My "remember when" posts

Melanie Moore ravenclawlady at
Mon Sep 11 05:12:13 UTC 2000

I promised Heidi I'd post my "remember whens," but I wanted to
wait until I'd finished going through my posts.

A couple of them did stand out to me.

1) This message from Penny is reminiscent of a slower time on
Harry Potter for Grownups.  Into that peace came one Mr Beckhorn
to tell us how horrible this series was, and that we should be
ashamed of ourselves for tolerating it (let alone enjoying it). 
As it turned out, he was a friend of Voicelady's playing an
April Fools prank.  But, as Penny pointed out,

<<He was quite convincing, wasn't he? And, we posted more
messages this past week than in any other one-week period!>>

Famous last words, Penny? <g>  Compared to the club's activity
these days, that would've been a rather slow week!

2)  This jocular prediction from Randy actually came rather
close to the Harry/Voldemort battle of the wands, with Harry's
parents coming out in semi-transparent form:

<<I guess Dumbledore will fight wands with Darth and
mysteriously disappear in mid battle. He then appears to Harry
in a semi-transparent form whenever Harry needs help.>>

Well, good night.  If not tonight, I should have my 701-1400
messages in the FORT database by tomorrow night.  Thank you for
your patience.


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