[HP4GU-California] Now that we're finished reading...

Rosebeth C. Rosebeth710 at newdella.yahoo.invalid
Tue Jul 1 06:16:05 UTC 2003

Anyone else?

>From: Dave Hardenbrook <DaveH47 at ...>
>Reply-To: HP4GU-California at yahoogroups.com
>To: HP4GU-California at yahoogroups.com
>Subject: Re[2]: [HP4GU-California] Now that we're finished reading...
>Date: Sun, 29 Jun 2003 23:36:50 -0700
>Sunday, June 29, 2003, 6:12:29 PM, Rosebeth C. wrote:
>RC> i will NOT be in orlando, so if anyone in So Cal still wants to get 
>RC> here that would be awesome!
>Me!  Me!  (I have as much chance of getting to Orlando as I have
>apparating there...)

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