[HP4GU-California] Sorry for the picture delay...

golden faile golden_faile at golden_faile.yahoo.invalid
Wed Nov 20 01:30:59 UTC 2002

 Jennifer Piersol <jenP_97 at ...> wrote:
Hi, all.  I know I said I'd get those pictures posted as soon as I got
home, but we seem to have misplaced the camera 
Hope you find them soon, I want to see what I missed!

Laila, don't worry about not being able to make it.  Of course, we
wondered where you were - and missed having you with us - but if ya
can't make it, ya can't make it.  No problem.  You'd just better be
there summer '04. :P

Thank you for understanding... I will definitely be there, wouldn't miss it for the world.


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