[HP4GU-California] Re: If there was only one HP panel...

Carolyn Kayta Barrows Kayta at kaytadollmaker.yahoo.invalid
Mon Apr 25 02:03:05 UTC 2005

> > So what would be the best Harry Potter discussion panel subject, and
> > most make you want to be there?  What was the best Harry Potter
> > panel you've ever been to?
>How about "Harry Potter, Is It Really a Childrens' Story?"
>I'm thinking that some SciFi visitors might be thinking about dissing
>Harry Potter. This might bring them down off their high horses?

I don't know anyone who thinks it's a children's story.  About anyone I 
know has read all 5 books, and those with children have either read them 
the books or lent them the books.  But it's not so bad as a panel title.

        CarolynKayta Barrows
dollmaker, fibre artist, textillian

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