[HP4GU-FAQ] Questions

Melanie Moore ravenclawlady at yahoo.com
Wed Aug 30 20:55:03 UTC 2000

> Last message covered was like 7500.  There are about
> 8000 over at Yahoo
> before we moved and probably 300-400 over here since
> then.  Yikes.
> Balloons out of control quickly, doesn't it?  Any
> thoughts on this???

I was wondering the same thing.  I think we should do
the last 500 or so in the Yahoo club.  I suspect a
good 50% of these deal with Yahoo grousing and the
move to eGroups.  I do think, however, that we need to
determine a cutoff, or we'll *never* finish! <G>  To
me, sticking with the messages on the Yahoo club seem
like a good cutoff.

I do have another idea about incorporating the eGroups
messages.  Instead of assigning groups of messages,
how about if each of us uses the search function to
look for past messages relevant to out subjects, and
keeps an eye out for future ones?  Thoughts anyone?


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