Simon and the cloak of invisibility

simon.branford at simon.branford at
Fri Aug 11 21:28:39 UTC 2000

--- In HP4GU-FAQ at, Penny & Bryce Linsenmayer 
<linsenma at h...> wrote:
> Hi Simon!!!
> Glad you're back -- we were worried about you!

It is nice to know people care. This was only a few days away. I 
think I am going away for a few more days at the end of the month!

> Melanie has the message assignments in a table under Databases in  
> our egroups.  But, your message assignment is 4201 - 4550 Simon -- 

Have already made a start. Am I right in guessing that I need to add 
my message to the database started (called FORT) once I have 
finished? I have tried to read all teh meassages quickly but got a 
bit lost!
> We've given ourselves a deadline of the last week in August, so the 
> FAQs committee can start creating the FAQs.  You might also want to 
> look at the Master List of FAQs, also in the Databases section.     
> The Committee  members have already started putting "dibs" on the  
> ones they want.

I might just go and grab some of the FAQ's now! Have taken the ones 
listed below. If anyone has a problem with this then let me know and 
we can come to some arrangement. I may take a few more soon. Depends 
how I feel.
Animal Characters, Predictions for 5,6,7 (seeing as I seem to make 
lots of them!), Weasley Family and Lord Voldemort.

Am I right in guessing that we may in some way have to decide on how 
we will maintain this FAQ's. Are we going to be responsible for the 
ones we selcect now?


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