[HP4GU-FAQ] New FAQ Idea
Neil Ward
neilward at dircon.co.uk
Mon Oct 30 20:43:11 UTC 2000
Hi all,
Just back from Madrid. Having avoided the terrorist bomb that went off in
central Madrid just before I left, I narrowly caught my plane (the resulting
traffic jams were appalling) and on arrival back in Britain fought my way
back home through the aftermath of some freak 'weather' that had closed down
the entire south east rail system (tornadoes, floods and hurricanes in
Britain? Yes, but no plague of locusts, thankfully...). Anyway, I have
several more days' holiday due to me, so I can finally do some more FAQ work
(in case you thought I was just pretending to take part in this project
<g>). I'm actually glad to do something that doesn't involve travelling...
I was thinking that Peg's essays should be included in the Files section of
the club so they are easier to access. It would be nice to feature them
somewhere. Although the essays have generated some discussion, many of the
comments are along the lines of "another cracking essay, Peg," so perhaps
they are better as stand-alone pieces.
At 11:10 10/29/2000 -0500, Heidi wrote:
>Penny - it's a great idea - but I think we should give her the option of
>having it included in teh online faqs but not in the book, depending on what
>her arrangement with her agents & publishers is.
>Penny Linsenmayer wrote:
>> Hi --
>> I am wondering if we should see if Peg would be interested in writing
>> up a FAQ that corresponds with her 7 deadly sins & 7 heavenly virtues
>> essays.
>> I sort of envision an intro paragraph or 2, followed by the relevant
>> message #s after each sin or virtue and maybe 1-3 sentences
>> summarizing each.
>> Those essays would be an especially nice thing to include in the book
>> if it should materialize.
>> Penny
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[Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets]
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