[HP4GU-California] Preliminary plans for SoCal gathering...

golden faile golden_faile at golden_faile.yahoo.invalid
Mon Oct 14 03:37:04 UTC 2002

Okay everything sounds good so far.I don't know If I will be able to stay for the second showing, but I will definitely be there. It's a month away so I have a little time to figure that out :). We should get dinner/coffee in between. Maybe I can call ahead and make reservations this time, I'm not up for the 45 minute wait. Islands again? Or do we want to try something else? There's also a Rubio's and a pizza place, but seating is crazy because these are fast food (first come first served). It depends on everyone's budget. There's also a Subway now and Sushi. I'm partial to the Mexican restaurant (On the Border), but it's a bit pricey. The appetizer plates are big, and they are pretty reasonable. Let me know.
 Jennifer Piersol <jenP_97 at ...> wrote:Okay.  Friday's opening night.  I say let's go Saturday night, as
it'll still be a big crowd, but probably easier for those of us who
have to travel to attend.  Selfish me, I'd rather not be exhausted
after the 3 hour drive.  Would NOT want to fall asleep during the
movie. :)

Shall we do the dinner thing, too?  Dinner pre-movie, coffee
post-movie?  That was fun last time.

I liked the theater we went to, too... *great* parking.  Of course,
that's all I'm worried about.  Those people running the theater with
their way-too-easy questions for prizes were a little too much (and it
was WAY too hard to resist blurting out answers and ruining little
kids' dreams), but the stadium seating was nice.  How about this:

Let's plan on the Bridge theater again for the show.

Dinner before hand?  Coffee after hand?

Should we plan on seeing two showings again?

Are tickets available already?  Maybe I'll go research that one right now.


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