Good jobs
kippesp at
Fri Nov 3 07:00:34 UTC 2000
I've read through Penny's Relationships FAQ draft. Good reading.
We should have been having someone keeping track of all the questions
that JKR dodges and the answers she dodges them with. Perhaps I'll
aim to save off all of the audio interviews for a time I might do
Anyway, I thought I posted this Q/A up in a post a long time ago, but
must have just ment to. I remembered it after reading Penny's Harry
& Hermione section.
>From October 1999 National Book Club Interview:
Q: Do Harry and Hermione have a date?
A: No. They are very platonic friends. But I won't answer for
anyone else. Nudge. Nudge. Wink. Wink.
Of course being the author, she has full power to change her mind.
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