[HP4GU-California] :: spoilers :: PoA Comments (was Re: So Cal line party - anyone for The Bridge?)

Tim Merrigan tppm at Tim_Merrigan.yahoo.invalid
Tue Jun 8 22:25:41 UTC 2004

Jenny wrote:

> Ok, I musta missed something...
> When did they misspell Moony??
> Hermione didn't say "Alohomora" to get him out of the prison cell
> thingy, did she?  she said something like "Moblada."  (well, now i
> know she didnt say that word, but it didn't sound like 'alohomora' in
> my ears anyway.)
> I missed the knot bit for the Willow as well. otherwise, wouldn't the
> kids have shouted "Immobilus" at the tree when
> they were stuck?  Bring back the knot bit, Alfonso!  Crookshanks
> needed a few extra moments of screen time. :D
> the prison on top of the school? someone probably magicked it there.
> *grin*  or that's what the film makers would say anyway.

Also the school dates back to when sever corporal punishment of school 
children was an accepted norm.

> Dan was just SO perfectly Harry in those opening scenes with Aunt
> Marge. Excellent!! :D
> Don't get me started on Super Hermione.  *sigh*  I miss Book!
> Hermione.  She's so much better than Super Hermione who is completely
> inconsistent in the movie.
> And *wah* I miss Ron too.  I wonder if by movie Five, we'll all be
> singing along to Granger is our Queen after she kicks butt on the
> Quidditch pitch?
> Pft.
> -Jenny
> (actually, i loved the movie, but would like to see our characters
> remain somewhat similar to the characters from the book...)
> Jen wrote:
> Overall, I liked the movie, but as
> time goes on, I'm having some issues with bits and pieces - especially
> them misspelling "Moony". I've been obsessing over that ever since I
> saw it. That, and the fact that there was no knot for them to press
> on the willow... and "alohamora" (sp?) was too boring to let Sirius
> out of the "prison" on top of the tower... and wtf was a PRISON doing
> up there?

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Tim Merrigan

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