"Secret Life of Sets" to feature a set from PoA - opens THIS Friday

Petra ms_petra_pan at ms_petra_pan.yahoo.invalid
Thu May 13 00:29:47 UTC 2004

In case you haven't heard yet, the Academy of 
Motion Picture Arts and Sciences (the folks who 
hand out those statues of little bald men of gold) 
will open an exhibition called "Secret Life of Sets" 
this Friday that will feature a set from PoA.

For more info, go to:


(aka http://www.oscars.org/events/set_decoration/index.html)

This exhibition is free and can be seen at the 
Academy (located in Beverly Hills) from May 14th to 
August 15th.  Be advised - it isn't open every day.

Just in time for southern California line parties...

n  :)

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