[HP4GU-California] Re: April Trip to Calif. first time

Carolyn Kayta Barrows Kayta at kaytadollmaker.yahoo.invalid
Tue Jan 18 00:36:50 UTC 2005

>Can you give me any tips to what I asked.

Get a AAA California tour book (free), and everything will be in there, 
including addresses, ticket prices, open times, etc..  If you're not a 
member, have some member do this for you.  It will be well worth the trouble.

BTW, the panoramic view of San Francisco is to be had, free, from the top 
of Twin Peaks.  On a clear day you can see just about all of San Francisco, 
and much of the surrounding Bay Area, from there.  For best results, do 
this with a map of the whole area in your hands.  (AAA has free maps too.)

>We would like to just visit.

Again the AAA tour book will be your best buddy here.  They even have 
member discounts at some listed motels.

>Have you done this trek, am I crazy?
>Will it work, or should I change plans a bit

I live just across the bay from San Francisco so I have not done your exact 
trek.  I start from here and go to San Diego or Santa Barbara, sometimes 
making a weekend trip of it.  You can in fact do all this in three days.

>The East (how many ways is that wronG) Hee hee

Where in The East?

         CarolynKayta Barrows
doll maker, fibre artist, textillian

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