:: spoilers :: PoA Comments (was Re: So Cal line party - anyone for The Bridge?)

golden_faile golden_faile at golden_faile.yahoo.invalid
Sun Jun 13 03:10:48 UTC 2004

Well, I always expect little extras and missing things in the 
movies... however, what was really bugging me was that the scenery 
was nothing at all consistant with the first two movies. I really 
don't remember them going down all those stairs to get to Hagrids 
hut... it was all flat before, I know we are supposed to be seeing 
it from another angle, but it just isn't possible for it to be that 
flat one year and then have rolling hills the next. Although I did 
like the scenery a bit more in this one ( all the hills and such)it 
seemed like they were working with alot less space and it was 
obvious (if this makes any sense). I guess that is what really 
irritated me. Another thing... doesn't Dean share a room with the 
boys? Where was he in the scene when they were all goofing off in 
their room? Anyway... I'm glad you had a good time Tim, Jen. I 
remember when we first went and we couldn't find seating... I had to 
wait 2 hrs to see it here because I didn't get there early enough, 
and they were playing it in 4 theaters, I thought it would be okay! 
I know I should have known better! Potter fans came out of the 
woodworks around here. I did see a few interesting t-shirts... I 
forgot to wear mine. I was so busy rushing to get there that I 
didn't even think about it. Well, talk to ya'll later just thought 
I'd check in.


--- In HP4GU-California at yahoogroups.com, jenP_97 at y... wrote:
> Sorry, I was unclear.  In the book, she unlocks Flitwick's window 
> using "Alohomora" - but Kloves must have thought it was too boring 
> overused to use it in this one.  That irritates me.
> Moony was spelled "Mooney" on the Marauder's Map... hence, my 
> -Jen, ready to see it again anyway.
> --- In HP4GU-California at yahoogroups.com, Carolyn Kayta Barrows
> <Kayta at F...> wrote:
> > >Hermione didn't say "Alohomora" to get him out of the prison 
> > >thingy, did she?  she said something like "Moblada."  (well, 
now i 
> > >know she didnt say that word, but it didn't sound 
like 'alohomora' in 
> > >my ears anyway.)
> > 
> > But she didn't just unlock the door, she blew it off its hinges. 
> Different
> > spell. 
> > 
> >         CarolynKayta Barrows
> > doll maker, fibre artist, textillian
> >           www.FunStuft.com
> > 
> >         O    0    O    0    O  
> >        /|\  /|\  /|\  /|\  /|\ 
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