[HP4GU-California] Re: SoCal Line party
Dave Hardenbrook
DaveH47 at davehoz.yahoo.invalid
Wed Jun 18 21:54:20 UTC 2003
Sunday, June 15, 2003, 1:10:12 PM, I wrote:
DH> I just thought I'd mention that if there is anyone in the
DH> Orange County - Long Beach area for whom Valencia might be a bit of a
DH> drive, there is a get-together (being organized through Meetup.com)
DH> for June 20 at Dietrich Coffee in the Irvine Spectrum Plaza.
DH> Details here: http://orderphoenix.meetup.com
Just thought I'd mention that time is running out on this... We're one
short of the necessary minimum for a Meetup, and it will be cancelled
if no one else signs up in the next 36 hours... Then again, maybe a
get-together *after* we all get the book would be better...
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