What time?
waterdogn at waterdogn.yahoo.invalid
Sat Nov 16 21:12:34 UTC 2002
--- In HP4GU-California at y..., "waterdogn" <waterdogn at a...> wrote:
> Are we ready for this movie or what?!?
> For the afternoon show, how early should we get there? How will I
> know who you all are? Is it time yet? <g>
> Thanks!
> Robin Nicholls (not-the-sister-in-law)
OK, no takers yet and you're making me a little nervous. <g> I'm not
great with finding strangers in a crowd but I'd love to meet you
guys. I am tall, long dark blonde hair (which, although I don't
aspire to Hermione-ness, is rather bushy at the moment), over 40, and
will be wearing full Gryffindor student gear. No scarf, though -
wrong climate!
I don't know how early we should get there to get good seats. 2:30?
Robin Nicholls
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