[HP4GU-FAQ] Database

Melanie Moore melaniem68 at home.com
Tue Aug 15 08:17:39 UTC 2000

> I finally put my messages in.  But, I couldn't figure out how to
> add to what was already there.  So, there might be some
> duplicate topics or similar themes under different headings. 
> Sorry about that!
> ~Joy~

Thank you, Joy.  As for not being able to add to prewritten topics, I'll take responsibility for that.  I never answered your how-to question.  It looks like you figured out quite a bit about the database, however.  In case you need to know in the future, you can add numbers into prewritten topics by clicking the pencil (edit record) icon next to the appropriate topic.

For anyone who is having trouble with the database, go ahead and hand in the categories and message numbers you've found. I'll put them into the database for you. Hey, it's the least "techie list mom" can do! :-)  

For me, the hard part will be figuring out when to consolidate similar topics!  I'm sure the rest of you had/will have the same problem when going through the messages.  I'm finished scanning, but still need to database them myself.


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