Yahoo...& legal sensitivity

Neil Ward neilward at
Tue Aug 22 20:15:15 UTC 2000

--- In HP4GU-FAQ at, Paul Kippes <kippesp at y...> wrote:
> Earlier, Penny wasn't sure about the accessability of
> our Yahoo! club.  Anyone can read all the messages. 
> (Incidentally, that made archiving the club MUCH
> easier and faster since no cookies were involved.)

I know anyone can read the messages in the club (if they are 
masochists), but am I right in assuming that the larger search
engines would be more likely to pick up the text of our messages in a 
search, if they were, as they are, located on an independent web site?

At the moment, Stouffer would have to go into Yahoo clubs and HP4GU 
and read through all the posts.  But, if she typed her own name into
a search engine, she might get hits from our archive (I guess it
depends whether or not they are indexed - is that down to the site 
owner alone?)

I guess, on the IP issue, we could argue to Yahoo that we wouldn't 
have had to resort to stealing their 'property' if they offered a 
decent search facility themselves...hmmm, weak argument, I know.


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