this weekend's Harry Potter event in Humboldt County

Schlobin1 at Schlobin1 at
Wed Dec 6 23:31:50 UTC 2006

I wanted to update you all on our Harry Potter event this Saturday.
It's called Magic in  Manila: A Free  Harry Potter Festival for Children of 
All Ages. Kids and adults are urged to  come in costume. 
This Saturday,  December 9th from Noon - 4 p.m. at the Manila Community  
Center. To get to the Manila Community  Center you take US - 101 to Eureka, from 
Eureka, you go to CA-255  North, and go over all the bridges over the beautiful 
water. Then you turn right  on 255. Soon there will be a sign for Peninsula 
turn left (you can  only turn left) and take Peninsula  Drive to the Center, 
1611 Peninsula  Drive, it's on the left. 
The event is  sponsored by the Manila Community  Center and 100 Fires Books  
Here's the  scoop: 
There will be a free  Hogwarts banquet for kids -- served around 3 p.m. 
Barbequed chicken,  rice, salad, soup, bread, cookies, ice cream, coffee, 
cider...LOTS of food, and  MCC does a wonderful job with its meals. 
There will be games  for small children and some crafts throughout. 
The magician  performance with Shantaram the Magician will be at 2 p.m. 
There will be Harry  Potter quizzes throughout the day. Karen and I are 
generating about 500 quiz  questions. We'll start with kids Kindergarten through 
2nd grade, and then get  older and older, ending with a set of FIENDISH 
questions that we hope no one  will be able to answer. For the first four quizzes, 
there will be small prizes  (J.K. Rowling's book Fantastic Beasts and Where to 
Find  Them) 
If we have time, we  will have discussions of such burning issues as -- Is 
Snape really evil, or Will  Harry and Ginny get back together? What will Aunt 
Petunia do in the last  book? 
There will be a free  raffle -- children 8 grade and under eligible to enter 
for two refurbished  Macintosh computers loaded with children's games and 
educational programs (no  internet access). We may also be raffling off some new 
books. You wouldn't  believe the wonderful sorting hat (about 3 foot high) that 
my partner made to  hold the raffle tickets. 
There will be  readings of the Harry Potter books. 
100Fires Books  ( will be giving away used books for children, 
and will be selling  a wide variety of social change oriented books for adults 
and children - as well  as all the Harry Potter books, all the audio tapes and 
all the videotapes - and  some great children's books (they are guaranteed to 
please, as they were  selected by my own children).  
Please feel free to  email me at _SusanGSMcGee at ..._ 
(mailto:SusanGSMcGee at ...)  or to  call at 707-441-1434, or to respond to this email. I will try 
to upload pictures  to the yahoogroups site.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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