[HP4GU-FAQ] Fanfic FAQ

lrcjestes lrcjestes at msn.com
Sun Sep 17 02:17:21 UTC 2000

> How about doing a favourite fanfic section and then include an also
> mentioned fanfic section. A small blurb could be written on each of the
> recommended fanfics (the authors have probably already done this for us -
> am trying to avoid adding too much extra work for Penny) and then just
> the others. This avoids any executive decisions having to be made on what
> good and what is not (an especially good idea as this is quite

This sounds pretty good...the good fanfics are usually commented on by at
least 2 members, so maybe that can be your guide...if its mentioned than
seconded...it could be considered recommended....otherwise its just

Penny also wrote:

> My question du jour -- I've been working on the Fanfic FAQ and have listed
> out various fanfics recommended by our members.  I have highlighted PoU as
> the first mention and touted it as "considered by most fanfic fans as the
> best HP fanfic."  Blah, blah, blah.  I don't think most of us will quarrel
> with that -- even if you're not a fan of H/H, most people I think would
> agree that the writing is top-notch and the action plot is incredible.  I
> then followed with all other fanfic recommendations in alphabetical order
> title.  But, I put A Sirius Affair indented under PoU, indicating it's a
> prequel to PoU.  I hope people won't presume I'm indicating that ASA is
> 2nd best fanfic on the net because of where I've placed it.  Am I being
> paranoid?

No, that sounds like a plan to me.  It will seem less like  blatent
self-promotion once Lori starts with her sequels which should also go as
indented below PoU...and maybe with the descriptive blurb suggested by
Simon, it will be clear that its listed as such because of the connection
with the story rather than as a means of promotion.

Don't neglect "Call of the Wild" as I'm sure you will get a lot of Lupin
fans wanting that mentioned as one of the best, as it certainly is.


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