[HP4GU-California] FREE

investigator 187 investigator187 at trapperjhn.yahoo.invalid
Thu Mar 25 14:39:31 UTC 2004

WARNING to  all! This IS a Ponzie scheme (also known as a Pyramid scheme)! 
And it is illegal no matter what the "lawyer" says to the contrary. Only 
those who started the letter make the money and usually the amount "made" is 
nowhere near what the claims report. By sending this sceme via e-mail the 
"lawyer" and anyone who participate in this "opportunity" are guilty of 
federal wire fraud as well as any number of state criminal violations.

>From: "purrrrrrrrrrrrfection2004" <purrrrrrrrrrrrfection2004 at ...>
>Reply-To: HP4GU-California at yahoogroups.com
>To: HP4GU-California at yahoogroups.com
>Subject: [HP4GU-California] FREE
>Date: Wed, 24 Mar 2004 18:06:41 -0000

MSN Toolbar provides one-click access to Hotmail from any Web page  FREE 
download! http://toolbar.msn.com/go/onm00200413ave/direct/01/

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