Turning the FAQs into a Book?
Penny & Bryce Linsenmayer
linsenma at hic.net
Thu Sep 28 01:25:07 UTC 2000
Hi --
I've been giving some general thought to Joywitch's suggestion that we
try to turn the FAQs into a book. I've consulted a bit with Heidi so
far, and we think it's a possibility. Here are some general thoughts &
considerations --
1. All proceeds would need to be donated to charity as it would be
completely impossible to figure out any rational way of dividing the
proceeds among group members (or amongst ourselves unfortunately). I
had first thought of Muggles for HP, American Booksellers Foundation for
Free Expression, some British equivalent charity, literacy charities,
etc. Heidi did suggest that we figure out a way to siphon off enough of
the proceeds to pay for hosting a website & our copyright costs.
2. We would need to get an assignment from each of the FAQ writers
(us). We would also need some sort of release/assignment from anyone we
*quote* in the FAQs. Paraphrasing the ideas of group members won't
require that we seek any sort of consent or assignment from those
particular members, but a specific quote will necessitate that consent.
I'm sure Heidi will step in if I'm misstating something. Also -- it
seems Heidi is going to check into whether or not quoting specific
message numbers presents a copyright problems. I assume this is mainly
a problem for purposes of publishing the FAQs in book form but less of a
problem with the FAQs simply being accessible online at a website (is
that correct, Heid, or is the concern the same no matter what)?
3. Heidi tells me that she can handle the legal aspects of this project
pro bono (for *free*) through her new law firm, which is wonderful news.
So . . . thoughts anyone?
Brief update: I leave town on Friday morning for 5 days and well . . .
my FAQs aren't done. I'm still hopeful I can get JKR done & perhaps
finish up Wizarding Govt as well. Fanfic is done other than I'm waiting
on Ebony's comments. Romance Pairings is done except for determining if
recent discussions need to be added in. I will try to upload what I
have before I leave so that anyone who's curious can see what these look
like so far. My biggest remaining FAQs are Hogwarts & Hermione.
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