Simon Branford simon.branford at hertford.ox.ac.uk
Fri Sep 8 12:18:17 UTC 2000

"Heidi had said "Messages: 5445, 5667, N32, N111" with the "N" meant to
distinguish the new egroups from the old Yahoo messages (I presume anyway).
I changed it so that it says "See Yahoo Messages (URL to Archives): xx, yy,
zz."  I then started a new line and said "See also Egroups Messages (URL to
Homepage): aa, bb, cc.
Does this make sense?  Does anyone have any better ideas?  We obviously need
to be clear about where people can find the messages, so I thought the URLs
might be helpful."

In the FAQ's I am writing at the moment I have written things such as:
Penny - Yahoo 2816 (this is a message in which Penny makes predictions for
the future books). This is for the predictions FAQ and I will probably
change to just listing the relevant message numbers for most of the others.
It is possible to make the message number a link to the e-group archive,
directly to the message if required (I am unsure of the exact url required
but it should be easy enough to work out and put in). At the moment I am
putting all this information in as footnotes. Do we want it as footnotes or
do we want the information to come straight after the relevant comments or

"I would expect that most people won't be printing this thing out which
would be the strongest reason to to use the later.  A long page also
requires that the entire page load rather than just the section the user is
interested in."

I am heading towards writing the FAQ's as a series of fairly long pages. I
am thinking it is probably best to have long pages for groups, such as the
Weasley family, but then having separate pages for the FAQ's on the major
characters (In this case I would make the FAQ on Ron separate as it will
probably be quite long). I will then cross link throughout the document to
make it easier to use.

Have all the messages now been sorted through and the FORT table updated?


Last Movie Seen:  Stuart Little
Current Book:     Small Gods by Terry Pratchett
Current CD:       Automatic for the People by REM
Current HP Quote: "Nitwit! Blubber! Oddment! Tweak!"

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