Extra tickets...

Jennifer Piersol jenP_97 at jenp_97.yahoo.invalid
Mon Nov 12 02:41:35 UTC 2001

--- In HP4GU-California at y..., "Catlady (Rita Prince Winston)" 
<catlady at w...> wrote:

> > Anyway, if I'm unable to find someone to go, does anyone need 
> > another ticket?
> Hi, everyone! Thank you one million times to the lovely people who 
> made sure there is tickets for me, and: hey, Jen, if you still have 
> those extras, I'll buy them for Tim.

Sure, Rita - that sure turned out to be convenient! ;)

By the way, the t-shirt (or flag) idea sounds great - if you'd rather 
not do it, I'll have a go - my husband has plenty of white t-shirts 
(of course, so do I, for that matter) that I can take over, and while 
we bought a new printer a while back (to print out Ginger pictures), 
I haven't tried transfer paper yet...


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