[HP4GU-California] New to group, new to CA

Andrea Lee andrea at kattrap_meow.yahoo.invalid
Sat Aug 2 00:13:44 UTC 2003

Scotts Valley here (technically Santa Cruz), and I'm pretty sure there are a
few others living among the redwoods that are on the list...


~ draco dormiens nunquam titillandus ~
     -=  [4p+uR3 +|-|3 834R  =-
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "firnrothiel" <firnrothiel at ...>
To: <HP4GU-California at yahoogroups.com>
Sent: Friday, August 01, 2003 2:29 PM
Subject: Re: [HP4GU-California] New to group, new to CA

nope, neither an axe murderer nor a death eater.  sorry to disappoint
ya.  ;)

i went to school with people who lived in la honda.  i was always glad that
*i* didn't have to make that drive every day.  :)  it's beautiful up there,

how many other bay area folk are there here?


<quote who="Tim Merrigan">
> I suspect not, (could be a death eater though) :)
> Amy Z wrote:
>>  Thanks, firnrothiel!
>> > where are you moving from?  i, too, work (and live)
>> > in palo alto
>> Cool!  I'll be living in La Honda.  (Um, you're not an
>> axe murderer, right?  <g>)
>> I'm moving from Vermont.  Quite a change, but an
>> exciting one.
>> Re: get-togethers, let's start with a simple lunch . .
>> . ;-)
>> Amy

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