[HP4GU-FAQ] Inconsistancy/Mystery question

Penny & Bryce Linsenmayer pennylin at swbell.net
Sun Oct 22 14:41:25 UTC 2000

Hi --

Melanie Moore wrote:

> I'm working on my Book 1 Mysteries/Inconsistancies question, and that
> brought ME to a question.  If an inconsistancy is *between* two or
> more books, rather than *within* one book, where does it go.

This is still in my inbox, which presumably means I didn't reply to it
earlier.  Sorry!!!

You may have missed the discussion Melanie, but we all decided that
since I'm doing 2 of the 4 books as far as Mysteries & Inconsistencies,
maybe I should just do the whole thing.  In light of your question, this
makes even more sense.  So . . . .if you want to send me what you have
(or if you want to work up a basic doc on SS Mysteries & then send it)
-- I'll incorporate it into my overall FAQ.

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