Calling Updates

Flying Ford Anglia neilward at
Thu Nov 16 01:35:32 UTC 2000

--- In HP4GU-FAQ at, Penny & Bryce Linsenmayer 
> Speaking of the FAQs gang, I was hoping we could get an update from
> everyone.  Where you're at, when you think you might be done
> (realistically), etc.


I've gone through all the old Yahoo messages (except for Wizarding 
World: General) and have sorted the relevant eGroups messages into 
files for each FAQ (I get the posts by e-mail).  

I'm planning to put a link to Steve's Lexicon in most of the FAQs. 
Mike Goat offered to proof-read my FAQs (when I've actually finished 
any of them!).

The e-mailed eGroups messages don't include the message board #, so I 
am referring to thread names and dates at the moment.  Will probably 
have to identify the # of the start of each thread as a better 

****Here is the status on the FAQs themselves:

**McGonagall - the FAQ is nearly done (how many times have I said 
that?); checking some "women in HP" threads for additional material.  

**Quidditch - I need to check the eGroups stuff for additional 
material, but the FAQ is pretty much there.  Ebony may still want to 
look at it as previously agreed unless she's off the scene completely 
until next year.

**Spells and Charms - I have all the messages sorted and I'm
sectioning into sub-files for Priori Incantatem, Imperius curse, etc. 
 Trying to avoid duplicating Mysteries & Inconsistencies here and 
so concentrating on the spells etc themselves.

**Magical Devices - looking through eGroups stuff and have separate 
files now for things like Marauder's Map, Mirror of Erised.  There
quite a few 'devices' that we haven't really discussed, so there's
too much.  Note on Mysteries/Inconsistencies, above, applies here too.

**Character Accents - I'm part way through writing the FAQ.  I'll 
probably complete it as planned, but I had noted Penny's suggestion,
while back, that people incorporate into character summaries.

**Ron Weasley - finished going through Yahoo messages, and now
at a couple of recent 'Ron' threads before writing it up.  

**Casting/Movie - I've started writing notes on the real film cast 
members and I've been through most of the Yahoo 'casting suggestions' 
messages (I got really bored during that little task).  I need to 
write up the more detailed discussions we've had on the 
film/cast/director and look at the movie locations stuff.  I'm also 
thinking of including something about actor accents here (there was a 
lot of stuff about English vs American actors, for example).  Jim
be proof-reading the finished item.

**Mysteries/Inconsistencies CoS - Still identifying content.  Will 
then discuss with you Penny.

**Snape.  I have all the messages grouped, but I'm not much further
present.  I have the Yahoo stuff under headings like "Snape and the 
DADA job", "Snape loved Lily", "Snape's task" but some of the 
categories overlap, obviously.  I have a huge directory of 
Snape-related discussion from eGroups, but there seems to be a lot of 
repetition, so it's a matter of distilling it all into something 

**Wizarding World: general.  Still assessing what needs to go in
  Stuff on magic vs muggle world; general concepts.

Summary:  The first two on my list above should be done by this 
weekend and the first six by end of November.  

For different reasons, 'Casting/Movie' and 'Snape' are a bit more 
involved than the others, so I'll spend more time on those in early 

With the 'Wizarding World' and 'CoS' it's more a question of deciding 
what goes into them - I don't think there will be too much in either 
of them, so I'll aim to finish those by third week of December.


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