[HP4GU-FAQ] Scabbers

Penny Linsenmayer linsenma at hic.net
Fri Sep 15 03:26:28 UTC 2000


<<<I am a little unsure about this so will throw it to the group to decide.

Is scabbers a animal character?

Basically I want to know if I am to cover his actions and appearance before 
we discovered he was an animagus or is this going to be left to all be 
covered in the animagus FAQ?>>>

I vote for a very brief mention of him in Animal Characters (very brief is 
fine by me) and then a cross-reference to the Animagus FAQ & the Character 
Sketch of Peter Pettigrew.  What do others think?


>From: "Simon Branford" <simon.branford at hertford.ox.ac.uk>
>Reply-To: HP4GU-FAQ at egroups.com
>To: "HP4GU - FAQ" <HP4GU-FAQ at egroups.com>
>Subject: [HP4GU-FAQ] Scabbers
>Date: Fri, 15 Sep 2000 00:12:16 +0100

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