Melanie Moore melaniem68 at home.com
Fri Aug 18 19:33:05 UTC 2000

--- In HP4GU-FAQ at egroups.com, "Penny Linsenmayer" <linsenma at h...> 
> Thanks Neil, Simon & Heidi for taking some of the others.  
> Since Simon took HP himself off our hands, I signed up for another 
> "large" FAQ -- Inconsistencies & Mysteries: GoF (I'll get to wade 
> through the endless "Gleam in Dumbledore's Eye" posts).  If you'd 
> rather take any of the ones I signed up for (than the ones that are 
> left) Melanie, just let me know.
> Penny

I've taken the last of 'em (Audio Versions), which gives me 8 FAQ 
sections.  I just hope I'm not shirking my duties, since I think the 
other committee members have at least 10 each.

Now to plug my findings into the FORT database!


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