
Penny & Bryce Linsenmayer pennylin at swbell.net
Fri Dec 29 15:39:57 UTC 2000

Hi --

I trust you're all working diligently on your FAQs, yes?  I'm now
turning more to mine, having only had sporadic time to work on them
since mid-November.  I'm anxious to knock mine out in relatively short
order for obvious reasons.  <g>

I just uploaded a draft "Table of Contents" to give our FAQs some
structure.  Please take a look at it & give suggestions for
improvement.  As you'll see, I couldn't think of an appropriate title
for the section that includes the audio versions, movie, fanfiction,
merchandise, etc.  Hopefully, one of you will be able to come up with
something snappy & appropriate.

Heidi -- do we need to make any sort of trademark notation where I've
italicized "Harry Potter"?

Thanks to Paul for volunteering earlier to step in as the HTML'er for
the FAQs.  I do believe we may have lost Melanie.  I haven't heard a
word from her in months now.  Unfortunately, her absence raises an even
bigger issue perhaps than who will HTML all this stuff.  She had
volunteered to author 7 of the FAQs, and she didn't upload drafts of any
of them before disappearing.  Unfortunate since it's possible she did do
some work on them that could be used by us in finishing them up.  So
.... here are the ones that she's down for - any takers?

Audio Versions (short & easy folks)
Chronology & Timeline
Clothing (Wizarding World)
Fan Clubs (again, short & easy)
Houses of Hogwarts
Predictions: GoF (this is really just a summary & ought not to be too
difficult -- no new messages)
Similarities between Voldemort & the Potters

This is not as heinous as if one of us suddenly had to start from
scratch with say Neil's FAQs (which are pretty meaty).  Since I'm doing
Hogwarts, I will take on the Houses of Hogwarts one as well.

I would like to start the process of uploading what we can, as soon as
we can.  I think the response we'll get from the group could serve as a
good motivator to go ahead & finish up.  As you finish putting finishing
touches on your FAQs, please let me know that you've uploaded what you
consider to be a final version.  If you've uploaded a FAQ to the FAQs
folder already & you're happy with it right now, just let me know & I'll
add it to my "to be proofed" list.  I'm going to polish off the ones
I've uploaded before continuing on with the ones in progress.  Once I
edit each of the ones we're happy with, I'll let Paul know to go ahead &
HTML that particular FAQ.

Paul -- Heidi & I have had some discussions with Steve of Lexicon fame
re: where to host the FAQs.  As I recall, we haven't reached any
conclusion.  But, Heidi may have had further conversations with him
since I last heard -- any news on that front, Heidi?

Oh -- if you need a reminder of which FAQs you're authoring, check the
Master List of FAQs in the Database section


Thanks everyone!!!


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