Legal things FAQ, FAQ into a book and my FAQ's

Simon Branford simon.branford at
Thu Sep 28 23:38:28 UTC 2000


I have read through the FAQ on legal issues and have a couple of points.

Stouffer uses Lilly instead of Lily.
Jenna's website having a muggle section is mentioned twice in the links

Apart from this it seems fine. I have only a small knowledge of legal
issues, but understood the points being made.

Penny wrote: "I've been giving some general thought to Joywitch's suggestion
that we try to turn the FAQs into a book."

This left me with the following question: Who would want to buy a book in
which a large group of people publish their feelings on the HP series?
To which I then answered that this is what that person who we were talking
about last week has done! I have no concerns about the legal stuff, will
leave this to our lawyers to sort out, and would be delighted to see 'my
name in print'! IMHO the money should go towards children's charities,
especially those that promote literacy among the young.

I have uploaded two FAQ's so far (animal characters and predictions for
future books); I am in the process of sorting through the yahoo messages for
4 FAQ's (Weasley's, Voldemort, Dursley's and Wands). This only leaves me
with 'the big fish to fry'. Yep, I have not done anything on the Harry FAQ

I have had a few distractions this evening - chapter 15 and about 100+

I am busy for all of Saturday (celebrating mum's birthday) and am moving
back to Oxford on Sunday so I only have today (it is Friday in the UK as I
write this) to work on them before the deadline. I have practically nothing
on next week (my lectures do not start for over a week), and so plan to do
large volumes of work on my FAQ's during this period. I expect to have
posted all of my FAQ's, in there first draft, by Sunday 8th.

Ebony wrote: "And everyone else--hang in there."

Thank you, and the same in return.


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