[HP4GU-FAQ]remus, sirius, respective sex appeal thereof

heidi heidi.h.tandy.c92 at alumni.upenn.edu
Fri Sep 29 11:30:27 UTC 2000

Margaret McNie wrote:

> Hmm, just thinking. My Lupin FAQ was going to include a 'Is he sexy?'
> section . . . as I'm sure the Sirius one will. While that is well and good
> for this forum, I wonder whether some modifications would be needed for a
> general audience publication. Not that I planned on saying anything
> objectionable or graphic but is this something we would need to consider if
> we plan on a book?

Oh, I want to keep these things in there! The book, if we do end up doing it,
will be an HP for GROWN UPS book, and as long as we don't get too graphic (and
nothing on the list itself has been although I can think of some fanfics which
have (including but not limited to PoU & ASA).
There have been articles in the press about men having major crushes on
fictional/cartoon characters like Lara Croft - and women through the ages have
swooned over Mr Darcy - why not add a few others to the list?

But whoever does the McGonnegal FAQ mihgt want to add a simialr section as well
- I remember a few earlier messages about this...

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