Calling Updates

Penny & Bryce Linsenmayer pennylin at
Wed Nov 15 22:26:23 UTC 2000

Hi --

Margaret McNie wrote:

> Now that I'm home, it is time to go back to work and I just wanted to
> let you know that I'm back on the job for Lupin and Dumbledore. I
> began writing the FAQ on Lupin today. I remember there being talk
> about a stopping point for the messages with the rest being part of
> the maintenance. Was there ever an agreed upon spot to stop or is
> everyone just doing their own thing?

I don't think we ever came up with an agreed cut-off point.  I'm taking
mine out pretty much current.  I'm just using the egroups search
feature, which is working reasonably well.  It is hard to figure out how
to search out the relevant messages most efficiently.  I found with
Hermione that I must just go through all thousands of them in order to
figure out what is relevant for the character sketch.  Couldn't think of
any other way to search it out.  I can usually write it off as
irrelevant or not in less than 10 seconds so . . .

Speaking of the FAQs gang, I was hoping we could get an update from
everyone.  Where you're at, when you think you might be done
(realistically), etc.

So, in the spirit of updates --

1.  JKR -- done & up to-date
2.  Potential Romantic Pairings -- done & only in need of a minor
addition or 2.  Revised in 30 minutes or less.
3.  Fanfic -- Largely done.  I have some fanfic recommendations &
summaries forwarded by Ebony that need to get worked in, but this is 30
minutes or less sort of revision work.
4.  Adult v. Children's Lit -- Done & up-to-date.
5.  Religion & HP -- Done & up-to-date
6.  Wizarding World -- Govt -- done & up-to-date

7.  Hermione -- have gone through 75% of the messages; have gone through
SS & CoS for quotes, descriptions, thoughts.  Still need to finish going
through messages & going through PoA & GoF.  Then, I must write it up
into a coherent whole.  :--)  Estimated time to complete: several days
of sporadic work.  Can complete by mid-December.

8.  Hogwarts -- have gone through SS & CoS.  Need to go through the
messages (all) & PoA & GoF.  Estimated time to complete: can also
complete by mid-December possibly.

9.  Mysteries & Inconsistencies -- no work done at this point.  Will
shoot for being done by Christmas.

Believe me, I fully understand that this project has taken longer than
any of us expected, but could we get some general updates from
everyone?  :--)  Thanks.

We also especially need to hear from Melanie regarding her timeframe for
getting everything changed over to HTML & uploaded to a website.  If we
have all or most all of the FAQs finished by January 1st, how much time
will it take you to get them uploaded to the web Melanie?

The other monkey wrench: I will plan on summarizing that last little
grouping of Yahoo messages that Anna didn't do (it was toward the very
end of our Yahoo existence & may not contain much of substance since I
think many of the messages were complaints about Yahoo).  I will try to
get this done in the next few weeks unless someone else wants to
volunteer to do it.  I can't remember the #s off the top of my head but
can find them easily enough if anyone's interested.

Glad to hear that Margaret had a great visit to the UK.  :--)

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