New to the Group - Conventions?

The Eighth Weasley eighthweasley at
Sun Jul 31 04:31:57 UTC 2005

Hi and welcome!

Lumos 2006 is going to be in Las Vegas next summer. You can find out
more on the Lumos website:



On 7/30/05, metropolisquartet <BrianPhilbin at ...> wrote:
> Hi, All,
> I wanted to inquire with regard to Conventions and the like, seeing 
> as I've not been able to determine whether there are any in Southern 
> California in the next year.  Are there any HP Conventions (I'm not 
> looking to go to a Sci-Fi convention, rather something specific to 
> HP) that anyone knows about?
> If there's not, I'm considering organizing one, but some of the 
> panel discussions that I've seen for Accio 2005 seemed a bit random 
> for me.
> Personally, I'm a purist and I don't care to expound too much 
> outside of JK Rowling's statements and writings, so my personal 
> preference would be to have panels discussing or debating points 
> specifically bound by her writings.
> Anyway, any help that any can provide with regard to where to look 
> for HP Conventions, I'd be appreciative. 
> Pax, harmonia,
> Brian Philbin
> Patriarch of an HP-reading family
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