[HP4GU-California] Pictures are up.
Tim Merrigan
tppm at Tim_Merrigan.yahoo.invalid
Sat Nov 23 22:15:53 UTC 2002
Two suggestions:
First: Because of Yahoo's flakiness, only moderators and the original
poster can view images in the "Photos" section at full size, so could
you repost these in the "Files" section. Last year's too, if you still
have the original.
And Second: With an image manipulator program that can adjust
brightness you can lighten the images.
Jennifer Piersol wrote:
> You know, from the preview in the camera, you'd THINK this one would
> be lighter than last year's, wouldn't you? Dave is separate from the
> rest of the group because we couldn't catch up to you before you got
> into your seats for the 2nd showing, and he couldn't get in without a
> ticket. I tried to merge him into the group picture with Photoshop,
> but when I put him *behind* the group, he looked funny, and while the
> shadows and stuff looked better when I put him in front of the group,
> his legs were cut off and he looked like he was floating 2ft off the
> ground. Not very natural, so I left them separate. ;) I did notice,
> however, that he's wearing the same shirt as he was last year. :)
> Next time, let's take the picture while it's light outside. It's
> coming out during the summer, so we should have sunlight until 8pm at
> least for PoA.
> Jen, apologetic about the picture quality... but glad she finally got
> them up.
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Tim Merrigan
e-mail: tppm at ...
URL: http://home.attbi.com/~tppm/home.htm
AIM: tppm1
YM: Tim_Merrigan
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