[HP4GU-FAQ] Message Assignments

Paul Kippes kippesp at yahoo.com
Sat Sep 2 21:44:13 UTC 2000

> 3.  I can't read the document that Anna posted for
> her last grouping 
> (5951-6300).  Can anyone convert it?  <g>  

The file should have an extension .rtf.  Rename the
extension to .rtf and you should be able to ready it
fine.  I think .rtf files load into most everything,
so I didn't convert it.

> 4.  CAROLE -- can't read your excel spreadsheet --
> it's empty when I 
> pull it up.  Can you repost?  

If it is the file HPFAQ.xls (message #5250-5600)
uploaded by lrcjestes, then I've posted a .txt version
of what you needed.  The .xls file was just two
columns, so I made it a .txt file.

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