[HP4GU-California] mind making that 14 for the count?

Tim Merrigan tppm at Tim_Merrigan.yahoo.invalid
Fri Nov 15 09:26:28 UTC 2002

Howard Hewse exit from the San Diego Fwy a bit south of the 10
interchange, north of LAX.  You shouldn't be able to miss it from there

Laughing OutLoud wrote:

> "Jennifer Piersol" <jenP_97 at y...> wrote, in part:
> > 13.  What a wonderful dinner number.  Wonder who
> > will be the first to rise. ;)
> >
> > Jen
> >
> > (actually, it's going to be 14 - my little 3mo is
> > coming, too - but since she's not eating at the
> > table, she doesn't count)
> Allow a lurker like me to join you and a party
> of 13 you shall no longer be.
> <grin>
> Since I didn't come last year, could someone kindly
> give me directions?  General ones would suffice since I'm familiar
> with LA.  I'd much appreciate it!  I might not be able to do the first
> screening but for sure the dinner and the screening after dinner.
> Unless, of course, you would much prefer to remain a table of 13!
> Linda
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Tim Merrigan
e-mail:  tppm at ...
URL:  http://home.attbi.com/~tppm/home.htm
AIM:  tppm1
YM:  Tim_Merrigan

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