I think I'm done!

heidi.h.tandy.c92 at alumni.upenn.edu heidi.h.tandy.c92 at alumni.upenn.edu
Tue Aug 8 18:31:24 UTC 2000

--- In HP4GU-FAQ at egroups.com, " Anna Marie Rawa" <rawaherc at c...> 
> Well, I've gone through my posts, and marked down the subject of 
> one, and thrown out all the ones not pertaining to anything (Hi I 
> just wanted to say I love Harry, etc.) 

How do we decide whether they don't pertain to anything? I'm not 
tagging each post which discusses HP Anonymous or POU (which I 
*love*) because I think one reference to each of these inthe FAQ will 
be enough - we don't necessarily need to point people to each of the 
posts where they are mentioned. Also, there was a string of about 6 
posts about whether open casket funerals were only in the US - that's 
not something which will be FAQ-useful, at least this year. I'm not 
tagging those eithe r- just skipping. Penny & Melanie - is that ok?

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