[HP4GU-California] 2 days to go!

golden faile golden_faile at golden_faile.yahoo.invalid
Thu Nov 14 18:18:22 UTC 2002

The parking is plentiful.In fact, that's why Jen wanted to go to The Bridge again *chuckle*. Especially if you get there early in the day like we plan to! Looking forward to seeing everyone, I'm really excited.
 waterdogn <waterdogn at ...> wrote:Good morning all-

I checked this list to see if there might be a group I could go with 
to see THE MOVIE. And wear my Gryffindor student costume!

Your movie plans sound great! I've bought my tickets for afternoon 
and evening (love the print-them-out-yourself option!) and I'd love 
to go along with you all to dinner, so please add me to the 
reservation list.

I've never been to the Bridge theaters. How easy is it to get in and 
parked? I imagine the place will be a little busier than usual! About 
when (and where) do we want to meet before the afternoon show?

The anticipation is killing me! Looking forward to meeting you all...

Robin (Nicholls) in Reseda

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