Melanie Moore melaniem68 at home.com
Tue Aug 15 08:02:05 UTC 2000

> Melanie -- I'll start in with the techie questions already.  What 
> program is it best to use in writing the FAQs?  What will be most 
> easily converted for you (is it converted to HTML)??  We should 
> probably all use the same program (if possible).

I could convert to HTML from any word processing program.  I just need to insert HTML tags around the text to format it for the web.  I have access to both WordPerfect (up to 9.0, but I'm more comfortable with 7.0) and Word 97.  Why don't you give us your "go by" document in one of those two, formatted as you visualize it.  The rest of the documents can be given to me in either program, or in plain text, and I can set them up to look like the "go by" one.  Does that make sense.

> While I'm thinking about it -- Melanie can you think of a good way to 
> spotlight the ULR for our message archives (that Paul created) on the 
> Club homepage?  Yahoo has so many limitations.  I'm really hopeful
> the egroups merger will give us more flexibility.    

I have a couple of possibilities.

1) Put in the "Links" section (which won't spotlight it, but will make it accessible).

2) For the "Founder's Home Page" link, replace the current FAQ with Paul's archives.

3) I can spotlight and link to it on the current FAQ page.

BTW, I can see you were an English major, Penny.  You haven't fallen into the "Hopefully" trap, that has caught so many--even many English majors I know.  Even me! <g>


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