[HP4GU-California] FEB 15 Meeting Still On Schedule

firnrothiel firnrothiel at firnrothiel.yahoo.invalid
Thu Feb 12 06:50:07 UTC 2004

soundsl like fun!  but i'll be enjoying the snow in yosemite this weekend.
maybe next time?

give us all a full report, of course.


"i will not be afraid to let my talents shine..."
-ani d.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Rick" <hogwartsweekly at ...>
To: <HP4GU-California at yahoogroups.com>
Sent: Wednesday, February 11, 2004 9:11 PM
Subject: [HP4GU-California] FEB 15 Meeting Still On Schedule

> Greetings Witches,Wizards and Muggles!
> The Feb. 15th meeting is still on,our space is reserved for 3pm at City
Diner in San Jose. So far,close to 10 have confirmed,so I hope everyone can
make it! This is the first time I've organized anything like this,so let's
all work together to make this a fun,exciting event! If you have an HP
themed costume,wear it! See you there! When you arrive,just look for the
HOGWARTS banner!
> Rick
> Yahoo! Groups Links

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