827 says, He's really hard to understand, and I guess that intrigued me too. keithfras says, Ah, I wondered if maybe she was from another room. slytherin_daughter says, er.... forgive the weird question, but Celeste, who are you? celeste_827 says, Who am I? celeste_827 says, In what context? catlady_de_los_angeles The HTML list of chatter aliases is to be found at: catlady_de_los_angeles catlady_de_los_angeles The list of chatter aliases is to be found at: catlady_de_los_angeles catlady_de_los_angeles This chat will be saved and posted on theYahoo Group : catlady_de_los_angeles hermitchick says, yeah the haortio hornblower slash chat I was in for about 2 min befor it was empty slytherin_daughter says, Who are you? As in, do you go by anything other than 'Celeste'? celeste_827 says, Online? keithfras says, The list of chatters' problems can be found at slytherin_daughter says, yes catlady_de_los_angeles says, well, she/he could have talked H/D slash here! hermitchick says, basically celeste_827 says, In HP I'm just Celeste Chang. keithfras says, Horatio Hornblower slash? Eep. slytherin_daughter says, Oh. Okay, then. Just checking hermitchick says, I asked her, and she went offline complained about yahoo hermitchick says, what?! celeste_827 says, Do I remind you of someone Emily? keithfras twiddles thumbs celeste_827 says, *waits patiently through another post-drought* hermitchick says, I found out why I was getting chicks sending me porn shit! My cheeta chat settings says I'm a guy! I feel stupid now celeste_827 says, O.O keithfras says, Oh dear... hermitchick says, it makes you male by default twilightswirl says, hmmm celeste_827 says, Mrrr! Anyone who knows anyhting about science will know the default sex is female! catlady_de_los_angeles says, doesn't cheetah chat copy your Yahoo chat settings? keithfras says, I haven't had any porn messages in weeks...maybe it thinks I'm a girl...or perhaps it's because I'm not in Cheeta. hermitchick says, anyone else with cheeta having taht prouble? slytherin_daughter says, Oh, er, no, you don't remind me of anyone, Celeste, I was just trying to figure something out celeste_827 says, Oh.... twilightswirl says, I agree celeste....but it's funny....if you think about requires extra thought on this mechanism to become female twilightswirl says, lol keithfras says, Um, anyone who knows anything much about *biology* - I'm doing a university science degree and I didn't know that. hermitchick says, look on settings>general twilightswirl says, sorry boys keithfras says, No, I can see it makes sense. celeste_827 says, I took Biology last year.... celeste_827 says, And will take Ap Biology next year. keithfras says, Insects, for example - the females are default there. catlady_de_los_angeles says, Kieth: in developmental biologyf of mamals, teh defautl path is mostly female -- adding testerone to an XX fetus makes it male-like and keithfras says, seems to have been abducted by aliens. hermitchick says, I don't like bio, but now that I'm done with chem, I'm mad I didn't sign up for Chem II celeste_827 says, The fetus is female by default until testosterone begins to be produced. This is the first of several testosterone surges, the next which occurs in puberty... I think celeste_827 says, I hated Chemistry. catlady_de_los_angeles says, a mutation taht makes terstorone receptors not work causes XY fetuses to develop as female like keithfras says, I thought you needed a Y chromosone to make it male? hermitchick says, is prepetually fucked up keithfras says, Excuse my ignorance, I didn't even do Standard Grade biology. celeste_827 says, The Y chromosome, I think, stimulates release of testosterone that makes the fetus physically and mentally male. catlady_de_los_angeles says, in humns and cattle, the XX male-like is not entirely male llike and is not fertile at all hermitchick says, isn't a XXX female male-like in humans? catlady_de_los_angeles says, birds have ZZ and ZW chromosomes isntaed of X and Y ---- ZZ is male, ZW is female, I don't know what their developmental default is keithfras says, I wish would just stay the way it was - it was fine until they started fiddling with everything! celeste_827 says, There can't be an XXX. Can there? hermitchick says, it's a birthdefect celeste_827 says, *cudgels her brains, trying to remember what she learned in that accelerated Genetics course she took last summeR* keithfras says, All the changes they've made aren't that big an improvement. They've done nothing to stop the flood of complete drivel. catlady_de_los_angeles says, XXX female is female-like in humans, but said to be usually short, no puberty, nmentally retarteded twilightswirl chuckles at twilightswirl twilightswirl says, meant to say I chuckle... hermitchick says, that's what I ment, my bio teacher called it a short hairy female twilightswirl says, at this tangent change in topic catlady_de_los_angeles says, Xs and Ys are the only chromosomes taht a human can have extras of and survive. The onely other is that Downs syndrome has an extra part of a chromosome and look at how much trouble it scauses keithfras lies down on sofa while everyone else talks biology twilightswirl says, just bizarre, hermitchick says, yes, please do keithfras says, Please lie on the sofa? hermitchick says, lets' talk chesistry! hermitchick says, chemistry twilightswirl says, if this chat ends in a few minutes..this is indeed a lousy note to end it on keithfras says, One of my papers last week was Physical Chemistry hermitchick says, verry much so hermitchick says, what on? catlady_de_los_angeles says, the different kinds of insects have lots of different says to set gender, bees grow males as haploids, one set of chromosome, from unfertilized egg, and females as diploids from fertilised eggs keithfras says, It doesn't have to end now, Twilight. We can go on as long as we want. catlady_de_los_angeles says, we dont have to end chat until we want to catlady_de_los_angeles says, but I didn't talk about lice, only bees catlady_de_los_angeles The HTML list of chatter aliases is to be found at: catlady_de_los_angeles catlady_de_los_angeles The list of chatter aliases is to be found at: catlady_de_los_angeles catlady_de_los_angeles This chat will be saved and posted on theYahoo Group : catlady_de_los_angeles twilightswirl says, I think even a tangental discussion on forms of divination would make more sense in this room considering what this is supposed to be about hermitchick says, it went on till midnight eastern once.. when I was there catlady_de_los_angeles says, yes, and some Brits were still tehre even tho' it was 5 am there time hermitchick says, what do you mean? keithfras says, Physical Chemistry encompassed...let me think...thermodynamics (reaction equilibria and feasibility, stuff like that), reaction kinetics (speed of reactions), and some quantum mechanics twilightswirl says, I am encouraged by that news hermit and catlady hermitchick says, I would be here, but I live in PA and it's only 7pm twilightswirl says, forms of divination (tarot cards, tea leaf reading, crystal balls, astrology) twilightswirl says, did you know that Arithmancy is actually a form of divination hermitchick says, lets talk about something not involving science, I think catlady_de_los_angeles says, I think that they do astrology in Astronomy as well as in Divination keithfras says, We need more people. Where are Cass and Sinead this week? twilightswirl says, aka Numerlogy hermitchick says, I have, no had a deck of terot cards catlady_de_los_angeles says, Sinead came in and soon left, just before Dai came in keithfras says, What *do* they do in Astronomy? It doesn't seem to have any relevance to magic in the books. catlady_de_los_angeles says, she had to go to a bar or soemthing twilightswirl says, Astronomy is probably a prep course for Divination hermitchick says, Minizzer ever come in? twilightswirl says, and Arithmancy keithfras says, But even people who don't take Divination seem to have to do it. celeste_827 leaves celeste_827 enters twilightswirl says, it is probably a "base" course catlady_de_los_angeles says, In the early years of Astronomy, they apparently learn where every tbhng in the galazy is at every moment, because Harry wanted to buy a model galazy twilightswirl says, kind of like having to take freshman composition and college math hermitchick says, what is arithmancy twilightswirl says, early in college catlady_de_los_angeles says, at which he could look to see where everyone was, and never have to talke Astroonomy again keithfras would love a model galaxy twilightswirl says, will explain in a sec slytherin_daughter is away (Auto-Away) celeste_827 leaves slytherin_daughter is back. keithfras is falling asleep twilightswirl is away (busy) catlady_de_los_angeles says, and students seem to have to talke Astronomy all seven years, so it more than a prerequisit for Diviinantion twilightswirl is away (be right back) slytherin_daughter is trying to not die keithfras says, Maybe the position of the planets affects how much energy is available for magic. keithfras says, What's wrong, Emily? hermitchick says, hmm... hermitchick says, what's wrong? slytherin_daughter says, I'm just trying not to die, that's all catlady_de_los_angeles says, the reason they take so much Astronomy and stargaze as well as read charts, is because the cliche of fantasy/medieval wizards is that they stargaze. keithfras says, Why might you die? celeste_827 enters celeste_827 says, I'm back. hermitchick says, hi slytherin_daughter says, long story keithfras schnoogles Emily to keep her alive catlady_de_los_angeles says, but pretending that the Potterverse is internaly consistent, the erason the medieveal/fantasy wizards stargaze is because they are astrologers (like Kepler and Newton) slytherin_daughter schnoogles Keith even though he hates her celeste_827 says, I don't think astrology is JKR's foremost thought in HP. keithfras says, Um, since when do I hate you? Hatred is the dark side. celeste_827 says, She made Ron a Pisces, for God's sake. catlady_de_los_angeles says, Kieth, yes yes yes to position of the planets (and planets of other sunds) affects the energy available for magic celeste_827 says, *kicks* slytherin_daughter says, you hate me. I know you do. keithfras ponders how to insert the Monolith from 2001 into HP keithfras wonders if Emily is Force-scanning him catlady_de_los_angeles says, Celeste, yes, JKR scorns astrology in Trelawney's class and gave Ron a wholely inappropriate birthday, but three must be a erason the kids keithfras says, I do *not* hate you catlady_de_los_angeles says, study so much astronomy slytherin_daughter says, After my illicit affair with Al, you were nothing but nasty catlady_de_los_angeles says, Emily, are you just being difficult? keithfras says, I was just being stupid. I just got confused catlady_de_los_angeles says, No, Keith was NOT nothing but nasty, he was also self-pitying. celeste_827 says, Because it's one of the major magickal fields out there. Divination is done not only by reading the patterns of animal entrails and watching smoke pattrns, but by the stars. keithfras says, Self-pitying and nasty? slytherin_daughter says, good combo catlady_de_los_angeles says, You called her a faithless cyberschnoogler, which I thinkg is a WONDEFUL phrase keithfras says, Did I? Hmmm. hermitchick says, brb keithfras says, Like I said - stupid. hermitchick leaves catlady_de_los_angeles says, I ripped it off as 'promiscuous cyberschnoogler' in a post, and felt that I didn't give you credit, but figured you wouldn't like the explanation of the credit slytherin_daughter sniffs in annoyance celeste_827 says, *sighs* keithfras says, Emily, you're not faithless or anything, I just attach too much importance to these things. celeste_827 says, *experiments with the niffy color blend she made* slytherin_daughter makes lewd gesture catlady_de_los_angeles says, Celeste: I agree, there must be some reason the kids study so much astronomy, and I can't tink of any reason that doesn't have to do with Astrology keithfras is getting a bit sick of constantly apologising and trying to explain himself. celeste_827 says, *wonders if that's a view all guys hold* slytherin_daughter says, I would, too, if I were you. catlady_de_los_angeles says, Kieth, just mirror the lewd gesture she made and grin at here catlady_de_los_angeles says, *her slytherin_daughter says, or tell me to fuck off. That's fun, too. keithfras says, I spend a lot of time trying to explain myself. I could just string together some random curses, stalk off in a huff and go crush some beer cans on my head, but I don't. catlady_de_los_angeles says, Just grab her hands andpyull her behind the couch and make embarrassing noises for the rest of us to ignore keithfras says, Not that it ever does any good. celeste_827 says, Lots of other guys do that. keithfras says, That's *why* I don't! slytherin_daughter says, crush beer cans on your head? catlady_de_los_angeles says, I know that some people hafe checked dictionaries and stuff and found that Arithmancy is a real word meaning a form of divination that resembles Numerololgy keithfras says, I have never tried to do that, and I don't intend to. It sounds painful. twilightswirl is back. celeste_827 says, There was this one guy i knew... he was somewhat pissed one night for some reason or another... went into the bathroom, told everyone to fuck off, locked the door, ran the water so long they thought he was trying to drown himself, and ended up spending th night in the bathroom... twilightswirl says, catlady, I have more slytherin_daughter says, hrrrm celeste_827 says, But I digress. catlady_de_los_angeles says, but I think that JKR invented a new meaning for the word Arithmancy in the Potterverse celeste_827 says, the same guy I stressed about earlier. Now I think you know what I mean by "strange". twilightswirl says, besides it being an ancient form of numerology aka divines number and letter significance. One example is where you tranpose or regroup.... celeste_827 says, If only he weren't 6'3"! celeste_827 says, But now I really do digress. keithfras is 5'11" (I think) catlady_de_los_angeles says, Celeste, I do thins like that sometimes, and I'm female and age 43 twilightswirl says, the letters in phrases or words anagramatically to yield meanings like in a giant word hunt catlady_de_los_angeles says, and only f people share this bathroom twilightswirl says, . Often the words or phrases used come from the Scriptures catlady_de_los_angeles says, four keithfras says, When I feel like yelling at people, I very rarely do. I'm too scared of people yelling back. twilightswirl says, there you go slytherin_daughter is away (being a promiscuous cyber-schnoogler) catlady_de_los_angeles says, Twilight, I think JKR invented a whole new meaning for the word Arithmancy, twilightswirl says, that's fine keithfras metaphorically headbutts the table celeste_827 says, *sighs* twilightswirl says, I do agree that astrology is not foremost in people's minds catlady_de_los_angeles says, I think it is sometime like vector arithmetic, a way to add up all the magica forces in teh environment and in the spell twilightswirl says, and in JKR's mind catlady_de_los_angeles says, in order to find out how the spell will work before actually doing it slytherin_daughter contemplates being in love with a fictional character keithfras says, You probably need it to understand magical theory, like maths with physics. twilightswirl says, that is interesting.... catlady_de_los_angeles says, so the Arithmatnic vectors don't add up right, the mage can add or subtract something from the spell so taht the answer comes out better twilightswirl says, but yeah, I don't think she picked the best sign for Ron, though Pisces can be somewhat clueless celeste_827 says, It can't be trying to organize magick into mathematical terms! I thought magick lay outside reason. Perhaps Arithmancy is an anti-mathematical system to explain magick that isn't based on mundane reason. catlady_de_los_angeles says, Emily, which fictional character? Fred? celeste_827 says, Ron should be Aries. twilightswirl says, but Hermione is a Virgo I think? and that befits her perfectly celeste_827 says, Yes, Hermione is a virgo. Like me. twilightswirl says, and Harry (J.K. Rowling) being on July 31 is perfect twilightswirl says, a Leo celeste_827 says, excessive worriers, nitpickers.... catlady_de_los_angeles says, Ron should be Aries for hot tempter or Taurus for stubborn, I think Taurus fits him perfectly twilightswirl says, personally, I'm a Leo-Virgo keithfras says, Maybe JKR is showing that she doesn't believe in Divination by giving Ron a supposedly inappropriate star sign keithfras is also a Virgo celeste_827 says, I don't think it fits Harry twilightswirl says, that's pretty screwy slytherin_daughter says, fictional character in question = Lupin celeste_827 says, Leos crave attention and love the spotlight. If Harry acted like a typical Leo, he'd enjoy all his publicity. celeste_827 says, but he doesn't. keithfras says, I really don't think you can make generalisations like saying that all the people born in a particualr month have similar personalities. catlady_de_los_angeles says, and someone wanted all the main characters born on wiccan/pagan/astrological holidays, Minsummer for Harry, AUtume Equinoxe for Hermione, May Day for Ron catlady_de_los_angeles says, Emily, I was afraid of that. We are rivals. twilightswirl says, I think JKR clearly balks at people who try to sell themselves as future tellers that really don't do a good job but create a mysterious image around them keithfras wonders if his birth date is cursed or something catlady_de_los_angeles says, Celetest, male Leos *(like tmy husband) don't always crave limelight twilightswirl says, they try and "play the part" while not having a true ability twilightswirl says, BUT twilightswirl says, it does not say that she balks at every person that tries to forsee the future catlady_de_los_angeles says, Keith, no real astrologers believes that all people born in one motnt have the same personality keithfras says, OK, OK. I guess I shouldn't talk about what I don't understand. twilightswirl says, this should sound familiar to at least one of you: "Future-hard to see-always in motion" celeste_827 says, I don't really believe in astrology, actually... I just enjoy comparing people and their signs and see how many traits match up. catlady_de_los_angeles says, they always say that the newspaper columsn are garbage because having nothing but the SUn SIgn is meaningless. keithfras says, The quote is 'always in motion is the future' celeste_827 says, Yes. keithfras says, The only problem is, that means I shouldn't talk about anything. catlady_de_los_angeles says, They say you have to have Sun SIgn, Moon, Sign and Ascendent for a mimimum sketich of personality twilightswirl says, then someone else quoted it wrong for me twilightswirl says, pardon me catlady_de_los_angeles The HTML list of chatter aliases is to be found at: catlady_de_los_angeles celeste_827 says, MAybe even Descendant......... catlady_de_los_angeles The list of chatter aliases is to be found at: catlady_de_los_angeles catlady_de_los_angeles This chat will be saved and posted on theYahoo Group : catlady_de_los_angeles s_ings enters catlady_de_los_angeles says, Sheryll! catlady_de_los_angeles says, Hellow! keithfras says, I'm constantly putting my foot in my mouth. Sigh... keithfras says, Hi Sheryl! celeste_827 says, Metaphorically, of course? twilightswirl says, I think you need ascendant and desendant as well as sun, moon, mercury, venus, and mars for some idea € s_ings says, Hi Everyone!! keithfras says, Yes. celeste_827 says, Er, or figuratively... celeste_827 says, Whatever! celeste_827 says, Too tired to think! slytherin_daughter says, mmmmph. I should go now keithfras pats Celeste on the head. george_weasleys_girlfriend enters catlady_de_los_angeles says, I don't knwo how important descendent, midheaven, or lunar nodes are, but you can't include venus and mars and excluse jupiter and saturn keithfras runs away before he offends someone with that last action slytherin_daughter gloggles Jana celeste_827 says, *needed that pat* george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Gloggles sound so... violent. keithfras schnoogles Jana and apologises for any offence he may have caused at any time george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Like you're strangling the person. celeste_827 says, Exactly! george_weasleys_girlfriend says, No, we've been through this, Keith. I'm the beast here. catlady_de_los_angeles says, Keith should put one arm arpund each of them slytherin_daughter gliffles Jana george_weasleys_girlfriend :wiggles away:: What the hell is a gliffle? slytherin_daughter says, *snicker* george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Sounds kinda lewd, though. catlady_de_los_angeles says, Jana, did you log off because muggle people in real life grabbed computer, or were you irritated at yus? slytherin_daughter says, A gliffle... one of those new-fangled affectionate things twilightswirl says, well, I did my best and provided the definition for arithmancy that I had from my "Future Telling: A Complete Guide to Divination" book celeste_827 says, *is content to hug people* george_weasleys_girlfriend says, I was irritated at being ignored and the fact that the Muggles decided to enter back into my little corner-of-no-return. twilightswirl says, authored by Patricia Telesco celeste_827 says, Do most boys dislike affectionate physical contact from their female friends? keithfras says, When I were a lad, we didn't go around gliffling and schnoogling folk! We hugged 'em like decent folks, not like you young riff-raff! keithfras says, celeste_827 says, How old are you Keith? slytherin_daughter says, george_weasleys_girlfriend says, I'm not riff raff! ::cries:: € s_ings says, Most of the boys I know dislike it slytherin_daughter cries with Jana celeste_827 says, Mrrrrrrrrrr.... keithfras says, I don't think 'dislike' is the word - it wouyld make me uncomfortable, can't speak for others. george_weasleys_girlfriend says, See? We're not riff raff! keithfras says, I was JOKING! celeste_827 says, But I like touching. george_weasleys_girlfriend says, celeste_827 says, Not in a perverse sense, mind you. slytherin_daughter continues to cry george_weasleys_girlfriend says, george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Poor Em. twilightswirl says, the peopel who truly try and tell the future point to what it can be like taking the present and past into account keithfras says, I'm speaking for me. € s_ings says, I know what you mean, I'm constantly touching people when I talk to them george_weasleys_girlfriend :consoles Em with a schnoogle:: catlady_de_los_angeles says, Does the boy say you're trying to own him, by touching him? twilightswirl says, people, not peopel george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Hm... this first scene of NQP7 is really hard to write considering I've never had sex before. keithfras says, Emily, I was joking. I'm NOT trying to call anyone riff raff. twilightswirl says, that's what I have to say about attempts at fortune telling celeste_827 says, Well. I once leaned on his shoulder affectionately. He looked rather lost for words. slytherin_daughter drowns in an ocean of tears € s_ings says, Never had anyone say anything to me about it george_weasleys_girlfriend :goes into Trelawney trance:: Em will stop crying wtihin the fortnight. keithfras says, I was worrying that writing an H/G scene in the GtVS prequel would be difficult for the same reason, Jana george_weasleys_girlfriend says, And was it? keithfras says, I'd try to comfort you Em, but I'd probably just end up offending you again. slytherin_daughter swims away twilightswirl says, how funny GF catlady_de_los_angeles says, So close the bedroom door behind them keithfras says, Sheryl, how's things? george_weasleys_girlfriend says, ...? Funny? celeste_827 says, *sighs deeply* Ah, the horrors of social life. twilightswirl says, the trelawney type trance € s_ings says, Not bad, Keith, just got back from my nephew's birthday celeste_827 says, Too much for a young fifteen-year old like me. george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Keith - plan on answering me? € s_ings says, Anyone want a piece of my birthday cake? catlady_de_los_angeles says, ws HIS carrot cake iced? celeste_827 says, I think I'll become a hermit. keithfras says, No, I want to have at least a bit of description for this one time. Not pure lemon, but some. george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Sure! twilightswirl says, part of the "image creation" JKR mocks george_weasleys_girlfriend :lunges for cake:: celeste_827 says, *ducks* € s_ings says, Oh, yes, it's iced now! € s_ings says, He even remembered to buy me a gift! keithfras says, Sorry Jana - I haven't got to that bit yet, though I am planning it in my head. twilightswirl says, Happy Birthday s_sings *notes that she is a Gemini) slytherin_daughter leaves george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Heh... I'm not talking about the scene where they - as some reviewers put it - "seal the deal." I'm thinking morning after thing. catlady_de_los_angeles says, so far so good -- did the 22 yer old buy you a gift, too? € s_ings says, Thanks (Gemini is an excuse to have a split personality!) george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Happy birthday to s_ings! Happy birthday to s_ings! Happy birthday dear s_ings! Happy birthday to you. celeste_827 says, Geminis.... celeste_827 says, happy birthday! keithfras is confused now - thought it was Sheryl's nephew's birthday € s_ings says, Thanks, I don't get the singing for my birthday here! celeste_827 says, *is confused as well* twilightswirl says, you should read what the astrolgers says about Leo-Virgos € s_ings says, It is Keith, but mine was yesterday george_weasleys_girlfriend says, I jsut sing randomly. Sorry if I broke anyone's speakers. celeste_827 says, Leo-Virgos? twilightswirl says, it's enough to make me shoot myselfin the head keithfras says, Oh riiiiight. Happy *coughcough*th birthday keithfras hopes that didn't offend anyone. george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Thanks, Keith. twilightswirl says, that we stand a chance of falling into the lonely life we so fear george_weasleys_girlfriend says, LOL celeste_827 says, *is massively offended* george_weasleys_girlfriend says, My singing is enough to make you shoot yourselgf in the head, eh? george_weasleys_girlfriend says, *yourself € s_ings says, I'm NOT offended keithfras says, Good, I seem to be annoying loads of people tonight. € s_ings says, If any of you ever heard my mother sing.... well, let's not go there celeste_827 says, heh. j/k keithfras says, Do you hear my mother sing.... (to the tune from Les Miz) slytherin_daughter enters € s_ings says, LOL, Keith keithfras begs Emily to forgive him for any offence he may have caused at any time ever catlady_de_los_angeles says, Emily, you successfully missed singing Happy Britday to Sheryll € s_ings says, Trust me, you don't want to hear my mother sing, it's pretty bad george_weasleys_girlfriend says, LMAO @ Keith! slytherin_daughter eyes Keith suspiciously celeste_827 says, *gets out of firing range* george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Fuck. The Muggle-Bitch just called and made the day worse. keithfras says, Sheryl, when you told your daughter you were trying to set her up with a college boy from Britain, did you show her my photo on HPFF? george_weasleys_girlfriend says, I've got a terribly mouth. george_weasleys_girlfriend says, *terrible celeste_827 says, My, we are cursing lots today. catlady_de_los_angeles says, Jana, your mother? celeste_827 says, Well, I've got a mouth just as terrible, so... george_weasleys_girlfriend says, LOL! Rita knew that one right away. keithfras ignites lightsabre to deflect laser bolts from Emily's eyes € s_ings says, Keith, no, I haven't shown her the photo keithfras says, george_weasleys_girlfriend says, LMAO That cracks me up. "Your mother?" First guess. LOL € s_ings says, Should I, Keith celeste_827 says, Watch where you deflect those, Keith. george_weasleys_girlfriend says, There's a pic of Keith on HPFF??? keithfras says, Oh well, it cheered you up. george_weasleys_girlfriend :runs to Files section:: keithfras goes to get link celeste_827 says, WHAT???????? slytherin_daughter sniffs in annoyance george_weasleys_girlfriend says, What're you sniffling about? keithfras says, Emily, I'm not trying to be nasty. At all. george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Em's just in a sniffy mood. slytherin_daughter says, exactly, Jana george_weasleys_girlfriend says, keithfras says, keithfras says, That's my pic. slytherin_daughter schnoogles herself catlady_de_los_angeles says, hoe lewd george_weasleys_girlfriend says, LOL Isn't that illegal, Em? george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Not to mention physically impossible... george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Ooh, such pretty eyes! keithfras switches off lightsabre and schnoogles Emily tentatively slytherin_daughter says, Only in some states/ george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Eyes re: Keith's slytherin_daughter says, . slytherin_daughter says, what?! twilightswirl says, I fear I must go for now.....perhaps I will return sometime on the east coast george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Keith's got pretty eyes. slytherin_daughter says, Oh, right. celeste_827 says, *agrees* george_weasleys_girlfriend :waves:: Later. keithfras says, Raise your hand if you think I look like Finch from American Pie. slytherin_daughter says, *schnoogles Keith* george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Raise your hand if you've never seen American Pie. keithfras says, Bye Twilight! May the Force be with you! george_weasleys_girlfriend :raises hand:: slytherin_daughter raises hand at Jana's commnet twilightswirl says, always Keith keithfras schnoogles Emily celeste_827 says, *is looking at simon's picTURE* € s_ings says, Keith, I just showed my daughter your photo slytherin_daughter *comment catlady_de_los_angeles says, by by Twilight celeste_827 says, Why do all Simons look the same? catlady_de_los_angeles says, I never saaw American Pie george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Bye bye Twi! twilightswirl says, byebye all keithfras says, I'll pay the cleaning bill for the carpet, Sheryl, I promise. twilightswirl leaves celeste_827 says, bye george_weasleys_girlfriend says, LOL Keith, you're hilarious. € s_ings says, Keith, we don't have carpet celeste_827 says, He looks exactly like the Simon in my math class. celeste_827 says, *giggles* € s_ings says, And there's nothing to clean keithfras says, Phew. celeste_827 says, I should go, really. € hert0661 says, Me? slytherin_daughter snickers evilly george_weasleys_girlfriend says, NO! celeste_827 says, Should call.... him. keithfras says, Simon? You're here? george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Because that'll make me the youngest in here. keithfras says, Yes, do, Celeste. george_weasleys_girlfriend :looks around nervously:: celeste_827 says, Do what? george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Siiiiiiiiiiimon! € hert0661 says, I am here, but doing other stuff as well keithfras says, Do call him. It's always better to explain things. celeste_827 says, Yeah. € hert0661 says, Happy Birthday Sheryll celeste_827 says, I tried Friday night, I got his brother. celeste_827 says, Tried Saturday night, I got a busy tone. € s_ings says, Thanks, Simon, want a piece of cake? catlady_de_los_angeles says, Keith.... is your advcie based on experience? george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Simon, did you read any part of your cameo? keithfras says, Heh...not really. celeste_827 says, Damn that moody, unreadable, ambiguous bastard! george_weasleys_girlfriend says, lol € hert0661 says, no thanks to the cake - have had enough cake and food today keithfras says, Maybe he's a vampire. celeste_827 says, Who's a vampire? € hert0661 says, I think so Jana - but have now forgotten about it celeste_827 says, *looks around* george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Simon from Celeste's math class. keithfras says, 'Him' celeste_827 says, actually. I think he's a werewolf. george_weasleys_girlfriend is away (Muggles needa fucking house-elf because they can't do a single god damned thing on their own.) keithfras says, Oh, right. Hehehe. george_weasleys_girlfriend is away (Muggles need a fucking house-elf because they can't do a single god damned thing on their own.) catlady_de_los_angeles says, Simon, once you told us your middle name but I have forgotten keithfras says, Simon's middle name is Cameo. keithfras says, € hert0661 says, such a shame that is celeste_827 says, anyway, I think I need to call christopher-darling. *evil look* catlady_de_los_angeles says, LOL@keith celeste_827 says, *lol* slytherin_daughter thinks that Kate and Jana should run away from their homes keithfras says, Oh gods - I just realised that I gave the character slightly modelled after me in GtVS my middle name as his first name. celeste_827 says, so I will cya all later, I suppose. celeste_827 says, bye catlady_de_los_angeles says, James is not a bad name catlady_de_los_angeles says, by by Celeste keithfras says, We could open the HP4GU Refuge For Unappreciated Teens € s_ings says, Bye keithfras says, Bye, Celeste. Good luck with 'him'. € hert0661 says, what are you on about Cat? celeste_827 says, mrrrrrrrr.... celeste_827 leaves keithfras says, James - the character in GtVS I was talking about. catlady_de_los_angeles says, Simon, James is the first name o fhte character that Keith says has his middle name hert0661 leaves keithfras says, Yeah, James is my middle name. owlfriend_of_hedwig enters keithfras cheers the owl € owlfriend_of_hedwig idiot computer slytherin_daughter snickers evilly keithfras schnoogles Emily catlady_de_los_angeles says, Simon, I have a vague feeling that your middle name is John slytherin_daughter pauses in snickering to breifly schnoogle Keith € owlfriend_of_hedwig says, not saying george_weasleys_girlfriend is away (bandaging bleeding hand) keithfras says, Wilfred? keithfras says, Cecil? keithfras says, Humphrey? keithfras says, Theodore? catlady_de_los_angeles says, his initials are SJB slytherin_daughter says, Poindexter € s_ings says, Jasper? keithfras says, D'oh. keithfras slaps forehead € s_ings says, Jericho? slytherin_daughter says, Jeffery george_weasleys_girlfriend is back. slytherin_daughter says, Jose € s_ings says, Jehosophat? george_weasleys_girlfriend says, James? george_weasleys_girlfriend says, John? george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Jamie? george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Jello? george_weasleys_girlfriend says, lol € s_ings says, Jeremiah? keithfras slaps forehead slytherin_daughter says, Jimmy slytherin_daughter says, Jake € s_ings says, Jethro? keithfras says, LOL @ jello george_weasleys_girlfriend says, <<--- can only type with right hand slytherin_daughter says, Jimbo george_weasleys_girlfriend says, so please forgive slowness keithfras says, Jeffy? € s_ings says, Who bit you, Jana? keithfras says, Jamie? catlady_de_los_angeles casts Healing Charm toward Jana slytherin_daughter says, Simon Jimbo Branford keithfras heals Jana's hand using the Force keithfras says, It's coming right for us! catlady_de_los_angeles says, which reminds me, maybe middle name that starts with J is Janus george_weasleys_girlfriend says, my fucking stepfather made me empty the dishwasher and failed to tell me there was brown class in the cabinet and i sliced my hand open keithfras says, Jingle € s_ings says, Ouch! george_weasleys_girlfriend says, *broken not brown keithfras says, Ow....that wasn't very good... € s_ings says, Are you okay? george_weasleys_girlfriend says, and now my hand hurts and i'm typing agonizingly slowly george_weasleys_girlfriend says, no not good at all € s_ings waves her wand and makes Jana's pain go away george_weasleys_girlfriend says, it's not so much sliced open as it is little pieces of glass are stuck in my hand and i can't get them out and jesus christ they hurt like hell george_weasleys_girlfriend says, god if it was that easy € s_ings says, Come on over and I'll fix it € owlfriend_of_hedwig says, am I meant ot be commenting € owlfriend_of_hedwig says, ? george_weasleys_girlfriend says, ?? catlady_de_los_angeles says, Simon, if I knew any way to remove the glass splinters, I would say it george_weasleys_girlfriend says, how the hell am i supposed to get nqp done if i can only type with one hand george_weasleys_girlfriend says, ? keithfras says, You could try sucking them out, but I don't know if that would work. lavenderchick49503 enters catlady_de_los_angeles says, Is it bad enought to go to Emergency Room? € s_ings says, No, it needs to be done with tweezers, very carefully george_weasleys_girlfriend says, yeah and swallow them i think i like them better in my hand than in my lungs catlady_de_los_angeles says, Hi ,Lavender lavenderchick49503 says, hi € s_ings says, Hi keithfras says, Yeah, I know. keithfras says, Hello... george_weasleys_girlfriend says, hey lav george_weasleys_girlfriend says, no emergency room and no tweezers lavenderchick49503 says, did i miss anything catlady_de_los_angeles says, Jana has little glass splinters stuck in her hand, and I don't know any good way for her to get them out lavenderchick49503 says, glass? € s_ings says, Yes,, Jana's bleeding on her computer keithfras says, Nothing of any great earth-shattering import Harry Potter-wise. george_weasleys_girlfriend says, nothing of any importance at all € s_ings says, Does anyone ever talk about that Potter guy here? keithfras says, Who? george_weasleys_girlfriend says, they're like so little that i can't see them but i can feel them catlady_de_los_angeles says, yes great earth shattering inmport, she said how can she type her fanfic with only one hand € s_ings says, LOL, Keith keithfras says, Is that a book about a guy who makes clay? george_weasleys_girlfriend says, No, he' € s_ings says, I think so catlady_de_los_angeles says, Sheryll, we talked agbout Arithmancy and Divination keithfras stops making fun of person who was here 2 weeks ago € s_ings says, Darn, I missed the on topic stuff! george_weasleys_girlfriend says, no, he's a hairy guy who makes clay catlady_de_los_angeles This chat will be saved and posted on theYahoo Group : catlady_de_los_angeles catlady_de_los_angeles The list of chatter aliases is to be found at: catlady_de_los_angeles catlady_de_los_angeles The HTML list of chatter aliases is to be found at: catlady_de_los_angeles € s_ings says, Lol, Jana george_weasleys_girlfriend says, and no i'm not bleeding on my computer "sliced my hand open" was far too graphic for you young'uns keithfras says, The list of chatters' problems can be found at slytherin_daughter is away (writhing around in agony) € s_ings says, Is this where we read about your lack of love life, Keith? keithfras says, I think Sheryl is right, tweezers are the best option. george_weasleys_girlfriend says, no tweezers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! € s_ings says, Why not? george_weasleys_girlfriend says, tweezers bad george_weasleys_girlfriend says, because they're pointy keithfras says, There's not really anything to report in my lack of love life, Sheryl. catlady_de_los_angeles says, would soaking in hot water make them come out or go deeper in? george_weasleys_girlfriend says, and i need no more pointiness in my life keithfras says, It's in the same state as a week ago. george_weasleys_girlfriend says, i don't know € s_ings says, It would make the skin around them softer, they would come out more easily george_weasleys_girlfriend says, don't worry about it george_weasleys_girlfriend says, i'm not going to bleed to death here keithfras says, So your daughter didn't throw up when you showed her my picture, did she run from the room screaming? € s_ings says, Poor Keith, I've tried to help € s_ings says, No, Keith, she didn't keithfras says, Did she spontaneously combust? george_weasleys_girlfriend says, she took the photo up to her room and stuck it to her ceiling above her bed keithfras says, LOL @ Jana catlady_de_los_angeles says, Did she say, when is he going to be in canada, did he say? € s_ings says, She said she's too involved in her Nintendo game, she promises to show more enthusiasm next time george_weasleys_girlfriend says, george_weasleys_girlfriend says, lol! keithfras says, I know when I'm going to be in Canada now. € s_ings says, Keith, when? george_weasleys_girlfriend says, yay! umm i live in the states so it doesn't really help me € s_ings says, And where? catlady_de_los_angeles says, Well, Keith, that should fit your self-image just fine: less iportant than a Ninentendor game keithfras grabs paperwork george_weasleys_girlfriend says, but you're closer keithfras says, 22nd July - 4th August, near Toronto € s_ings says, Where near Toronto? keithfras says, LOL @ Rita. Computer games are absorbing, I know. keithfras says, Bethany. It's about an hour's drive away. € s_ings says, I don't know where that is, I'll look it up and let you know how close to us that is slytherin_daughter is back. keithfras says, Where are you? I'll see if it's on this map I've got. € s_ings says, I know you told us before, but I forget,, why are you going to be there? € s_ings says, I'm in Ottawa keithfras says, Creative writing course. george_weasleys_girlfriend says, is em done writhing? keithfras says, Is Ottawa east or west of Toronto? lavenderchick49503 says, west € s_ings says, sort of north-east george_weasleys_girlfriend says, north george_weasleys_girlfriend says, south george_weasleys_girlfriend says, east george_weasleys_girlfriend says, west george_weasleys_girlfriend says, north east george_weasleys_girlfriend says, southwest lavenderchick49503 says, southwest?/ catlady_de_los_angeles says, LOL@Jana keithfras says, Em, first you were dying, now you're writhing in agony? What's wrong? george_weasleys_girlfriend says, east north € s_ings says, Don't mind Jana, she's lost george_weasleys_girlfriend says, west north george_weasleys_girlfriend says, sourth nother george_weasleys_girlfriend says, *north george_weasleys_girlfriend says, west east george_weasleys_girlfriend says, *begins to cry out of sheer confusion* catlady_de_los_angeles says, LOL@Jana keithfras calms Jana with the Force € s_ings says, Keith, Toronto is about 4 1/2 hours from me (not very far in my terms) george_weasleys_girlfriend says, calms... calms... calms... calms... falls asleep keithfras says, Ah. Hmmm. owlfriend_of_hedwig leaves keithfras lays Jana on the sofa and pulls blanket over her catlady_de_los_angeles says, Kieth, at least your medi-wizardry is effective george_weasleys_girlfriend says, *snuggles into blankets and begins to snore* keithfras tiptoes away catlady_de_los_angeles says, she is dreaming of George george_weasleys_girlfriend says, *BEGIN DREAM SEQUENCE* keithfras says, Emily? Are you still writhing in agony? george_weasleys_girlfriend says, I opened my eyes and looked around. The place was strange, unfamilar. I had never been in this place before, but I felt as though I knew it. george_weasleys_girlfriend says, I opened my eyes and looked around. The place was strange, unfamilar. I had never been in this place before, but I felt as though I knew it. keithfras says, *DREAM SEQUENCE CENSORED DUE TO CONTENT* catlady_de_los_angeles says, Whateer is wrong with Emily, she indicated that she didn't feel a need to run away from home. catlady_de_los_angeles says, Go on, describe THIS PLACE slytherin_daughter says, *writhes* € s_ings says, Keith, I found it in my atlas, closer to Peterborough than Toronto george_weasleys_girlfriend says, I was standing on green, springy grass in an impossibly beautiful place. catlady_de_los_angeles says, someone has been reading Pippin's latest keithfras says, Yeah, I just think of it in terms of Toronto because that's where I'll be flying to and I've heard of it! € s_ings says, Everyone thinks in terms of Toronto, it's the biggest place in Ontario! keithfras says, Emily, what's up? george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Way off in the distance is a lake, surrounded by laughing children from as young as eleven. Some are lying in the sun, some are reading and others are laughing and chasing each other around. keithfras tries to reach into Emily's mind with the Force catlady_de_los_angeles says, some are flying over them on broomsticks to drop water balloons down on the otehrs? george_weasleys_girlfriend says, I glance around, searching for a familiar face. I'm terribly frightened, but only because I don't know where I am or who to turn to. There's no one I recognize. Nonetheless, the place is comforting, calming and more than anything else - safe. lavenderchick49503 says, Wow, ive been in this chat room all of lavenderchick49503 says, 3 times and i m on the list catlady_de_los_angeles says, No Weasley red hair? catlady_de_los_angeles says, No "That's Harry Potter! He looks just like Al!"? € s_ings says, LOL @ Rita george_weasleys_girlfriend says, A large castle also lats in the distance, and I see it come into view over a gentle hill. The castle is gigantic, with five stone towers - one at each corner and one at the center. I approach it calmly and slowly, not knowing what to expect, only knowing that I can't stand to stay away. keithfras says, Emily? Hello-ooo? george_weasleys_girlfriend says, I start for the castle slowly, picking up a bit more speed as I get closer. Soon, I'm in a dead run, wind whipping through my hair and my heart pounding in my chest. I can't remember the last time I felt so exhilarated, so alive. € s_ings says, Well, folks, I have to go eat cake - Keith, I'll email you about your trip to Canada (perhaps I can find a way to come and meet you) catlady_de_los_angeles says, A large, ugly orange cat rubs agasint your leg and leads you to the castle?, catlady_de_los_angeles says, by by Sheryl keithfras says, Cheerio, Sheryl. May the Force be with you. € s_ings says, See you all later george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Bye Bye Sheryl! s_ings leaves keithfras says, Jana's talking in her sleep. catlady_de_los_angeles says, she;s dreaming george_weasleys_girlfriend says, What breaks me out of this wonderful state is the presence of someone beside me. I turn quickly, alarmed, and see a pair of twinkling blue eyes and thousands of brown freckles and flaming red hair. I'm so surprised by my new running partner that I stumble and begin to tumble towards the ground - but he catches me. keithfras sits down on the rug in front of the fire catlady_de_los_angeles says, ooh how romantic george_weasleys_girlfriend says, "Are you all right?" he asks, alarmed, as he rights me. I nod slowly, a little wary. He's taller than me - but not too much taller - and is rather lanky. His arms are strong, though, strong enough to catch me. "I'm George," he says softly. slytherin_daughter says, as deliciously pornographic as this promises to get, I must go. keithfras says, LOL @ Emily keithfras says, Bye. May the Force be with you. george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Aww... george_weasleys_girlfriend :waves:: catlady_de_los_angeles says, by by Emily, please stop writhing george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Sayanora. keithfras is away (be right back) slytherin_daughter says, I'll try to not writhe any longer. slytherin_daughter says, Bye, guys. slytherin_daughter leaves heiditandy enters heiditandy says, hi all... catlady_de_los_angeles says, Hi, Heidi heiditandy says, grandmas are busy, baby is being put to bed, sick husbend is resting... catlady_de_los_angeles says, Jana has glass splinters in her hand and none of us know how to remove them keithfras is back. heiditandy says, I seem to remember something about running water over them. keithfras says, Hi, Heidi. Shhh, Jana's asleep. heiditandy says, don't any of the websites have advice? heiditandy says, why doesn't george help her? keithfras says, She's dreaming about him. george_weasleys_girlfriend says, I tell him my name, warming up to this handsome stranger. "Are you looking for someone?" he asks. I shake my head, confused again. I hardly knew where I was or why I was where I was. "I don't know," I admit. He puts his free hand in mine and it's then that I realize he's holding a broomstick in his other hand. george_weasleys_girlfriend says, "What's that?" I ask slowly. He laughs and I feel embarrassed. Apparently, I had just asked a stupid question. "I'm sorry," he apologies sincerely, albeit with a grin. "It's my broomstick. Would you like to go a ride, stranger? george_weasleys_girlfriend says, " lavenderchick49503 is away (Auto-Away) keithfras idly glances at the many windows and doors of the chatroom, which transcends many places, times and realities george_weasleys_girlfriend says, I nod and I sit behind him on the broomstick, wrapping my arms firmly around his waist. What was giong on? This is insane - flying brooms? This was insane. This sort of things happened in fantasy books, not reality. Broomsticks don't fly. catlady_de_los_angeles says, Yes,sort of like the Olde Phoenix Inne she_with_too_many_names leaves keithfras sees, through the door which he entered by, a futuristic cityscape of gleaming spires with vehicles zooming overhead lavenderchick49503 is back. lavenderchick49503 says, I feel like i missed a lot in the past 3-4 monthes lavenderchick49503 says, im lost keithfras says, We've gone slightly weird, don't worry about it. george_weasleys_girlfriend says, I close my eyes to drive away the dizziness I feel as we rise up into the air. I rest my cheek against his warm back and listen to him breathing, listen to each beat his heart makes. catlady_de_los_angeles says, Rachel, what do you want to have lived through? keithfras sees dragons flying past a window on a different wall catlady_de_los_angeles says, Jana is dreaming about George Weasley and Keith is a Jedi lavenderchick49503 says, do you mean what do i wish i had lived though, or what do i want to happen in my lifetime? catlady_de_los_angeles says, what you wish you had lived through in the lst 3-4 months lavenderchick49503 says, im not sure george_weasleys_girlfriend says, "Where are we going?" I whisper in his ear. He looks over his shoulder at me with a sideways smile. "Wherever you wish." Our faces are unbearably close and after a few moments, he turns back. I shake my head. Now is not the time to get involved in midair romantic trysts with a complete stranger. lavenderchick49503 says, anything then what happened in the last two weeks would have been fine catlady_de_los_angeles says, They are both fanfic authors -- Jana writers Not Quite Paradise, a prequel to Trouble in Paradise, and Keith writes Ginny the Vampire SLayer george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Anyone want me to finish? lavenderchick49503 says, i do keithfras says, Yes, me, this is really cool. catlady_de_los_angeles says, go on Jana george_weasleys_girlfriend :grins:: Cool. keithfras says, A little creativity never hurt anyone. lavenderchick49503 says, i guess iam happy with life the way it was catlady_de_los_angeles says, haev the romantic tryst with stranger after landing lavenderchick49503 says, i wouldn't change it catlady_de_los_angeles says, what about last two weeks: we have ruined your life by having weird chats? lavenderchick49503 says, No keithfras notices little creatures made of smoke and orange light floating up and down he chimney lavenderchick49503 says, i usally miss the sunday chats cause i worked on sundays george_weasleys_girlfriend says, I look downat the ground with wide eyes. Boy, we are high off the ground. My grip on him tightens a little and I can feel him laughing. "Scared of heights?" he asked, devilish grin returning. "No... scared of falling." He laughs again. God, I love that sound. george_weasleys_girlfriend says, *down at lavenderchick49503 says, but i lost my job lavenderchick49503 says, and its not a good time to be out of work catlady_de_los_angeles says, oh. sorry. lavenderchick49503 says, and i got put on academic probation keithfras says, Urp. Sorry to hear about that. lavenderchick49503 says, probably cause i just read as opposed to doing homework lavenderchick49503 says, or srudying lavenderchick49503 says, oh well lavenderchick49503 says, go on with the story lavenderchick49503 says, Sorry to interupt keithfras watches as angels and demons battle above the skylight george_weasleys_girlfriend says, We begin to circle the castle, looping and swooping with wide arcs. "Just don't do one of those... things," I warn. "You know... when you turn over in midair?" "A barrel roll?" "That sounds right." And, without warning, my world is upside down. I scream and hold onto him so hard that I'm probably squeezing all the air out of his lungs, but he's laughing as we turn right again. heiditandy is away (Auto-Away) george_weasleys_girlfriend says, And yes, that is a blatant rip-off of Pearl Harbor. george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Just in case you wanted to know. keithfras flinches in surprise as the head of a brachiosaurus, its mouth full of leaves, glances in at another window catlady_de_los_angeles says, As long as it doesn't mistake you for a shrub, Keith lavenderchick49503 says, Wow Pearl Harbor and Jurassic Park lavenderchick49503 says, Should we throw in some Titanic catlady_de_los_angeles says, We dnt want Jana anbd Geroge to drown keithfras dims the lights overhead as he walks over to a balcony on the far side of the room, from which nothing can be seen except stars lavenderchick49503 says, No, i was thinking of the car scene keithfras says, The one with the steamed up windows? lavenderchick49503 says, oh yeah george_weasleys_girlfriend says, "You're crazy!" I gasp, heart pounding. The adrenaline is still rushing through my veins. "We could have fallen off... gotten hurt..." I feel a thud beneath me and I realized we've landed on the balcony. He gently helped me off the broom. "I would never let you get hurt," he whispered. keithfras stares at the thousand thousand thousands little diamond points overhead catlady_de_los_angeles says, Kweith, there are supposed to be only 6000 starts naked eye visible from Earth keithfras says, Poetic justice, 'kay? george_weasleys_girlfriend says, *helps *whispers keithfras says, And who says the balcony is on earth? keithfras says, Poetic licence, I mean george_weasleys_girlfriend says, I trust him. It's amazing, but this wonderful stranger - this George - has earned my trust in but minutes. I look and see that we're on the balcony of one of the towers I'd amired from the ground. "Where are we?" He takes my hand wordlessly and we climb through the window. catlady_de_los_angeles says, You;re lurking on the balcony on which George is landing so you can challenge him to a duel for Jana? keithfras says, No, Jana is in a dream. I'm just wandering round the chatroom looking out the windows, doors etc, all of which lead to different worlds. keithfras hears lapping water below him heiditandy leaves Your buddy heiditandy leaves chat keithfras looks down and sees the stars reflected in a calm ocean keithfras says, (The transcript of this is going to be strange reading indeed) george_weasleys_girlfriend says, There are rafters above me and cages lining the walls, all filled with owls. They come in every shape and size, every color and temperment. The majority of them are asleep, beaks tucked beneath feathery wings. "This is the Owlery," he says, His hand is still in mine and I don't mind at all as he leads me past these beautiful animals and out the door. catlady_de_los_angeles says, Jana, don't you notice the SMELL of the Owlery? george_weasleys_girlfriend says, This is a fantasy/dream. The Owlery smells GREAT. lavenderchick49503 says, Na, shes captivated by George lavenderchick49503 says, I would Be catlady_de_los_angeles says, Kieth: a wonderful warm ocean (piss-warm, in fact), and three beatuful mermaids (the blonde, redhead, and brunette) have risen to the surface for a game of Catch keithfras feels a ripple of wind and sees the reflected starscape twist like a kaleidoscope as the wind creates a wave george_weasleys_girlfriend says, He closes the door behind us and we start down the winding stone staircase, hand-in-hand. The walls are also made of stone, but lined with torches that cast an eerie glow against the wall. I shiver and walk a bit closer to him. He'll take care of me; I know it. catlady_de_los_angeles says, The blonde mermaid screams in delighted mock-panic as the lifts her and destroyes her aim just as she throws the ball catlady_de_los_angeles says, which is a beaitufle giant pearl. george_weasleys_girlfriend says, We reach the bottom of the staircase and start down a corridor. There are torches along these walls, too, and candles hovering jsut above my head. This corridor is bright and welcoming. There is no fear here. george_weasleys_girlfriend says, *sniffle* Everyone's trying to upstage me. keithfras says, You want to dual-write this? OK. catlady_de_los_angeles says, They are tossing three pearls simultaneously, each as large and round and smooth as, and rather more shiny than, their breasts keithfras says, (That was to Rita) catlady_de_los_angeles says, Jana we are listening to you! catlady_de_los_angeles says, Jana you writer better than me! catlady_de_los_angeles says, Keith, yes keithfras blushes and looks away george_weasleys_girlfriend says, LOL @ Keith's aw shucks" attitude" keithfras calls down to the mermaids keithfras says, Um, hello? catlady_de_los_angeles says, Eyes turns aside, but Keith's ears still hear their musical laughter catlady_de_los_angeles says, Mermaids hear Keith, giggle, and the redhead calls upward: Hello, Sky Person! keithfras says, Er, how do you do? Connection error #10054; The connection is reset by remote side Connection error #11001; Authoritative answer: Host not found Connected! Sending login information... You see here: keithfras, jamesf991, george_weasleys_girlfriend, lavenderchick49503, catlady_de_los_angeles keithfras says, Ah, connection trouble catlady_de_los_angeles says, Hi, I was disconnected! george_weasleys_girlfriend says, "This place is wonderful," I murmur softly. He stops suddenly and I run into him again, and this time he slips an arm around my waist to make sure I don't fall. Our faces are very close, closer than they were while we were on the broomstick. I reach up very slowly and touch the side of his cheek. He puts his hand over mine gently and pressed his lips to the center of my palm. The closest thing I can relate the feeling to is electricity - a pleasant shock. catlady_de_los_angeles says, The last I heard was "Er, how do you do?" catlady_de_los_angeles says, can you email me the missing bits Keith? keithfras says, I haven't said anything else of note. catlady_de_los_angeles says, the blonde mermaid, who had dived to retrieve her pearl, surfaces and throws her pearl up "Catch, Sky Person!" keithfras says, I just said I was waiting, then 'Rita, your bit', then 'ah, connection trouble' george_weasleys_girlfriend says, *presses keithfras leans out over the edge of the balcony and draws the pearl to himself with the Force keithfras reaches out to sense the mermaid's minds catlady_de_los_angeles says, The mermaids giggle and thhrow the otehr two pearls up at him lavenderchick49503 is away (Auto-Away) keithfras tosses back the first one and moves to catch the new ones catlady_de_los_angeles says, the mermaids have flighty minds, mostly thinking simple fun thoughts of splash and warm and throw and catch, but there is always some background of sex and some background of 'eat fish' catlady_de_los_angeles says, Brunette mermaid bats falling fall with her fishtail, sending it back up to Keith keithfras , now holding a pearl in each hand, levitates the third in mid-air in front of him catlady_de_los_angeles says, Mermaid applause, each has two hands to beat together and a tail to slap ont he surface of the water. They admire the lievitation george_weasleys_girlfriend says, I feel his other arm slide around me and I look up into those startling blue eyes again. We're even closer now - millimeters apart - and I close my eyes just in time to feel him kiss me. The kiss feels like an eternity, but I know it only takes up an insignificant few seconds of my time. An insignifcant few seconds that mean the world to me. keithfras levitates the other two pearls as well and flies the three of them round each other catlady_de_los_angeles says, More mermaid applause and giggles. "Fly me, too!" calls the redhead, giggling. keithfras considers this george_weasleys_girlfriend says, "There is one more place we must go before you must leave," he whispered, pulling away slightly. I shake my head. I don't want to leave this place. I can't turn away from this. But I make no protest as he leads me down the hallway. george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Muggle are being fucking beasts again. Think you guys'll be here in an hour? catlady_de_los_angeles says, oh, poor Jana, interruppted in the middle of a wonderful dream! keithfras climbs over the edge of the balcony and jumps down towards the water, slowing his descent with the Force george_weasleys_girlfriend says, I know - grr. george_weasleys_girlfriend says, So...? Yes? no? catlady_de_los_angeles says, actually, I hope we won't still be here in an hour, keithfras says, Um, I might be - depends how this goes on. catlady_de_los_angeles says, yoyou'll have to post it as a whole dream on HPff george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Eh, it's not really any good. No one'll want to read it. george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Besides, I can't C & P this. george_weasleys_girlfriend says, It won't even highlight. keithfras says, Have a look, I want to hear the end. keithfras says, Get it from the transcript later (assuming Rita doesn't cut this bit out) catlady_de_los_angeles says, Jana, I post the transcripts and you acn Cut and paste it sfrom the transcript catlady_de_los_angeles says, I haven't seen anything today that needs to be cut out george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Okay - when'll you post it? How do you post it? catlady_de_los_angeles This chat will be saved and posted on theYahoo Group : catlady_de_los_angeles catlady_de_los_angeles says, in the Filse section george_weasleys_girlfriend says, How does it get posted, though, if you can't highlight? catlady_de_los_angeles says, because they have a length limit on the Posts keithfras says, She has a recorder thingy on, I think. catlady_de_los_angeles says, I'm in Cheetah which has a Save Transcript funtion george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Okay, cool then. When will it be posted? catlady_de_los_angeles says, shortly after everyone loggs off, as it doesn't need to be editted keithfras says, Yet george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Ack - Muggle beasts are getting violent. Will be back ASAP and hopefully I can finish here. george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Thanks Rita! george_weasleys_girlfriend says, LOL Keith. lavenderchick49503 is back. lavenderchick49503 says, do you usally have to edit it? catlady_de_los_angeles says, Well, Keith, we'll just have to behave our selves keithfras says, Bye Jana george_weasleys_girlfriend says, heh later lavenderchick49503 says, Bye george_weasleys_girlfriend leaves keithfras says, Two weeks ago's got edited. keithfras says, It doesn't happen that often. lavenderchick49503 says, Because its too long, or dirty word or what? catlady_de_los_angeles says, Lavendar, I edit as little as possible, but sometimes some things have to be censored, adn seometimes when I have to do in with WordPad to delete statements, I fix spelling and typing as well. That takes FOREVER, fixing types. lavenderchick49503 says, Why bother catlady_de_los_angeles says, Because someone says somethaing about someone who isn't a member which seems like it would be libellous keithfras says, Two weeks ago was some rather heavy personal discussion. lavenderchick49503 says, Oh i get it keithfras says, Anyway, where were we? I just jumped down into the water. catlady_de_los_angeles says, Mermaids clear a space for you to 'land' keithfras hits the water and dives down, robes flying behind him, then breaks surface lavenderchick49503 says, Your in the water with robes? catlady_de_los_angeles says, mermaids cry (in supersonic squeaks) Welcome, Stranger! keithfras lets the pearls fall, picks up the redhead carefully and lifts her into the air with the Force lavenderchick49503 says, doesn't that make it difficult to swim? keithfras says, I can always hold myself up telekinetically, shouldn't be a problem. catlady_de_los_angeles says, Me, too, shout th eothers lavenderchick49503 says, Oh okay then catlady_de_los_angeles says, while the redhead makes an effort to swim through air to tickle Keith keithfras , taking great care, lifts up the other two and spins them round and round in a circle catlady_de_los_angeles says, lots of gjgglesi catlady_de_los_angeles says, Oh, Oh, a dignified older mermaid swims up keithfras looks around a little while still concentrating hard on keeping the mermaids aloft keithfras sees sheer rock wall rising up in the direction of the balcony, and nothing but water in every other direction catlady_de_los_angeles says, no sags or wrinkles in a mermaid's figure, but her hair is up on top of her head in a pile of braids supproting a pearl crown keithfras says, Greetings! catlady_de_los_angeles says, "Girls!" she scolds. "Are we birds? Do we swim in air?" catlady_de_los_angeles says, "Hello, Air Person, do you belong in water with all that wet cloth?" keithfras sheepishly lowers the three mermaids gently into the water catlady_de_los_angeles says, "Aw, Mama, it was fun!" keithfras says, Um, not really. Just dropped in. catlady_de_los_angeles says, "This Sky Person knows magic! He makes things fly! Look!" and tosses the three pearls at Keith catlady_de_los_angeles says, whie older Mermaid is lifting an eyebrow at the Just Dropped In pun keithfras deftly halts each pearl in midair just in front of his face saitaina enters keithfras says, Hi Saitaina. keithfras says, Weirdness Warning! saitaina says, Hey Keith catlady_de_los_angeles says, "Well, our usual dealing with two-legged persons, other than birds, is with harpists and bards, or the occasional shipwrecked sailor, not with mages" keithfras says, I was exploring the many worlds leading off from the trans-dimensional chatroom and met some mermaids thanks to Rita catlady_de_los_angeles says, Hi Saitana saitaina says, Hey hun keithfras replies "I am a Jedi from another world." keithfras says, and I can't sing to save myself, so don't ask. catlady_de_los_angeles says, Older Mermaid shrugs. "Jedi, wizard, spaceman, all mages" keithfras says, Yes, it IS as weird as it sounds, Saitaina. saitaina says, heheeh, I see catlady_de_los_angeles says, O ryou, Saitana, could say something HP related catlady_de_los_angeles says, altho; we already exhausted the subject of Snape's underwear saitaina says, Aw...pitty. I actually dont' have my usual weird chat questions prepared sadly. I had one..but forgot it. catlady_de_los_angeles says, redhead mermaid sees that older mermaid is distracted by conversation and watching the blonde and bruneete who are closer to her, so she sneex, I mean sneaks up behind keith to tickle him by surprise saitaina says, Oh god, I need to go clear my eyes, you're little sneex looked like something else. keithfras senses the redhead coming and dives beneath the water to avoid her keithfras surfaces a short distance away, grinning at her catlady_de_los_angeles says, soemone earlier typed sneexes for sneezes, so I declared taht sneex is to sneak up behind someone and pat their arse catlady_de_los_angeles says, tail bash, Splash!, soak Keith saitaina says, hahaha keithfras is already wet through, so doesn't really mind saitaina says, Okay, I have a question, why are you guys sorta role-playing in the chat room? keithfras sticks tongue out at redheaded mermaid lavenderchick49503 is away (Auto-Away) keithfras says, Because we were bored catlady_de_los_angeles says, we can stop lavenderchick49503 is back. lavenderchick49503 says, no im not catlady_de_los_angeles says, not back? lavenderchick49503 says, no, not away saitaina says, ah. No, it's fine, I was just wondering, I mean come on, if you're gonna rp, rp HP keithfras says, First Jana started writing a story about her dream (I sent her to sleep) keithfras says, then I started fleshing out the appearance of the room catlady_de_los_angeles says, when rp HP (calling it Round Robin ratehr than interactive) it always turns into orgies saitaina says, but that's the fun! j/k lavenderchick49503 says, I have HP questions keithfras says, And the mermaids seem like the ones from DS. catlady_de_los_angeles says, Ask!' saitaina says, Ask away love catlady_de_los_angeles says, Mermaids in DS? I may have amnesia saitaina says, I think I remember them keithfras says, Yes, when Harry and hermione fell down a hole in the floor catlady_de_los_angeles says, oh, now I remember lavenderchick49503 says, Im sure they've been asked before, and one is just a pondering catlady_de_los_angeles says, this may be a little stupider keithfras says, Go ahead. keithfras says, Jana's dream was HP - it was about George. catlady_de_los_angeles says, than the DS mermaids saitaina says, uh huh keithfras says, Ask away, Rachel. saitaina says, brb-email decided to gang up on me keithfras says, Tum-te-tum.... lavenderchick49503 says, I don't know saitaina says, back again, it decided to stop lavenderchick49503 says, i think i forgot keithfras twiddlies thumbs and tries to decide what to do next lavenderchick49503 says, I want a magic carpet saitaina says, Okay, here's my question lavenderchick49503 says, much more comfortable than a broom catlady_de_los_angeles says, I think Hermione;s next politial movement should be to decriminalize flying carpets lavenderchick49503 says, Yeah catlady_de_los_angeles says, for the sake of disabled peoplel and mothers of todllers keithfras says, Yeah, flying carpets would definitely be more relaxing. catlady_de_los_angeles says, Go on, Saitana saitaina says, Are the parent's of muggle borns allowed inside the world of magic? Can they attend the Quidditch world cup? Are they allowed to frequent the shops in Diagon Alley and Hogsmede to pick up things for they're young witch or wizzard? lavenderchick49503 says, Hermiones parents were in Diagon Alley keithfras says, Hermione's parents were allowed into Diagon Alley, we know that. Otherwise we don't really know. catlady_de_los_angeles says, Hermione's parnts where able to come into Diagon ALley thru the Leaky Cauldron with her and we saw them at Gringotts bank lavenderchick49503 says, although in PS Harry said he though that no one else could see Leaky Cauldron lavenderchick49503 says, besides him and Hagrid keithfras says, I guess Hermione was able to lead them in. catlady_de_los_angeles says, rachell, so they close their eyse and follow as Hernmione leds them by the hands lavenderchick49503 says, How did she know how to get there? keithfras says, Yeah, that's what I was thinking of. lavenderchick49503 says, Did Hogwarts send her special instruction catlady_de_los_angeles says, QWC - we saw Semus and his wtich mother but not his Muggle father. Was he not allowed or just not interetest? lavenderchick49503 says, s lavenderchick49503 says, Maybe his dad had to work keithfras says, That's a good question. Do all Muggle-raised kids get orientation like Harry? catlady_de_los_angeles says, Rachel, l I believe that Hogwarts MUST send special instructions toall Muggle-born students saitaina says, I would think if you're daughter shows it to you you can see it. It's like when you lose soemthing and can't see it for the life of you when it's sitting right there. I was just wondering because Dean's parents never showed up at the World cup, and Hermy's parents were only seen in Gringotts, which wouldnt' care what you were just as long as you had money keithfras says, I think we have to assume that. keithfras says, What Rita said, that is. saitaina says, They prolly send special info and Minerva arranges and interview to relax the more warry. catlady_de_los_angeles says, harry SHOULD have received the same infor packet, but as he was wizard-born, it wasn't sent o him lavenderchick49503 says, Dean went with Seamus to the world cup though catlady_de_los_angeles says, so Dumbldore sent Hagrid to him instead saitaina says, Yes but if you're son was going to THE WORLD CUP...wouldnt' you want to go with? lavenderchick49503 says, Not necessarlay lavenderchick49503 says, Maybe they had to work catlady_de_los_angeles says, By that time (Dursleys had stolen all his letters) Dumbledore knew that the Durselys weren't gonig to co-operate with just a brochere lavenderchick49503 says, Maybe they had to take care of the other kids keithfras says, Maybe they didn't understand...maybe there are unrevealed issues with Dean's parents being unsupportive. catlady_de_los_angeles says, Maybe all the tickerts were sold out or two expensive for the Thomases keithfras says, Sorry, imagination working overtime today. catlady_de_los_angeles says, The Fawcetts coudln't get tickets lavenderchick49503 says, Her name is Fawcett lavenderchick49503 says, thats funny saitaina says, Hmm, maybe. catlady_de_los_angeles says, Rachel Fawcett? keithfras says, Who's name is Fawcett? keithfras says, *Whose lavenderchick49503 says, We don't know the first name lavenderchick49503 says, just miss lavenderchick49503 says, she got a bloody nose during the 1st dueling match lavenderchick49503 says, hence the name Misss Fawcett saitaina says, I remember that! keithfras says, Oh yeah, the one who tried to age herself in GoF and got caught by Snape in the bushes with Stebbins. lavenderchick49503 says, Yup catlady_de_los_angeles says, I think there are two Fawctter girls, the one in Ravenclaw who trie dto cross the Age Line and ws in the dueling club, and the other, her sister, is in Hfflepuff, and was in teh rose bush with Stebbins keithfras says, Which duelling match? keithfras says, Oh, right. saitaina says, In CoS..They show up alot. lavenderchick49503 says, the only dueling match lavenderchick49503 says, with mr lockhart lavenderchick49503 says, oops Dr Lockhart? keithfras says, I haven't read the books in ages....I reread them far too many times when I first got them. catlady_de_los_angeles says, I must argue with Lexicon, "Miss Fawcett, ten points from Hufflepuff. Mr. Stebins, ten points from Ravenclawse" does not sound to me like Ravenclawe girl and ufflepuff boy lavenderchick49503 says, Oh me to saitaina says, hehe, GoF never leavs my car so I remember it a lot. keithfras is away (be right back) catlady_de_los_angeles says, anyway, one of the n ames that signed out Quiddticth Thru the Age was Fawcett, with an illegible initial. SOmeone said it waws S. lavenderchick49503 says, Thats whats on the Lexicon catlady_de_los_angeles says, I knew it wasn't M or E even tho I have named the two Fawcett girls Ellie and Mary -- Mary is the Quidditch nut lavenderchick49503 says, Ellie? lavenderchick49503 says, i knew a girl named that once catlady_de_los_angeles says, Electra Elizabeth Fawcett lavenderchick49503 says, not what i would give a wizard catlady_de_los_angeles says, Androcles Josephus "Andy" Stebbins lavenderchick49503 says, but electra lavenderchick49503 says, Cool names catlady_de_los_angeles says, and i decided that Mary must have a first name that starts with S that she hates too mujch to use, but Madam Pinch insisted on it saitaina says, I'll stick with Monica and Aahz Pettigrew as names thank you. catlady_de_los_angeles says, Sexagunda would be bad enough a name that she would try to keep it secret, yes? saitaina says, hahahaha saitaina says, it's a lovely bad name. catlady_de_los_angeles says, I said, one of the Ravenclaw girls in the dorm with Mary and CHo is named Nellie, short for Pulcherinella, and she often announces that if she hass daughters, she's going to name them after Mary and Cho catlady_de_los_angeles wonders if Saitana is regretting that she suggested being on topic saitaina says, I didnt' suggest it! catlady_de_los_angeles says, I htought you suggested roleplaying HP saitaina says, I was just saying, as you're in an HP chat room...someone else said I should get on topic when I came in minzzer enters catlady_de_los_angeles says, Hey, Minzzer! catlady_de_los_angeles says, Pesephone already gave up on us and left saitaina says, I was quite content reading you're posts while trying to figure out where I'm going in The End minzzer leaves minzzer enters minzzer has been invited to join this room. saitaina says, Can't decide what your'e doing love? minzzer leaves catlady_de_los_angeles says, Probably connection trouble catlady_de_los_angeles says, I lost connection twice today catlady_de_los_angeles says, Catorman was kicked out a million times today saitaina says, Ick lavenderchick49503 says, are you in CA catlady_de_los_angeles says, and the check-out list for Quiddtich Thru the Ages included T. Nott catlady_de_los_angeles says, I am in CA keithfras leaves keithfras enters saitaina says, brb-potty (who was Nott again?) catlady_de_los_angeles says, keith is in oxford england lavenderchick49503 says, is it the power thing? keithfras says, Whoops. catlady_de_los_angeles says, The adult Nott was a Death Eater in the graveyard catlady_de_los_angeles says, Keith, you didn't miss anything keithfras says, Right. Now I can go straight to bed when this finishes. catlady_de_los_angeles says, A young Nott, no first name given, was Sorted int he same year as Harry lavenderchick49503 says, It doesn't say where though keithfras says, No scintillating revelations about the secret link between Harry Potter and Star Wars? catlady_de_los_angeles says, I named her Regina, not Terribilia keithfras says, lavenderchick49503 says, Right catlady_de_los_angeles says, I made her the DE's dauthter and put her in SLytherin catlady_de_los_angeles says, With my luck, JKR intended young NOtt to be a boy elvenwren enters catlady_de_los_angeles says, hey , Vikki elvenwren says, hi saitaina says, Damn! I now have to tell mom to wrap the plunger around the cat elvenwren says, Still people here. keithfras levitates self out of the ocean and returns to the chatroom to dry out, much to the mermaids' disappointment. keithfras says, Hi Elvenwren! catlady_de_los_angeles says, wrap the plunger aroudn the cat????? Huh????? keithfras squelches across the carpet and sits back down in front of the fire catlady_de_los_angeles says, casts Dessication Charm on Keith's clothing keithfras says, Thanks, Rita. saitaina says, My mom forgets things, so when she goes to put the cat in teh cage to bring it up to see me, she'll remember the plunger, it's a joke, just means I have to tell her to put it where she'll remember it. keithfras says, For the confused, I started exploring the many worlds accessible from the trans-dimensional chatroom and met some mermaids. keithfras says, Courtesy of Rita. saitaina says, Or in other words...Keith's being weird again. keithfras says, And yes, it was as weird as it sounds. elvenwren says, It was suppposed to sound weird? catlady_de_los_angeles says, I htought it was very normal elvenwren says, That's what I thought too. keithfras discovers he accidentally brought a salmon with him from the ocean... catlady_de_los_angeles says, Hey, is there an oceanfront near St. Andrews? keithfras says, St. Andrews is by the sea, yes. keithfras says, But I'm in Oxford.... keithfras says, which isn't. catlady_de_los_angeles says, cold sharp rocks, or a beach? (Yes, I know I should ask John not you, but John isn't here, and you are) keithfras says, Um, a beach I believe. You seen the film Chariots of Fire? lavenderchick49503 says, Im by Lake Michigan saitaina says, *snores* lavenderchick49503 says, its kind of like the sea lavenderchick49503 says, not really though elvenwren wonders what an ocean is like.. catlady_de_los_angeles says, Loved the film, dohn't rembmer St Andrews ... amnesia, keithfras says, Saitaina, you think *this* is off topic? keithfras says, The scene at the beginning is St. Andrews - where they run along the beach. saitaina says, No, I'm just bored. I don't care if you're on-topic or not. catlady_de_los_angeles says, I've sen Lake Michigan, it is rather like an ocean keithfras says, Cool, does that mean I can go jump back in the ocean? I just got dry. elvenwren says, I live near Lake Champlain.. sometimes called the sixth great lake... freshwater though.. saitaina says, Go on *waves him away* keithfras says, Isn't there a monster in Lake Champlain? elvenwren says, yep keithfras says, catlady_de_los_angeles says, a Kelpie? elvenwren says, creatively named 'Champ' elvenwren says, yep lavenderchick49503 says, You can't surf in Lake Michigan though mandolabar enters lavenderchick49503 says, i've always want to go surfing keithfras says, Hi, Amanda! catlady_de_los_angeles says, Hey, AManda mandolabar says, Wow, somebody's still here! mandolabar says, I survived the birthday party! catlady_de_los_angeles says, Tammy Faye's? elvenwren says, We're often here until late hours.. mandolabar says, Yeah. saitaina says, Okay I'm having weird moments here mandolabar says, Saitana, you're an AManda, too? saitaina says, Yup saitaina says, Hence why I go by the name Saitaina mandolabar says, Cool. How old are you? I'm 37, it was a rare name when I was young. mandolabar says, Until Barry Manibutt. saitaina says, I'm 20 and went to school with over 250 Amanda's mandolabar says, Sigh. I used to be unique. catlady_de_los_angeles says, Barry Manilow? Not Spock' smother on Old Strek? saitaina says, hehehe. Now I am unique and I love it. mandolabar says, I did get to where I like the meaning, though... mandolabar says, I was 12 or 13, I think, when Barry's "Mandy" came out. keithfras curls up in front of the fire for a nap mandolabar says, Spock's Mom was way before that. saitaina says, I wasn't even born yet...that's sad. mandolabar :going greyer by the minute, feeling creaky::: saitaina says, *giggles* mandolabar says, Are we boring you, keith, honey? catlady_de_los_angeles offers Mandy an Oiling Can, like for the Tin WOodsman keithfras says, The fact that it's 2.40 in the morning could be contributing to my sleepiness. mandolabar says, Mandy oils hair by mistake, swears loudly catlady_de_los_angeles says, Do you have any thing you have to do tomorrow, Keith? keithfras says, Not until late morning. elvenwren leaves elvenwren enters saitaina says, Oh god, I had this urge to yell out Snape! After you're last post Amanda. keithfras says, So I can hang around. keithfras says, SNAPE! mandolabar says, Why? keithfras says, Snape has greasy hair. keithfras says, *oily mandolabar :to the tune of Monty Python's "spam"::: saitaina says, Because you oiled your hair, a usual morning ritual for our hook nosed god. catlady_de_los_angeles says, You ought to go to sleep in 20 minutes or so, Keith, to get 8 hrs by 11 am mandolabar says, All together now... mandolabar says, Snape, Snape, Snape, Snape keithfras says, I'll live. mandolabar says, Snape, Snape, Snape,Snape catlady_de_los_angeles says, SNAPE! LOL mandolabar says, Snapity Snape, Snapity Snape.... mandolabar says, etc. lavenderchick49503 says, I haven't had 8 hours i years i think keithfras says, I'll see if Jana gets back to finish her dream-story. elvenwren says, Eight hours.. I don't know the last time I got eight hours. mandolabar says, I usually clear five or six hours. I'm usually REALLY cranky saitaina says, I have to sleep 10 hrs a night or I'm dead. lavenderchick49503 says, Jimmy Fallon is really hot mandolabar says, Okay, I'm dead most of the time. elvenwren says, When do you have time to sleep ten hours? mandolabar says, Maybe I'ma vampire too. catlady_de_los_angeles says, have you read PR#6 yet? mandolabar says, PR? saitaina says, easily, I no work elvenwren says, PR six was great as usual.. lavenderchick49503 says, i don't work anymore either catlady_de_los_angeles says, Oh, Fanfic, you don't read it, I keep forgetting lavenderchick49503 says, but i still can't sleep for more than 6 hours mandolabar says, Not working was killing me, home with the kids; now that I'm working I'm much more relaxed. saitaina says, Work is Icky and yes I know I'm pure Slytherin. keithfras says, Life is icky. mandolabar says, Can I get anyone anything at WB store? It's closing in a month. lavenderchick49503 says, we don't have one keithfras lifts head just long enough to say that mandolabar says, I got the last Hogwarts logo throw, but there's lots of games and mugs and stuff left. 40% off. mandolabar says, Pillows--sorting Hat pillows with little House logos inside, Harry & the snitch pillows, Hogwarts arms pillows...\ lavenderchick49503 says, they have all of that stuff at Natrual Wonders which is also closing elvenwren says, is Natural Wonders closing everywhere? mandolabar says, Just offering. Not everyone has them in town. lavenderchick49503 says, Yeah saitaina says, I wanted the hogwarts throw *cries shamelessly* lavenderchick49503 says, I want a broom stick pen elvenwren reminds self to check Natural Wonders.. mandolabar says, Now I feel guilty. elvenwren says, I don't know where WB stores are.. lavenderchick49503 says, Big citys like Chicago and New Yourk lavenderchick49503 says, and Orlando mandolabar says, Oh, and potions kits that do things like make troll boogers and dissect owl pellets. mandolabar says, I passed on those, myself lavenderchick49503 says, I don't think we have a single one in Michigan keithfras says "I haven't bought any of the WB merchandise" without lifting his head lavenderchick49503 says, not even in Detroit catlady_de_los_angeles says, are there broomstick pens? mandolabar ::goes over to keith, sits down, and cradles his head in her lap::: lavenderchick49503 says, I don't know lavenderchick49503 says, but i wan't one saitaina says, I've spent 300 on HP merchandise. keithfras says "I just read a very funny story about nine musicians who sneaked into the Lord of the Rings movie party in Cannes" into the rug mandolabar says, What did the rug say back? lavenderchick49503 says, was it a HP rug? keithfras says, Nothing/ mandolabar says, See? We're more fun. GEt up. catlady_de_los_angeles says, There are things I want that they don't offer: at the beginning of the year, I wanted a 2001 datebook with the boat ride to Hogwarts picture on the front, or the Hogwarts arms. elvenwren says, gosh.. I've never even seen all this stuff.. keithfras leaves lavenderchick49503 says, i want' a hogwarts robe mandolabar says, Oh, they have little spiral notebooks with the Hogwarts arms, and mousepads with it, too...those are cool and way cheap. keithfras enters keithfras says, Sorry, got disconnected. lavenderchick49503 says, and a flying broomstick catlady_de_los_angeles says, I still want a blue silk scarf with scatter pictures of the Ravenclaw logo -- not the one of the beheaded bird, the real one lavenderchick49503 says, and a magic carpet ride saitaina says, Okay, I g2g guys, the company had decided to buy a new movie. mandolabar says, ? keithfras says, Bye, Saitaina. May the Force be with you. mandolabar says, Bye. elvenwren says, Bye saitaina says, Bye Keith, get some sleep. *hugs, glomps, schnoggles and gloggles everyone* saitaina leaves mandolabar says, Should I worry that I've been gloggled? mandolabar says, It sounds messy. keithfras says, YOU KNOW WHEN YOU'VE BEEN GLOGGLED. elvenwren says, What is gloggling.. elvenwren says, At risk of sounding very stupid.. catlady_de_los_angeles says, by by Saintana keithfras says, A combination of glomping and schnoogling, I think. mandolabar says, Sounds kind of like what happens when you're drinking, and walking barefoot, and step on a Lego.... catlady_de_los_angeles says, Vikki, a new word they invented last week, I think elvenwren says, I've been dead sick for 3 days.. mandolabar says, What with? elvenwren says, I don't know.. mandolabar says, Which end? keithfras says, Remove the word 'sick' from that sentence and you get a rather weird announcement. keithfras says, Sorry, I'm a bit insane now. mandolabar says, Now....? lavenderchick49503 says, I hate AOL elvenwren says, I don't think being sick helps with following chats.. elvenwren says, normally, I never get lost.. elvenwren says, And now, with five people! argh keithfras leaves keithfras enters keithfras says, OK, connection is being weird. keithfras says, I think I'll go to bed. Rita, too bad we didn't get to finish the weirdness. catlady_de_los_angeles says, god night Keith elvenwren says, Bye Keith.. elvenwren says, When were you being weird? keithfras says, Say sorry to Jana for me for not catching the end of her dream if she makes it back in. mandolabar says, Now THAT is a loaded sentence for those of us who came in in the middle, keith... keithfras says, Read the transcript, Elvenwren. keithfras says, LOL @ Amanda. catlady_de_los_angeles says, we were story-telling/role-playing keith palying Catch with mermaids catlady_de_los_angeles says, before that, Jana was draming about George, very literately elvenwren says, I hate being sick.. catlady_de_los_angeles This chat will be saved and posted on theYahoo Group : catlady_de_los_angeles mandolabar says, Well, I should go, too; I was just peeking in. elvenwren says, and I missed last week's chat too. mandolabar says, Have a good night, everyone! catlady_de_los_angeles says, good night Mandy mandolabar leaves catlady_de_los_angeles says, Vikki, last weeks chat is archive d and this week;s chat will be archived (in Files Section) elvenwren says, I know, I know.. lavenderchick49503 says, Well, its 10 PM, i should go out elvenwren says, but reading the archives is nothing like being there.. catlady_de_los_angeles says, it is normal to hate being sick catlady_de_los_angeles says, sick is unpleasant lavenderchick49503 says, Oh its Sunday lavenderchick49503 says, i can't catlady_de_los_angeles says, Rachel: go out where? not to work, without job elvenwren says, I'm normal? How strange.. catlady_de_los_angeles says, good luck jobhunting lavenderchick49503 says, i mean out lavenderchick49503 says, to do something lavenderchick49503 says, I have no money though lavenderchick49503 says, and nothing is open here on Sundays lavenderchick49503 says, No one is hiring lavenderchick49503 says, Cause its summer and every one is home from College elvenwren says, I hate working when I'm sick too.. lavenderchick49503 says, Who doesn't elvenwren says, At least I can do all my work from bed.. so it isn't so bad, I guess.. lavenderchick49503 says, Why has Napster blocked everything elvenwren says, They haven't blocked everything.. elvenwren says, try alternate spellings lavenderchick49503 says, I have catlady_de_los_angeles says, na[ster was just bought by ,,,, bertlesmab? elvenwren says, What are you looking for? lavenderchick49503 says, They have blocked everything interesting lavenderchick49503 says, nothing in particular lavenderchick49503 says, i have every thing i really wan't catlady_de_los_angeles says, they want to turn it inti a paid sebscription site elvenwren says, Do you use Gnutella? lavenderchick49503 says, No lavenderchick49503 says, i had Win MX lavenderchick49503 says, then MusicNet changed there server godess_proserpina enters lavenderchick49503 says, to Morpeous godess_proserpina leaves elvenwren says, I've never used WinMX.. lavenderchick49503 says, It doesn't work anymorc elvenwren says, I haven't had problems finding what I want though. lavenderchick49503 says, what do you listen to elvenwren says, All sorts really.. lavenderchick49503 says, Me too lavenderchick49503 says, i was try ing to get all of Rent, but thats now blocked catlady_de_los_angeles says, godess_proserpina: Persephone/Kate? elvenwren says, That's what I was thinking. elvenwren says, That's funny.. I just got missing Rent songs from Napster about a week ago. elvenwren says, They just keep blocking more and more stuff.. elvenwren says, I wonder sometimes what is on Napster.. lavenderchick49503 leaves keithfras leaves absolute_sue enters lavenderchick49503 enters lavenderchick49503 says, Did i miss anything lavenderchick49503 says, computer froze catlady_de_los_angeles says, Rachel" No" lavenderchick49503 says, does anyone know what the task bar is? catlady_de_los_angeles says, excep absolute_sue enteredl lavenderchick49503 says, oh, Hello elvenwren says, The bar on the bottom of your screen.. catlady_de_los_angeles says, Hi, Sue lavenderchick49503 says, I had message that says the task bar is not reponding elvenwren says, That's Windows telling you it doesn't like you. absolute_sue says, hey elvenwren says, That's actually a semi-critical part of Windows that is crashing. catlady_de_los_angeles says, I feel like I used to know which Sue is you, but I can't remember. I ahve amnesia lavenderchick49503 says, Oh no absolute_sue says, um... lavenderchick49503 says, ooh, im having a thunderstorm catlady_de_los_angeles says, Rachel, Windows carashses all together too often, the usual cure is reboot absolute_sue says, i was on last sunday lavenderchick49503 says, I think it is working no catlady_de_los_angeles says, if scared of thrunderstorm hitting electricity, log on andp ower down and unplug lavenderchick49503 says, we haven't had a power outage in years elvenwren says, This is why I shouldn't work when I'm sick. elvenwren says, Are you serious Rachel? lavenderchick49503 says, why do i need to unplug elvenwren says, I get power outages about 3 times a day. catlady_de_los_angeles says, Oh, I didn't answe about CA -- I'm in DWP area so hae no electricity shortage, no rolling blackouts lavenderchick49503 says, sometimes the power goes off at night for like an hour lavenderchick49503 says, like once a year lavenderchick49503 says, in april elvenwren says, Lucky you. lavenderchick49503 says, So why should i unplug elvenwren says, Because, power can surge through your computer and hurt it.. lavenderchick49503 says, oh lavenderchick49503 says, i guess its supposed to hail tonite too elvenwren says, Most surge protectors are in fact, ineffective.. but anyway.. lavenderchick49503 says, love that michigan weather lavenderchick49503 leaves lavenderchick49503 enters lavenderchick49503 says, ahh it disconneccted me elvenwren says, Does that to me too.. lavenderchick49503 says, So, if you had a house elf, what would you name it? elvenwren says, I had a snow storm about a week ago.. lavenderchick49503 says, seriously? lavenderchick49503 says, where are you? absolute_sue says, wouldn't the elf come with a name? lavenderchick49503 says, i wondered about that elvenwren says, near Lake Placid, New York.. lavenderchick49503 says, but if they are in fact property of the family, maybe you would get to name it lavenderchick49503 says, So were not too far apart absolute_sue says, hm... lavenderchick49503 says, at least were in the same time zone elvenwren says, I hope I wouldn't have to name a house elf.. I'm horrible with names.. lavenderchick49503 says, didn't southern people name their slaves? catlady_de_los_angeles says, it is said that Victorian middle+ class ladies renamed any maid servants whose own names were 'inappropriate' absolute_sue says, maybe if you were on good trems with the family (you being the elf) catlady_de_los_angeles says, Mary and Polly and Peggy were appropriate name, Primrose and Petunia were inappropriate, I don't kow about Lily or Rose lavenderchick49503 says, i would pick something other than Winky catlady_de_los_angeles says, the House Elves have terrible names liek DObby and Winky lavenderchick49503 says, Or Dobby elvenwren says, I know that Victorians sometimes called all the maid servants by the same names.. george_weasleys_girlfriend enters catlady_de_los_angeles says, Jana! george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Yay! People! catlady_de_los_angeles says, You came back! absolute_sue says, well maybe if winky had a spazing eye, the name 'winky' would be appropriate george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Yep, it's me! ::bows:: absolute_sue says, het jana catlady_de_los_angeles says, Keith fell asleep: it';s after 3 am his time elvenwren says, hey jana absolute_sue says, *hey george_weasleys_girlfriend lower lip quivers:: What happened to Keith? george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Aww... george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Hey everyone! ::waves:: lavenderchick49503 says, IN the Trixie Beldon books, the neighbors just called the cook "Cook" catlady_de_los_angeles says, he really awnted to stay and hear the rest of the dream, but he fell asleep lavenderchick49503 says, next to a fire george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Maybe he'll dream the ending. catlady_de_los_angeles says, the COok is called Cook and the Nanny is called Nanny, but the maids had names lavenderchick49503 says, exactly elvenwren says, I know they had names.. they just had the same name/names. lavenderchick49503 says, so House Elf A and House Elf B it is catlady_de_los_angeles says, the employer thinkgs taht "Cook" is a less unprestigeous job than maid, but the cook complains about These People calling her out of her name catlady_de_los_angeles says, Vicki, not always the same name, Madame will want to be able to give order: Annie, clean the front parlor, Betty, take the new dog for a walk lavenderchick49503 says, I think Housekeeper is a little more PC absolute_sue says, what about a butler? lavenderchick49503 says, Jeeve? lavenderchick49503 says, Jeeves? absolute_sue says, lol elvenwren says, I'm not expert on Victorian culture.. I just once read a little bit.. catlady_de_los_angeles says, Housekeeper was a better job than cook, back in the days of a housefull of servants, Housekeeper gae orders to all the other servants so that Madame didn't even have to come home ever lavenderchick49503 says, Ahh, so the Housekeeper, kept the House lavenderchick49503 says, hence Housekeeper catlady_de_los_angeles says, butler also gives order to the other indoor servans, so I don't udnerstand the realtion between Butler and Housekeeper lavenderchick49503 says, I wonder if the Gnomes have names lavenderchick49503 says, they should help george_weasleys_girlfriend says, <--- is totally and completely lost catlady_de_los_angeles says, The Gnomes are beasts, not beings -- see FB absolute_sue says, i have to go back to studying now, finals next week absolute_sue says, night lavenderchick49503 says, Dobby and Winky should get married lavenderchick49503 says, night catlady_de_los_angeles says, by by Sue, good luck with finals lavenderchick49503 says, yeah good luck catlady_de_los_angeles says, Winky shouldn't get married until she sobers up' george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Good luck Sue! lavenderchick49503 says, do better than me absolute_sue says, thanks, i'll need ut absolute_sue leaves lavenderchick49503 says, then they should go live with the Weasleys elvenwren says, I should be studying... oh well.. I've taken two exams so far.. lavenderchick49503 says, and have little house elfs lavenderchick49503 says, school is out for summer here lavenderchick49503 says, college lavenderchick49503 says, high school lavenderchick49503 says, elementry elvenwren says, Another week and a half and I'm done! lavenderchick49503 says, well college is never really out elvenwren says, Somebody's trying to rush a work project on me too.. elvenwren says, I'm always so frustrated when I'm sick.. hermitchick enters hermitchick says, I'm back elvenwren says, hello lavenderchick49503 says, hello hermitchick says, you guys still alive? lavenderchick49503 says, and kickin' catlady_de_los_angeles says, Hi Persephone, were you the godess_proserpina was popped in and out? catlady_de_los_angeles says, Minzzer was here for a few minutes in your absence hermitchick says, oh, that, yeah, my computer froze, cheeta died, and hermitchick wasn't working hermitchick says, ugh, waking up at 4am was stupid elvenwren says, Why did you wake up at 4? lavenderchick49503 says, why did you do that hermitchick says, couldn't sleep catlady_de_los_angeles says, I woke up at 4 am, but I went back to bed elvenwren says, I have very good sleep habits.. lavenderchick49503 says, i usally go to bed around 4 lavenderchick49503 says, or pass out, which ever is conveinent catlady_de_los_angeles hands out roses @---}---}--- @---}---}--- @---}---}--- to all elvenwren says, I went to bed at 4:30 Thursday... got up at 4:30 Friday and Saturday.. went to bed at 4:30 last night lavenderchick49503 says, you slept for 12 hours? elvenwren says, nope.. lavenderchick49503 says, i usally go to bed around 4-430-5, wake up at noon elvenwren says, I slept between 3 and 5 hours each night.. elvenwren says, just *very* different hours hermitchick says, was there any intresting conversation while I was gone? lavenderchick49503 says, or i go to bed earlyier and get up between 10 and 12 lavenderchick49503 says, once last week i wen't to bed at 230 and got up at 8 catlady_de_los_angeles says, Jana had a very literate dream about George. Keith and I played with some mermaids. I complained about hte names of the Fawcett girls. lavenderchick49503 says, that was weird lavenderchick49503 says, i talked about house elves and magic carpet catlady_de_los_angeles says, jana got glass splinters in her hand and elvenwren is sick hermitchick says, sounds like a happy night george_weasleys_girlfriend is away (Auto-Away) elvenwren says, Is one supposed to get lots of sleep when sick? lavenderchick49503 says, yes lavenderchick49503 says, you are supposed to want' to sleep elvenwren says, I try to sleep.. it doesn't work. hermitchick says, ugh, i got creepy porn-ish PM from a guy this time!, I think I liked the chicks better jamesf991 leaves elvenwren says, I haven't gotten any PMs recently at all.. strange.. catlady_de_los_angeles says, I haven't gotten any PMs for weeks. I thought it was becasue of Yahoo's crackdown on porn. hermitchick says, I had to turn my PMs back on because I had to mesges someone who was not on my buddy list elvenwren says, I don't really think Yahoo has cut down on porn much at all.. lavenderchick49503 says, i thought they did the opposite lavenderchick49503 says, they now offer it through their auctions catlady_de_los_angeles says, Was the creepy pron-ish PM a personal obscene phone call, or a widespread junk mail ike the ones from girl's names? lavenderchick49503 says, or do i have that backwords lavenderchick49503 says, i don't know lavenderchick49503 says, i read an article like a month ago elvenwren says, Yahoo supposedly cut down on porn.. lavenderchick49503 says, right hermitchick says, yup, but a guy this time hermitchick says, I was listed as a guy before, now I'm a chick according to cheeta lavenderchick49503 says, i so can't even find the song i want in my files, i hate napster lavenderchick49503 says, its such a mess lavenderchick49503 says, i don't even know what songs i have downloaded elvenwren says, Don't hate Napster.. my music collection depended a least half on it.. lavenderchick49503 says, why do you keep having sex changes lavenderchick49503 says, i don't lavenderchick49503 says, i wish i had a better way to organize lavenderchick49503 says, and that they didn't block stuff catlady_de_los_angeles says, Ii wonder if there are Potions for Magical sex changes, and if they are cheaper and easier than Potions for tidy hair and a splendid figure? hermitchick says, lol elvenwren says, lavenderchick49503 says, but it made me so mad before becouse nobody knew who did what song hermitchick says, I hate my hair lavenderchick49503 says, i hate my hair more elvenwren says, I don't like mine either.. it makes me look like a Weasley.. hermitchick says, what's wrong with yours? lavenderchick49503 says, i wish i had some sleakezy's magic hair potion lavenderchick49503 says, or however you spell it elvenwren says, And it is thick and poofy.. yuck lavenderchick49503 says, my hair can't decide if it wan't to be curly or straight lavenderchick49503 says, i look like a blond hermione hermitchick says, My hair's relitively thin, buy oily as hell, sois my skin for that matter lavenderchick49503 says, only like 5 years older lavenderchick49503 says, hey i talked to you before about this hermitchick says, it is definitly too late for typing twilightswirl enters hermitchick says, who? lavenderchick49503 says, you lavenderchick49503 says, Hello hermitchick says, cool lavenderchick49503 says, a long time ago hermitchick says, anyone here seen my really prom dress pic? twilightswirl says, hello hermitchick says, hi elvenwren says, I liked your prom dess pic.. twilightswirl says, very quiet in here elvenwren says, *dress catlady_de_los_angeles says, trwilight , aren't you supposed to be asleep? hermitchick says, <== why I hate pastels elvenwren says, Persephone.. it's not that late, is it? 10 to 11 right? lavenderchick49503 says, why can't i even highlight lavenderchick49503 says, its almost 11 hermitchick says, 11, but i've been awake since 4am twilightswirl says, I am in Florida, it's only 10:48 lavenderchick49503 says, same in Michigan twilightswirl says, and I am off for the summer from the college I work at....I also take classes there, but I'm on full scholarship lavenderchick49503 says, what college? twilightswirl says, I don't have any real time comprises now hermitchick says, that work? twilightswirl says, University of Miami lavenderchick49503 says, sounds nice hermitchick says, sounds warm twilightswirl says, I am a graduate assistant, I teach composition and...hopefully soon...literature lavenderchick49503 says, im home from MSU twilightswirl says, it's more than warm twilightswirl says, it's hate twilightswirl says, well.... twilightswirl says, hot lavenderchick49503 says, really far, like what 40 min selah_1977 enters lavenderchick49503 says, its cold here twilightswirl says, but there's a little bit of hate too! sadly elvenwren says, hey Ebony george_weasleys_girlfriend is back. george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Hey Eb! hermitchick says, hello selah_1977 says, There are people still *in* here? george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Yeah. selah_1977 says, Cool! catlady_de_los_angeles says, Eb! selah_1977 says, Hi, everyone! catlady_de_los_angeles says, Twilight, your fellow grad student, also just came back hermitchick says, you now agree that that is an ugly colour, and black would have been cool? catlady_de_los_angeles says, and lavendar is here wo is at MSU lavenderchick49503 says, not for long lavenderchick49503 says, and im not there now lavenderchick49503 says, im in nice cozy grand rapids lavenderchick49503 says, with mommy and daddy lavenderchick49503 says, who aren't too happy with me right now hermitchick says, is almost everyone here in college hermitchick says, ? selah_1977 says, Yeah, I think so. lavenderchick49503 says, are you hermitchick? george_weasleys_girlfriend :cries, not in college:: hermitchick says, one more year! one damn more year selah_1977 says, I was really hoping to finish this Paradise file tonight, but it doesn't look like I will. elvenwren says, I'm not in college either.. lavenderchick49503 says, its not that great twilightswirl says, yes, thanks catlady -the grad students are already chatting selah_1977 says, So let's talk college! twilightswirl says, selah_1977 says, I loved undergrad... selah_1977 says, Grad school is OK. lavenderchick49503 says, i hate it hermitchick says, I hate high school lavenderchick49503 says, i think i just hate michigan though lavenderchick49503 says, i hated high school more george_weasleys_girlfriend says, C'mon! ::whines:: catlady_de_los_angeles says, I dropped otu of undergrad and never could summon up enoubhg willpower to froce myse,lf to go back george_weasleys_girlfriend says, <--- is not in college lavenderchick49503 says, why not/ selah_1977 says, Everyone hates Michigan... except for natives. catlady_de_los_angeles says, Jana, what about your dream? lavenderchick49503 says, i am a native selah_1977 says, I missed it badly when I lived in Florida. lavenderchick49503 says, except when i lived in Florida lavenderchick49503 says, but i was 5 hermitchick says, I end up toturing annoying people in math, sucking up to annoying people who think they are inportant, and doing everyoe's home work lavenderchick49503 says, so i guess that doesn't count george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Umm... you want me to continue it? lavenderchick49503 says, yes george_weasleys_girlfriend says, But only two people would understand - everyone else would be lost! twilightswirl says, someone here said they hated high school....well, I don't remember it that fondly either hermitchick says, btw, what the hell is the whole point behinde the prom? george_weasleys_girlfriend says, it's just another dance catlady_de_los_angeles says, high school had great advanatages over elemenetary school twilightswirl says, middle school/junior high was THE worst hermitchick says, none i can think of catlady_de_los_angeles says, the prom is a custom left over from when people finished high school and immediately got married and went ot work on a farm twilightswirl says, high school was just merely an improvement selah_1977 loved her prom. hermitchick says, I was beaten up a few times a day. I was the samll dead looking person lavenderchick49503 says, oh, i hated high school hermitchick says, I looked stupid, but you guys have seen that mistake lavenderchick49503 says, i slept with have the guys in out senior class hermitchick says, I will get a black dress nextyear! lavenderchick49503 says, not really but close catlady_de_los_angeles says, chel, I think you made typoes lavenderchick49503 says, oops catlady_de_los_angeles says, Pespehone, you loked beautiful in youer pastel dress, altho' I admit you would hae looked beatufiul in black as well lavenderchick49503 says, i think that high school was awful lavenderchick49503 says, i really only slept with like two people lavenderchick49503 says, im not sure why lavenderchick49503 says, then this rumor got out that i did like half the class lavenderchick49503 says, and its still following me hermitchick says, see, I wanted a black dress, but Noooo, I look dead already, I have to look "normal" so i have a psetel dress. i hate my family hermitchick says, I don't like more than half the class, maybe 9/10 or more lavenderchick49503 says, this girl went to prom this year nine months pregnant and wore a two peice dress lavenderchick49503 says, her stomach was hanging out hermitchick says, saw one of those too hermitchick says, or 2 or 3 george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Nine months? She could have given birth on the dance floor! lavenderchick49503 says, at least thats what i heard from my friends little sister lavenderchick49503 says, yup hermitchick says, well maybe 7 or 8 hermitchick says, months hermitchick says, here hermitchick says, at my school lavenderchick49503 says, she was my friends girlfriend lavenderchick49503 says, but i didn't know her that well twilightswirl says, how could someone have the lack of taste to be 9mo preg ... hermitchick says, I say too damn many two picers. I was going to hurt someone twilightswirl says, and wear a TWO piece dress... twilightswirl says, to a prom! lavenderchick49503 says, she only kept the baby cause he died soon after she got pregnant hermitchick says, good question twilightswirl says, what did he die of? hermitchick says, he who? lavenderchick49503 says, its a long story hermitchick says, oh, sorry lavenderchick49503 says, im not too sure of the details lavenderchick49503 says, but no, he did not OD lavenderchick49503 says, and it wasn't gang related twilightswirl says, I heard a story like that...about two very religious Christians who were BOTH going to wait to have sex on their wedding night.... hermitchick says, They could start a nusery at our school, it scares me selah_1977 says, And what happened? twilightswirl says, and then couldn't wait anymore a few months before hand.... twilightswirl says, he died in an accident...then she found out she was pregnant and chose to keep his "gift" twilightswirl says, twilightswirl says, romantic I tell ya hermitchick says, I've never had sex with a guy, and really don't plan to lavenderchick49503 says, good, stay that way lavenderchick49503 says, i am really sick of sitting here hermitchick says, My father is an evil bastard, therefore most men annoy me. which leads to other proublems george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Sooooooooo Rita, whatcha up to? catlady_de_los_angeles says, Watching you guys lavenderchick49503 says, Back to the House Elves george_weasleys_girlfriend says, *dances* lavenderchick49503 says, Do they come with names? twilightswirl says, there are women who have awkward things happen between them and their fathers...and manage to go on and lead heterosexual lives hermitchick says, what about house elves? lavenderchick49503 says, How do they get married twilightswirl says, although homosexuality is not bad either catlady_de_los_angeles says, Are house elves named by their owners? I think not. I th inkg they are named by their parents. Parents ate to blame for those awfule namse Dobby and Winky lavenderchick49503 says, If they are tied to one family forever, how can they have little house elves lavenderchick49503 says, are they asexual? twilightswirl says, catlady_de_los_angeles says, If most houses tht have Hose Elvse have seeral elves, they can marry withing the household lavenderchick49503 says, or if they have two parents, which house keeps the baby elf hermitchick says, they're from west virgina? lavenderchick49503 says, lol lavenderchick49503 says, okay catlady_de_los_angeles says, or they coujld reduce inbreeding by having the occasion al House Elf wild party george_weasleys_girlfriend says, LOL I bet them house elves really get going at those parties. hermitchick is sared lavenderchick49503 says, i bet baby house elfs are just so cute george_weasleys_girlfriend says, They get drunk and shag in closets. george_weasleys_girlfriend says, *shudders* catlady_de_los_angeles says, maybe ethey name themselves, when frist learnign to speak, which would accont for their names being baby talk george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Winky. Dobby. lavenderchick49503 says, and it doesn't take much to get a house elf drunk lavenderchick49503 says, cheap dates george_weasleys_girlfriend says, heh lavenderchick49503 says, so you are going to get your coat, and you break in on your House Elf? lavenderchick49503 says, ewww george_weasleys_girlfriend says, ew ew ew catlady_de_los_angeles says, LOL george_weasleys_girlfriend says, <-- does not want to picture hosue elf sex george_weasleys_girlfriend says, *house hermitchick says, verry ewww lavenderchick49503 says, what do their genitals look like lavenderchick49503 says, imagine that george_weasleys_girlfriend :begins to cry:: george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Enough, enough. twilightswirl says, <--------------------------also trying to avoid image of house elf sex selah_1977 says, EWW! selah_1977 says, NOOOOOOOOO! twilightswirl says, LAVENDAR! lavenderchick49503 says, sorry lavenderchick49503 says, we had to look at pictures of hermaprodidtes in my BIO 104 clas lavenderchick49503 says, the instructor was obsessed twilightswirl says, fine, let's discuss more bizarre topics....anyone here think Gilderoy Lockhart was gay? lavenderchick49503 says, of course he was catlady_de_los_angeles says, I think Lockhart was completely asexual selah_1977 says, Hmm... prob'ly. lavenderchick49503 says, no just gay\ george_weasleys_girlfriend says, I guess so. He's in love with himself and he's a man... lavenderchick49503 says, well george_weasleys_girlfriend says, So in the most literal terms, yes. catlady_de_los_angeles says, interested only in admiring and praising himself, not in sex with anyone else lavenderchick49503 says, i suppose so twilightswirl says, wait....are all gay men in love with themselves? george_weasleys_girlfriend says, No, we never established Lockhart as gay. lavenderchick49503 says, has anyone seen the Saturday night live with Steve Martins Penis Cream? george_weasleys_girlfriend says, We just say he's in love with himself. george_weasleys_girlfriend says, No.... catlady_de_los_angeles says, I have been given to understand taht most gay men are not in love with themselves lavenderchick49503 says, something just made me think of that twilightswirl says, ok, well, now we've jumped to Penis Cream...any comments...selah? lavenderchick49503 says, No, but Lockhart definatly gave of gay vibes george_weasleys_girlfriend says, LOL george_weasleys_girlfriend says, What sort of gay vibes? selah_1977 says, Eww. selah_1977 says, Not. twilightswirl says, (as to the bizarre quality of all this) hermitchick says, should I be scared? lavenderchick49503 says, putting his hair up in rollars? hermitchick says, lol twilightswirl says, RTFLMAO! george_weasleys_girlfriend says, He wants it curled. So what? hermitchick says, very true lavenderchick49503 says, how many not homosexual guys do you know who curl there hair george_weasleys_girlfriend says, I don't know any gay or straight guys who curl their hir. george_weasleys_girlfriend says, *hair lavenderchick49503 says, leave class early to go curl there hair lavenderchick49503 says, i ment hetero sexual hermitchick says, most of the guys I know don't know what a conb is for lavenderchick49503 says, no kidding twilightswirl says, lol hermitchick says, comb george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Most guys at my school rool out of bed, look in the mirror, shrug, brush their teeth (OPTIONAL) and go to school. lavenderchick49503 says, i guess spiked hair is in style right now hermitchick says, sounds like me lavenderchick49503 says, me too twilightswirl says, selah, you're quiet lavenderchick49503 says, and my friends george_weasleys_girlfriend says, She's torturing me in IM. lavenderchick49503 says, but most of my friends are guys so i guess that makes sence selah_1977 says, here I am hermitchick says, I dig through my clothing pile(it's all black so it all matches) and hope it isn't too wrinkled lavenderchick49503 says, i usally passed out somewhere, so get up and where the clothes that i had on the night before lavenderchick49503 says, jk hermitchick says, and I might get to combing my hai, usually just use my fingures to brush through. maybe that's why I have such shitty hair lavenderchick49503 says, i wash my hair every other day lavenderchick49503 says, and straighten it lavenderchick49503 says, it takes to long to do that every day selah_1977 says, Got to get to washing my hair tonight... hermitchick says, I used to, it don't work, so I get to it when i can lavenderchick49503 says, we went from elf sex to lockhart,, to hair?? twilightswirl says, work in the morning? george_weasleys_girlfriend says, *puts all three together and muses* george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Winky/Lockhart lavenderchick49503 says, what are my fellow college students studying? george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Georgology. lavenderchick49503 says, lol hermitchick says, monica keeps patting me on the head and calling me "kitty", so Shelley decided to dothat because it bothers me. After she patted my hair she whiped her hands on her pants and told me to never let her do that everagain lavenderchick49503 says, Jimmy Fallon is so Hot george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Who's Fallon? elvenwren says, Jana.. how come you chose George over Fred? hermitchick says, who is that elvenwren says, not that I blame you.. hermitchick says, yeah twilightswirl says, I study English twilightswirl says, ltierature mostly george_weasleys_girlfriend says, george_weasleys_girlfriend says, That's why. lavenderchick49503 says, Saturday Night Live- he does the fake news lavenderchick49503 says, right now catlady_de_los_angeles says, George is a much nicer person tahn Fred hermitchick says, I want to study computer science catlady_de_los_angeles says, Fred used Ron's Puffskein for quidditch practise lavenderchick49503 says, im still undecided elvenwren says, What do you want to do in computer science? lavenderchick49503 says, i think my transcrip says oceanograpy elvenwren says, I think I'm stuck in the computer industry... selah_1977 says, Whatever about the George over Fred nonsense. I'm tired. george_weasleys_girlfriend says, George is great. ::grins:: george_weasleys_girlfriend says, LOL @ Eb. twilightswirl says, I can't believe people in here can break Fred and George apart hermitchick says, I dunno yet, i just like computers, much better than people george_weasleys_girlfriend says, I can. It's easy. george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Read the essay at the link I posted. lavenderchick49503 says, of couse you can lavenderchick49503 says, thats whats so great about these books selah_1977 says, Yeah, but I like Fred better... someday I'll write a Fred-essay. elvenwren says, You sound like me.. I don't really know many people.. just computers. lavenderchick49503 says, you can read into them how ever you want hermitchick says, we're pathitic ne? twilightswirl says, do you use comparison and contrast in your essay to show why he is superior to Fred in your contention? (Feel like I'm having a student conference here! Sorry it's my inbred nature) george_weasleys_girlfriend says, No, I don't feel that he's superior to Fred. He's just different. elvenwren says, That was quite an interesting essay. twilightswirl says, well, do you still use compare/contrast selah_1977 says, LOL, Twilight! (BTW, everyone in the fandom calls me by my real first name, Ebony. Also known as AngieJ.) hermitchick says, Ok, I do need a shower, my skin is getting icky and oily now selah_1977 says, I'm following you in a few minute. I need a shower and a hair wash too. twilightswirl says, I'm still "Twiligh" until I feel like this is more than a one time thing twilightswirl says, TwilighT, that is selah_1977 says, Sure--we totally understand! lavenderchick49503 says, i just need to get away from this computer chair george_weasleys_girlfriend says, There are some spots where he comes off as a nicer and more perceptive guy, but it's different personalities. george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Thanks Elven. george_weasleys_girlfriend says, catlady_de_los_angeles says, am I still connected lavenderchick49503 says, yes george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Yeperoo. selah_1977 says, Well, Fred has his moments too. hermitchick says, yup lavenderchick49503 says, So about those house elves in the closet hermitchick says, no comment twilightswirl says, how many cats do you have, C-lady? elvenwren says, I think I'm going to search through the books to check out F & G more closely.. lavenderchick49503 says, what color would their bodily fluids be? george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Exactly. Fred was the first person to ask Harry if he was all right after the Hufflepuff/Gryffindor game in PoA. catlady_de_los_angeles says, 4 cats now george_weasleys_girlfriend says, But it's just that George is more consistent in that vein. elvenwren says, When exams are over.. lavenderchick49503 says, i have 3 cats elvenwren says, I'm thinking about it now.. G is more perceptive.. selah_1977 says, No, we only see George more consistent. catlady_de_los_angeles says, my landlady told me I'm not allowed to have more than cats catlady_de_los_angeles says, four cats selah_1977 says, We don't know what Fred does when they're out of sight. lavenderchick49503 says, i want a basset hound catlady_de_los_angeles says, at the time she told me, I had 5 selah_1977 says, Fred does seem more headstrong. twilightswirl says, I shared three cats with my now all I have are my family's two dogs lavenderchick49503 says, is it in your contract>? selah_1977 says, Like he's the ideas guy of the pair. george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Yeah, Fred is more goaloriented while George is more concerned about the way to get there. catlady_de_los_angeles says, As far I as knw, the contract says No Pets twilightswirl says, I do love both species though...but cats are cool lavenderchick49503 says, Oooh george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Not necessarily the idea guy, but he has a better focus on things. elvenwren says, Very interesting.. george_weasleys_girlfriend says, What's very interesting? elvenwren says, Very good excuse to re-read the books too. george_weasleys_girlfriend says, LOL lavenderchick49503 says, What about Gnome sex catlady_de_los_angeles says, I'e had four die of old age on me since I moved into this apart (1989) with the two whom I'd had throu NYC, LA, and now Venice selah_1977 says, Yeah, Fred seems to be the leader. lavenderchick49503 says, so you are in your garden weeding and you pull up to gnomes catlady_de_los_angeles says, maybe gnomes reproduce by budding selah_1977 says, Rita are you a Cali native? lavenderchick49503 says, that must be a bit of a shock george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Or spores. lavenderchick49503 says, budding twilightswirl says, what is the deal with gnomes? I'd rather talk about Fwoopers catlady_de_los_angeles says, Yes, born in Kaiser Hospital in Hollywood selah_1977 says, Fwoopers must have some nice feathers. george_weasleys_girlfriend says, I'd rather talk about George, Twilight, but you don't hear me complaining. selah_1977 says, oh, neat! george_weasleys_girlfriend says, george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Okay, yes you do. That's beside the point. catlady_de_los_angeles says, all my friends were born across the street in the old Cedars of Lebanon hospital.... catlady_de_los_angeles says, which is now a Scientology buldg lavenderchick49503 says, whats the difference between a ghoul and a ghost elvenwren says, I think ghosts are real people.. catlady_de_los_angeles says, a ghoul is a monster that eats corpses twilightswirl says, I was winking GWGF.....when I would REALLY RATHER TALK ABOUT SOMETHING I DON'T WINK...TRUST ME elvenwren says, or once where catlady_de_los_angeles says, a ghost is the sprito f a person who died george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Don't yell. george_weasleys_girlfriend :begins to cry:: elvenwren says, What's GWGF? george_weasleys_girlfriend says, George Weasley girlfriend. catlady_de_los_angeles says, Jana, if George is here to comfort you, he's the only boy here george_weasleys_girlfriend says, *Weasley's lavenderchick49503 says, aww twilightswirl says, George Weasley's Girlfriend george_weasleys_girlfriend says, He's sitting next to me. lavenderchick49503 says, thats so sweet george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Doing his best to distract me, might I add. elvenwren says, I knew that. selah_1977 says, She is totally in love with George. twilightswirl says, do you think THIS chat will make it past midnight? elvenwren says, Excuse me for asking the stupidest questions tonight.. side effect of being sick.. elvenwren says, sure it will! selah_1977 says, Almsost everyone has their canon sweetie, Twilight... I don't, I just want to play Cupid. lavenderchick49503 says, you didn't ask stupid questions catlady_de_los_angeles says, it'll be mindnight East Coast in half an hour twilightswirl says, how cute, Ebony lavenderchick49503 says, im the one who came up with elf sex twilightswirl says, midnight is not relevant to me at this point in my life twilightswirl says, maybe in mid-August...but not now lavenderchick49503 says, my butt hurts from sitting twilightswirl says, there don't seem to be as many west coast/mountain time members in this Yahoo! group...not sure why lavenderchick49503 says, should we try to make this chat go for 12 hours? twilightswirl says, so yeah, it might end around midnight elvenwren says, What's the record for latest chat? selah_1977 says, LOL! What time did it start? lavenderchick49503 says, i don't know elvenwren says, I know I've been in here at 1:30 EST.. selah_1977 says, One time there were people in here after 1 EST... selah_1977 says, There you go! george_weasleys_girlfriend says, I've been here past midnight my time (CST) selah_1977 says, I had gone to bed... suffered insomnia... logged back on... twilightswirl says, well, I hope you sleep well tonight, Ebony!@ selah_1977 says, I still have another week of school , though... (sniff)( catlady_de_los_angeles says, Don't make this chat goe 12 hours selah_1977 says, Friday's our last day at school... no kids after Thurs. twilightswirl says, are you on the quater system, Selah? lavenderchick49503 says, sorry for the idea hermitchick is away (Auto-Away) twilightswirl says, quarter, sorry selah_1977 says, Semester. I teach secondary school and go to grad school full time. twilightswirl says, that's what my undergrad and first master's degree is in...English ED twilightswirl says, I subbed for a few years twilightswirl says, can't stand middle school, and the older kids "got old" on me quickly selah_1977 says, Not in grad school this semester, though... I got very, very sick this winter and was confined home by doctor's orders for nearly five weeks. selah_1977 says, I teach grades 5-8 now, 9-12 in the fall. twilightswirl says, I got sick pretty bad during a term once, but I lucked was an independent study twilightswirl says, I was not myself for about that long selah_1977 says, Will be taking classes this summer in England to make up for missing school... gotta love those directed studies! twilightswirl says, elvenwren says, oh no.. bad thought.. I don't want to be sick and taking exams.. selah_1977 says, Yeah, I hear every grad student gets really sick like that at least once... twilightswirl says, my goal is a Ph.D. as I want to be a full time college prof selah_1977 says, Me too! twilightswirl says, well, if that was my term to get sick in such a way...I LUCKED out! george_weasleys_girlfriend says, brb selah_1977 says, Hmm... I wish I didn't have to withdraw... I had three great classes this winter and had to drop all three... twilightswirl says, ugh selah_1977 says, It was either that or quit my job. And I support myself. And like my lifestyle. twilightswirl says, no husband..and no kids I guess twilightswirl says, I don't have any depedents either twilightswirl says, I could see getting attached to a lifestyle george_weasleys_girlfriend says, back twilightswirl says, lavenderchick49503 says, i don't know what to do for next year twilightswirl says, what are you supposed to do next year, chick? lavenderchick49503 says, Oh, i got put on academic probation lavenderchick49503 says, and they suspended my financial aid twilightswirl says, what year of college did you just complete lavenderchick49503 says, freshman lavenderchick49503 says, but i didn't complete it twilightswirl says, well, work or something lavenderchick49503 says, i guess im going to community college twilightswirl says, find a counselor on campus, not just an academic advisor who may or may not be sympathetic catlady_de_los_angeles is away (Auto-Away) lavenderchick49503 says, i hate state though, its so big catlady_de_los_angeles says, I'm not really away catlady_de_los_angeles is back. lavenderchick49503 says, i don't like so many people twilightswirl says, perhaps this is a sign to make that move selah_1977 leaves twilightswirl says, maybe you can attend community college, get an AA degree, and then go where you want lavenderchick49503 says, now i just need to get a job george_weasleys_girlfriend says, moo lavenderchick49503 says, if i repet classes at community, does it still replace the grade? twilightswirl says, what's with the bovine noises elvenwren looks for cows. elvenwren sees one wandering road.. twilightswirl says, see if you can't start from scratch lavendar lavenderchick49503 says, thanx twilightswirl says, sometimes starting from scratch is the best way lavenderchick49503 says, cows are gross twilightswirl says, the best opportunity one can get elvenwren says, What's wrong with cows? lavenderchick49503 says, i didn't know you could do that twilightswirl says, shake off your past lavenderchick49503 says, my great aunt had a cow farm twilightswirl says, speak to the folks there, see what your options are lavenderchick49503 says, i thought your record follows you lavenderchick49503 says, the cows smelled bad elvenwren says, My friend's family owns a dairy farm.. lavenderchick49503 says, and they don't taste good either hermitchick says, I think I'm going to go now, i'm going to fall asleep soon hermitchick is back. lavenderchick49503 says, you went far hermitchick says, bye all lavenderchick49503 says, okay well good nite elvenwren says, bye persephone hermitchick leaves twilightswirl says, thanks for saying bye persephone george_weasleys_girlfriend says, Night night alll... off to bed with me! lavenderchick49503 says, good nite twilightswirl says, nite elvenwren says, Bye Jana! george_weasleys_girlfriend :waves:: twilightswirl says, BYE! george_weasleys_girlfriend leaves twilightswirl says, boy did it empty out here quickly lavenderchick49503 says, two people? twilightswirl says, I see four including myself lavenderchick49503 says, well out of 6 is a lot lavenderchick49503 says, no two left elvenwren says, I'm still here. twilightswirl says, wren, did n't see you in here earlier twilightswirl says, where do you hail from elvenwren says, I pulled in about 9:30.. lavenderchick49503 says, how do you get a profile? elvenwren says, A profile where? lavenderchick49503 says, when i click on your names i can read your profile lavenderchick49503 says, but mine, where it says edit, its all shaded in, and i can't select it elvenwren says, hmm.. elvenwren says, You can go to elvenwren says, and start from there.. catlady_de_los_angeles says, on Yahoo! wehre you createdc thre ID, yoo createa the profile lavenderchick49503 says, okay sure twilightswirl says, ok, well, wren, I'm from Miami lavenderchick49503 says, so how bout those elves lavenderchick49503 says, do they have gay house elfs? lavenderchick49503 says, cause if they do, i bet Dobby was one twilightswirl says, are you indeed in LA catlady? elvenwren says, I once read ff about gay house elves.. lavenderchick49503 says, i don't read FF elvenwren says, But really.... no.. unlikely.. lavenderchick49503 says, i will after i read all of the books twilightswirl says, I read a little fan fiction last night...probably will not again fro sometime catlady_de_los_angeles says, maybe the House Elves aren't particular sure which gender they tmelselvs are or the other House Elves, so they have to try variety lavenderchick49503 says, so she should hurry up and write lavenderchick49503 says, oooh catlady_de_los_angeles says, won't you be heart broken when you're finsihed your first read of Book 7 and there will never ben another new one to wait for? lavenderchick49503 says, so instead of two elves in the closet, there could be like 4? catlady_de_los_angeles says, I am indeed in Los Angeles lavenderchick49503 says, yes of couse i will be catlady_de_los_angeles says, except the Venice district 90291 twilightswirl says, probably catlady....but maybe i'll be glad elvenwren says, I will be Rita.. twilightswirl says, in a way lavenderchick49503 says, then she will write some sort of sequel twilightswirl says, let's say she releases a book per year.... lavenderchick49503 says, or parrallel catlady_de_los_angeles says, She says she will not write a sequel or parallel or prequell lavenderchick49503 says, like the adventures of Dean thomas twilightswirl says, that would have number seven out in 2004 catlady_de_los_angeles says, she says she has other ideas she wants to writer about lavenderchick49503 says, so im sure those books will be good too catlady_de_los_angeles says, and not spend her life on only one idea elvenwren says, Her other ideas will be good too. lavenderchick49503 says, did you know that they are looking for a ghost writer to write another narnia book? twilightswirl says, that would be long enough for me to be glad...perhaps my life will be very different...but I am grateful for harry potter's "entrance" into my lfie now lavenderchick49503 says, isn't that terrible catlady_de_los_angeles says, yeah, someone posted teh newspaper article about Narnia & attempt to cash in lavenderchick49503 says, besides she could always change her mind lavenderchick49503 says, and write a sequel twilightswirl says, yeah, look at Michael Jordan lavenderchick49503 says, or she could die young, and then a ghost writer would have to take over twilightswirl says, coming out of retirement possibly again! elvenwren says, And if JKR writes no sequel.. there are great ff authors.. lavenderchick49503 says, okay twilightswirl says, ok.....let's not speak of JKR's death catlady_de_los_angeles says, she might destroy the universe in Book 7 -- who said, don't blow uip the universe in chapter 1, you will find you need it later? lavenderchick49503 says, Has anyone ever read Sammy Keyes mysterys? lavenderchick49503 says, i read my sisters, and they are addicting twilightswirl says, I certainly hope that if she has an untimely death, that the series will have been completed! twilightswirl says, but I hope she has a long, fruitful life elvenwren says, This is very depressing.. lavenderchick49503 says, even though i feel stupid reading something written for 6th graders twilightswirl says, I KNOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! elvenwren says, I keep thinking of Douglas Adams.. catlady_de_los_angeles says, Rachell, she alwasys says she wrote it for herself, not for children, and that it ws the publishers idea that it is a cheldren's book, not her idea elvenwren says, That was just totally unfair. lavenderchick49503 says, i was talking about Sammy Keyes lavenderchick49503 says, Harry Potter is different lavenderchick49503 says, i see people my age reading them all the time elvenwren is away (be right back) lavenderchick49503 says, i worked at a hotel for a long time and a theater group came in, i can't reamember what they were performing, but i saw at least two of them wit PoA in their hands twilightswirl says, what is age....I'm thinking about toting around a Harry Potter academic planner NEXT YEAR and I'll be applying for a PHD lavenderchick49503 says, So if Book 5 comes out in 2002, then book 6 2003-04 and 7=2005-6 lavenderchick49503 says, i should be out of college by then twilightswirl says, I'm putting it at one a year just to be safe lavenderchick49503 says, 2006 lavenderchick49503 says, that is so long away lavenderchick49503 says, i might lose my youth twilightswirl says, even with book 7 in 2004, I should be finishing my compulsory examinations and be done with all work other than the book I have to write for the degree twilightswirl says, Lavendar, you WON"T lose your youth twilightswirl says, the phd degree twilightswirl says, so it would come at a good time actually lavenderchick49503 says, yeah but after book 6. we are going to be begging for 7 lavenderchick49503 says, i mean that last puzzle lavenderchick49503 says, the last little detail twilightswirl says, we'll be ok lavenderchick49503 says, and she is probably going to make us wait like 3 years twilightswirl says, I don't think she'll be that cruel catlady_de_los_angeles says, well, she has to take as long as it takes to make each book as good as the first three/four catlady_de_los_angeles says, otherwise everyone will complain that she was ruinied by successl lavenderchick49503 says, then 7 will come out and she will leave a whole buch of stuff unaswered lavenderchick49503 says, and we will all cry and try to decide if Snape is a vampire twilightswirl says, why do we need a vampire! LOL twilightswirl says, he teaches during the day, Lav lavenderchick49503 says, or if the Dursleys are really overgrown House Elfs with no magic lavenderchick49503 says, im just making a poing lavenderchick49503 says, t lavenderchick49503 says, Rita, do you have to stay here so you can record the whole thing? lavenderchick49503 says, cause if you want to go, perhaps we should clear out catlady_de_los_angeles says, I'm wandering off from time to time to visit my laundry catlady_de_los_angeles says, stay if you want to catlady_de_los_angeles says, leave if you want to twilightswirl says, well, we have to get wren out with is twilightswirl says, us, I mean lavenderchick49503 says, wren- where are you? catlady_de_los_angeles says, maybe she fell asleep at the keyboard twilightswirl says, interesting twilightswirl says, idea twilightswirl says, very possible twilightswirl says, but I think I'll go myself...just to go...I think this is all over and the portrait of the Fat Lady's about to sing catlady_de_los_angeles says, by by twilight elvenwren is back. elvenwren says, no.. I'm beta-reading fanfiction twilightswirl says, oh well, I'm clearing out wren lavenderchick49503 says, alright im out elvenwren says, ok.. Night! lavenderchick49503 says, bye catlady_de_los_angeles says, oh, you;re nt asleep. Shall we shut down anyway?s twilightswirl says, Bye Lav, Bye Wren, Bye Cat catlady_de_los_angeles says, by by Laveder Rachel. twilightswirl says, twilightswirl leaves lavenderchick49503 leaves catlady_de_los_angeles says, test of avatar