[HP4GU-California] April Trip to Calif. first time

Tim Merrigan Tim_Merrigan at tim_merrigan_54.yahoo.invalid
Mon Jan 17 23:52:59 UTC 2005

Catherine wrote:

> Hi Folks,
> A few of us are planning to visit Calif in April.  Can you all tell
> me a bit about the weather and true travel time.  We plan to go from
> Venice to Monterey Bay to San Fran to Muir Woods. All this in 3
> days.  Am I crazy thinking its possible or what.  Plan to check out
> Monterey for a couple hrs then san fran for a couple hrs.  sleep
> there.  Wake up to muir woods then travel to Venice again.
> Any takers on chatting this one?
> Be Well
> Cathy

Bear in mind that MapQuest estimates the distance, straight through from 
Venice to Muir Woods, as 405 miles and 6 and a half hours, going up 
I-5.  Following your proposed itinerary it's a total of 477 miles and 8 
hours (that's up I-5 than across the Coastal range to Monterey, and up 
PCH and US-101 the rest of the way).  These distance and time estimates 
are one way and without stopping.  I-5 is a fast, but tedious, drive, it 
basically doesn't change from Bakersfield to Sacramento (about 300 
miles).  For a more pleasant, but a bit slower drive I would recommend 
US-101 the whole way, for one it runs west of the Coastal range and for 
another it goes more closely directly to Monterey.

As for the weather in April it can alternate between bright, and 
pleasantly warm (70s and 80s) (or sweltering if you're going up I-5 
(often over 100)), and dreary, cold (40s and 50s F), and rainy, or foggy.

Basically it sounds like a pleasant trip but you're not allowing enough 
time, I'd say a minimum of a week if you want to do more than just drive 
up, and turn around and come back.  For three days you'll be spending 
all of your time on the road.

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Tim Merrigan

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