Paul Kippes
kippesp at
Fri Sep 1 05:50:35 UTC 2000
I forget that many of the Yahoo! sites do not have frames. I like
your idea of no frames with a directory bar at the top (in text).
Simple is best and Yahoo! tends to keep their sites lean (yet
This is your people's baby. But I'd also stay away from
They load slow.
--- In HP4GU-FAQ at, Melanie Moore <ravenclawlady at y...>
> --- Paul Kippes <kippesp at y...> wrote:
> > What would be the drawback to using frames?
> > see for an example of a
> > simple and well-organized site.
> >
> > I tend to dislike auto-opening links (adds clutter) and
> > javascript links (can't right-button click with mouse).
> >
> > Paul
> I could do that as well, though I understand some users (such as
> WebTV) have a difficult time with frames, or simply don't like
> them.
> I could, however, set it up like my own site (at
> ). By default, it is set
> up in frames, with the table of contents on the left, but it
> also offers the option of no frames. For those who can't use
> frames (or choose not to), the home page has the same links as
> the TOC, and each page (except those pertaining to HP4GU) has a
> link back to it.
> Melanie
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