[HP4GU-FAQ] has anyone done a character outline yet?
Penny & Bryce Linsenmayer
pennylin at swbell.net
Wed Oct 18 19:45:45 UTC 2000
Hi --
lrcjestes wrote:
> I have another question for our panel....If I'm supposed to do the
> character description of Sirius in April...should I just go ahead and
> put it in the Sirius FAQ until it actually comes up on the list, or
> should I avoid that for now and just refer to the date its due as
> simon has done with the weasleys. I had gathered a lot of character
> related quotes, so it would not be hard for me to include it in the
> FAQ as I need to do it anyway, but...would it make the FAQ too
> cumbersome?
I haven't started Hermione yet, but my plan was basically for my
character summary of her to be a brief synopsis of what's in the FAQ. I
think the FAQ should be the broader, more inclusive piece of information
about the character. The character summary for the weekly discussions
would be a summary of the FAQ so to speak. Does that make sense? Then,
if people raise good points that week during the character summary
discussions, I would update the Hermione FAQ to reflect that.
> Penny, since other people are putting a "is ______ sexy" thing in
> their FAQ, can I put that into mine, so I can use Cassandra's really
> funny comment from yesterday on the PoU list, or would that be a
> violation of the FAQ-writing rules?
Yes!!! Please put that hilarious comment into your FAQ. I thought that
was absolutely priceless, and we simply must include it! I will *not*
be including illustrations of Hermione in slinky red tank tops & leather
pants in my FAQ though. :--)
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