[HP4GU-California] May Meeting

Carolyn Kayta Barrows Kayta at kaytadollmaker.yahoo.invalid
Sun Apr 18 19:11:44 UTC 2004

>If I'm the only person who has a conflict on the 29th, maybe we should do it 
>then. I'm supposed to be helping with a garage sale that day, but I'm sure I 
>can arrange so that I don't need to be there all day, and could come to a 
>meet-up in the afternoon. Of course, if it turns out people have Memorial 
>Day plans (like you suggest), it might work out that more people can come on 
>the 8th. 

Memorial Day Weekend is BayCon, a large science fiction convention to be
held at the San Jose Doubletree Hotel near the airport.  I should be there
all day Saturday, helping run their masquerade.  I will be wearing,
sequentially, my old robe and what I have finished of my new robe.  I might
be able to steal some time away in the early afternoon for a meeting, but I
warn you - I will be in costume.

        CarolynKayta Barrows
doll maker, fibre artist, textillian

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