Searching Question

Penny & Bryce Linsenmayer linsenma at
Fri Sep 22 22:31:48 UTC 2000

Hi --

I just tried to search the main HPforGrownups messages to supplement the
Yahoo messages.  It keeps saying it searched messages 1739-1919 of
1919.  I tried going to message #1 and then searching, thinking it would
then search all 1919 messages, but I get the same response.  Help!  Why
would it only search the last 180 messages?

Heidi -- while working on the JKR FAQ, I read an interview by JKR
(message 2785) in which she says Azkaban is located in the northern
reaches of the North Sea.  Might want to add that in to the Geography
FAQ.  I had not heard that before.  Doesn't make much sense that Sirius
would make land somewhere in the northern Highlands & then go all the
way south to Surrey to catch a glimpse of Harry though.  He'd have been
alot closer to just head off from landfall to the Forbidden Forest off
Hogwarts.  Someone asked about that later in the interview, and she says
he didn't have to come ashore in southern England, he just chose to.  If
I was swimming in the North Sea, I'd have come ashore at the first
available place!


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