[HP4GU-FAQ] Chapter discussions

Penny & Bryce Linsenmayer pennylin at swbell.net
Sat Oct 28 14:07:38 UTC 2000

Hi --

I keep finding these things lurking in my inbox that never got responded
to.  Sorry!

"Simon J. Branford" wrote:

> In my character FAQ's I am putting a link in to the relevant character
> discussions on the group.
> Do we want to also compile a list of the chapter summaries for GoF as
> well? If so I am happy to sort out the message numbers for the start
> of each chapter discussion.

That would be great if you have the time Simon!

Update from me -- Heidi & I have had some discussions lately about this
idea of turning the FAQs into a book, with proceeds to charity.  We're
both still pretty positive about it.  She has made initial contact with
the Muggles for Harry Potter organization, and we talked yesterday about
maybe also donating some proceeds to Comic Relief (since there really
isn't an equivalent UK Muggles for HP group that we know of).  Heidi has
also prepared a form of assignment for each of the FAQ writers to assign
their rights in the FAQs over to me so that we can later compile this
book.  I will then later obviously assign all of these FAQ rights to a
separate entity.  But, Heidi & I decided we're nowhere near ready to
start forming a corporation or partnership for this purpose.  So,
assigning to me seems the simplest way.  She will have more detailed
explanations I'm sure!  :--)

I'm also devoting some of this weekend to working on the FAQs (and yes,
Carole, to getting Ch 10 of ASA squared away -- I promise!).  :--)

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