heidi.h.tandy.c92 at alumni.upenn.edu
Tue Sep 12 02:25:41 UTC 2000
Penny & Bryce Linsenmayer wrote:
> I like the idea of footnotes. I think Heidi's Geography FAQ is
> handled appropriately though -- she has message #s after each
> paragraph (Hogwarts, Durmstrang, Beauxbatons, the Burrow, etc.). In
> other cases, it will make more sense to just have footnotes within the
> text & the references all at the very bottom (end) of the FAQ.
Glad ytou liked it that way - given the numerous subparts (and thanks
for the Burrow edits!) it was the only way it made sense. I also like
using the Shortened Names of Books style.
> 351 - 700 -- Heidi (I think it's in FORT, but I'm not sure there is a
> separate file)
> 2801 - 3150 -- Heidi (Separate File & FORT done)
> 7001 - 7350 -- Heidi (FORT done -- no separate file??)
I didn't do separate files for any but the first one, because it was
just so much easier to make notes on the printed out chart - I hope
that's not a problem - I could go backto my original notes & create one
if I had to.
And on a i-still-have-to-do-this-faq issue, I spent the weekened in NYC
& went to the Warner Bros store - in the windor, they had a GREAT
display, including an 8+ feet tall FAMOUS WITCHES & WIZARD CARD
featuring Our Hero with his wand - I wish I'd had film in my camera
(DARN!) - more about What They Had For Sale in my post to the list later
: )
ALso, for the NAMES & MEANINGS FAQ, should I be inclyuding the recent
debate on The Meaning of Your Name?
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